#i should have waited until tomorrow to post this for tf tuesday but hey it is transforMAYtion so uh yeah
merryfortune · 1 year
Love Takes Effect
Written for AiYusa Month
Week 1. May 14th - May 20th
Prompts: Protective, Regret, Despair
“I’ll keep you safe.” Or “I’m just so tired of pretending everything is fine.”
Superhero AU
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Title: Love Takes Effect 
Ship: Aiballshipping | Ai/Yusaku
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: M
Word Count: 1,718
Tags: Alternate Universe - It Gets Worse, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Transformation Fetish, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Sexual References, Consent Issues
Divider Credit
   Playmaker lost.
   And when Playmaker lost, he reverted back to being that six year old child who barely knew the difference between a special summon, a fusion summon, a synchro summon, or an XYZ summon. He became small. And he became vulnerable. And he became Yusaku again.
   No facade of a digital avatar could change that. His hair was red but his heart was tiny and blue.
   Playmaker lost to Ai and though consequences, Yusaku’s body knew them well. The way it instinctively braced for the recoil of thunder and lightning, yearned for a meal whilst his brain was split open with fear and terror but this time.
   He wasn’t all alone. He wasn’t trapped in that tiny, white box but by whatever deity there was out there, Yusaku wished he was.
   Instead, he was with Ai. Instead, he was on the plateau of their final duel. His final duel. Where lilac and dark purple Datastorms blew and brewed, in the rocky, maroon hinterlands of where no one would ever find them on purpose. (Not anyone not employed by SOL Tech, in one capacity or another, maybe.)
   “It's fine, you're good, I’m here.” Ai crooned at him as he held Yusaku so tight.
   He held Playmaker’s body so tight. Or, well, what was Playmaker’s body. It didn’t - it wasn’t going to - stay that way for long. Nor would it be Yusaku’s body. The power that Ai had, it was all consuming and ever changing.
   As he nuzzled into the side of Playmaker’s face, dirty and dusty, mucky with the tears that he was crying, for a brief moment, Yusaku wondered. Did Ai ever… want to console him like this when he was a child? They were connected, after all. Body and soul, spirit and mind, on a psychic level. Yusaku’s suffering, his hopes and his dreams, the memories that were crushed and grinded… They were all to create Ai and as Ai destroyed him, Yusaku wondered if this was what they meant by sweet oblivion.
   He was loved. Ai meant to love people. To love him. 
   “I’m sorry but it has to be this way. I need you - I want you - forever, Yu-Yu-Saku…” Ai’s sing-song voice was so close to the side of Yusaku’s face and yet.
   A million miles away.
   Yusaku struggled. He wanted to so badly get away and escape Ai. He didn’t… He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want for it to end like this but just what exactly was it?
   His bond to Ai? Or his own death?
   He wasn’t sure but he was scared either way as Ai continued his sick and twisted lullaby comfort of Yusaku. Cradling him, embracing him, rocking him, and finally: changing him into something that wasn’t human. Nor Ignis. A completely different and distinct category. Just purely Monster.
   @Ignister monster, specifically. Cyberse type. Level Three. Not an effect monster, however. 
   Or at least not yet, Ai hadn’t programmed that into his card yet but he had ideas. Perhaps too many. After all, he wanted Yusaku to be nothing but the best and greatest, an instant win condition. Who knows, he just end up a Link Monster with a Link Rating of three once some upgrades and tinkering were done.
   “This is for your own good, you understand, right?” Ai pleaded with him but maybe it was more to assuage his own ego.
   Because how dare he?
   He was just as bad as Windy, he was just as bad as Lightning, what he was doing to his Origin… It was unthinkable.
   “This way,” Ai drawled, desperate and oh so loving, way too loving, overcompensating, “we’ll never be separated. You’ll always be a part of me, your joining me, as part of my deck.”
   His hand snaked down Yusaku’s body as this virus ravaged him. Digitally and physically. It parted what was real and unreal, what was coming undone and being replaced in its wake. Ai groped the lower part of Yusaku’s body, where the catsuit of Playmaker’s avatar was getting eaten away by a cavalcade of yellow and purple data. 
   Yusaku strained. There was a jolt of… something. Arousal. His body just running on pure instinct and involuntary reactions as it didn’t know what to do with these sensations and these changes. Ai fingered him, groped him, enjoyed the last carnality there was left of Yusaku in some vain hope that it felt good for him. That it felt good for them both.
