#i recycle selcas like i do for my trash
gundampilot · 6 years
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Inspired by @dialup2002 to post some more old stuff. :) This is a desktop screenshot I posted on my DevART account January 2005. Kicking it with Windows XP, but I loved/preferred the classic style that I was accustom to (95-98-ME). I made the wallpaper used, but I’m having trouble finding a copy of it. I’ll prob try to remake it in non-1024x768 resolution lmao. Not sure if this is from 2005. It might have been from 2004, but I hadn’t posted it yet. I did that a lot. Some fun notes about some of the software icons pictured (lots of info):
Firefox - THE FIRST BROWSER TO DO TABS OMG. I was a huge advocate for Firefox, especially in its initial releases. They were doing things on the internet nobody had really seen up to that point, and made it popular! Since I had so many issues (as most people do) with Internet Explorer, I was shopping around for a new browser at the time of this shot. Google Chrome didn’t exist yet. (Can you imagine??)
IE - As stated above, I disliked IE. It was kept for various reasons, however. Such as testing website layouts, since the mass-majority of people used it and things looked different in browsers when you were coding.
Opera - While giving Firefox a try, I also managed to snag a very, very early copy of Opera. I’ve always been the type of person that loved to try out new stuff as early as possible, and this was a very special piece of software that I wanted to give a go. The reason that it was special? You had to send away for a CD for it. That’s right, kids. They snail-mail’ed me a CD because it was considered “commercial software.” I paid to get that browser lmfao. I was super super hyped later in 2005, because it became “freeware” and I was able to more-easily push my friends to try it out. The devs were (and still are) seriously awesome. This is why I still use Opera as my main browser today! Ya’ll should try it if you aren’t already! You can even use your most-beloved Chrome extensions on it. :)
Soulseek & WinMX - Holy crap, you guys! lmao Is anyone here old enough to remember these programs?? XD This was basically where most people went after Napster bit the dust. This was when we were all scrambling, trying to find a new P2P sharing program. This was right in-between the eMule/Donkey phase and before the Limewire/KaZaA fiascos where people’s computers were being overloaded with viruses from companies trying to stop pirating. Ahh, the wild, wild west... Days were so exciting when you spent hours downloading something that could potentially ruin your computer lmao
WS_FTP - Still one of my favorite FTP programs for Windows! Works like a charm! These days I use Transmit 5 for Mac, but this was my first program ever for file transfer protocol. It’s basically a tool for uploading files to my website’s server, because back when I first registered it, there was no web uploader for that kinda stuff. Now I stick with that because it’s easier and I’m used to it lol
Veo Digital Studio - Used to use this for my webcam back before webcams were built into laptops, and before they were common enough to have amazing freeware available for them.  (Also this is hilarious.) The quality was horrible, but I was hella excited to take pictures and share them with friends and on my blog at the time. From what I remember, there was something I used after this that was some type of South Korean selca software. Haduri? Something like that. It was really cute and even let you do little animations. :) 
Animation Shop - Okay. So... from what I remember, this might have been owned by the people that made Paint Shop Pro? I think it was Corel. I honestly don’t remember where I got this from, but this is what I used to use to make animated gifs (because Photoshop just....didn’t for some reason? I had to use PSP at some point, I remember that. I just don’t remember why lmao. It might have been my copy didn’t allow it, or my computer was just too shit to run it good enough, or just stopped working because....Windows). 
Adobe Photoshop 5.0 - I originally got this rip from a friend of mine, whose dad got a CD from his company that he worked at. It was an official/real license, which was really awesome! I think this was the first version of Photoshop I ever owned (!!), which is pretty amazing to think about about! I had that CD copy for a few years. I initially was gifted a copy of the CD around 2001-2002 or so. I know for a fact I had newer versions (7.0 was legend before CS suite came around), so I’m not sure why I was using this one at this point lmao. My guess is, like mentioned above, something happened with my computer and I didn’t want to format it and reinstall everything lol or because it was the fastest version I had installed to boot up and do a quick photo edit.
