#i put it under read more bc its veeeeery long
icaarrus · 7 years
What's your favorite thing about Sewoon? I would love to hear your love for him too! -💗
get ready for another faux poetry then because my love for Sewoon bends space and time baby
Sewoon is the first person I noticed when I started watching Produce 101 and by watching I mean my friend shoved it into my face (and when I didn’t react to Open Up she figured that I would probably like Oh Little Girl better) (and she was right) and even back then I am so fond of him. His little wave at the start, his stable voice, and of course who can forget that wink that could sen post-its flying? did you know that it also send my heart flying? probably, if you’ve read my url. I love his softness, like Sewoon is all curves and no edges. I started watching Produce 101, long story short, and I got caught up in a small snippet of his self written song. I also love how he can be a little snarky and sassy, singer-songwriter or idol? fuck all that, he’ll be a CEO because he wants to. his calm manner, his tendency to see the good in everyone and everything, his patience, how he doesn’t facilitate mnet’s portrayal of Scary Dongho but instead says that he is a nice person. His expression doesn’t reach all the ranges like Seongwoo’s and maybe that’s why I cherish all his laugh, all his smiles (the wide ones, not the polite ones), the moments he let himself look vulnerable, the moments he tries to look strong. I love seeing him dance too! and not the simple choreos we see now after he debuts but the hard ones. I’m talking nayana kind of hard. I’m talking about his determined eyes as he forces his limbs to move. I love how he is just so nice, so realistic (choosing subvocal 1 when we all know he wants to be the lead vocal just bc “i’ll get pushed down anyways”) but still as ambitious. Funfact: to this day I have never seen the final episode of Produce 101 because why would I want to see Sewoon stand there, one rank short from debuting?
I learned later that he didn’t cry on camera, but breaks down as soon as the cameras stopped rolling.
sewoonie? you can be weak in front of us. we will still love you.
okay cut to the time I “met” Sewoon again, this time as a soloist. “This is your ponyo boy,” my friend said. “he has a nice voice, and even nicer songs.” and I believe her, so I watched Just U. There he is, the goldfish boy I know and love, singing, eyes averting the camera, gestures awkward, but voice? flawless. And when I found Nevermind? tears. The song that he sang on the first episode! my favorite song! it’s here! it’s wonderful! I love how the song is just so him in the sense of that is totally what he would do. Speaking of “so him” have you realized that he never put out a loud concept like oh my comeback will be badass because my debut is soft and cute? Because everything we see is just Sewoon. What Sewoon would wear, what Sewoon would say, what Sewoon wants to show us. Shy smiles and soft desaturated colors? I love it. He loves it too, I’m sure. Bright blue cloudy skies are what I associate with Jung Sewoon. Have I mention how much I love that? Probably just a little less than how much I love Jung Sewoon.
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