#i really wanna call out bc i know im gonna do something impulsive and regret it
virginstoner666 · 5 months
end of my fucking rope sunday.
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macdnalds · 7 years
hey everyone!!! it’s so lovely to meet y’all & i’m really excited to be here! this is going to be a bit of a mess i’m sorry but i’ll try keep it concise ( or, at least, coherent ) ! i’m jane, i live in new zealand and we’re currently in nzdt ( gmt +13 ) but usually it’s just +12. i’m twenty, turning twenty-one in a few weeks ( december nineteen!! so close to christmas yikes ) aaaand just finished my b.a.? except i might be doing honours next year so we’ll see! anyway this is miss mary mac and she’s... a mess lmao. a disaster. i love her, but, A Mess™
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( CHLOE BENNET, SHE/HER ) — MARY MACDONALD? oh, you mean the TWENTY-ONE year old MUGGLEBORN. they’re working as a BARTENDER now, aren’t they ? I’ve heard they’re really LOYAL, but i know for a fact that they can be RECKLESS at times. No wonder they’ve decided to SIDE WITH THE ORDER.
this is a ramble but i have an about for mary which sort of covers some of her general stuff + some specific things about her at hogwarts and it is here ( if you would like to read that, i would maybe read this first bc that stuff is more detailed so this might be a better initial overview? )
i’ll try to do some quick points here though to both expand on that + be a more concise guide
mary’s welsh! from a lil seaside town called rhyl. she can speak welsh but she doesn’t often have much occasion to, but if your character knows any welsh at all... hit her up. she’ll be delighted + it’s a GREAT language to make secret plots in and talk about things in front of people w/o them knowing bc it’s not so common
she’s a muggleborn & people who were at school w her ( not all, but some ) will probably remember an Incident™ involving mulciber and either dark magic or a harmless prank, depending on what side you fall on ( honestly probably somewhere in between — a sadistic prank which utilised dark magic which is still Terrible ), because lbr hogwarts is dreadful at keeping secrets so i imagine at least most of her year group heard at least something about it, if not specifics, and also probably some gryffindors and slytherins in other houses
( sidenote but pranks at hogwarts are fucking dark, at least during marauders’ era, damn )
mary is a reactive creature which is Not Good for her bc she combines that with some pretty poor emotional processing skills ( she’s good with other people’s emotions, generally; it’s just hers that she’s useless with ) and that leads to.... Poor Coping Mechanisms, though they can be hard to pin down
mostly she just became ?? more ?? she’s always been impulsive and had trouble with authority, but following that incident, she became even more recalcitrant and volatile and it’s just ?? it’s noticeable ( though it’s been a few years since the shift occurred and hasn’t reversed and doesn’t look like it will ) but hard to define because she’s always had those traits, now they’re just magnified
stubborn and unflinching and loyal and her patronus is a wolfhound but one of her friends used to joke that maybe it should have been a mule and honestly ?? rude but probably not fake
she’s a bit too unflinching when it comes to death eaters and stuff because she’s sorta like... well i mean they already tried dark magic, what else are they gonna do ?? which is... a bad survival instinct but she’s never claimed that was her strength
too compassionate and empathetic. it’s a real problem. messes with her head a lot bc she still doesn’t really believe anyone isn’t worth saving and she’s so mad about that bc she really feels like she should have been able to learn from what happened at school and write people off and she just... can’t? it’s not that she doesn’t think death eaters are the worst — she totally does and she’s not particularly shy about it — but rather that it still doesn’t mean she’d be okay with leaving them in a burning building. she would try to save pretty much anyone ( definitely a stranger because she doesn’t know them and can’t judge them, though definitely not voldemort because genocidal maniac ) tbf. though, jury’s out as to whether that would hold if someone she held dear to her heart was killed
loooooves rock and punk music. wizarding or muggle, she’s super into it. she likes music in general, and grabbing a friend and dancing around the room or something, but rock and punk are her favourites
allergic to cherries but a whiz at mixology and cooking breakfast foods. french toast is her four am comfort food. she also believes in mixology being about instinct and stuff, so if you’ve explicitly said so or she reckons you’d be down for it, she may be a little instinctive with the mix of your drink, but she’s usually pretty good at getting it down
she’s fast, both reflex-wise and physically ( she was also a very fast flier — chaser at hogwarts, and notable mostly for her immense speed and her willingness to push the limits beyond what was reasonable and be reckless with her safety in order to make the play; with speed like hers, she probably should have been a seeker, but she’s always worked better with people around her, so chaser was the best position ), and given that she’s useless with healing magic, it’d be v smart if she would use that speed to run away from dangerous situations but, alas, running away has never been a strength of hers
she just !!! she cares so much !!! and she makes so many bad decisions and her preferred way of handling problems is to avoid them and she’s always down for a laugh and a drink but she’s also a pretty good listener and she loves the banter and can absolutely be snarky and irreverent but she just cares so much and she’s not very good at expressing that in any way other than laughing affection and sidestepping any discussions about her own feelings but do not be fooled !! she cares !! it’s why she’s in this fight — not because it pertains to her, although it absolutely does, but because it pertains to her friends. she’s never been any good at letting someone go in alone
she also really likes comics from when she was a kid growing up ( escapism in your own reality, i guess, though it eventually turned out that she had magic which was the ultimate escapism and, more importantly, it was real ) and still references superheroes sometimes and her biggest regrets in life are that she currently owns neither a dog nor a motorcycle but at least she has a tattoo of a dragon on her ankle. she likes dragons and comc in general. she spent way too much time in detention at school but it didn’t even feel like a punishment when it involved work with the groundskeeping or comc. ( cleaning, however, was another matter. )
ANYWAY i’m not sure how coherent or helpful that was but there’s my lil mac! she goes by mary, mac, pretty much any nickname that’s understandably hers and not offensive is fair game tbh. please feel free to IM me if you wanna plot or like this post and i’ll come to you!!! x
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