#i remade my first ohshc OCs into cooler ones with better depth
lesberrian · 1 year
From the Start
1. exploration
the bolded words are in English and non bolded are in Japanese
“You know,” Star, the second new foreign transfer student says. “Our life would’ve been easier if we did this through the exchange program. I hate having to repaint and decorate my room.”
“You were the one who didn’t want me to pay someone to do it for you. Something like ‘But what if they do it wrooong~? I don't wanna have to deal with that!’, right?” Zuri, Star’s best friend,sister, and other transfer student mimics her.
Hand on Star’s hip she sighs. “Hmph. Well, that was then. I spent all weekend painting my room and now I have no energy for decorating.”
Zuri knew what Star wanted to do. Ever since they got to Japan the blonde girl wanted to go explore the rest of Tokyo as they only got to see the Bunkyo area the first day they arrived. Closing the book Zuri was reading, she sighs. She also wanted to explore the city as well.
“Fine. Let me get ready and then we can go.”
Star jumps into the air “Yes! You’re the bestest friend ever! Let me go change I wanna look cute!”
Running upstairs to get dressed, Star’s giggles and chants of shopping slowly die down. Zuri knew that Star would take a while to pick out an outfit and took her time to clean up the living room area before getting ready herself.
After thirty minutes, Star was finally able to leave. Dressed in her favorite sanrio outfit with cinnamoroll on her sweater and as her purse. Her cute light blue and white outfit stood out in comparison to Zuri’s, which was more casual and all black. Whenever the two went somewhere they looked liked they belonged in two different cliques.
“Finally ready?” Zuri looks down at her friend who had just put her favorite red lipstick on. 
Star nods and quickly unlocks the door. “Let’s go!”
Taking the train to Shibuya, Star planned out their day on her phone. Since it was morning still they would go visit the Yoyogi park while stores start to open, maybe go get some lunch, and then start shopping before heading home to eat dinner. Showing the schedule to Zuri, the taller nods nods in agreement and goes back to the game on her phone.
Reaching their station, Star excitedly drags Zuri off of the train rambling about taking photos at certain spots in the park. There wasn’t too many people at Yoyogi park which Zuri was happy about. Star saw a few groups of people her age and what seemed to be a young blonde boy and his babysitter sitting and eating cake.
‘It’s a little early for that but I don’t have to deal with the kid so whatever.’ Star thought, turning her attention to a bridge over the lake. “Let’s go over there.”
Taking cute photos for instagram with Zuri, Star doesn’t notice the little boy she saw eating cake come up to them and tap on her shoulder. 
“Holy shit!” She turns around quickly before realising it was just the little boy. “Im so sorry. Was there something you needed?”
“My cousin Takashi saw that you dropped your keys but was to shy to give them back himself.” He smiles, holding out Stars housekeys in his palm. The girl looks up at Takashi, the boy she assumed was his baby sitter and smiled at him. “It’s because he thinks you’re pretty.” The boy whispers so only she could hear.
Star blushes slightly at what the young boy says and laughs awkwardly. “Oh, well, tell him I’m very thankful.”
The boy nods and runs back to his cousin. Star waves at the taller boy and looks back at her sister and giggles. “I really hope that boy wasn’t just making that up because his cousin is pretty cute.”
“Yeah well I’m sure there will be plenty of cute people for you too giggle about later. Let’s keep going before I decide I dont want to be your photographer anymore.”
Zuri walks away without hesitation, leaving the other girl to stand there shocked before running to catch up. “Hey! You wouldn’t really do that would you? You love me too much and you know it!”
Zuri shrugs and pushes the goddes braids that weren’t in her ponytail off of her shoulder.
Back on the bench the short blond boy named Mitsukuni laughs at his cousin who had a slight blush on his face while watching the blonde girl chase after her friend. “I hope the girls at school won’t be too upset that you found your love at first sight.”
Snapping out of it, Takashi shakes his head. “It’s not love, Mitsukuni,” He stands up and waits for the blond to do the same. “We should go now.”
Almost an hour passes and the girls decide to walk to Takeshita street and start their shopping there after eating lunch at Noa Cafe, a cute cafe near the start of the street. Going to clothing departmnts, toyshops, and anyother shop that drew their attention. Multiple times had Star been stopped and complemented on her outfit. Once a little girl dressed as hello kitty ran up to her excitedly and started talking to her about how much she loves the characters. Thankfully the mother was closeby and was able to get her child.
