#i ship Kazama almost everyone xDD
ame-saku · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering what your favourite ships are for Hakuouki? It can be several, I'm just curious since you mentioned Harada x Heisuke, which I'd never considered. (If you don't mind, ofc!) ~ ImpracticalOni
Hi @impracticaldemon
No problem actually ^^ To be honest, I’ve always wanted to talk about my fav shippings of Hakuouki. ..But, since I’m extremely timid and terrible in social with anyone, I eventually fangirling by myself only x"DD
Aaaaanyway, here are the list of pairing that I ship, includes cracks
Warnings: There’s also a few ships you might uncomfortable and disgusted, includes incest;
There’s a lot ship than I thought it be…
OTPKazama x SaitouKazama x ChizuruAmagiri x SenhimeHijikata x SoujiTakasugi x KozueAritomo x KozueNakaoka x Kozue
Likes/FavKazama x SoujiKazama x HeisukeKazama x YamazakiHarada x HeisukeSerizawa x OumeIbuki x YamazakiTakasugi x NakaokaSouji x YamazakiSouji x ChizuruYamazaki x ChizuruSouma x ChizuruSouji x SoumaKaoru x Chizuru
So-so(I like them, but I don’t ship them anymore)Hijikata x SaitouHarada x ShiranuiKazama x HijikataHijikata x Kimigiku
CracksKazama x Iba(because of their love for castella cakes xDD)Miki x SoumaTakeda x IbaTakeda x SaitouSerizawa x HijikataSerizawa x SaitouMiki x Saitou(I, um, sort of ships Saitou almost all villain *runs away*)Kaoru x SaitouMiki x ItouKazama x Kaoru
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