#i should be asleep 1hr ago
moo-blogging · 2 years
Late night thoughts #59:
(Inspired by @peachy-oh 's bed buddies :) i love that story so much i am jeopardising my sleep now)
Levi wouldn't broadcast your relationship to the world but he would never deny it if anyone asks. And being the captain and role model in the Survey Corps, he has a reputation to uphold.
In the dead of the night, you would slip into his bedroom cum office, cooing him to call it a day and join you in bed. At first, it was awkward for him to sleep in a bed, let alone share a bed with his new love. He laid next to you stiffly, unsure where to respectfully put his hands and was terrified to bother you, who was sound asleep next to him. Gradually, you guided him, showing him that minor movements won't wake you up, and his hugs and touches were pleasant instead of disturbing.
Having Levi holding you, or simply sleeping close to him keeps your nightmares at bay. There were even days when you had good dreams and you would share it with him over breakfast. Levi's insomnia was getting better as well. His sleeping pattern had improved with your steady breathing next to him.
During one of the expeditions, you were camping in the wild with the rest of the Scouts. Levi couldn't cuddle with you but he had his sleeping bag next to yours, sleeping arms crossed to prevent himself from pulling you into him in front of all the cadets. Without Levi's warm and protection, and the unknown threats from the unfamiliar wilderness, you had a nightmare. You were thrashing around in your sleeping bag and you woke Levi up. Dazed, Levi reached out to you, waking you up. Subconsciously, you crawled towards him and he lifted his sleeping bag, welcoming you into his arms.
'Nightmare?' Levi asked in his sleepy harsh voice.
'Mmm...,' you whimpered as you snuggled deeper into his chest. Levi rubbed your back for comfort as you both fell back into slumber.
Sasha and Connie, who were on lookout duty were watching with confusion and surprise. Connie had to put his hand over Sasha's mouth to stiffen surprised Sasha noise.
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1, 2, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 39, 42, 47, 50, 62, 69, 76, 81, 84
Thank you angel for these✨🌹:
1: Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now?Not very much confused and if I am then it’s probably some concept because exams are coming up!
2: Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone?Yes💓
14: Is there someone who continuously lets you down?Once a year yeah. Cycle.
18: When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends?1hr ago. She’s resting 🤫
19: Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them?Yes!
20: What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?Probably nothing. My mind was let lose and i was relaxing as I fell asleep due to fatigue… oh wait, I watched SZA interviews so probably about how much I’m infatuated by this beautiful woman.
24: Is there someone you wish you could fix things with?Nope. Everyone in my life today make me really content and our relationships are great!
39: Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone?Yes.
42.Are you available?Yes but In the sense that I’m also emotionally out of order. Loving myself HEAVY Rn. I’ve never had time for myself. Taking advantage of that since I’ve always been bouncing around with people🙅🏾‍♀️
47: Honestly, what’s on your mind right now?I’m ready to KO💤
50: Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like?We ended on vaguely good terms. She needs to focus on her mental health. I need to focus on myself as well. But we’ll be each other’s first somethings x things are good with distance I’d say and we’re open to going back to that one day when the opportunity comes.
62: Who do you text the most?I don’t text anyone or hold a conversation unless they’re Haley or mark 💓 my favourites. Things come naturally.
69: Do you collect anything?Coins actually.
76: What would you do if you found out your most recent ex was in a relationship?I feel indifferent about this question because exes are exes for a reason. I don’t see myself feeling heavy on this. Good for them! I wish them nothing but happiness! Life continues and people meet great people. Should not dwell on that.
81: Will you change your name when you get married?Probably a fusion. I really like how simple and my last name is and how it reflects my culture.
84: What kind of bottoms are you wearing?I’m wearing joggers but not for long since it’s time to hit the sack! 🛏
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I galloped out of the house this morning.  GALLOPED!
The house had finally descended into some semblance of peace and I took every advantage, slung on my bags, grabbed the keys and escaped.  I have absolutely no idea what chaos might have kicked off after I left…but I wasn’t there to witness it, so I didn’t care!
Bonkers morning.  
I had to be in for 8am this morning.  My boss had a videoconference scheduled with the Zurich office.  Being a global telecommunications company this means getting the videocon to work SHOULD be easy, but it very rarely is.  So I wanted to be there to get it started.  I live quite a commute from the London office – between 1hr 40mins and 2 hours – so, working backwards, I would have to be out the house by 6am at the very latest.  That meant the alarm going off at 4am.  
 So far, so good - on paper.
