#i really miss bein at the station holy shit. fuck this might be my calling
sarai-the-furry · 8 months
I was there from 8am to 8pm and we only got 5 calls the entire time I was there
First call: fire at a local fast food place
Second call: structure fire but we were called off en route, ended up going to Walmart to buy some stuff for dinner and breakfast
Third call: some crazy burning plywood in a burn barrel behind a gas station
Fourth call: lift assist
Fifth call: another lift assist
So sad that their main rig (ladder truck) was outta commission and we were using a pumper that belonged to a different station i think. I still had so much fun tho!! Im hoping I'll be able to do a ride along with the same station and shift when they get their normal rig back from the shop auauauauaua
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singingintothevoid · 7 years
Memory Prompts:  Siren (Pt. 1)
🌈- A memory about when they first fell in love
“The first time?  Must have been about fifteen, I think?”  She scratched her head.  “Was about two years before the ravagers came through, yeah.  There was this Fili’ion, a beautiful bright orange, who Gram saved from the sale block.  I think it was the two mouth thing that caught my interest first, ‘cause they would sing my favorite songs, in harmony, or mushed all together.  They said it was ‘cause it made me smile, and no one had really tried to do that since I had been dropped off.  Gram wasn’t mean, but she had other things to do than try to keep a buncha orphans smilin’.  But anyway, their name was Rouched, and they were damn sweet.  Best friend I had in there, couldn’t help but love ‘em.  Don’t think they loved me like that, but it’s alright.  I was happy to take anything I could get.  Besides,” a grin crossed her face, and she elbowed the man next to her.  “Made it so I was used to waitin’, eh?”
🌋- A memory about their first heartbreak
“Heartbreak?”  She laughed, hollowly.  “Had to be when my parents told me they didn’t want me, and dumped me in an orphanage, because I was an abomination, wouldn’t it?  That was fun...”  A swirl of ink left her mouth as she whistled, whisking the bottle of booze that was making its way around the circle.  A few chugs to protests later, she passed it on, and continued.  “You know that feeling yo get, when you’ve done something exciting, and want to show your parents, ‘cause you just wanted them to be proud of you?  Yeah, it didn’t go too well.  I found I could make these little critters, and they could pick things up, and I thought it was so cool, ‘cause I had never seen anyone else do it, yeah?  Like I had seen dancers, they made wisps ‘n shit.  But hey, on my home planet, making touchable stuff obviously meant I was gonna kill everyone, and needed to be disposed of.  All that excitement got turned into bein’ locked in a room, and hustled off to be left cryin’ in an empty room, nameless, with the damn orphans feeling sorry for me.  You know your shit’s fucked when the people with dead parents look at ya an’ think ‘at least I’m not her’!”  She stomped to her feet, grabbing her own bottle from the cooler.  “Fuckin’ A man, why would you make me think of this shit again.”  She took a long pull before adding, rather morosely, “The irony is I would never have killed anyone if they hadn’t left me there, yeah?  Them leavin’ me there made it so I wound up here.”
🏠- A memory about their childhood home/where they used to live
“Oh man, if I could go back to my home planet?  Ah, it was beautiful.  You know how people say, ‘ah, I’m gonna retire to a tropical resort planet’?  They’d go to Esorta.  At least where I was born, it was just...  Warm water, so much life.  Beaches that went forever down the coast, tall trees with their green branches sproutin’ up from the water, so it was all in shade, which was good, yeah.  We burn easily, too light skinned for most places.”  She flapped her arm, the skin on it quite pale indeed.  “But you’d get this glorious ripple pattern of light comin’ through, which would catch the algae growin’ in there and turn th’ water this lilacy color...”  Her smile was wistful.  “We lived on the beaches, in these, like, cave systems.  Ya could reach most others just by walking through ‘em.  Felt like the spaceships do, honestly.  Everything connected, which was good, yeah, ‘cause we got storms a lot, and ya couldn’t get outside when there’s hurricane goin’.  I mean you could, I guess, but it was a dumb idea, man.  But the trees...  They never budged.  Maybe the storms just felt stronger when I was so teeny...  I always would wanna go play in ‘em.  Bet my parents wish they had let me, when it came out what I could do...”  Her face fell, fingers tangling in her hair.  “Woulda saved them the shame.”