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 - I do remember this took a long time to start up. I can only imagine this was like a bad pirated copy or something, or was so bloated with new stuff in it, and that’s why I kept 5.0 for a quick boot. I know I used this majority of the time, though. Most of my backups for brushes and fonts are from backups that include 7.0 as a zip. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  My computer wasn’t the most powerful at the time, despite what I pushed it to do, so this is prob why.  But hell yeah! Photoshop represent! lol I still use it today, and its still one of the first things I install on a fresh OS install. Enjoying CC 2017 these days.
Nero Start Smart - I was so excited to make mix CDs and share them! Back in the day before you had stuff like playlists that were sharable on YouTube/Spotify, etc, you had this to share music. Or play in your car. Or CD walkman. Nero was a software you could burn your CD-Rs and make your own laser-etched album art! I begged for years to get a CD burner lmao. Back when casette tapes were still around enough that my parents were like “but why???” lmao. They were not common back in the day like they became over time, just, like, included on your computer. Back then you had to buy one and install it into your computer tower yourself! I got mine I believe.....in 2001? It was the year after the Playstation 2 was released. The first one I got was just a very standard burner. Did a very specific type of CD burning at a low (slow af) speed. It was $700 lmfao. Let that sink in for a minute because my parents didn’t let me forget about it for the next four years lmfao. I saved up birthday and Christmas money and went halves on it. Then I upgraded to the one that this one was! c: Which did the laser etching, and DVD burning! (And you better believe I was burning DVDs of stuff I was downloading online lmfao this was the golden age of the internet where everything was just available everywhere as long as you had the patience to download that shit, because it took forever to download)
Volume Control - My dad and I messed with the wires on all of these random computer speakers and stereo speakers that we had collected over the years and hotwired our own version of a 5.0 surround sound in the room, which was mounted to the ceiling corners and above the computer station. It was lit. I needed Volume Control easily accessible because sometimes the speakers needed redirecting, or I needed to turn the beats down because my mother was tired of my fifth time playing the Gundam Wing OSTs and Miyavi. (It was metal, okay???)
Windows Media Player - I did not use this to listen to media. Let me reiterate that. I did not use it to listen to media on. lol this was specifically used to rip tracks from CDs that friends lent me, because it was the easiest software I was able to use to change the KBPs for quality control and the ID3 tags so I could save it and organize it for use in Winamp and know wtf I was listening to lol. Nobody used WMP for listening to music.... xD 
Winamp - The best music player. Period. Still. Nothing beats it. Pls, pls, Nullsoft! Come back and make a native version for MacOS. :’((((  I would buy it! Doesn’t even have to have new features or look different. Classic look, pls pls! 
Media Player Classic - Do people still use it??? This player was amazing! Paired with k-lite codec pack, it played everything. It was like VLC before VLC. And it looked good. Clean. Small. Could be installed anywhere which was nice. And the codec packs just made everything look and run fantastic! 
Recycle Bin - .... Trash XD 
Magnifier - This was for my dad because he had bad eyes and couldn’t remember CTRL +/-/0 to increase the text on pages that he wanted to read.
My Documents - Where I saved all the stuff I downloaded. Not the real My Docs. Just a folder that I named as such, with a custom icon. I don’t know why I wanted it there lol. I think to just have a uniform square on my desktop haha
Journal - I renamed this. I forget the original name of the client, but it was the official client of LJ. It was basically a program that let you write up posts for Livejournal and you could format things, draft them, etc, and post without uploading to your journal/blog. I liked it because sometimes I couldn’t post right away, and it made making drafts a lot easier for me to go back and edit. It also let you edit past posts, which was really convenient instead of looking for it on the web version one post at a time.
AIM+ - I loved AOL Instant Messenger, but over time the ads became too much. I invested a lot of time in 3rd party clients. I was constantly switching between AIM+, Adium, DeadAIM, Pigeon, Trillion, etc. Depended on what I wanted to do that day. Want to clone a SN? Want to skin the colors of the chats? Need transparency? Want to customize your lists? Want to log into more than one msg system at once? They all had their strengths. This was my msg service of choice. Back in the day you were either on this, MSN, or Yahoo!. Some people rocked ICQ and there were a few others, but these were the most common from who I knew/hung out with. I miss those days. <3 
You can see WinMX running in the taskbar lmfao so I was prob downloading something at the time of snagging this quick shot. I also had DevART open (prob because I was gonna share this on there). I really wish I had more programs open at the time of this! XD It’s wild to look back at some of the software changes over the years!