 Last night, met up with a few of the Beds South RSPCA team to run through some plans and ideas we have for a ‘Crafternoon Tea’ event we’re planning on Sunday 19th November. It’ll be held a Parkside in Ampthill and we’ll be inviting people to sell their wares at various tables, running a Bake Off and serving teas/coffees and cakes.  Going to be heaps of fun and we’ll hopefully raise a fair bit of money for the Branch ahead of the Festive Season - which is always expensive when caring for animals.  Get it in the diaries if you’re in the area!
 It was great meeting up and I always come away from these get-togethers very energised.  And so wasn’t all THAT tired when I got home.  Made a big fuss of Oscar when I got in and then let him out the back door.  It was getting quite late – especially for a 4am start the next day – but I had fingers crossed he wouldn’t stay out too late.  
 But OF COURSE he did, didn’t he…?
 Had made a fuss of Freya and she’d done her normal wanna go out, wanna come in, wanna go out while I was getting myself ready for bed.  Sat with the foster girls for a little while.  They’re both SO affectionate.  Really incredible given the dreadful circumstances they’ve come from. They’re still largely wee-stained and don’t seem ready to start grooming themselves yet, so was trying out a suggestion of dabbing some tuna juice on their paws and stuff, to encourage them to lick it off.  They sure liked the tuna juice in the bowl I’d brought up ….but then seemed more interested in larking about than washing.
 Ah well….I hoped they’d have a go during the night.  
 Still no sign of Oscar….**sigh**  By now I was starting to get really tired…and was watching the clock just nudge past 11.30pm.
 Now I KNOW it sounds crazy…..I KNOW this cat was a stray for a good few months, hanging around the front of Tesco during the deepest winter months.  I KNOW he survived JUST FINE in those conditions.  But that doesn’t change the fact that I worry about him when he’s out and really don’t sleep well if I lock him out overnight.  I’m usually kept awake by my own dreadful imagination. So I’ve taken to sleeping on the couch with the conservatory door open so he can come back in his own good time – usually after 2am…and I can ward off any burglars…erm….
 And he doesn’t sneak back in either.  He announces he’s home loudly with a series of Oscar-sized miaows and will promptly jump onto the couch and bother me for a cuddle and food.  Not the food I’ve left out for him, mind – no.  That’s now a few hours old so just won’t do and is ignored.  He wants FRESH food.  So whatever time he gets back means me getting up, locking the back door, feeding Furry Chops and then dragging the duvet back up to bed.
 This morning, however, that Oscar activity (at 2.30am) was enough to set off the girls…who then started playing in their room.  They’re only little things but they make quite a racket…especially when they start chasing each other.  I worry about the neighbours because there’s quite a bit of loud thudding goes on. Pretty sure their bedroom doesn’t back onto mine (and Ray next door is elderly and hard of hearing) but I still get a little anxious when they’re crashing and dashing at that time of the morning.
 So, in these instances, I usually go in and sleep on the floor with them.  I started doing this when I got my first foster, little Shadow, and she would start playing and chasing things in the wee hours.  The intention was to, more or less, ‘get in the way’ by sleeping on the floor and encourage them to quieten down and go back to bed.
 This worked with Shadow. It also worked with Genie and Susie.
 It isn’t working with Gina and Flora.  
 A new game has, in fact, been developed around ‘The Lady in The Way’.  The aim is still to chase each other around the room – but now there’s the added extra of leaping OVER The Lady In The Way!  And then back again!  And again! And again!  Despite Lady In The Way making ‘sssshh!’ noises!
 Within a very short space of time, I’d sustained several scratches on my head and arm – when one or the other hadn’t quite cleared The Lady In The Way.  
 But every time I sat up and tried to quieten them, they’d turn on the purr and cuddle offensive. And Flora LOVES to have her belly stroked.  
 And then I’d try to lie down and get some sleep and two purry faces - smelling faintly of wee and now tuna juice as well - would push their cold little noses in my face.  Or one or the other would lie on top of me. Which was making me nervous because they’re so slight – and I’m worried I turn in my sleep and crush them!
 Of course, that would entail actually being able to go to sleep, now, wouldn’t it??
 Flora stops charging about to start noisily crunching some biscuits.
 I’m now hiding their one toy underneath the duvet with me because they keep battering the ball around it.
 More charging around. More Leap Over The Lady.  More cuddling and purring.  More tickling.
 Starts to quieten down.
 Gina decides to have a very smelly poo.  
 More purring.  More headbutting me in the face.  Flora does her best imitation of being a scarf with her back legs up my nose.
 …..and at some point somehow I must have fallen asleep.  For, what could only have been, a scant few minutes.
 That was just so that the alarm could wake me at 4am.
 I lie there for a few minutes.  The girls are in their snug, cuddled up to each other and peering at me.  
