#i recently saw a post talking about mixing night in the woods with olnf
loathsomeloner · 9 months
So I love Our Life Now & Forevers simple premise of it just being about a bunch of kids growing up in a regular mundane world... But like, OLNF would absolutely thrive in some supernatural horror mystery esque plot right? Like is that just me that thinks that?
Maybe it's just because the game takes place in a small town during autumn but I feel like the main teens from step two (MC, Qiu, Tamarack, Ren, Vianca, etc) in the "Mysterious and spooky things are happening and a ragtag group of teens get roped into figuring out whats going on" plot would be so fun
Like OLNF mixed with Stranger Things or Night in the Woods??? Absolute gold
I wanna see a bunch of 14 year olds who have mountains of baggage on their backs discover that their supposedly quaint and quiet town actually has some really fucked up secrets!!!!! Give me horror!!! Give me mystery!!!! Give me drama!!!!!!!
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