#i really hope xkit still does that thing where it tags everyone you @ed
lotussokka · 6 years
alphabet tag!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
i was tagged by @pennysworths (also how great is that url damn jerrica)
a // age: 18
b // birthplace: pa, usa
c // current time: 4:23AM (it’s 5:44AM now that i finished this)
d // drink you last had: milk
e // easiest person to talk to: my cat also @siriuslilys or whatever
f // favorite songs: right now probably first time he kissed a boy by kadie elder
g // grossest memory: i’m gonna pass over the csa memories and go with the time my brother and i tripped in a big section of cow manure that was so deep and swishy that we had to wait for our grandfather to come help us out
h // horror yes or horror no: hell no
i // in love? with alec lightwood, yes. with a human person, yeahno
j // jealous of people: hell yes all the time for like any reason. it’s a problem
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again? do i think love at first sight is rational and a reasonable way to find a significant other? no. do i fall in love with random ass people on the street? yes.
m // middle name: i was going to write how i hate my middle name but then i remembered i can tell you guys. bc im nb and dont really have a problem with my first name, i decided i was going to change my middle name to a guy name so i can go by my middle name professionally. i chose ryan... unfortunately that makes me A. Ryan Lastname... a ryan 🤦🏼‍♂️ but i cant change it bc it’s already My Name like in my soul and stuff
n // number of siblings: one
o // one wish: for shadowhunters to be saved 
p // person you called last: my mom
q // questions you’re always asked: “are you going to be able to do that?” “are you sure you’re going to be awake for that?”
s // song you last sang: well i’m currently humming along to gay sex by be steadwell
t // time you woke up: like 8:30PM yeah i’m like completely nocturnal rn
u // underwear color: pink and purple camo (they were the last ones clean)
v // vacation destination: i’d love to go see @siriuslilys in wa
w // worst habit: picking at my skin oh my fucking god
x // x-rays: yes??
y // your favorite food: chocolate milkshakes, as of late
z // zodiac sign: gemini
apparently most of jerrica’s friends have already done this??? but she was the first i saw so i’m just gonna tag people and hope you havent already done it. you don’t have to do this is if you don’t want to either way. @thea-and-melitta, @i-admire-enjolras, @ktmuskrat, @cxptnluna, @echoroll, @linhcindre, @candle-inthe-mirror, @foxyhufflepuff, @hanschen-ril0w, and @feelssogoodinmyarms (or maybe i don’t need to tag her since mobile thinks i’m her right now)
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