#i really do wanna learn baseball though! and it gives me a wider range of things i can do! physically especially-
astro-inthestars · 1 year
Hey guys I came back from Baseball Training at 6 pm (3 hours ago–) and holy shit. We started at 10 am and the thing is??? I think I should legally not be allowed to move for two days–
OW like OW the warm ups and training we did HURT which, to be fair, should be expected since I'm a guy who barely does physical activity and sports, and this is a very active sports. It comes with the territory
Guess what sucks though is the fact it COMPLETELY disables me from doing ANYTHING from how tired I am, so I'm sorry yall :(
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noona-clock · 4 years
The Demon 👿 Day and Night
Genre: College!AU (with flashbacks of High School!AU)
Pairing: Sungjin x You
Warnings: Slight Angst
Words: 1,750
Day and Night  👿 Zombie  👿 Tick Tock  👿 Love me or Leave me  👿 STOP  👿 1 to 10  👿 Afraid
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Like the day and night It’s going back differently The middle is always waiting It’s just a moment. It’s being biased.  Only on one side we’ve been wanting each other
Sungjin was tired of the back and forth.
The two of you had known each other since high school. He’d had a crush on you since high school, and he knew you felt the same way -- but for one reason or another, it had just never worked out.
And, like I said, he was tired of it. He was tired of getting his hopes up, he was tired of waiting in limbo, and he was tired of constantly feeling like all he did was wait for you.
I mean, the two of you were about to graduate from university. Don’t you think this has been going on long enough?
So, tonight -- tonight -- Sungjin was going to resolve this once and for all. He was going to seek you out and talk to you like he’d never talked to you before. And, hopefully, he would never have to talk to you like that again.
Good lord, he hoped so.
Sad sad sad sad sad What can I do? Always Bad bad bad bad bad Timing all the time When someone’s hot, Someone else is cold. I’m going crazy.
Back then, Sungjin had waited a long time before confessing to you. His crush on you had developed during his freshman year, but he hadn’t said anything to you until junior year, and even then it was only after months of working up his nerve.
You had been flirting with him -- he had been pretty sure, at least. He had never been the best at interpreting stuff like that, but you’d been pretty obvious about it. The two of you had spent a lot of time together, and you’d seemed to perk up whenever Sungjin had talked about Junior Prom.
So, he had finally decided to ask you to be his date.
He hadn’t come up with anything fancy -- none of that promposal nonsense he’d seen on social media. He was simply going to go to your house, ring your doorbell, and ask you. Plain and simple, just like him.
But when he’d arrived, he had been faced with an incredibly disappointing scene -- for him, at least.
Another guy (presumably someone from the baseball team) had been laying out a bunch of baseballs in your yard, shaping out the letters P-R-O-M with a question mark at the end. Sungjin had been able to see a sheet of poster board laying in your driveway, too, which read ‘Being your date to prom would be better than a home run.’
...How was he supposed to compete with that?
Besides, the other guy had gotten there first.
Sungjin had watched from down the road as Baseball Guy rang your doorbell, ran back into your yard next to his display of baseballs, and held his sign up as soon as you’d opened the door.
He had held out the tiniest bit of hope that you would say ‘no.’ 
But, of course, you hadn’t.
The next day, Sungjin had decided to just be honest with you.
...Kind of.
He had brought up the pictures he’d seen on social media of the whole thing, and you had confirmed it.
“Yeah, it super unexpected,” you’d grinned. And then your grin had fallen slightly, and you’d added, “I... was actually kind of hoping you would ask me, but you probably don’t even want to go. You don’t really seem like the prom type.”
And his heart had broken.
No, he hadn’t been the prom type. He hadn’t wanted to go.
But he would’ve gone with you.
If he had just been ten minutes earlier. Or if he had just confessed his feelings to you weeks ago -- months ago!
Ah, well. At least Sungjin had learned a valuable lesson: it really was all about timing. 
Unfortunately, his timing had just been spectacularly bad.
If you try to get closer and closer, You’re going to disappear in a while and in my sight, oh We’re gonna have to go through this I go up And you go down It’s always the same
On the night of prom, Sungjin had decided he would move on.
You would most likely start dating that dumb baseball player, and Sungjin really didn’t want to spend Senior year pining over you when he knew he had no chance.
So, he had taken out his phone and called up his grandfather.
A couple of years ago, Sungjin had spent the summer with him and had been a counselor at a music camp close to his grandfather’s house. Even if the camp didn’t have any open counselor spots, he could still stay there for the summer and not risk running into you with your new boyfriend.
And, thankfully, that’s just what he’d done. 
He’d spent two whole months living with his grandfather and working at the nearby arts center as a music camp counselor. Most importantly, he’d spent two whole months not seeing or talking to you.
In fact, there was another counselor he’d connected with, and he’d spent two whole months seeing and talking to her. The two of them had a lot of common interests -- including the same sense of humor -- and by the time Sungjin had returned to school for Senior Year, he had officially taken himself off the market.