Anyway, that’s one of my oldest screenshots that I can find that I’m able to share right now. :) I’m going to be posting a remake of that wallpaper that I did later today for those of you that want that, too.
If you read this far, thank you!! Hope you had fun reading about old stuff! 
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changmiii · 7 years
Maybe I’m Just a Kid in Love: Chapter 2
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Summary: When a mysterious, gorgeous stranger named Park Jimin almost runs over Jungkook on a delivery motorcycle, Jungkook is convinced he has met his soulmate. But between his rising social media fame as a singer, and Jimin's budding relationship with a charming baker, Jungkook's path to finding true love is not going to be an easy one. 
Pairing: Jungkook/Jimin
Words: 2,269
AO3 link
Previous Chapter
Jungkook's head bumps against the metal pole on the subway as he stares at his phone, aimlessly scrolling through his twitter feed. His inbox is flooded with questions from fans; he hadn't acknowledged his upcoming album since its announcement and questions keep pouring in, wondering when it will come out, and if he plans to perform live after its release. He quickly snaps a selfie with his hood pulled up over his face and posts it so his followers know he's still alive, at least. As usual, he ignores all of the replies in favor of opening up a game on his phone.
   With the distraction of beating the level and the music blasting through his earbuds, he almost misses his stop. He stands up quickly and pushes his way out through the crowds of people flooding towards the escalator, and opens his messages with Hoseok as he makes his way up towards the street. Hoseok’s only directions are vague, describing a gopchang place on the second floor of a building, overlooking a street filled with food vendors. Jungkook is still relatively new to Seoul, but in his time there he’s probably seen at least five different places that fit Hoseok’s description. Sighing, he hits the call button.
   “Jungkook? Are you almost there?” Jungkook can hear the noise of cars on the street and people chattering. At least they aren’t at the restaurant yet, he thinks.
   “I can’t find the restaurant.”
   “Kookie, haven’t you heard of Google Maps—”
   “Hyung,” Jungkook whines, “can’t you just tell me where it is?”
   “You got off at Gangnam like I told you, right?”
   Oh right, Gangnam. Jungkook looks around for a sign. “Um….it says Nakseongdae?”
   “What the fuck, Jungkook, how did you end up in Nakseongdae.”
   “I did what you said, I took three stops on line 2—“
   “You took three stops the wrong way,” Hoseok says.
   On the other side Jungkook hears a muted voice saying, “He got lost again, didn’t he. That little shit I knew he shouldn’t go anywhere alone.”
   “Yoongi hyung I can hear you,” Jungkook says grumpily.
   “Give me the phone—“ there’s a rustle and Yoongi’s voice grows louder. “Look, Jungkook, you just need to take six stops in the other direction, okay? Get off when it says Gangnam. You can read right?”
   “What do I do once I get there?” Jungkook ignores Yoongi’s insult as he makes his way to the other side.
   “Just walk towards a tall twisty building and turn left--“
   There’s another rustle as the phone is snatched away again. “I’ll text you the directions, kay,” Hoseok says. “We got a reservation because Jin’s friends with the owner so you need to hurry.”
   “Thanks hyung,” Jungkook grumbles. He hangs up and gets on the subway, embarrassed.
   Ten minutes later he is walking through the narrow, winding streets of Gangnam, following Hoseok and Yoongi’s vague directions, the smell of food from nearby vendors making his stomach growl. He passes a Cafe Bene, wondering if it’s different from the one he passed moments ago or if he’s been going in circles. Either way, there are no barbecue places in sight.
   He knows the way these streets are laid out, with restaurants offering the same thing grouped together: bulgogi with bulgogi, kalbi with kalbi, yangnyeom chicken with yangnyeom chicken. He could easily ask someone where the gopchang places are located, but that would involve willingly talking to strangers. Jungkook isn’t antisocial persay, but he kind of hates the idea of approaching someone he doesn’t know.
   He ends up on a much smaller side street. The roads are rough and cobbled, with barely enough room for a car to pass through, and he is thoroughly lost. Jungkook picks up his phone and dials Hoseok.