 They decide that’s their cue for some more snuggles and purring and head butting.  I can’t help but smile as I’m giving them a tickle. They’re SO loving and affectionate!
 After 10 mins or so, I drag myself up and out their bedroom.  I take their ball toy with me because I don’t want them making a racket at 4.10am.  
 I’ve already decided that, because I have-to, have-to catch a particular train and don’t want to leave Oscar locked out all day (won’t be home ‘til 8-ish), that I’m not going to risk it and so won’t let him out.  This is going to mean Oscar is in a bad mood.  He’s not a morning-cat anyway.  And, so’s not to upset apple-carts by opening the back door for Freya, I’m not going to let her out either.  There are plenty of litter trays around the house.  
 I’m in the shower and start hearing a helluva clattering and bashing and thudding.  Peer out from the shower curtain.  It’s Oscar.  He’s got the ball toy I’ve confiscated from the girls and is battering seven bells out of it.  I try to shush and hiss him from the shower but I’m being ignored.  I’m being ignored because he’s grumpy in the morning and I’ve gone for a shower instead of letting him out.  
 Jump out the shower and shoo him off.  He heads downstairs.  Promptly picks a fight with Freya who is waiting for the back door to be opened. Freya yells the place down, hissing furiously and runs for her bookshelf.  Oscar chases her and there’s all sorts of thudding and crashing as Freya jumps onto the one shelf then the upper shelf, followed by Oscar who is only agile enough to make the lower shelf.
 And this then was pretty much the next, nearly two hours while I’m trying to get ready for work. The girls upstairs start chasing each other around noisily, Oscar keeps bothering Freya who is having none of the fact that I’m not opening the back door so keeps jumping off her shelf (noisily) to stand at the back door.  To then be ambushed by Oscar who wants out as well.  More yowling and hissing, more jumping all over the shelves.  The girls crashing about upstairs.  Me, up and down the stairs, either trying to shush the girls by fussing them and turning their play into purring and cuddling or hissing between gritted teeth at Oscar and Freya.
 At one point, I think “I know, I’ll let Gina and Flora out of the spare bedroom.  A little wandering about the house might quieten then down to at least give me long enough to get my knickers on the right way ‘round.”  So I open the door and Flora makes a dash for the gap.  
 Terrific….suddenly Oscar and Freya appear – in unison – from behind me when NANOSECONDS ago they were downstairs chasing and hissing.  Flora and Freya freeze at the sight of each other.  Oscar – the big buffoon he is – goes barrelling into the bedroom scaring Gina into a giant furball.  More hissing and hysteria from, now, all blummin’ FOUR of them!
 I trip over the ball toy trying to get to Oscar and then that’s ME crashing about noisily in the spare bedroom.
 I grab Oscar.  He’s not in the mood for being lifted.  And, it seems, he has a magic knack of doubling in weight when he doesn’t want to be lifted.  So he weighs a ton, and I have to climb OVER Freya and Flora who are still frozen and staring at each other….and carry Oscar down the stairs.  He’s now hissing at ME!  With some wriggling, manage to get the door to the conservatory open and put Oscar in the conservatory.  He’s really fed up with me and takes a swipe.  I go upstairs with the intention of breaking the spell keeping Freya and Flora in suspended animation and get Freya into my room.  I try a little gentle ‘shush-shush-shush’ as I’m nearing the top.  Freya turns and bolts down the stairs nearly taking me out and charges noisily back onto her shelf.
 I go back upstairs to see Flora climbing back into her concertina file and Gina staring at me wide-eyed from her snug.  Everything was my fault, her face was saying…everything in the whole wide world.  I close the door on them breathing a sigh of relief that they’re still safe.  
 Took me 15 minutes to coax Freya down from her shelf using treats and finally, FINALLY get her into my bedroom where I leave her and food and biscuits for the day.  If Oscar is in a BAD mood, best I keep them separated.  I go in and check the girls.  Flora pokes her head out from the concertina file but it’s just to give me a reproachful glare.  Gina also isn’t looking like she’s forgiving me any time this century.  
 I go downstairs and let Oscar out the conservatory.  He hates me too….and won’t come out of the conservatory but is sitting giving me daggers.
 But it’s enough…..there is, for the first time ALL morning – and we’re talking pretty much since 2.30am – there’s silence in the house.  Every cat hates me….but it’s QUIET for the first time in hours.  I close my eyes.  I am sooooooo sleepy!  But, take the opportunity while you can!  I do one last run around the house, making sure every cat has plenty to eat and the trays are clean.  Then I grab all my stuff and charge out the door.
 “Honest, when I left, the house was quiet Your Honour….”
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