#i saw people discussing (at some point in the past. dk names or dates) that cottage core is a modern age wish to be a colonist. to find some
ierogenvy · 5 months
it could be argued that the current trend of leaning into traditional female gender roles - women claiming to not want to work, to be anti feminist, to wanting to be housewives, and even the concepts of girl math and girl dinner - is derivative of the 2015 trend of cottage core. in this essay i will -
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kreacts · 7 years
Seventeen Reaction to their idol gf and her group being in ISAC with them.
Hi there anon, thank you for your request! It’s quite hard to think of 13 reactions to the same thing all at one go, so as our rules say (here) groups like Seventeen need to be requested in sub-unit. It took a while to write this one, but next time please request by sub-unit to make it easier for us and improve the quality of the reactions overall, thank you!!!!
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S.Coups would be very good at staying quite chill given the circumstances. When he saw you and your group waiting around for your next competition he would drag some of the other guys with him, probably Hoshi and Seungkwan since they are so happy and talkative, and he’d greet you all happily. Whilst the other two boys were entertaining your group he would talk to you, complimenting your performances so far. He couldn’t be TOO friendly since you were on different teams, and he’d make sure it looked like you were all just chatting as a big group the whole time, but he’d just be focusing on you. “I’ll see you for dinner later,” He’d wink and blow a kiss behind you, pretending it was for the fans when you knew it was just for you.
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Jeonghan would be lay on the floor after his race, feeling exhausted. When you and your group came over he would wave at you, calling you to come and sit next to him. He would chat with you and your band members as they sat around him, he actually spoke to them quite a lot since you were dating and he got along with them well. “Thanks for giving us a chance to chat today, guys. We haven’t been able to see much of each other with practicing,” Jeonghan would sigh and pout as he looked at you, several of your band members rolling their eyes at his soppiness. Jeonghan would reach out as if to hold your hand, forgetting all the cameras for a moment, and you’d laugh awkwardly, swatting at his hand. Jeonghan would catch on quickly and would laugh along, playfully high-fiving your other members too, to try and look less suspicious.
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Joshua would just find a way to approach you, even with the two of you stood alone no one would suspect a thing because Joshua would be polite and he’d keep his distance. He wouldn’t want to chat about your relationship, but he’d discuss the games and the performances of everyone else. The two of you would point around at all the different people, discussing the wins people had got to this point and laughing when they saw people falling over and waving to the fans. The two of you would play some innocent games, like I-spy, or rock-paper-scissors for the entertainment of the fans. “Good luck for your race later, Y/n,” Joshua would smile gently at you, bow politely, then walk off to join the other members.
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Jun would be tucking into a snack when you came over and found him at the snack table, mouth full of apple. “Oh, hey!” Jun would wave to you enthusiastically, chomping away at his food as you picked up a cup of juice, draining it quickly. Jun would be too tired to chat loads with you, but that wouldn’t stop him eyeing you up and smirking. “Your butt looks really good in those shorts,” With an exasperated tut you would shake your head and walk away from him, he knew that anyone could be around listening to you, and he should really be more subtle about things. Jun would watch as you joined your group, still eating his apple. When someone screamed your ship name he would turn and give the crowd a thumbs up.
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(look at his smile, excuse me whilst I go cry)
Hoshi would be stood to the side of one of your events with several others, watching how you went. When you stepped up for your turn Hoshi would cheer super loudly along with everyone else, waving a flag happily and cheering your name. “You can do it, Y/n!!” You’d grin, hearing him easily over everything else. Hoshi had such an easy going personality, it wasn’t really suspicious for him to be encouraging of you since everyone knew he was your friend. When you won your competition, Hoshi would lead the fans in chanting your full name, jumping up and down and doing a little dance like a cheerleader. When you turned to thank the fans with a wave you’d make sure to wave directly at Hoshi a few times, making the fans cheer as Hoshi bowed to you. You’d walk off laughing, arm linked with one of your band mates, never really speaking to Hoshi but both of you appearing to cheer each other on.
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Wonwoo didn’t know how to just be around you and not stare at you, you usually ended up in some deep conversation with each other so he was wary about approaching you with so many people watching. So Wonwoo might not really talk to you for a while, he’d just watch your activities whenever he could and try and keep tabs of how you and your band were doing in your competitions. During a break when several bands were sat together, lounging around on each other and chatting, you’d find yourself and your group sat kind of close to Wonwoo and you two would smile subtly at each other. Every time you did, Wonwoo would blush slightly and look away and you’d have to turn your attention quickly to keep from grinning obviously at him.