What the to girls had found out from the mother was that the girl and her were here to go to the pompompurin cafe for the little girls birthday and it wasn’t far from where the street ended. Waving goodbye to the mother and daughter Star wishes she could go aswell.
Seeing the look in Star’s eyes as they reach the end of the street, Zuri smiles and decides to give in. “Hold my bags and we can go.”
Without hesitation Star grabs the bags from her friends hand and they walk to the cafe for what would be their early dinner. “I really wish I wore one of my pompompurin outfits. That would’ve been so cute!”
Sitting down in a booth, they take their time to order what they want. Star chose the butter chicken curry with the custard pudding latte and Zuri chose the souffle omurice with the mango lassi.
While waiting for their order to arrive, Star rambled on about pompompurin and other sanrio characters for what Zuri swore was the thousanth time. Luckly for her when the food arrived Star was busy taking photos of the food to tell her more about a certain episode of hello kitty’s furry tale theater. 
Eating their food the conversation moved onto school. Since it was only the end of March American schools were in it’s last month and testing time. Both girls were able to take all of their tests early so they could move in time to not miss the sa=tart of the japanese school year, which starts in April.
“I really dont understand how you’re ok with those dresses.” Zuri takes a bite from her food, schrunching her nose at the thought of the school’s female uniform.
“I dunno, they aren’t what I would call adorable but they’re cute enough that i can pull it off. Technically they aren’t even required if you read the school’s rule book.” Star shrugs. Not only did Star have the intelligence of her biological mom, but also picked up on Zuri’s mother, Star’s adopetve mom, legal finesse. “But like, as if I wanna deal with that argument ya know? At least they let you get the male uniform, you’re gonna look super cool.”
Once done with dinner they decide to split a dessert before heading home. Star uses Zuri’s shoulder as a pillow while listening to music. Resting her head atop of Star’s, Zuri coulldn’t be more thankful she was her adoptive sister.
Unfortunately in the morning they had to go to Ouran academy for their schedule and campus tour to get the need supplies. Not caring to impress the kids at their school, Star puts on a more casual outfit and lets Zuri sleep in as she makes breakfast and gathers what they’ll need for the day. Since it was slightly cold out Star chose a pair of baggy jeans with a Hello Kitty shirt over a white turtle neck.
When Zuri comes downstairs dressed, The sisters sit at the couch to eat breakfast while watching the news. 
“We need to remember to put Netflix on here,” Zuri turns off the TV once she’s done eating and puts her plate in the sick. “You’re on dishes tonight by the way.”
“Mhm, I’ll do ‘em after dinner,” Star gets up and puts her bowl into the sink, dreading what she’ll have to do later. Out of all chores, dishes was her least favorite. Grabbing her water bottle from the fridge she puts it into her pawprint shaped purse that she bought yesterday. “Alright, time to go deal with richer kids than us.”
“You’ll never believe what I found out about the school, Star.”
Star raises an eyebrow and sarcastically fakes surprise, “They let a poor person in?!”
Zuri laughs and shakes her head, “No. They have this thing called a host club. A bunch of girls go and get flirted with by the guys there.”
Star bites her lip to contain her laughter and leans on the counter. “What kind of fucked up school did you get us into, girl?” Star takes a deep breat and stands up straight and laughs in disbelief. “That is… it is…it certainly is.”
“It’s certainly something alright.”
“Let’s leave it at something.”
Taking the train they have to walk a few minutes from the station to the school but they didn’t mind, it was barely a five minute walk. Reaching the gates Star laughs a bit. “Maybe Japan has similar paint history as America.” Zuri looks at her in confusion so star elaborates as the walk in. “In like a bunch of places in the past, pink and purple were rich people paint colors since they were like, crazy expensive. So super rich people would paint their entire house pink to be like ‘look how much money i have!’ and the same goes with the corn fences we saw in New orleans, it was rich people fences.”
“Huh, surprised they dont have the corn fences then.” Zuri jokes, laughing at the schools over the top design. “At least we only have to see it for a year.”
“I don’t even know if I can handle that.” Star looks distatefully around her. She could she the girls watch them and whisper while the boys laughed to themselves. “But you know what? I am. Going to. Be fun about this.”
“Be fun about this?”
“You know what I mean.”
Getting their schedules tey bothe see that besides from electives, they share the smae classes. Making their way to class 3-A Star does a double take on the two boys she passes and trips over her own feet. Blocking her fall with her arms, Star does still hit her head hard against them. Zuri turns away slightly to laugh before going to help her up.
