#i saw a pic of zura looking stylish and found this.
babygray-dam · 1 year
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Character designs from 2018's Saga Prefecture x Gintama collaboration "Sagaharu Project" for Saga's Sagaprise campaign.
Sleazy producer Sakata-P promotes his dog as Saga's newest mascot. Sadaharu is wearing a mudskipper hat and a strawberry collar, sits in an Akita ware bowl, and is eating a riceball made with rice and seaweed produced in Saga. The name tag reads "Sagaharu".
There were Gintama-themed food, hot spring promos, a recording featuring Gintoki, another of Hijikata and Okita (promoting local mayonnaise and seaweed), and special regional goods. There was even a statue in front of Saga Station.
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Katsura, in Yayoi period dress, was of course on standby at Yoshinogari Historical Park, ready to help with the PR campaign. Will Elizabeth get a statue, too?
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