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Woozi was just talking to someone, giving a mini-interview of sorts about his upcoming event, when you are your group would walk past. Woozi would have the smallest smile on his face but he’d keep pretty calm, answering the questions easily. When the camera turned away and Woozi had a moment to breathe his face would break out into a huge smile and he’d ruffle his hair, turning to look at where you and the rest of your group had walked off to. He wanted to go and talk to you, but he wasn’t sure if people would pick up on his affection for you so he’d have to keep his distance for the rest of the day.
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DK would spend ages figuring out how to interact with you without being too couply, because the boy loved to hug you so much. So DK would start a little dance party with some of the younger members of the band, slowly bringing in other people who were watching and waiting for their activity. When one of your band members appeared DK would bounce over and guide the rest of your group into the dance mob. Once in the centre, DK would grab your hand and twirl you around, dancing his heart out. He’d talk to you later, so he didn’t mind not speaking to you during the day, but it was fun showing off some routines you two had practised. As the last song played DK would step towards you, grinning. “Be prepared to lose, Y/n,” He’d say, booping you quickly on the nose before turning and dancing away, patting people on the top of their head and spinning them around as he went.
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Mingyu would just love to push your limits. He knew he had to act on the down-low that day, but he couldn’t help it. Every time he saw you running around, cheering, having a good time, the boy would just appear. He’d pretend to be talking to someone else, or like he was giving you a bottle of water, or some instructions or something. But really, he’d just be making some flirty comments. “I never knew you were so flexible,” “You look so good in leggings,” “Can you wear this to bed tonight?” And the boy would just walk away, smirking as he rejoined the other boys, leaving you a little flustered and also wanting to make some comments back. The other boys would definitely tell him off for eyeing you up so much, it was just so obvious something was going on between the two of you, but Mingyu would just shrug it off. “I can’t help it Y/n looks so damn good today.”
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The8 would be pretty good at being lowkey about being in ISAC together. You were allowed to interact since you were on the same team, but he wouldn’t want to spend too much time cooped up with you since it’d make your relationship obvious- and of course you both had sports to compete in! He would wave at you whenever he spotted you across the room and give you thumbs up of encouragement but then if you were next to him he would just smile as if the two of you were only acquaintances. If asked about you, he would smile and say he thought you were doing brilliantly in the competition, and he was glad you were on the same team with him.
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“You’re going doowwwwwnnnn,” Seungkwan didn’t know how to cover up his relationship with you in any way other than acting like a complete weirdo. The moment you appeared, ready to watch a race of one of the other bands in your group, Seungkwan would turn to you and start shaking his head. “You know Dino’s gonna win this, right? You got no chance!” The two of you would end up competing at cheering louder for your team mate, you’d be playfully shoving each other and placing your hands over each others mouths. Later, S.Coups would ask Seungkwan if he could keep down the playful affection between the two of you, but Seungkwan would just scoff. “We were at each-other’s throats. No one’s going to think we’re dating.” If you won an event and beat one of Seungkwan’s teammates, he would just applaud really slowly, giving the camera his signature unimpressed look.
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Vernon would totally forget where he was, the moment he spotted you close by with your group he would wave enthusiastically. As you waved back you would desperately gesture to the others in your group to wave alongside you so it didn’t look too weird. Your wide eyes would make Vernon remember where you were and he’d have to spend the rest of his spare time going around waving at everyone and greeting them. Eventually he reached your group and he would stand a few feet away from you, apologising quietly whilst still smiling and waving at people who passed by. To any onlookers, he was just being super friendly that day. Vernon would look at you for a brief moment, his expression saying “damn, I fucked up, my bad,” but a camera appeared so you laughed and pulled a silly face back at him, making it look like the two of you were just being weirdos.
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Dino would probably be kind of awkward. He’d grin whenever he saw you, he just couldn’t contain his reaction to seeing you at all. But then he’d realise where he was and he’d suddenly become as stiff as a board, unable to keep smiling and he’d just slowly turn away and cling onto one of the other members. If you came to talk to him at any point he would keep muttering things like “don’t stand too close” “don’t smile at me so much” and you’d end up laughing so hard that Dino would just have to walk away, blushing. Dino would avoid you like the plague, to the point where you might try and approach him but he’d run away, so you’d end up just sprinting after him, jumping over objects as you tried to catch him.
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