#i rewatched the phantom menace yesterday and I’m wheezing
touchmycoat · 1 year
Star Wars AU where Shen Jiu is the transmigrator.
Star Wars? Oh you know, the super famous movie series where Master Cultivator Shen Qingqiu fights in the Clone Wars, and on the eve of victory against Separatist forces, is betrayed and nearly killed by the Supreme Chancellor (…Xin Mo?). His old padawan Luo Binghe turns to the dark side, kills his own secret lover Senator Yue Qingyuan of Qiong Ding, and becomes the Emperor’s greatest weapon to galactic domination.
SJ’s always thought SQQ was too much of a soft-hearted idiot. Come on, trusting the clones of infamous bounty hunter Liu Qingge? Letting LBH & YQY’s love affair just go on with no discussion or oversight?? LETTING THE CHANCELLOR HAVE FREE ACCESS TO THE CHOSEN ONE?? As fucking if. This could have all been avoided.
Cue modern!SJ in SQQ’s body, haunted by SY’s force ghost that only he can see (for now), fixing the Star Wars plot by unintentionally wifing everybody.
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