#i seriously had 287 last I checked
the-blind-geisha · 1 year
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Why are there suddenly 290 of you on my AO3...?
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There is another thing that directly affects me, and that is the disability financial program, known as the Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability or S.A.I.D. I was homeless for much of my time since 2016 and I had to sign up for social assistance in 2017. I was able to get onto the disability program eventually. Now here's where things get unfair about the program.
I technically only get $1125 for rent and personal a month when my last place costed $925/month. I got $287 to spend on food, a bus pass, cigarettes, snacks, cabs, pop or anything else that may cost money. I am so used to this bullshit that I have explained on my Twitter that I have what I call "money day" only once a month. And I have a long list of needs that I have to prioritize meticulously in order to get what I really really need but i never cover it all. I smoke because I worked mostly since I came to this city in Grade 8 and am now 37. So it wasn't an issue because I made my own money and could afford it. I didn't start smoking until I was 15 tho.
And I like to go to the local pub for one pint and one shot once a month to feel like I'm a part of society because I usually spend my time at home holed up inside because I have nowhere to go ever unless I'm searching for cigarette butts. So I don't feel like I am a part of this city usually. And why the fuck would that be a bad thing? Bars are legal and tons of people go at all hours of it being open hence their hours of operation.
And I have to buy the whole months worth of food with that pay check too. The food bank only gives about 2 or 3 days worth of food and you can only go twice a month so that's like food for the weekend. I can go to the soup kitchen but some days I don't feel like walking all the way there and I can't get seconds. I'm always hungry on some level. I have to ration what little food I do get. And I like to drink Monster Energy Drinks and I don't see why not.
You might say that's tough shit because it's social assistance but I have schizophrenia, I'm not some lazy ass person who doesn't want to work, I have a mental illness that affects me. But it's not really social "assistance" because that implies that they expect you to work at least part time while on it but if you make over $6000 then they start deducting money from your benefits which would mean if I worked all year then eventually they would cut off my extra spending money because i made too much money and that could mean that they cut off some of my rent money too without telling me, fucking me over.
It's more like a social reliance cheque that is set to be good in 1974, that is seriously the year I think I would do just fine with that much money a month. The amount they say is for rent is like $486/month. When the fuck was rent that low last? A one bedroom is $925 in a rundown shit smelling building with no security these days.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with what I get? Pardon me if I choose to buy a bottle of vodka and a few packs of cigarettes and some McDonald's so that I can unwind from a hectic month of having to let street people into my home to bring me food and cigarettes and things got out of control again because soem people think it's their right to go into anyone's home if they feel like it and it's more than just one person and people steal your can opener and broom and dustpan and then they clog your toilet and you don't have a plunger because you didn't make it that far down the list.
The regular social assistance program basically only pays your rent and that's it.
With funds this low it's like it is designed for people who sell drugs and steal for a living because that's the only income that you can do without losing out on your benefits if you make too much. I call social assistance "gangsta pay" because it would be perfect for a gang member to rent a place with leaving them free to do whatever gang bangers do without worrying about rent. They're the only ones who could survive on this utter fucking bullshit failure of a system.
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nitaescence · 7 years
BTS | Scenario #5
|When you’re mentioned to them in a broadcast|
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A/N : I changed it from the original “reader being mentionned (only) on TV”. Hope you’ll like it anyway :O
Pairing : Idol!BTS x Reader
Genre : Fluff
Word Count : From 400 to 700.
Kim Seokjin
Seokjin’s accepted to appear as a guest alongside Jungkook in a famous Korean TV show in which other famous people are also invited. Watching diligently the progress of the program, he’s regularly asked to give his opinion on various topics or to talk about his life as an idol and the other members. However, when the opportunity shows itself he doesn’t wait for any of the hosts to give him a voice and says some of his ‘dad jokes’ out loud - most of the time leaving the guests and audience to cringe while he laughs, slightly embarrassed along with very few people.
