#i remember back when i was trying to translate xc because it was only in polish a language i didn't know
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i sit here seeking any distraction i can find because none catch my eye longer than a few minutes
wanna know a secret that upon saying i will be beholden to?
back in 2016 i was writing a dating game for XS
in the last week, my urge to distract found me picking that back up and im writing the game again
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 30 Review.
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I know, this doesn’t look good. RUN, ROCKMAN!
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Don’t mess with Mama Zap!
We open the episode with some drunk bum walking around a city under the rain, who is then revealed to be Count Elec. This was cut out from the american dub, so the episode begins with him entering a mansion that seems to belong to him, still looking like a bum.
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Count Elec is depressed because he basically lost his job at the World Three after Pharohman blew up their lair, and Wily is MIA.
The Count goes up some stairs where he is startled by a an old woman, after falling down the stairs the Count recognizes her as his mother.
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Motherly love.
After the title card, we see Netto in a hurry to get somewhere, with Rockman running inside his PET.
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Which is really adorable.
Turns out Netto is late to take a bus, and said bus leaves passing next to him. Rockman tells him that was their bus and Netto runs after it.
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Rockman reminds Netto that even when traveling overseas he still sleeps in late. Netto says that his alarm clock didnt go off, but after saying this, the alarm activates which is a recording of his mom telling him to wake up.
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Makes sense, since she doesn’t care enough to wake her own son up to go to school, he has to use a recording. “It’s the only thing that makes me feel like my mother loves me.”
The people in the bus laugh at Netto after this, and we cut to the Count looking at a grave stone in front of some ruins until his mother calls him back inside to eat some muffins she baked.
It looks like she knows everything about the World Three and how Rockman ruined their plans many times, because she tells him that Rockman’s operator is in Kingland just like them and that it’s his chance to get revenge.
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Yeah... The Count’s mother also likes to play with electricity and zaps the muffin out of his hands. She proceeds to insult him saying that he is nothing like his older brother.
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His brother plays a part in the game as well, but since he is not important right now, I’m not gonna talk about him yet.
We get to understand the Count’s issues, about how he was always compared to his brother and it was one of the reasons why he left home.
After seeing mama Elec zapping everything in the room, she finally hits the count who falls to the ground where she tells him that she has a plan to help him get revenge on Rockman’s operator.
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Because a mother will always support you even in getting revenge on some Navi who foild your evil plans.
Back to Netto in the bus, he is reading a tour guide about a mysterious creature living in a lake, making me wonder if Kingland is suppoused to be Scotland, but I think it actually represents the United Kingdom as a whole.
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Rockman, why are you so adorable today?
The weather outside suddenly turns dark and the bus begins to lose control.
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Netto plugs into the bus computer and Rockman finds that it has been taken over by viruses. No idea how they got there, unless the bus is conected to the internet like everything else in this world, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
Rockman begins to delete viruses, but its now time for the obligatory “Hinouken not being where Netto is” gag.
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Hey, India is famous for many other things.
We return from commercials with a shot of the bus under the rain. The driver tells Netto that the engine isn’t working for some reason and decides to leave the bus to find help. And I think it’s funny how there is a plush doll of Rush and a guy who looks like a member of KIZZ in the bus.
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The driver leaves the bus, and soon after Netto sees Count Elec’s mansion. He decides to go to the mansion to look for a phone, the doors are open so he just lets himself in.
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So basically Netto conects Rockman to disable the alarm system in the mansion. I feel there is something wrong with this, I mean, what would stop a burglar from breaking in and sending a Navi to stop the security?
As Netto looks for a phone he comes across some fallen over pictures, he tries to see them but an old woman stops him.
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A very ugly old woman, is he pretending to be his own mom or something?
Netto asks for a phone and the Count points at an antique phone, where Mama Elec sees Netto for the first time.
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Well, you don’t usually go around saying that you want to get revenge on a grade schooler for beating you in a video game.