Before Zuri could help Star up though, Mitsukuni gets to her first. “Excuse me, are you ok?”
Slowly listing her head up Star mumbles, “Yeah, just, bad at walking.”
Zuri helps her sister up and moves Star’s bangs to make sure there was no bumps. “You should be ok just… dont do that again.” Fixing her bangs Zuri looks down at the short boy. “So you two go here too?”
The boy nods excitedly. “Yeah! Im Mitsukuni buy everyone calls me Honey! And this is Taka-chan but you can call him Mori!”
Star takes a deep breath and smiles at the two boys awkwardly. “Uh, thanks for the help but we have to… find our classes. Goodbye.” Quickly turning around she walks off quickly before stumbling. “Now what the hell is wrong with me today? Seriously?!” She mumbles under her breath.
“Your shoelaces are undone.” A deep voice speaks as a hand is gently placed on her shoulder. 
Looking behind her Star realizes it was the Mori, the boy who Honey claimed thought she was cute. “Oh. That… makes sense.” Quickly tying her shoes Star stands up and looks at Zuri only to realize she left without her. “Shit. Um, I really hate to bother you but I cannot do directions to save my life, could you help me find my class? It’s 3-A.”
Honey gasps and grabs her sleeve. “We’re in that class too! Come on Taka-chan lets show… what’s your name?”
Mori lookes down at the schedule she showed him. “Elise.”
“That’s such a pretty name Elise-chan! Can i call you ellie-chan?” Honey looks up at her with puppy eyes.
Scratching the back of her head she laughs nervously. I dont actually go by that name with a lot of people. I prefer my friends call me Star.”
“That’s so cute Star-chan! You’re like a cool heroine that’s secretly a hero!”
“I dont know if I would call myself a hero but I do think Star is fitting for me. My friends say I’m just as bright and noticeable as one.” She giggles walking along with Honey as he leads her to their classroom. 
The entire walk there both Star and Honey were deep into conversation that Mori was the one who had to inform them they were there. Glancing into the room she sees Zuri sitting at a desk playing on her phone.
“Took you long enough.”
“You are so lucky they’re in this class. You woul’ve lost you’re favorite sister otherwise. You know I would’ve gotten lost forever in this school.”
“Sisters?” Honey stares at the girls. He could tell they were close but they looked nothing alike.
“She’s my parents goddaughter and a few years ago they adopted her.” Zuri shrugs. The question became normal to them very quickly. It wasn’t hard to tell that the black girl and white girl weren’t biologically related.
“Did something happen to your parents, Star-chan?” Honey looks up at her with a sad face and she freezes. She felt her stomach drop when she thought about what happened to her mother.
“Mitsukuni, that’s rude to ask.” Mori gently pulls the boy away from her. Looking at Star he watches her expression shift slightly from panic back to her normal expression, as if nothing happened.
“It’s cool. I just dont wanna talk about it since we’ve just met, ya know?” Smiling with her eyes closed Star forces herself to not think about what just happened. Opening her eyes she immediately looks at Zuri, whos asking if she’s ok with her eyes. Giving a small nod Star takes a deep breath and heads to the teacher.
“Excuse me, Sir. Could I talk to you for a moment?”
The teacher looks up from his work with a smile. “Of course. What do you need?”
“My legal name on your roster is Elise but I would prefer if you could put a note that I go by Star instead.”
The teacher, who knew what some of the students could be like when they dont get their way doesnt hesitate to make the change. He didn’t want a students parents to make him loose his job after all. “All fixed, Ms.Bell. Anything else?”
Star shakes her head. “That’s it. Have a good day!”
Walking back to Zuri she sees that Honey and Mori are still there talking to her sister. Or Honey was talking and Zuri was mindlessly nodding along to what he was saying. 
“Zuri,” Star stares at her sister, “Did I take my meds this moring?”
“Cool. Im in pain lets hurry this up.”
The two boys watch as the girls leave the classroom. Both could see the slight limp in Stars walk but mori looked at Honey as a warning to not mention it. Not long after Zuri and Star left did they decide to call for their driver and head home aswell.
“I think I’m gonna spend the rest of the day in bed, besides from just my leg I’m not feeling too well.”
Zuri looks down at Star, whos using her shoulder to help walk. “Have you been forgetting to take your meds?”
“No? At least I dont think so? I don’t know honestly.”
“I’ll look into it for you and call dad later tonight.”
“...Thanks, Zuri. You truly are the best.
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