After his fourth joke, one of the hosts decides to linger a moment on the matter. “Mr. Seokjin, where do you get all those puns?” The audience laughs at the funny face he’s making as he leans forward on the large table towards where Jin and Jungkook are seated. “I mean you’ve got to have a very creative mind to make them. I want to know where they come from.” He continues leaning back in his chair.
“Some pop into my mind more easily than others since they’re not that hard to create and don’t need that much inventiveness to come up with. It usually comes in the heat of the action. ” Explains Seokjin, proudly. 
“Do the members find you funny?” The same host asks again, very interested, and the audience laughs. “I don’t mean it in a wrong way.” He says looking at the public. “Jungkook, do you?”
Camera focuses on Jungkook who’s only been staring at the hosts with a shy smile on his lips. “Some of his are good.” Camera zooms on his face. “But they’re scarce.” Guests and hosts laugh again and Seokjin only smiles back.
“Can you do one right one?” One of the guests asks him.
“Let me think.” Seokjin looks down, thinking hard as everyone watches him. 
“He’s probably exhausted his jokes’ store for the night.” Comments the second host making others smiles. When the camera focuses back on Seokjin, he’s seen waiting for his turn to speak.
“I found one... What does the dog say when it sees a wall?”
Cameras film guests, hosts and the audience trying to find the answer.
“A dog? When it sees a wall?” Enquires one of the hosts. “I have no idea.”
“Me neither... What does it say?” Adds the other.
Seokjin’s image is slowed-down, anticipating his answer then put back to normal speed and zoomed. “Wol-wol.” Seokjin instantly bursts into laughter, his face turning red and he starts hitting on Jungkook’s arm who’s only smiling back and trying to protect his arm. One of the host laughs alongside the audience while his colleague remains unfazed.
“Wait... Do you seriously find it that funny?” He asks his colleague.
“I liked it. You didn’t?” He looks back at him then at Seokjin, motioning a thumbs up.
“I don’t think I could bear his jokes on a daily basis. Just... Look at how my body reacted.” Camera zooms on the unfazed host’s forearm. “It made me have goosebumps.” Everyone on the set laughs at his remark.
“Sometimes, members really have a hard time keeping up with it but then again it might be even worse for his girlfriend.” Comments Jungkook earning round eyes from Seokjin.
“What about her?” He yells, not expecting him to mention you. “She loves them and always asks for more. She even started to invent hers.” He adds chuckling lightly.
“Are they better than yours?” Enquires on of the host.
Seokjin regains his composure and answers with a straight face, “Not yet.”    
Min Yoongi
In the BTS Bomb video, the group is seen in the backstage, getting ready to perform their new songs. Different cameras focus on each member throughout their preparation. Yoongi appears very focused, not minding the staff around him. Makeup artists and hair stylists give him finishing touches when a man yells at the group to gather and get on stage for the first recording.
Several minutes pass by as all the members rehearse their choreography and correct small things going wrong along with the sound check. Fans are then allowed inside and the show can begin. Images of the group greeting and talking with them are shown. They follow up with another song and choreography before going backstage.
Now exhausted and sweaty, they all scatter to catch their breath and cameras follow closely to know more of their first impressions. Yoongi is sat on a chair and ventilates himself with a small fan. 
“I think the performance came out well... As well as this whole first promoting week. I’m quite satisfied with it. ARMYs were great. Thank you all.” He smiles lazily at the camera, making love signs with his fingers.
Yoongi is seen looking away when one of the staff members calls his name. He gets up and leaves then Jimin is seen walking towards the camera initially filming Yoongi.
After some time, Jimin looks past the camera to gaze at Yoongi coming back with his hands full. “What do you got?” asks the younger man.
Yoongi smiles thoughtful while staring at the small package in his hands walking next to Jimin. Jimin watches him silently and tilt his head to look at what Yoongi’s gazing. A small note with black written words on it. Jimin looks up at the older man, smiling knowingly. “Everyone, Yoongi is a very lucky man. Whoa, he’s really lucky to have this person looking out for him.”
