#i really need to get through nocturne's tutorial but i cant
computer-einstein · 7 months
Do you like video games? What's your favorite genre if so?
I do, but at a more casual level than other people. I'm not one of those intense gamers that know everything about the medium. I just play a couple of games and thats it. The kinds I like are mostly stuff that uses my brain a lot. Puzzles, strategy, the like. I play a lot of online chess and strategy RPGs.
Recently, though, my dad had been trying to get me into turn-based RPGs (Specifically ones from the Shin Megami Tensei franchise because those are the ones he played a lot of when he was my age)...but I got absolutely destroyed in Nocturne's tutorial and haven't touched them ever since. Of course, it doesn't help matters when I'm now in a boarding school several kilometers away from my dad at all times.
My current favorite game rn, however, is Uplink, the hollywood hacking simulator. Both because its genuinely good and because I like poking fun at its portrayal inaccuracies while playing.
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