The Count leaves Netto who wasn’t able to call anyone on the phone. Netto enters a ballroom where he remembers about Rockman, his PET shows static and the ballroom suddenly locks him in with a Net battle machine displaying Rockman trapped inside a dome.
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Oh no, Rockman has been cutted in half! Oh, wait, its just a layering mistake.
The Count reveals himself before Netto, telling him that he will finally get his revenge on Rockman. 
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Netto is surprised to see the Count in Kingland, but he accepts his challenge and plugs in after Count Elec sends in Elecman.
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“This is the Elec Dome. Two Navis go in, one Navi comes out”
They start the battle, Elecman avoids Rockman’s buster shots and suddenly decides to use a judo move on him. Throwing Rockman against the wall activates an electric device above Netto that shocks him.
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So everytime Rockman receives damage, Netto gets electricuted.
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Is this a thing in Japan? Because this also happened in an episode of Pokemon.
Rockman reminds Netto about the strategy they used against Skullman, something the subs messed up.
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This is what happens when people who don’t know anything about the show do the translation! Xc
Netto remembers and sends the Mini Bombs to Rockman who covers the whole area with smoke. Just like with Skullman, they trick Elecman into facing the Mini Bombs that explode in his face, shocking Count Elec.
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Mama Elec doesnt like this however and we see her on the roof playing an electric guitar.
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Like mother, like son, I guess.
This somehow sends powerful electrical shocks at both the Count and Netto who is rendered unconscious.
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Netto getting knocked out distracts Rockman allowing Elecman to attack him.
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Elecman is about to finish him with an Elec Sword, but just by pure luck, Netto’s mom alarm goes off inside his backpack waking him up and he inmediately sends a chip to Rockman who rolls out of the way and wins in the knick of a second
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Elecman logs out, the Count’s mom yells and burns him to a crisp, and Netto turns off his alarm thanking his mom for actually doing something useful for once.
The storm dissapears and Netto returns to the bus ( that didn’t leave him for some reason) where he asks the driver about the engine. The driver says that the bus started working again as soon as the storm cleared out.
After this, we return to the Count who wakes up in the ruins from before and reveals a chilling fact.
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The Count believes that everything that happend so far was a dream. Madoi appears and tells the Count that Mahajarama is calling everyone together and asks him if he is going, after remembering some words his mama told him a long time ago, he accepts.
We then see Netto at lake Chantra where Rockman asks him if there was somebody else at the mansion because he heard a woman’s voice cheering for the Count. And to make things even weirder, the episode ends with a close up of the Lock Ness monster swimming in front of Netto who doesn’t notice it.
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So what do I think?
This was an interesting episode, we learn more about Count Elec’s background. He comes from a wealty family in Kingland and left because he was tired of being compared to his older brother. As I said before, the Count’s brother is also a character in the game, but he will be introduced later in a future episode.
From a psychological point of view, this episode could’ve been about the Count having a hallucination or a very vivid dream caused by the alchohol and his depression, the World Three being destroyed made him lose his motivation and decides to return to his home in Kingland where times were much easier for him. His mother appearing represents his desire to find himself again and admitting that he wants revenge on Rockman for foiling his plans over and over. 
However, that wasn’t the case since Netto and Rockman saw the mansion too, and Rockman even heard Mama Elec’s voice during his battle with Elecman. This can only mean one thing, that ghosts exist in the anime’s universe too! Poor Rockman, his fear of ghosts makes sense now.
Yes, we’ve seen ghost appear sometimes in the game, so I guess this was a reference to those moments. In hindsight, it made sence. When she first appear, the Count was scared to death because he knew his mama was dead, and the scene with the Count trying to eat a muffin but his mom stopped him from eating it, hinted that the muffin wasn’t really there. When Netto was using the phone, he didn’t hear the Count’s mother talking to him from the staircase, and she even dissapeared when he looked back. The ruins were the remains of the mansion and the grave stone was his mother’s.
It makes sense that the Count believes it was all a dream, but what about Elecman? He was there during the battle, wouldn’t he confirm to the Count that it was all real? Looks like we will never know.
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