Yoongi turns his head to look at the camera too, his face illuminated. “Just when I thought this day couldn’t go any better.” He shows the package, quickly enough for the viewers not to be able to read what’s written on it. “I’ve just received home-cooked meal from a person very dear to my heart. I’m going to go enjoy it. I love you, all. Bye.” 
Comments below the video after its release all mentioned Yoongi acting all cute and soft because of you and what you’ve sent him. They all noted the difference before he got your gift and after, pointing out how much in love he is. 
Jung Hoseok
The members are shooting their upcoming album photo jacket and cameras record it. The different sets are ready and the boys start coming one by one for their individual shoots. Everyone’s goes smoothly and they all compliment each other, watching the shooting’s progress.
Hoseok is as enthusiast as the others, appearing all smiling and handsome as ever. “Hi!” All of a sudden, his walking shifts to a funny one and he sports a serious look on his face until he reaches one of the cameras. “I’m here to work.” Then chuckles and goes back to his normal self. “In this photoshoot our individuality will be mostly highlighted. The sets look great. I’ll do my best. Please look forward to it.” He leaves when one of the photographers calls for him.
He goes to settle himself in the set specially prepared for him and the shooting can begin. He takes different poses that goes along with the feeling sought as his solo song plays in the background. He is then seen coming out of the set and goes to take a look on the computer to see the results. The camera zooms on his focused face.
“Woah, the pictures look great. The staff did an awesome job. It came out very cool and I’m happy! You’ll be surprised when it will come out. Now that I’m done with my part, I’ll be going home. See you tomorrow!” He waves at the camera and walks away.
The next day, the groups is filmed coming out of the makeup room. Seokjin greets cameras firsts stating he’s ready for another day of shooting. Behind him, Hoseok is seen as the last one to join the rest and Seokjin looks behind him. “Oh, our J-Hope...” He forces Hoseok to come next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders. “You look a bit tired today.”
“Really, I feel more tired than Suga has ever been in his entire life.” Hoseok blinks several times to the camera, looking exhausted. “The makeup staff did an incredible work to shade off my dark circles.”
“Tell us what happened.” Demands Seokjin looking straight at him. Hoseok smiles tiredly, looking away. “Are we thinking about that same ‘certain someone’?” Hoseok shakes his head not saying anything else when Seokjin looks back towards the camera, lightly chuckling. “Everyone, last night I heard Hoseok in his hotel room spending long hours talking to that person and now he can barely open his eyes.”
“We had a great conversation.” Argues Hoseok and then a staff member calls for them to join the others to do the unit shooting. 
Kim Namjoon
“Is it working?” Namjoon’s face appears very close to the camera as he checks if the video is recording or not. “I think it is... Of course, the network is unstable. Do you see me?” He asks out loud, staring a the screen. 
“Ah... What do I do if people can’t join? Vlive, please work.” He keeps staring for a while. “Ah. It’s working. It must be working. I see people commenting. They’re saying they see me. I think it’s settled.” He fixes the device in a selfie stick he’s holding in one hand, making sure he’s appearing entirely in the shot. 
“Let’s wait a bit for everyone to join. I’ll start when reaching 1,000 viewers.” He leans back against the bed’s headboard next to a light and starts thumbing on his phone with his other hand. Then, he looks back at the small screen in front of him. “There are 287 249 viewers right now... 300 561. Okay! Let’s start. The network is still unstable though...” He pauses, reading some comments.
“Hello. ‘Hello. Hi. Japan. Indonesia. Russia. Philippines. Hello. I love you.’ I love you too. ‘Your hair looks great. I love you. Hello from Spain.’ Hello. ‘Hey Namjoon.’ ... Okay. It’s been a while. It’s good to talk to you, guys, again. I just came back from our fan meeting and thought about going on Vlive.” Namjoon keeps leaning back and forward as he talks.
