#i relistened to all the kristina lugn episodes last night when i was unable to sleep
svensklangblr · 2 years
i never use this blog for language resources anymore but here are two genuine tips for anyone interested in learning swedish:
allan edwall is a very well loved swedish actor and singer who is maybe most known for acting in a few astrid lindgren films as well as a few ingmar bergman films (among many other projects). he has an extremely calming presence and voice and is something of a father figure to the entire swedish nation. there are audio books available on spotify of him reading winnie the pooh (nalle puh in swedish) and they're very easy to understand and just in every way pleasant and cosy, huge tip!
there is a radio show called allvarligt talat in which swedish authors and poets answer questions from the listeners and the topics are always (like the titel implies) very serious and sincere. it's a nice break from constant irony in every other radio show / podcast. my favorite episodes are the recent ones with liv strömquist who is a comic-artist and podcaster, and the ones from 2006 with the poet kristina lugn. the tempo of these podcasts is always extremely slow and easy to follow. kristina lugn especially always speaks e x t r e m e l y slowly. keep in mind that given that she's a poet she often expresses herself not very literally and if you don't understand something she says in might not make much sense for a swedish person either, at least in the literal sense. these episodes are also available on spotify
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