#i really shouldnt be bothering checking every nook and cranny\
foxyfexyll · 2 years
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Lost and Grounded
Picking up your phone you saw it was Happy. "Hey Baby whats up"? You asked as you took a bite from you sandwich "I lost Kobi". You spat out you food. "What the fuck are you talking about Happy". Panicked and scared you grabbed your keys. "We were playng hind n seek while I worked". "He's seven he cant be to far". Happy said calmly. "I'm coming now, you find my son Happy Lowman". You rushed out the door straight to your car. On the way you looked left and right making sure you didnt see him walking. Your heart was about to jump out of your heart. Just the thought of not seeing him made you cry. Pulling up you saw all the guys looking around. "Y/N I'm sorry". "You can say it after you find him, I cant believe you lost my son". Tears strimming down your face. "He's my son too and he can take care of himself if needed".  You rolled your eyes Every nook and cranny was searched. Still no Kobi. You felt sick on your stomach. "I dont know where else to look Y/N". Happy threw up his arms. "Did you check all the room, bathrooms, cars, undertables, under the bar, chairs, couch or the closets"? You rambled out. "Everything but the cars". Happy ran off. All the guys and you looked frantically in all the cars. In a bright red truck was Kobi sleeping in the bed. "Y/N hes right here". Happy yelled. "Oh Thank God". You ran over. Looking inside Kobi woke up looking around."Whats wrong"? Rubbing the sleep out his eyes. "Shit boy we've been looking for you for hours, didnt you hear us". Happy picked him up "Sorry Daddy". "Kobi I'm so glad your safe". You cried out. "Dont cry Mommy, I'm okay". "I know, I was just worried". "You scared us so much". "Kobi you cant be doing that". Happy said getting angry "Its not his fault, you should have been watching him than working". "I gotta make money for yall". "You could have waited until I picked him up". "Yeah so I can hear your mouth when I get home for being late". The two of you went back and forth with whys and what if's. Everyone looking on. "Do you think we should leave and get popcorn or just walk away slowly". Juice asked quitly "I think we should take Kobi and go inside before something happens that he doesnt need to see". Chibs picked up Kobi and ran inside with the guys "Happy your so irresponsible when it comes to him". "You think hes just one of the guys". "Hes not". "He needs to man up, your making him into a pussy". "At least I love on him and show him affection'. "I love that kid more than anything and if your saying that I dont". Happy balled his fist. "Do it then, if its going to make you a man". "I wished...". "What Happy what"? "Nothing". Happy walked back inside the garage You walked to your car. You were so pissed at Happy. Tears staining your cheeks. You looked Happys way. He was wiping a tear away. I really hurt him. Not wanting to bother him, you knew you had to fix this. "Hap, I'm sorry for everything I said". "I didnt mean it". Crying out. "No I'm the one that should be sorry, I should have watched him better". "I'm a shit parent". He said hugging you. "No you're not, you were just busy it happens". "I shouldnt have gotten so mad at you". "You had the right to be mad, I lost our son". "You didnt loose him he was just not listening". "Wait a mintue, he should be getting yelled at for doing this" You sniffled "I did yell at him but you got on to me". "I'm sorry about that". "I'm sorry about that last thing I said to you, I didnt mean it and I'm sorry for balling my fist". "What were you going to say". "You wished what"? You wiped your nose. "That I never gotten you pregnant and that I never married you". He said sadly "Oh" You were speechless. "I didnt mean it, you and Kobi are the best things that ever happen to me and I wouldnt change a damn thing". "I love the both of you so much that I hate that we fight". "Hap we are going to fight and I know I can be unreasonable". "We just have to work it out like we are doing now". "I know you love him and I'm sorry that I said you didnt".   "Can you forgive me"? You asked "Can you forgive me"? "Yes". "Me too". He kissed you deeply. "Lets go see this son of ours". You walked in the club house hand in hand. All eyes on yall. "Yall good"? Chibs asked "Yeah we're great never better". Happy looked down at you. "Thats good". "I'm sorry Mommy and Daddy, I shouldnt have fell asleep and..." "What was the other thing I was suppose to say". Kobi asked Juice and Chibs "Not listening and getting in a car you didnt know". They both said Happy and you busted out laughing. "You are grounded for four days and no games with Uncle Juice for two weeks". You said "AHH Mom come on, thats crazy". Kobi pouted "Whats crazy is that you had Chibs and Juice say sorry for you, you couldnt even say it yourself". Happy shook his head. "Please Dad Please Mom I'm sorry". "Thats more like it". You laughed. "Okay Two days grounded and two weeks with no gaming". "I'd rather be grounded for life than two weeks with out no gaming". You looked at Happy and he nodded."Okay grounded for life. "Yes". Kobi jumped up and down. "Hey Juice,two weeks no gaming with Kobi for helping him suck up". Happy said "What the heck Daddy, NOOOOOO". Kobi yelled "AH come on man, Y/N"/ Juice huffed. Happy, Chibs and you laughed at Kobi and Juice sulking and whining. It was great being back with Happy and everything being back to normal. Kobi never stopped listening to Happy and you from that day on. He knew everything. Not a good thing for a seven year old with a big mouth.
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