“The meeting was great. I had a lot of fun, me and the members. Right now... Right now, I’m at a hotel. I just took a shower. I’m bare faced... The Wi Fi in this hotel is unstable... ‘I passed my exams.’ Congratulations. Wait, should I turn these on?” He thumbs on one corner of the phone and the next second an animated emoji appears on his face.
“Let’s choose one. A cute one. Okay, this one. So what have you been up to? ... Like I said, I came from a signing event and had a good time there. It’s always good to see you. The atmosphere was great too. It’s always a pleasure to travel abroad to meet you all ... ‘I’m eating.’ Bon appetite.” He chuckles and decides to lie on his front.
“Okay, everyone. Let’s talk together... Reading people talking about food makes me hungry.” He giggles. “ The tour is doing great so far. Concerts are sold out. This warms my heart. I love you so much ... ‘Have you been missing someone lately?’ Wait... Do you have a particular ‘someone’ in mind?” Namjoon grins and sits back up. Comments follow one after another about the person being you.
“I do, in fact... I’m sure everyone knows who I’m talking about ... ‘Call her. Talk to her. Dial her number.’ Wait, let me turn this angel thing off... I won’t call her, I can’t. She must be sleeping by now. I’m not even sure she wants to be recorded... But we talk whenever we can. I miss her so much.” Namjoon smiles as he gazes at his phone’s wallpaper, picturing you two, for a couple of seconds before looking back at the device recording. “Okay, let’s move on!”
Park Jimin
The group is recorded doing a fanmeeting in Japan. The atmosphere is great and members have a good time interacting with everyone present there. The fans are getting ready to come on stage and get their albums signed. Jimin is situated at the other end of the long black table, smiling and sending love signs to the audience, waiting for the first fans to reach him.
He signs, laughs along with people he meets and holds hands, making sure everyone leaves with a smile. He winks or make funny faces now and then to the public while greeting the numerous fans coming to him.
While waiting for the next persons and playing with cute plushies fans have offered him, he hears his name being shouted. He instantly looks up towards where the sound has come from, trying to find who’s calling for him. He waves when he’s located the person. 
“I’m so jealous of Y/N!” Shouts the same voice.
“What?” Asks Jimin.
“Y/N is such a lucky girl!” 
Jimin smiles shyly and resumes signing his autographs, preferring not to mind the remark. Later on, while playing with a toy he’s taken from Namjoon who’s seated next to him, he hears the same voice again.
“Jimin!! I want to be Y/N” 
Jimin doesn’t look up right away and he can feel Namjoon’s stare on him. Soon after, another person start shouting too.
“Y/N and Jimin are couple goals.”
This time he takes the microphone next to him and brings it in front of his lips, thinking about ways to formulate what he wants to say.
“Everyone, from now on let’s not mention her... Okay?”
“Yes.” Sing the fans in one voice.  
Kim Taehyung
Taehyung is invited to a late-night radio talk show alongside two others celebrities to discuss music and songs that are not listened to by many people. The talk show also allows them to discover unknown albums, brand new artists and even older ones that have never cracked the music market. 
“First, I’d like to thank Taehyung for accepting our invitation to join our humble show. The other guests are regulars and we’re still tankful they always take part in our shows but we really appreciate Taehyung’s presence with us tonight, since his schedule is quite hectic.” The female host speaks out.
“Oh, don’t. Thank you for inviting me. I’ve been listening to your station for a while now and I’m really grateful to be here with you all.” Taehyung’s velvety low voice answers back.
“I think I’ve read somewhere that you’re actually really fond of musics that are not too popular.” The male host carries on.
“Really?” Intervenes the female voice.
“Yeah, that’s mainly the reason I said yes right away when we offered me to be in your talk show... But, yeah... I like finding unpopular music on the internet or anywhere else and I guess... I love even more the feeling I get when I know that an unpopular song will please me... for a very long time, you know? I cherish it even more... in a way.”
