#i really wish disney would friggin fix their bullcrap
scottishoctopus · 7 months
(To the mun) I'm not quite sure what we could find in the next POTC movie, but the point is it's very hard to believe that Davy Jones will return to us just like that. I mean...Since Sparrow killed Jones taking off his own heart and made Will Turner the future boss of the Flying Dutchman getting his own heart and gaven to Elisabeth Swann...How could Jones be able to return to us? Just curiosity and confusion with the cannon of all POTC movies, just all.
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Well talking about the next POTC movie is reaaally frustrating if we're talking about it being in the works. Disney is being an absolute dumpster fire at the minute and they're considering doing a reboot which doesn't have Johnny Depp in it. And whether people like it or not, he is the face of the franchise. People are always going to watch POTC because of Captain Jack Sparrow! If Disney does make that reboot which might be likely, then it's certainly not going to do well at the box office.
There is no pirates without Johnny Depp!
Now I know that wasn't entirely the focus of your question and I'll get back to it since it's Davy centric XD.
Dead Men Tell No Tales was a pretty bad pirates movie, with plot holes and all sorts of canon breaking such as Jack receiving the compass not from Tia Dalma/Calypso as she says in Dead Man's Chest, but from a dying Captain which still rightfully pisses me off!
But the movie did give us the Trident of Poseidon that held all curses of the sea but then was later broken by Henry Turner which released Will from his duty as Captain of the Flying Dutchman, and Henry got his dad back and he, Carina and Will reunited with Elizabeth.
(Course this raises a whole load of questions because Will no longer has a heart so I don't understand how he's still standing and plus this yet again pissed me off because Davy could have done that all along and he could have been freed? I DON'T KNOW DAMN YE DISNEY)
But at the end of the credits, just like the previous movies there is post-credit scene which reveals Davy entering Will and Elizabeth's home and dramatically limping towards their bed as if to strike them with his claw. Will wakes up with a start, figures it was a nightmare and falls back asleep. BUT! The camera pans down and reveals a puddle of water with a bunch of barnacles in them, so that must mean Davy was actually there but he disappeared for whatever reason.
My theory goes, Calypso resurrected him like she did with Captain Barbossa (POOR HECTOR HE DIED AGAIN GOD DAMN YOU DISNEY) for a purpose. She's the only character in the franchise that has actually brought back someone from the grave, and so she's a likely candidate for bringing back Jonesy. And also, they were in love so maybe she's in some way forgiven him for what he did.
Since all the curses were broken, maybe a certain curse holding back a gigantic monster even bigger than the kraken from the deep, released said monster and Davy needs to grudgingly team with Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Henry and Carina to take it down. Or heck, maybe Beckett's and Mercer's ghost comes back and starts stirring trouble on the seas, and a ghost Norrington helps the heroes because we also need James in there too.
I don't know, lots of theories are in my head but Disney is most likely not going to make another POTC movie that has Johnny and the iconic main cast again by the way things look at the moment. But it's nice to stay hopeful!
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