📷- A memory that comes with a picture they have
“This one was great, yeah.”  She waved the long strip, smiling slightly.  “We had found this thing in a junkyard, don’t remember what we were doin’ there, but Peter called it a “photobooth”, and it apparently still worked. We crammed in there, him ‘n me, and this button made it all flashy, and we got this string of pictures, just some goofy shit.  Apparently you’re supposed to make dumb faces, he said he and ‘is momma did it before.  Look, this last one here, where Yondu stuck his head in, is my favorite.  Look at our faces!”  She giggled, her hand pressed against her lips.  “We look so startled, he managed to sneak up on us real good.  He popped his head in, yelling about how we had to leave ‘n shit, and we were so not expecting it.  Man, it was an easier time...”  Her smile turned sad.  “Now Peter’s this big hotshot an’ all, got so little time for his old family.  Proud of him, of course.  But I miss him...”
💡- A memory that comes with an object or keepsake they have
There was a snort.  “We ain’t got space on this ship for keepsakes, not with all the damn animals people keep bringin’ on!  You know we got a cow in the ship dock?  Like, there wasn’t any space left, but it was blind so Theoric felt sorry for the stupid thing.  You know what don’t move outta the way of space ships?  Blind cows, that’s what.  You gotta be so careful parkin’ in here, like it isn’t even deaf!  Just blind!  You’d THINK it would move, but apparently its goddamn self preservation was linked to it’s fuckin’ eyesight!  ...What?  Shut up, maybe the cow’s a keepsake, dickhead.”
🔪- A memory about a dangerous situation
“Kiddo, I’ve been a mercenary for almost forty years.  There’s a lot to pull from.”  She tapped her chin with her nails, thoughtfully.  “One of the jobs would be boring, honestly.  Like, there’s only so many ways it can go.  You go shoot at people, so ya get shot at, or ya try to keep others from gettin’ shot at, so people shoot at you instead, or ya break in the steal their shit, and they shoot at you.  Sometimes we try to keep things from being stolen by people who will come on in shootin’ at ya.  I’ve been shot at a lot, it doesn’t feel dangerous anymore, ya know?  Hmmm...  Oh!”  Siren’s face brightened.  “How ‘bout this?  Spackle wanted to go to this safari thing, yeah?  Like a zoo, but like, everything runs ‘round like it’s hot shit and owns the place.” “Oh boss, no, please!”  Spackle groaned, falling backward with her hands over her eyes.  Siren laughed. “Nope, shut up!  I’m telling this one.  Anyway,”  her grin got wider as she continued.  “So we go, yeah?  And they take our weapons, because there’s been an issue with poaching, ‘cause some of these fuckers are rare and some shit, and we, well.  We don’t look like high society, right?  Yeah, so we go in, and there’s all these wild things struttin’ around, and since we’re in this buggie, it’s all cool.  Well, turns out this glaxi had managed to break perimeter, and smelled Spackle.  What’s a glaxi?  It’s this giant ass dog-type thing, with a few extra legs, a mouth on it’s belly, and four tails that it grabs shit with.  Also, they’re ‘bout thirty feet tall too, so it can be some scary ass shit.  Anyway, they hate Ykonases, which is what Spackle is.  Kinda a long time competitor sorta thing, Ykonases are smarter and faster, but glaxi are giant dumb animals that eat everything they come across.  So this buggie we’re in, it’s like, maybe up to its knees?  The first ones anyway.  Holy shit, I almost pissed myself to see this thing come blasting over the hills.  Spackle is screaming, Lash is laughing, I’m just angry as fuck that we left the damn weaponry back at the ranger station.  So we turn, and just fucking floor it.  This stupid little thing, it gets maybe fifty miles an hour?  Nothin compared to the glaxi.  