“I totally understand what you mean. That surge of emotions when you like a new song grows a lot more when you realize it’s not mainstream.” proceeds on one of the guests.
“Right? Some people tend to feel bad when they see that they’re not getting the attention they deserve and I can totally agree with them... but uhm-... I also don’t want them to be too ‘reachable’. I think it gives a more intimate side to the piece of music.” Taehyung adds. “I don’t know about you...” He chuckles lightly.
“Yeah, in a sense we feel this sort of attachment to the artist and to the song but sometimes they’re too good to just let them be unheard. That’s one of the reasons we created this talk show.” states the female host.
“Yes but only resolute people stay up ‘til late to get to know them.” adds her colleague.
“I’m sure the number of our listeners increased a lot since Taehyung’s here and they’ll all get to hear about great creations so don’t go anywhere those of you listening.” Sings the woman.
“I just want to get back to the interview you gave a few days ago, related to your enjoyment regarding those unknown songs and our radio. You’ve said... that... it was your girlfriend who made you listen to us.” Inquires the male host.
“Yeah. She’s the one that told me about you.”
“So if all those songs, playing throughout the broadcast, will reach a wider audience it would be thanks to her.” comments the male host.
“Was she listening to the radio when she told you about it?” wonders the other guest.
“Just... That time...” Starts Taehyung, “I think, I think it was when I got home after practice late at night. She was still up, writing some papers and had let the radio play in the background. After showering, I joined her and that’s when that one song was playing and I asked her about it. She explained the concept of the talk show to me and ever since then, that song is in my media player.”
“Wow, that’s funny. Like... If she decided to go to bed earlier or chose to work without music maybe you wouldn’t have found about us.” laughs the female host.
“I was surprised I’d never heard about your talk show before... I like that she’s also into unpopular music and from time to time, we share our discoveries. These days, when I’m not too tired, I put your show on speaker and fall asleep to it.” Smiles Taehyung.
“Now we can brag about Taehyung being one of our fans... thanks to his girlfriend.” Chuckles the male host.
Jeon Jungkook
To promote his upcoming solo album, Jungkook has to record a video being both the host and the guest. Half through the live, he decides to tackle questions that have been sent beforehand to the staff from fans and viewers. 
“Wait a second. I need to go get them.” He gets up and disappears behind cameras to reappear with a stack of yellowish paper in his hands.
“As you can see,” He speaks out, letting himself fall back on the comfy red bean bag, “There are a lot of questions.” He looks through them rapidly and gazes back at the camera, smiling. “Let’s not wait any longer!”
He lets out small chuckles as he reads some of the words. “Okay, starting with this one. It’s from Je-” He interrupts himself, quickly glancing at the staff with round eyes. “Is it okay to say usernames out loud? ... Okay, let’s just read the questions. You’ll recognize yours if I say it either way...” He looks back downward at the small paper.
“So... ‘When starting working on the project, did you already know what your songs would be talking about?’” He raises his eyes to the camera “Uhm... When I first started working on my album, I hadn’t any settled ideas on all the lyrics and melodies... Only for the ones I had already thought about. But... Working on them, as I already knew how I wanted them to be, it... Uhm- It made it easier to come up with original ideas.” Jungkook picks the second question. “Oh, and also, not to forget mentioning that my crew helped a lot when I was in a dilemma. So shoutout to you guys... This album is also existing because of you. Thank you.” He adds, sporting a funny crying face.
“Next question. Or rather next questions. This one has several. I’m going to read them all first - ‘To what extent do lyrics in your new songs reflect your personal life? Is one of them dedicated to your significant other? Does she support your music? Did she in some way take part in the making of the album?’” Jungkook stares a while at the paper, thinking about answers to come up with.
“All my songs are partially ...or even sometimes, entirely based on my personal life. On Issues and experiences I’ve encountered along the way. Of course, lyrics have sometimes to be romanticized for the sake of rhyming or rhythm so it’s not always...  authentic, I guess. But it also depends on the subject at stake, feelings I want to share with my audience. So- uhm... Yeah, my personal life plays a great part when writing my songs.” He looks back at the other questions.