And, of course, that’s when you’d approached him.
The first day of school.
“Hey,” you’d grinned, hugging your astronomy textbook to your chest. “How was your summer? I didn’t see you at all.”
“Oh... yeah,” Sungjin had replied with an awkward chuckle. “I was staying with my grandfather.”
He had closed his locker, but instead of saying ‘goodbye’ and leaving, you had followed him.
“I... actually was hoping we could talk?” you’d asked softly, your brow furrowed gently.
Oh, boy. 
“...Talk about what?”
“About... us.”
Sungjin had paused, turning to face you as he’d clutched one strap of his backpack. “I... I actually met someone. We were counselors together at a music camp, and she only lives an hour away, so...”
Your expression had fallen, and Sungjin had known exactly how you’d felt in that moment. Because he had just felt it a couple of months ago.
“...Oh,” you’d murmured.
Sungjin’s timing had been bad right before prom, and the tables had turned on him. You had been with someone before summer when Sungjin had been ready to ask you out. He had been with someone after summer when you had been ready to ask him out.
Would your timing ever match up?
I don’t wanna give it up Don’t give it up Won’t give it up I hope so, too. I hope so. with that in mind Come a little closer Me, too. I’ll take a step And then one day, Maybe we’ll meet.
Apparently, the answer to that question is ‘no.’
After Sungjin had broken up with his summer girlfriend about halfway through Senior year, you had started dating someone.
Then the two of you went off to different universities and only saw each other during school breaks.
But then you had transferred to Sungjin’s school, though he had gotten busy with a band he’d joined.
It continued on like this for the next two years or so. If Sungjin wasn’t busy with school or band practice, you were busy with school and the on-campus job you’d gotten. You studied abroad for an entire semester, and when you came back, you had decided to swear off dating for at least a year (you never told him specifically, but he had a feeling a foreign guy or two had something to do with this).
And now here the two of you were. Getting ready to graduate, and after all these years, you had still never dated. And Sungjin wasn’t sure whether or not he still had hope that you would.
Maybe that was the most frustrating thing about this whole situation. Sungjin wanted to want to just give up and move on. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to give up hope that things would never work out.
So... maybe tonight would be it. Maybe tonight would be the night when the timing was actually right.
If you try to get closer and closer, You’re going to disappear in a while and in my sight, oh We’re gonna have to go through this I go up And you go down It’s always the same
Actually, if you try to approach me little by little, in the meantime, chilled by a slight difference We’re all so mixed up. You go up And I go down It’s always the same, like the sun and the moon.
Sungjin’s heart thudded in his chest as he knocked on your door. It leaped up into his throat when the doorknob turned. And it stopped altogether when you opened it, standing in front of him with a curious look on your face.
“Hey,” you greeted with a soft, confused grin. “What’s up?”
Oh, god. Now that he was here, he wasn’t sure if he could do it.
But he had to. You were both at a turning point in your lives, and if he didn’t do this now... he never would.
So, he took a deep breath and just came out with it.
“I’ve liked you for years. I think you’ve liked me, too, but our timing has just been... bad.”
Well, he wished he could’ve been a bit more eloquent, but there you go.
You opened your mouth to reply but then paused. After a few moments of silence, you simply opened your door wider and let him come inside.
Sungjin stepped into your entryway, turning to keep his eyes on you as you closed the door behind him.
His heart skipped a couple of beats as you stood facing the door, letting out a soft sigh. And without turning around, you murmured, “I have. You’re right.”
Even though he knew he shouldn’t, Sungjin began to think this really was the night. Tonight was the night when everything would come together.
But then you turned around, and Sungjin saw the incredibly distressed look on your face.
“I just got offered a job by the company where I interned during my study abroad,” you told him. “And... I already accepted.”
See -- he knew he shouldn’t have thought that. He knew he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up.
“Ah,” he replied, nodding slowly. “That -- that’s great, though. Congratulations.”
You quickly stepped up to him, wringing your hands together nervously. “I wouldn’t have accepted if I had known -- I thought you had moved on already. I’ve liked you -- a lot. I figured taking a job in another country would be a fresh start. A really fresh start. A way to... get over you.”
Okay, Sungjin would really appreciate it if you just stopped talking.
“I -- I’m sorry,” you said softly.
“No,” Sungjin shook his head. “No, don’t be sorry.”
“I can call them back -- see if I can tell them --”
But Sungjin interrupted you. “Please don’t. I think... I think this is best.”
Before he could stop himself, he reached up and circled his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
“I’m happy for you,” he murmured, bringing one hand up to cradle the back of your head as you returned his hug. “Really.”
And... to be honest. He was happy for some closure.
Once and for all.
“You never know,” you said with a soft chuckle, causing Sungjin’s heart to skip another beat. “Maybe I’ll come back sooner rather than later.”
...Oh, boy. 
There went that closure he’d just found.
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