And it’s not that damn stable, so we hit this bump, right?  We hit it far faster than this thing is meant to, and it flips.  We all go tumbling, spilled out of the car, and Spackle just takes off.  She’s running before I get my hair out of my eyes, and the big ol’ thing just goes right after her.  Me ‘n Lash are stuck sittin’ there like “what the fuck is goin on?”  Though, Spack is our friend ‘n all, and we can’t just leave her to get eaten-” “Love you too Boss Lady.” “So we go on after.  And Spackle, I have no idea how she managed it, but she got so far up this damn giant tree near the station that it can’t reach her.  She’s up there, hissing and spitting at it, fur all on end, and it’s paying no attention to all the rangers tryin’ to shoot it down, cause it’s not supposed to fuckin’ be there.  We hurry on over, Lash pulls out one of the guns he had kept hidden, and I get my dragons goin’, and we eventually get this thing down for the count.  But the whole time, it didn’t seem to give a shit about anyone but tryin’ to eat Spackle, who has forgotten she had some of Dave’s grenades in the pockets she had for once!  All it would have taken was a good one tossed down it’s throat to kill it.” “I hate this story.”  Spackle muttered, her tail drooped over her eyes.
🎈- A memory about a time they were safe and relaxed
“Never happened.”  It was muttered around a mouthful of food.  “Seriously, what part of ‘merc for forty years’ did you not get the first time?” “Any real answer isn’t going to be PG-13 for you, kid.”  Shine had an even worse stage whisper than Lash, and Siren chucked a roll at her.  Shine dodged, grinning, as Siren sighed.   “Even in a safe place, these nerves don’t fuckin’ relax.  Closest might have been right after I left the ravagers, when I switched ships so I knew there was no chance of them findin’ me.  I went lookin’ for an ocean planet, just to see what it would be like.  Spent almost a month just bumin’ around, no jobs, no fightin’, no nothin’.  I did have to hunt for my food, but that involved a lotta fishin in this gorgeous lagoon type place...  Gods above, I need to go back there.  Now that I don’t have the fear of a giant ass ship crashin’ into my head.” “Wouldn’t have been as much to worry about if you hadn’t stolen part of it, girl.”   
📔- A memory from a journal/diary entry
“Yeah, never kept one.”  An eyeroll.  “Where would I have kept it that it wouldn’t have been found?  No one I’ve ever been around has a respect for privacy.  I can’t even shower without some asshole walkin’ into the bathroom to take a piss, there’s no way I’m putting my inner most thoughts anywhere anyone but me can get to them.”
📝- A memory of them getting to know/meeting my muse
“What do I remember?  Jeez, I remember fishing your dumbass out of the engine, that’s what I remember.  Your poor dad was freakin out, and you could tell that wasn’t something he was used to fuckin’ doing.  More blood than I like seein’ on kids, so it was a bit uncomfortable, but not nearly as much as I was used to seein’, so it evened out a bit.  What?  Kid, you might technically be older than me, but you look like twelve, and that’s all I give a fuck about.”
🔗- A memory about their proposal/wedding
“Kinda personal, ain’tcha.  I ain’t married, and I’ve never been proposed to.  The fuck would the point be?  I live on a space ship.  In space.  Who’s gonna acknowledge it?  Who’s gonna care?  It doesn’t mean anything anyway.  I don’t hold assets that government would be able to hold for a spouse anyway.  Everyone knows he takes control of the ship if I die anyway.  ...Well, if he asked, I’d say yes, ‘cause that means it meant something to the old fuck, but it’s not like it would change shit. ...Kid shut the fuck up, I am not blushing.  I don’t blush.  You’re an asshole, goodbye.”
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