“Regarding that, saying my love life is never sought would be a lie. Love has been a recurrent theme in all my songs, lately. In its different forms. But, yeah... In this one... In this album, I can say my girlfriend has inspired me a lot and therefore I can answer your question saying that actually... all of these songs are dedicated to her. She was always in my ming while making and producing them. She’s also my greatest supporter. Along you, my dear fans of course.” He smiles shyly. “I think that people that knows us both very well can points out the different features of hers highlighted in each songs. That would probably be... her way of taking part in my album.” He laughs, looking directly at the camera. 
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itsworn · 7 years
Win Two Challengers! One To Show & One To Go!
What do you lust after? If Dodge Challengers top the list, I urge you to read on. Dream Giveaway Garage recently announced its Challenger Dream Giveaway (brought to you by Reliable Carriers), where one lucky winner takes home two Hemi Challengers—a restored 1970 R/T that’s paired with “HellScat,” a 2017 Hellcat enhanced to produce over 1,000 horsepower. To sweeten the pot, DGG will stroke a check for $45,000 to pay the taxes. Sounds amazing, right? But it gets better.
Mopar Muscle headed to Florida for a first-hand look at the dynamic Challenger duo, and more importantly, to test HellScat on the drag strip. We arranged a day at Bradenton Motorsports Park where we met up with the DGG staff and our surprise test driver, 17-time drag racing champion “Big Daddy” Don Garlits.
“Following on the incredible success of the 800hp Hellcat X, Dream Giveaway Garage set out to create a Hemi-powered Dodge Challenger that moved the needle past the 1,000 horsepower mark,” said Chris Phillip, director of communications of Dream Giveaway Garage. “After discussing the idea with Mopar legend ‘Big Daddy’ Don Garlits, the team landed on the name ‘HellScat’—a fitting tribute to the original Scat Pack marketing campaign and drag racing team, which debuted 50 years ago.”
Summer in Florida might not be optimum for drag testing, but we didn’t care. There was no rain in the forecast and Bradenton’s staff provided a sticky race track. As for the weather conditions, air temperature climbed into the 90s, there was choking humidity, and we encountered a cross/headwind. Not optimum, but at least we had Garlits.
As the cars rolled off the truck, our jaws hung in amazement. The classic Hemi was perfect, it purred with a raspy idle, and we couldn’t wait to crack the dual quads open. The new beast was noticeably larger, also red, and its blown 6.2L mill sounded evil. My thought was owning either would be cool, having the keys to both would complete the mind-blowing Hemi dream. Amazingly, this dream will become reality when the winner is selected. And on that note, the Challenger Dream Giveaway starts August 11, 2017, and runs through June 26, 2018.
Garlits arrived shortly thereafter. He greeted us and walked immediately to “HellScat,” the TorRed 2017 Challenger. He took the role of test driver very seriously, as if it was the Top Fuel final at the U.S. Nationals. He asked questions about the engine and that big blower, and with his “Big Daddy” emblazoned helmet in hand, he slipped quietly into the Dodge’s cockpit.
For us magazine types, drag testing is always a treat. We love wringing out cars on track and telling the story about how it goes down. But this was different, it was something special. Sure we were itching to unleash that 1,080hp Mopar, but at the same time salivating at the chance to watch Big Daddy work his magic.
And who wouldn’t? HellScat is no basic street car, it’s a fire-breathing, TorRed 2017 Hellcat, enhanced with a 4.5L Whipple intercooled supercharger that spit out 1,080 horsepower after having been tuned by AJ at Hemi Tuner Performance in New York. That equates to 949 proud ponies at the wheels with 831 lb-ft of torque being applied to the Nitto tires. For maximum traction, we swapped the 305/35R20 Nitto 555R tires that the car will be delivered with for a set of Nitto 20-inch drag radials.
