#i read a lot this month woagj.....
ritzcrackee · 1 month
may tbr post yayy
rereads are marked by a ☆, new reads are marked by a ♡, and new acquisitions are bolded
physical tbr: 15
more letters from a nut - ted l. nancy ♡
fahrenheit 451 - ray bradbury ♡
little (grrl) lost - charles de lint ♡
dracula - bram stoker ♡
dune - frank herbert ♡
dune messiah - frank herbert ♡
frankenstein - mary shelley ♡
juilet takes a breath - gabby rivera ♡
sense and sensibility - jane austen ♡
stories of people and civilization, greek ancient
origins - lindsay powell, j. k. jackson ♡
the silent stars go by - dan abbet ♡
touched by an angel - johnathan morris ♡
the handmaids tale - margaret atwood ✩
the testaments - margaret atwood ♡
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the
universe - benjamin alire sáenz ✩
digital tbr: 4
pandora's jar: women in the greek myths - natalie haynes ♡
providence girls - morgan dante ♡
cemetery boys - aiden thomas ♡
if you could see the sun - ann liang ♡
read: 11
an education in malice - s. t. gibson - 3.5/5
i have,,, conflicted feelings on this book. it was good, the action was interesting, the characters were complex, the vibes were impeccable, but,,,,, idkkk.... i can't even verbalize it but there was something about this that just made it a slog to get through.
i can't help myself from comparing it to a dowry of blood, which i feel had a much cleaner execution of very similar themes. dracula felt charasmatic, he felt gravitational, he felt like a person you would give up humanity for. de lafontaine felt,,,, like a mean professor. carmilla and laura constantly wax on about how brilliant and intoxicating she is, but i never felt that. s.t. gibson can write an obsessive, imbalanced, interesting relationship! they can write it very well! so i don't understand why this fell flat for me.
overall, i think this book was disjointed. it felt like a collection of vibey scenes and quotes to put on your instagram. (which, to be fair, the quotes are banger. and the vibes are so so vibes.) i liked it, but i don't know how long it'll stay on my shelf.
maneater - emily antoinette - 2.5/5
tbh i don't have much to say abt this 👍 it was an ok book 👍
hot button issue - catrina bell - 2.5/5
i liked seeing more of this world! the couple wasn't really my thing but thats more of a me issue (get it? no? ok) i do wish there was a little more roller derbying but overall this was cool.
wild is the witch - rachel griffin - dnf
cool concept but the writing style was too repetitive for my taste 👍
luxuria - colette rhodes - dnf
i didn't like this book whoopsies. i wanted to actually try fantasy romance instead dismissing the entire genre but ummm. yeah no i don't like fantasy romance. not my thing. paranormal besties please take me back ill never stray again 🙏
garron park - nordika night - 1/5
ok so. well. where do i even start with this book. extremely silly to, at 25 years of age, call someone your enemy. are you five? are you five years old? everyone certainly swears like a five year old. tiny baby writing tip: maybe keep the word fuck to, like, once a paragraph.
additionally, you can create tension without violence sometimes! if your main characters have confessed their undying love to each other, probably they can talk to eachother for four seconds! probably they don't need to punch eachother as much! probably, a change in their actions and words would show the audience how much their relationship has grown.
i also wasn't super into how many times the main characters brothers brought up how sexy they were? kind of a weird move. certainly not something i would choose to say about my own brother, nor my best friends brother! maybe thats just me though who knows
it was genuinely just edgy k-pop wattpad poverty-porn yaoi but? i did read 300 pages in one sitting so? points for that? you get 1 point for that.
rebel girls - elizabeth keenan - 2.5/5
second pro-choice book i've read this month so thats cool! guess we have a theme going. tbh i don't have much to say about this. the characters were interesting, if lacking in depth. the plot was fine, if lacking in depth. the messaging was good, if lacking in depth. i guess this book was overall, lacking in depth. i'm sure my local free little library will appreciate it. 👍
undergrounders - j. e. glass - 2.5/5
this is just the month of the perfectly average books huh? everybody's getting 2.5 stars skdisjdj.
anyways, i wanted to see if my issue with luxuria was actually its genre, or if it was the overwhelming hetero of it all. so i read a queer fantasy romance! with all of the tropes i like! and i still didn't enjoy it :(. i am glad that i tried this, but i can say with absolute certainty now that fantasy romance is not for me.
the main couple was sooooo cutes though and the side characters were sooooo cutes and the worldbuilding was v v v cool! if you like sapphic fantasy romance? absolutely reccomend this book!
the ballad of songbirds and snakes - suzanne collins - 3/5
girl this is why u reread books bcus i used to tell people that this was my favorite book ever. it is not. idk why i thought that.
ANYWAYS this was alright. i liked how easy the themes were to pick up on, the ambiguous ending, and listening to coriolanus justify his weird evil behavior. that was cool. i didn't like um lucy gray. not because she was bad, but because she felt like a non-character yk? i thought she had some pretty cool characterization in the beginning, especially surrounding her being a performer (being a parallel to coriolanus) but then she kind of fell off and just became a stock Trusting Girlfriend. which was meh. i'm excited to watch the movie, snow lands on top or whatever 👍
cultish: the language of fanaticism - amanda montell - 4/5
this was very cool to learn about and easy to digest 👍. not a full 5/5 because it was nonfiction so i wasn't obsessed with it, but definitely more engaging than most other nonfiction books I've read.
fox court - nora sakavic - 1/5
started reading this because i heard that it was like,,, bad but addictive? like full wattpad nonesense but u look up and you've finished the whole series in one sitting yk? it was,,, not that way for me. i thought it was boring, confusing, and the characters were sooo unlikable. ik this has a pretty big fandom on here please don't come for me sowwyy um. yeah
last months goal: finish a reread
WOO HOO i did it this time! gold star for me, best reader in the whole world. this was really easy, because i genuinely couldn't remember a single thing about a ballad of songbirds and snakes, so it felt like i was reading a brand new book. i also said that i wanted to carve away a more sizable chunk of my tbr this month, which i kind of did? i only read 3 physical books, but i got rid of almost an entire shelfs worth because my family was having a yard sale! so yk. vibes.
this months goal: ... finish dune
LOOK LOOOK STOP THROWING TOMATOES AT ME LOOK ok. last time this was a lofty goal filled with folly and big dreams and it was stupid. THIS TIME i literally only have 257 pages left. which is actually so reasonable. if i read 50 pages a night before bed that's only 5 days of reading. i can straight up do this one this time I PROMISE.
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