#i should send you more horror asks aaaaaa
horrror ask what Is. your favorite practical effect in a horror movie?
ngl this is such a hard question to answer bc I feel like I could just list 80% of the movies I've seen. Especially movies from the 70s/80s. Even if all the practical effects aren't amazing, I really love how they look overall in those films!!
I guess main answer would be anything by Tom Savini. I am obsessed with his effects and have watched certain movies only because he's in the makeup department. He's done a bunch of kills and gore effects for so many movies, especially in the 80s, and I think almost all of them are so good!!!!
The Thing as well obviously has amazing effects. Especially the one where the stomach opens up suddenly!
The Fly! I need to watch more Cronenberg films tbh, I haven't seen enough of them. And The Fly has such good and memorable body horror with practical effects. If I remember correctly, I think there was a scene where like fingernails were coming off and it was so well made!
Hellraiser as well. Especially towards the end, with all the hooks pulling the skin!
The effects in Re-animator with the head being reanimated and talking, and the headless body moving! I guess maybe it's not as impressive, but I really like it.
Off the top of my head, these would probably be the main ones. Though there's definitely hundreds more movies that have incredible practical effects!
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dreamingpartone · 7 years
I’ve been tagged to answer some questions! thanks @chai-chino!!
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better
Name: Ashleigh
Nickname: Ash
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Height: 164cm (5′ 4″ish? I think?? what even is imperial tbh)
Ethnicity: white
Orientation: roughly north-east
Favorite Fruit(s): tomatoes!!!!!! also grapes, and blueberries
Favorite Season: autumn
Favorite Book(s): well the short answer is His Dark Materials and everything by Shaun Tan, and the long answer is no one wants to sit here for five minutes reading a list of every single one of my favourite books
Favorite Flower(s): roses are the big fave, but I love...... so many........
Favorite Animal(s): cats and birds
Favorite Beverage: chocolate milkshakes
Average Hours of Sleep: probs seven or eight?
Favorite Fictional Characters: oh no I have too many uuuhh god I don’t even know where to begin... every time I think of a character I think of three more. (this is a nightmare question.) ok an Iconic Three to summarise who I am as a person: Peter Parker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and..... Pikachu. there u go
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: two!!
Dream Trip: there are more far-flung destinations I want to visit, but honestly I’d love to go to New Zealand again, esp to see the south island
Blog Created: 2010, what a time to be alive :’)
Number of Followers: I’d rather not say, but it’s a nice little number
Rules: tag 20 blogs and answer questions in a new post
A- age: 22 yikes
B- birthplace: Sydney
C- current time: 11:16 am
D- drink you last drank: chocolate Moove
E- easiest person to talk to: our turtle, Apple
F- favorite song: aaaaaa uuummmm this is always a dilemma. my default answer is One Crowded Hour by Augie March because the lyricism is to die for
G- grossest memory: I’ve probably repressed so many but, dissecting eyeballs in high school bio? I hate anything to do with touching eyes so
H- horror yes or no? that’s a strong no from me
I- in love?  with liFE?? u know it!
J- jealous of people? mm of some people, in some ways, but only fleetingly. it’s not a very productive feeling, so I try not to give it much attention
K- killed someone? yes, and I’m so sorry to all those ants’ families and friends..... my sincere condolences..... I’m truly a monster.....
L- love at first sight or should i walk past again? I think walking past again definitely helps
M- middle name: Rose
N- number of siblings: one!
O- one wish? ooooh only one... hm it’s a bit trite, but I wish I could just slow down time
P- person you last called? either my mum or my dad
Q- question you’re always asked: “so what are you going to do after university/what are you going to do with your art degree?” (I open my mouth, I scream for ten hours)
R- reason to smile: well my sister recently got her wisdom teeth out and her face has swollen into a square so that’s been p entertaining
S- song you last sang: Vernoona, once again by Augie March
T- time you woke up: around 7:30am
U- underwear color: black
V- vacation: yes please thank you
W- worst habit: I mean, procrastinating in general. but I’m the literal worst at emails. you can’t expect me to send or reply to emails in a timely manner, it just won’t happen I’m sorry
X- x-rays: I’ve never had one????????
Y- your favourite food: fish and chips!!!
Z- zodiac sign: listen if hot chips were a zodiac sign, and it was my zodiac sign, that would explain so much about my diet
20 people is so much pressure to tag wow but I love seeing other people’s answers so let’s say I’m tagging the heck out of anyone who wants to get in on this questionnaire action (either one, or both)
(please feel free to be like “tumblr user dreamingpartone tagged a million people and we’re all one of them”)
(also if you’ve read this far I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies and congratulations)
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