   Yusaku tried to turn his head but when he did, his body was stiff. Heavy. Turning to something other than flesh or data. When he finally faced Ai,    Yusaku screamed. He screamed as loud as he could, he yelled and he begged and Ai winced but he pretended that he hadn’t flinched. 
   That he was all accepting as he continued to smother the noise of Yusaku’s protest and the movements of them. That everything was going as smoothly as he could have wished. That this was truly from the bottom of his heart, meant in all sincerity and earnestness. He tightened his grip on Yusaku, allowing his wrists to fall limp to ropes so they could truly bind themselves to one another.
   Ai forced a kiss onto his face so as to silence Yusaku.
   Ai kissed him so sweetly, so gently. This was going to be their last kiss. Or maybe the first of many given Ai’s proclivities. It was going to be their last kiss lip-to-lip, at the very least. Yusaku’s skin crawled as it turned to… rubber? Silicon? He really wasn’t sure and his stomach - or what was left of it - churned when he thought about it too hard.
   “This will protect me. And isn’t that what you always wanted?” Ai said. “You will become integral to my deck, I promise.”
   That’s… That’s not what he wanted. That was a perversion on what he wanted and Yusaku gasped. Ai’s hand had found something. Not his genitals, that was for sure. They were being erased as his body was turned to rubber, to limbs like the abomination form of an Ignis - or like Danmari, more accurately but different again because he was human. Had been human.
   He still wanted to be human. He still wanted to be Ai’s partner. He just didn’t want it to end in doom and gloom, in murder and suicide. 
   “Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself.” Ai giggled. “You're just so cute. Everyone has to know your mine.”
   Yusaku turned his head and he was revolted by what had become of him. Killed slowly in a cruel and unusual way as his avatar - his declaration against the trauma of the Incident - was turned into a brand new @Ignister monster. Yu-Yu-Saku, he had been crowned by Ai.
   Ai kept kissing him, kept groping him. His fingers splayed over the mark that all Ai’s monsters bore. This one was a lilac that sprawled over Yusaku’s crotch, more like a womb tattoo than a corporate brand straight off the assembly line as Yusaku was transformed into something round and sexless, made base, from the no longer existent legs up as his arms suffered the same fate, curling in on themselves, somewhere between tails and tentacles.
   “Your motif will of course be… I don’t even know why I’m thinking about it, it's obvious, isn’t it?” Ai toyed with Yusaku. “It shall be love. You shall be my love. Isn’t that nice? Happy?”
   Yusaku’s heart began to race and race and race until it really did burst. Until it just stopped and he was frozen into place in panic and despair. The tattoo at the base of his unnatural and monstrous body began to flicker and glow. That pleased Ai immensely. If he could have slobbered, he would have. The motors in his electronic body began to whirr as the last vestiges of between what Yusaku was now and would now be in the future, it maddened him.
   “Ai… This isn’t…” Yusaku protested but Ai wouldn’t hear it. But he couldn’t really speak it either as his vocal chords were robbed of him, same with his mouth, really. It, too, had finally been claimed by the curse of the virus over him.
   Even so, Ai kept kissing Yusaku but Ai didn’t want to see it, either. He didn’t want to see himself kill Yusaku in the name of having him forever, close by and so utterly dear to him. Rendered him to a state where he couldn’t protest the protection that Ai wanted to offer him from the rest of humanity. The real monsters, he wanted to convince himself.
   This was for Yusaku’s own good. That is also what Ai wanted to convince himself of because if Yusaku wasn’t neutralised, then he would fight and he would be rattled full of bullets and starvation and electrocution but this way, he could still fight! That was important, that was what made this such a good and ideal outcome. It was just that this way Ai could just be in more control of things, so Yusaku couldn’t get himself killed doing something stupid like by being a hero. 
   And so, he closed his eyes, his lashes fluttering as he sighed oh so romantically, even though Yusaku’s were wide open. Strained. Tearing up. The despair as the green of his eyes glazed over as he was turned into something akin to a rubber mould toy. He wanted to scream but Ai shoved the rubber, CPR dummy-like tongue of his SOLtiS body into his mouth. He held onto Yusaku, caressed him up and down. His hand roamed the brand newness of the shiny @Ignister and transformed him into a brand new Duel Monster card. 
   Just like a good little Ignis would make in more peaceful times in the Cyberse World and Ai could only hope that in the end of it all, that was where he would be again. This time, with his most favourite and beloved partner. That would make it worth it in the end, there would be no regrets, just dreams and Ai held onto that hope of being with his dearest darling amid rolling green hills and blue skies and white clouds and it would just be them. No war, no fighting, it would just be them and their happy ending.
    Wouldn’t that be nice?
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