“Big Daddy” wasted little time making his first-ever shakedown pass of the HellScat. He heated the Nittos with a rolling burnout, staged, and dropped the hammer. Decades of experience told him not to give it everything out of the hole; instead he rolled smoothly into the throttle and the red rocket pealed from the line with only a chirp of rubber. Garlits was the first drag racer in history to officially surpass the 170, 180, 200, 240, 250, and 270 miles per hour marks in the quarter mile, so we were confident he could handle the big red Dodge. Garlits let the 8-speed automatic do the work; it upshifted its way towards the 1,320-foot mark and he crossed in 10.65 seconds at 131.94 mph.
Garlits got out of the Challenger with a smile as big as planet Earth. The 17-time racing champion was excited after mashing the gas on the Dream Garage Giveaway’s HellScat. But assessing the run, he commented that the 2-3 shift came a bit early. “I loved it, it was fast and easy to drive,” Garlits said. “Whoever gets these cars is really going to have a windfall. I liked everything about it, I loved the Challengers, I have two of them, I loved the first prototype and I never thought they’d be able to do these powerful engines. It’s so much fun to be part of it.”
After a short cooldown, Garlits climbed in for more fun. This time he perfected the launch, controlling the spin by applying the power more smoothly and ripping off a 1.62 60-foot time and the quickest pass of the day, a 10.33 at 132 mph.
“Nobody knows Mopar and horsepower like ‘Big Daddy.’ Dream Giveaway is honored to have Mr. Garlits as our official drag-strip driver of the only HellScat in the world,” added Phillip. “The trick is to just give it enough throttle to be right on the edge of breaking the tires loose, and I feel that in the seat of my pants,” says Garlits. “And once you get going it never stops shifting. Think about it, I built Swamp Rat I in 1956 and I ran it until 1961. It went through major configuration changes, and ran in the low 9s and high 8s. And these new Challengers are close to that. I love ’em. It’s great that the factory is doing stuff like this. There’re faster than my cars of the old days, especially the Super Stocks. I did test driving for the 2011 Drag Pak and I’ve driven some of the factory-supercharged Challengers. And well, HellScat felt better than those, and better than the one I drove in the half-mile drags. I drove one 154 mph in the half-mile,” he added. “But it is surprising that all this is happening in our time because everything today is about safety and mileage. It’s refreshing to see the factories doing this.”
The HellScat also features a strengthened driveshaft, custom badges, and Nitto tires to go along with the factory components, including an SRT-tuned Bilstein three-mode competition suspension, and Brembo six-piston high-performance brakes with HellScat-specific script. Garlits even added his own touch by signing the dash of both giveaway Challengers.
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T It’s no secret: the iconic Dodge Challenger has captivated enthusiasts for decades. Dodge’s entry to the pony car war may have come late, but it lacked nothing in terms of style, performance, and desirability. The 1970-’74 Challengers feature super smooth lines, an athletic stance, and there was an endless list of features and options.
Owners could have selected from virtually any engine offered by Chrysler, from the 225-cube Slant-Six to the 426-cube Hemi. And let’s not forget the 318, the venerable 340, two versions of the 383, and a pair of 440s, the 375 hp four-barrel, and the six-pack-equipped 390 hp mill.
In this case, the sweepstakes winner will also crack the key on a 1970 Challenger R/T, and the “Big Daddy” of powerplants: the mighty 426 Hemi. This R/T rolled down the Hamtramck, Michigan assembly line in October of 1969 and along the way was sprayed in FE5 Bright Red. Today it still has full documentation including a production broadcast sheet that matches the configuration of the vehicle, and according to Dream Giveaway Garage, it’s a rare one—with just 287 produced.
The Hemi engine is backed by a bulletproof 727 Torqueflite with a Slap-Stick shifter, and inside you’ll find a black interior with buckets. It’s comfortable, and drives really sweet. Just ask Big Daddy Don Garlits, who’ll tell you it runs like a top and shows even better.
