#i should explain more abt mordred at some point. but sldkfjsdlkfjslkfjgslkdfj SO HARD
chryzure-archive · 2 years
Apologies for going off-fixation lol - to make up for it tell me more about Chrysi and her new bf 👀👀
AAHHHH, I HAVE! SO MANY THOUGHTS!!! My apologies if this is all over the place because... Mordred, my beloved.
So at the end of the series, Mordred ends up being exiled from Camelot (which... fair. It was very merciful that he wasn't killed in the end), so he goes to the island of Avalon, where a lot of other exiled witches live. Most of them are women, and so Mordred becomes their protector of sorts.
Chrysi ends up there for reasons I haven't totally figured out, but I want her to have been essentially kicked out from her own kingdom by her sister after she, uh, accidentally brought back all the dead from a graveyard. Oops.
She and Mordred get along. She makes him laugh and he's intrigued by her, and she thinks he's cute! And smart! But she doesn't let herself like him because she knows he's still not over this other girl (she didn't know the other girl was Queen Guinevere, but that's neither here nor there. Yet.)
Obviously they grow closer as they live side by side in Avalon. All the other witches and girls there love Chrysi, and they all think Mordred should start pursuing her instead of still being caught up on Guinevere (what is it with Chrysi and her men with fixations on their past relationships <//3 she has to break them in like a wild horse). During this time, Chrysi quickly gains a reputation for being clumsy / bad with magic. Every time she tries something new, something will explode. All the time. (Mordred’s all like “So what was it that got you kicked from your old place? Too many blown-up torches?” “I brought a legion of the dead back to life on accident” “Oh.” He’s still not sure if she was joking.)
Eventually, I want there to be a horror aspect, similar to magical / supernatural zombies showing up. Chrysi’s the only one that knows how to take care of them, so she… essentially tears them apart and sends them back into the ground headfirst (so they can’t scratch their way up). Ten she makes new protections around Avalon and Mordred’s like “Wow… soulmate right there? Wow!!!” 
Buuuut unfortunately, these creatures showing up means Chrysi has to go back to her home kingdom and make sure her sister isn’t doing everything Chrysi told her not to. Spoiler alert: she is. 
Anyway, Chrysi tries to sneak out of Avalon in the middle of the night, only for Mordred to be at her back door when she’s heading out. Chrysi just barely manages to avoid cursing him out, fortunately. 
Turns out Mordred guessed what she was doing because for the past couple days, she’d been going around and giving ppl some gifts and being all grateful to them for taking her in and all—and he rightfully guessed she was trying to leave. Well, too bad, because now he’s pledged himself as her knight and she has to take him with her. Excellent. 
Chrysi doesn’t really want to argue with him (though they do. They do argue quite a bit.), so she ends up bringing him along. It’s handy to have someone that can talk to animals (which btw!! Mordred can commune with animals!  It makes me all fluttery inside + you know Chrysi’s annoying him with “Can you speak to my cats? Can you tell them I love them? Please? Pretty please?”) and someone that’s half-fairy and also can do magic. I love them together. 
So they set out to the coast, where Chrysi hopes to catch a ship (Mordred… does not like the ocean all that much, I choose to believe. I like to also believe that he gets somewhat seasick. All because of a throwaway line in the book.). Along the way, Mordred teaches her how to fight. He quickly finds her to be really good (not as good as him, but that’s alright—she’s best with a quarter staff and he can tell she might be his equal with that weapon) and he also finds her to be?? Really scary with a bow and arrow? Okay, he’s handing over his heart already, she’s earned it. 
They get very… close on this journey. Lots of them sleeping close for “warmth”, then intermittently waking up to watch the other sleep and marvel at how pretty they are. Anyway, they aren’t in love. (Keep telling yourselves that.)
When they get to Chrysi’s kingdom, Mordred finds Chrysi’s essentially a princess (what the fuck!!!) and also a feared and powerful magic being—occasionally called “Death’s Bride”, “Angel of the Crossroads”, “Queen of Nightmares”… Mordred’s like “Who the FUCK have I been traveling with?? And kissing?? HUH???”
He also meets Jacks, who is obviously in this universe because I love how dedicated Jacks is to Chrysi even when they aren’t together, and he decides it will be very funny to irritate Jacks from then on out. 
This is where drama happens and, while I have many scenes planned, most of them aren’t coherently linked together. There’s lots of the undead coming back and eating ppl, lots of ghouls, but Chrysi pretty easily takes them down. Her main concern is who is causing all this?? She can only stop the symptoms, but she’s not able to discern the root of the issue—which bugs her. 
To add to her issue with tracking down what’s causing all this, her older sister is deliberately making things more difficult for her. Lots of political intrigue happens at the same time, and Mordred’s suddenly really glad he made himself Chrysi’s knight bc he can be with her all the time. Jacks is also trying to be around Chrysi all the time and he finds Mordred’s presence really fucking annoying. It’s awesome.
OH, ALSO! This kingdom is full of magic, in direct contrast to Camelot. Mordred’s actually… really fascinated by it. Chrysi likes showing him all her favorite places (a hallway where all the walls and ceilings and floors are made of stained glass, her cave garden that her brother kept up while she was gone, the springs that are inside the castle with a waterfall coming in from the top to keep the water levels up… Mordred thinks he loves it here.)
I really enjoy them…
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