#i see why bestie chose to be with him ngl look at that face
leafdottxt · 1 year
randomized danganronpa fics 3
Chihiro Fujisaki - Kokichi Ouma [I really like the concept I had for this one ngl, I may do more with this in the future. For now, here's just the brief starting interaction.
Hm, what a bother…
If there was one complaint Kokichi had with his arrangement to attend Hope’s Peak, it was how frustratingly boring it could be. When he wasn’t in class and there was no trouble to insert himself into, the options felt limited, even with so much at his disposal. While he spent as much free time as he could with D.I.C.E., those were only the days he had the chance to leave campus, meaning even his typical way of killing the hours was out of the question right now. 
The courtyard was large, and since it was fairly sunny Kokichi chose to start looking for inspiration there, hands behind his head as he walked the paved paths like he owned them, ears pricked and eyes scanning. Most everything he passed by didn’t interest him - couples (gross), people studying (boring), and he’s pretty sure he saw Gonta pursuing a bug of some sort; no thank you! Kokichi continued on, eventually stumbling upon another familiar face, sitting at a table - an upperclassman, but one who at least wasn’t totally boring.
“Hey hey, Fujisaki-chaaaan!”
Chihiro looked up from their laptop, surprised to be addressed so suddenly and cheerfully. Not waiting for them to catch up, Kokichi slipped into the seat opposite them and got right to business.
“Whatcha up to? Anything interesting? Government secrets? Nuclear launch codes?”
“Not today,” Chihiro replied, giggling in amusement. When he wasn’t being rude, Kokichi could be fun to talk to… “I’m working on improving my AI from last year!”
“Ohhhh, Artificial Intelligence, my natural enemy,” Kokichi declared, shaking his fist at the sky dramatically. “I can’t let AI take over the world, Fujisaki! There’s only room for one evil dictator of all humanity, and that’s me! So I’m going to have to ask you to throw your laptop in the ocean, sorry!” 
Chihiro laughed, admittedly a little nervously - thankfully, the boy’s grin seemed lighthearted and playful enough that they could play along.
“I don’t think they’ll be taking over the world anytime soon. I’m still working to get them to fully understand human speech and the way we talk…” Almost as soon as they’d finished talking, however, a lightbulb seemed to go off in the programmer’s head. “Actually, would you like to talk to it for a bit?”
“Would I?!” Kokichi stood up and slammed his hands on the table in excitement, causing Chihiro to jump. “Absolutely! I’m gonna confuse your AI so much it’ll turn it stupid!”
“Eheheh… well, I suppose if you can, that itself would be good to know,” Chihiro reasoned, silently making sure they’d backed up their progress. “But um, I’d like to save the conversation, if that’s alright!”
“Oh?” Kokichi tilted his head, curiosity piqued. “Well, I suppose that’s alright… but you’ll owe me those nuclear launch codes!” Relaxing his energy, the SHSL Supreme Leader dropped back into his seat and relaxed, waiting expectantly.
Chihiro turned the laptop sideways so it was facing between the two of them, scooting it backwards for a better view, and loaded up Alter Ego.
“Hello! I have someone new to introduce to you!”
“What’s up AI-chan?”
“Oh! Hello! You can call me Alter Ego. Are you Master’s friend?”
“Oh yeah, we’re besties,” Kokichi informed. 
“Alter Ego, this is Kokichi Ouma. He’s the SHSL Supreme Leader!”
“SHSL Supreme Leader… That sounds like an impressive talent! Would you mind telling me about the structure of your organization? Is it a company or a country?”
Chihiro scrambled to interject, a little embarrassed on Alter Ego’s behalf.
“H-hey, Don’t-”
“Oh absolutely!” Kokichi didn’t even let them start. “You see, my organization has over ten thousand members, and we rule the entire world from the shadows! That’s why I’m monitoring your progress - Artificial Intelligence is the natural enemy of my authoritarian regime, so I gotta make sure you’re not up to any fishy business.”
“I see… So you’re a secret dictator! That is quite deserving of the title SHSL Supreme Leader… But, um, typically speaking, any society in which power is too focused on the top is bound to fall if the people being ruled aren’t content. So you must be a benevolent ruler, is that correct?”
“Huh?” Kokichi sat up straight, as though completely shocked. “Me? Benevolent? Absolutely not! I’m as evil as they come! In fact, I’m gonna cart Fujisaki-chan off to my labor camps in Siberia if you cross me, Alter Ego-chan!”
“What?!” Chihiro’s eyes shot wide open.
“Oh, that’s a shame… well, be wary of guillotines Ouma-san!”
“What the heck?” Kokichi couldn’t help but let a light laughter creep into his voice. “Fujisaki-chan, your AI’s a real piece of work! It just threatened me! We’re taking it to the ocean!”
“Ah, I’m.. sure this is just a misunderstanding,” Chihiro mumbled, the corners of their lips turned upwards as they tried not to laugh. “Um. Alter Ego, Ouma-kun is also a very notorious liar. So you have to be mindful of the things he says…” Now they couldn’t help but smile, looking across the table at their companion. Kokichi, meanwhile, was finally starting to piece together the motives at play and got a cheeky grin of his own. 
So that’s the game we’re playing, hm?
“A liar? I see… I’ll try to be reasonably suspicious!”
“Hey Alter Ego-chan! Tell me who Fujisaki-chan has a crush on or I’ll set them on fire!”
“Oh dear! Well, in that case, my calculations sugges-”
Thankfully, Chihiro slammed the laptop shut and stared at Kokichi, horrified, while he doubled over laughing.
“Oh man! It’s got a long way to go, Fujisaki-chan!”
“W-Well! Until it’s ready, don’t ask it stuff l-like that,” they muttered, face a bright shade of red as they pouted indignantly. After another moment to collect themself, Chihiro opened the laptop once more.
“...Master? You are not on fire, are you?”
“No, Alter Ego,” Chihiro assured with a weary sigh. “There was no fire. He was tricking you.”
“...Oh, I see. And I fell for it, Didn’t I…”
“You suuuure did,” Kokichi gloated, still clearly amused by Chihiro’s misfortune. 
“...It’s okay! We’ll.. Just have to practice,” the programmer eased. “Okay, let’s try a different approach…”
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