   “I turned right at the sushi place like you said, but now I’m passing like these apartment buildings—“
   Hoseok sighs loudly. “Next time you aren’t allowed to go anywhere by yourself. Okay, just read me the street sign…”
   As he is talking, Jungkook is stepping aside to let a car pass from behind him. Hoseok’s voice fades into the background as a delivery motorcycle suddenly shoots around the corner towards them at a reckless speed. The driver’s head is turned to look at something behind him and he clearly doesn’t see the car coming towards him. Realizing he’s witnessing an impending collision, Jungkook shouts, “look out!” The driver sees the car at the last minute and swerves, unfortunately straight towards Jungkook, who throws himself out of the way and into a pile of discarded pink trash bags and recycling. A huge stack of cardboard boxes come crashing down on him, completely obscuring his vision.
   He lays there in shock, unable to see anything as the motorcycle comes to a stop. He hears feet hitting the ground and boxes are being pulled off of him. Jungkook is greeted by a pair of black combat boots accompanied by equally black, tight jeans that are ripped at the knee. Their owner drops into a crouch and, unable to think about anything else, Jungkook takes in the furrowed browned concerned dark eyes above a black face mask, backwards Stussy baseball cap pulled over blond hair.
   “Jungkook? Jungkook-“ The tinny voice is coming from his phone which is now lying on the pavement. Without taking his eyes off of the stranger, Jungkook reaches over and hits the call end button. He knows his expression is frozen in the blank, open-mouthed, wide-eyed stare his friends always tease him for, but he can hardly do anything about it. The boy’s jeans are stretching over his thighs in his squat and does he work out because damn.
   “Oh my god, are you okay? Dude, answer me.”
   Jungkook comes back to his senses. “Yeah, yeah, I’m…uh…I’m fine.”  He wonders how long the boy had been trying to talk to him. It’s not like he could tell with that black mask anyways.
   As if on cue the boy pulls the mask below his chin, revealing a gorgeous pair of pink lips. Oh no. Jungkook grabs his phone and tries to stand up, sending pieces of stray cardboard flying. He’s barely gotten to his feet when his head starts to throb and he sways towards the ground, only to feel two hands grabbing his biceps firmly. “Shit shit shit, are you okay?” The boy says, looking even more distressed. “Did you hit your head?”
   Jungkook rubs the back of his head. He didn’t hit it too hard— it will probably bruise later but he doesn’t think it’s a concussion. “J-just a little, yeah, it’s fine. I guess I-I stood up too fast.” It’s definitely not the head injury causing him to act like this. Get a hold of yourself, he thinks. What happened to Jeon Jungkook, singer-songwriter sensation, who makes girls squeal just by posting a selca on Twitter?
   “Man, I’m really sorry, are you hurt anywhere else?”
   Jungkook just wants to see this guy smile; his face is stunning even contorted into a worried frown but he can just imagine the way his eyes would lift up—ok hold up, Jungkook needs to get out of here asap. “Nope, I’m fine.”
   “Good thing there were trash bags to cushion your fall,” the boy says, peeling off a napkin that was stuck to Jungkook’s shoulder.
   Jungkook wrinkles his nose. “Gross,” he says.
   The boy fucking giggles and his smile is even better than Jungkook imagined. This boy is bad news. “Um, anyways, I gotta go…”
   “Where are you headed?”
   “Um.” Jungkook looks at his phone, ignoring Yoongi’s panicked texts to read the address of the place.
   The boy laughs again, but it isn’t mocking or mean-spirited. “I hate to break it to you, but you’re heading in the wrong direction. It’s that way.” He points where Jungkook had just come from.
   He wills himself not to turn any redder. “Oh. Whoops.”
   “New to Seoul?”
   Jungkook nods.
   “Me too, I moved here a year ago. Hey, want a ride? I’m going that way anyways.”
   “No, you really don’t have to—“
   “Seriously,” he says. “Think of it was me paying you back for almost running you over. Anyways, I go there all the time because my friend knows the owner.”
   “Okay, uh, thanks,” Jungkook says hesitantly. The boy climbs onto the bike and motions for Jungkook to follow. He gets on cautiously behind him.
   “Whats your name?” The boy starts the engine.
   “Jeon Jungkook,” he says over the growling noise as they take off. “You?”
   The boy answers but Jungkook can’t hear him over the sound of the engine.