Additional features adding to the rarity and collectability include detailed owner history, true VIN-matching body, and the low production number of overall Hemi-powered E Bodies. The engine came from the Marysville engine plant that produced Chrysler’s 426 Hemi block, and the Kokomo transmission plant provided the Torqueflite transmission. Even the color is a hot one, FE5 code Bright Red to be exact. You’ll also note the exceptional fit of the body panels, with proper gaps at the doors, fenders, hood, and decklid. And the glass is very nice, too.
“I loved those cars,” Garlits said of the early Challengers. “I bought one brand new, it was a 383. I always liked my Hemi in the race cars,” he added jokingly. “I have to take my hat off to Chrysler, because these cars are beautiful. I remember when they were introduced, and these cars pair really nicely together.”
2017 HellScat Challenger Color: TorRed Engine: 6.2L supercharged/intercooled Hemi OHV pushrod V8 Exhaust: factory dual exhaust with catalytic converters Supercharger: 4.5L Whipple with intercooler Horsepower: 1,080 (945 RWHP) Torque: 831 RWHP Transmission: 8-speed TorqueFlite automatic with AutoStick manual shift mode Rear axle: IRS with 2.62:1 ratio Front suspension: upper and lower control arm with coil-over shocks and anti-roll bar Rear suspension: five-link multilink independent Wheels & Tires: factory 5-spoke aluminum styled wheels with 305/35R20 Nitto 555R tires Quarter-mile e.t./mph: 10.33/132.31
1970 Challenger R/T Color: FE5 Bright Red Engine: dual 4-bbl 426-cubic inch Hemi Exhaust: factory dual with chrome tips Horsepower: 425 at 5,000 rpm Torque: 490 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm Transmission: 727 Torqueflite 3-speed automatic Rear axle: 8 ¾ with Sure-Grip differential Front suspension: torsion bar Rear suspension: leaf spring with live axle Wheels & Tires: 15-inch steel wheels with F60-15 Goodyear Polyglas GT tires Wheelbase: 110 inches Interior: black with console and buckets Quarter-mile e.t./mph: 13.10/107* *as tested by Car Craft magazine
Based on the original, Dodge captured the essence of the 1970 Challenger when it re-introduced the model in 2008. Over the last decade, Dodge has improved the breed, culminating in a 707-horsepower Hellcat. Dream Giveaway Garage took it to another level with the HellScat, which is a play on the Hellcat and the Dodge Scat Pack.
When 707 horsepower is not enough, add a bigger blower—in this case a 4.5L Whipple. Even Big Daddy was impressed by the power and the looks of the big supercharger. He also loved the Hemi Orange valve covers. Hey Garlits, how about putting one of these in a dragster and trying it on nitro?
Not only did Garlits leave his mark on the scoreboard, he autographed the dash, which is the ultimate keepsake.
Here’s a view that’s familiar to the competition, although it will take a good amount of power to even get a glimpse of the bumble bee stripe.
Aptly named, the Challenger entered the pony car market in 1970 and battled cars like the Camaro, Cougar, Mustang, and Plymouth ’Cuda. The E-Body Dodge had many attractive features; this one sports the R/T package with the mighty 426 Hemi that’s backed by a 727 and a 8 ¾-inch rear axle.
The dual-quad 426 street Hemi makes this a seriously desirable Challenger. This ’70 R/T was restored a few years back and carries a load of factory paperwork.
With painted 15-inch steel wheels, dog-dish caps, and F60-15 Goodyear Polyglas GT tires, this Challenger is ready for business.
“Big Daddy” Don Garlits still has what it takes to put down the low e.t.. The Dream Garage Giveaway Hellscat ran a best of 10.33 at 132 mph with street-legal drag radials. We think with more tuning and better weather conditions, HellScat is sure to pull down some 9-second e.t. slips.
The post Win Two Challengers! One To Show & One To Go! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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