   They shoot through the streets, wheels bouncing over uneven roads. The boy isn’t exactly a reckless driver but he isn’t cautious either, and Jungkook finds himself gripping the boy’s jacket, heart pounding, as they turn sharply. If they crash and he hits his face on something his career is pretty much over, but Jungkook has already decided that it’s probably worth the risk.
   Yoongi hyung would never let him forget this. It’s been ages since he’s had anything close to a crush, after a rough breakup in high school, and it’s not like he’s known this guy for more than a few minutes but…
   “Why did you come to Seoul?” the boy asks, turning over his shoulder to look at him and narrowly missing a lamppost.
   “Finished high school early,” he says, not wanting to divulge the full details of his music career. “I wanted to go to college here, I guess.”
   “How old are you?”
   “Just turned eighteen.” He turns eighteen in three months, but a white lie can’t hurt.
   “Wow, really?” The boy turns again to shoot him a grin. “I thought you were at least my age— I’m twenty-one.”
   Maybe it’s the adrenaline rush boosting his confidence, but Jungkook returns the smile. “It’s okay, I’m still taller than you.” The older boy just scoffs and they ride in comfortable silence until they arrive in front of the restaurant. Jungkook slides off the back of the motorcycle, breathless from the ride, and looks up at Jimin.
   “Thanks for taking me.”
   “No problem,” the boy says. Ask for his number, Jungkook thinks. You can do this.
   “Yah, Jungkookie!” A body bumps into him from behind and he feels hands ruffling his hair. “Jungkookie!” Namjoon says, “you finally made it!”
   “C’mon,” Yoongi says. “We’re all waiting for you to order.”
   “Have a great meal,” the boy on the motorcycle says, pulling up his face mask to cover his smile, and speeding off with one last wave. Jungkook is just able to catch the label for Tofu House food delivery before he rounds the corner out of sight.
   That whole ride went by in such a blur that he finds himself wondering whether it actually happened.
   He follows Namjoon and Yoongi into the restaurant. Hoseok and Jin are at a booth, grill already smoking in front of them. He sits down, grinning sheepishly as they greet him loudly, teasing him for getting lost. Jungkook just ducks his head, mind still stuck on a certain blond-haired boy on a motorcycle.
   “See, I’m a finance major,” Jimin says, trying to keep his voice steady. “And it’s really hard to get time in the dance studio since I’m so busy and I really do my best not to be disruptive—“
   “I’m sorry, Park Jimin-ssi.” His landlord doesn’t sound sorry at all. “I’ve gotten too many complaints in these past few weeks.”
   “But,” Jimin runs a hand through his now-bleached hair. “But, I never play the music out loud, and I try not to do too many of the jumps—“
   “I’m sorry,” he repeats, looking bored. “but the people in the suite below you keep complaining about the stomping, and the people next to you say you and your roommate act inappropriately and constantly bring strangers into your apartment, and I’m afraid you won’t be able to continue living here if you don’t change your behavior.”
   Jimin gapes. He wasn’t oblivious to the looks his next-door neighbors gave him whenever they saw him and Taehyung together, and Tae said they had made more than a few disparaging comments to some of Taehyung’s few hookups that he occasionally brings home, but he didn’t think they would go so far as to complain to the landlord about it.
   “Thank you, that’s all,” he says, giving him a tight-lipped smile and turns to walk down the hall, closing Jimin’s door behind him. Jimin flops down onto the couch and dials Taehyung on speaker, not even bothering to hold his phone up to his ear.
   “Tae,” he says when his roommate picks up. “The landlord just yelled at me again for dancing.”
   “He’s such a jerk.” Jimin can tell Taehyung has food in his mouth.
   “He says he’ll kick us out! Can you believe it?”
   “Fuck him,” Taehyung says. “I mean like, don’t, but seriously, you don’t even play music.”
   “That’s what I told him!”
   “Yeah, don’t listen to him. If they complain again we’ll just say its the pipes or something, kay?”
   Pipes don’t make thumping noises on the floor. “Okay,” he says.
   “Okay, I gotta go bomb my bio-ethics test, see you!”
   Jimin hangs up with a sigh, knowing full well Taehyung plans to ace his test. Most of their friends think Taehyung is a little bit dumb because of the way he talks, but Jimin knows he cried once because he got an A- on an essay.
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