#i should stop saying this stuff because i never actually commit xdd
kari-go · 4 months
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This was so much fun :D
They will change ofc. Mostly just Marinette and Chris get buffer xd
btw, the body birthmarks' placement was random.
Ramblings under cut
Marinette has a typical teen girl body type. I don't think that her legs and arms would be weak tho. She helps around in the bakery and has to keep up with Kim. Sometimes she even runs with him in the morning (he takes a slower pace ofc).
She does have neat handwriting when she isn't in a rush, which doesn't happen that often honestly. Sometimes her notes are readable sometimes not, it's a gamble. She tries to make them look nice tho, she has a few highlighters she uses constantly.
Chris has a sort of hourglass shape. I always drew him as slender and like. Why did I do that. It's a crime that I haven't drawn him chubby like of course he will be. Mf sits around all day and goes on a walk sometimes like bruh. Other than that he has really veiny hands, another thing he got from Arthur along with his baby face lol (although, Arthur’s veins are even more prominent, so much they're kinda concerning). I like how I drew them :]. The baby face is not gonna change soon unless he stops transforming which he definitely won't do. Btw, despite being the weakest of the trio as a civilian, he's actually the strongest while transformed (with the lion ofc)
As for his handwriting, it's not bad. Sometimes he squishes the words together to not waste space and it ends up not being readable.
He's already pretty athletic, he used to do competitive gymnastics and ice skating in his free time. Used to, he sprained his wrist (mostly out of stress and to occupy his mind to keep him from thinking about Viktor,,,, it's just.. a thing he does). Then they moved to Paris anyway, so he just stopped completely. He gained a little weight so he started running in the morning, to also get to know the city better. He also starts going to the gym with Kim after a while. His freckles are mostly on his face and neck
Surprise, his name is Štěpán lol. Would Štefan/Stefan be more fitting? Yes, but I like Štěpán more. Anyway, his handwriting is really neat, he's left-handed btw (idk just vibes). His notes are also nicely organized so he's the one to go to out of the yellow group if you need them.
Alya, my girl, I love her. She doesn't do much physical activity, she usually just sits around doing something on her phone or laptop. But after The Butterfly appears she starts running around more, to get the footage for Ladyblog. Her stamina gets so good omg
Her handwriting is not that bad. It honestly depends on the day and mood, sometimes she can't even read it herself xd
Chloe is another athlete, she did gymnastics, track running, ice skating and sometimes ballet and fencing. Her legs are so powerful you have no idea. I know that's a lot of sports and her grades reflect that which is why she needs a tutor. She stopped ice skating, fencing, and ballet when she was younger and now she just does them for fun, when she gets the time ( ,,, she honestly doesn't lol). But now she also quit the other ones as she went into lycee because her grades were too bad and Andre put his foot down (he mostly just told her that Audrey would be disappointed oof). Btw, Aurore’s mom was her ballet teacher :) definitely no rivalry there 
She writes in cursive? She does, to make herself stand out and appear fancy. It does look fancy but she focuses on that too much so sometimes she doesn't write everything down :/
My girl is BUFF. Her main focus is on fencing, which is how she met Chloe :D. She has a private gym wherever she lives, so she trains there. She also has an interest in archery and sometimes ice skating so she does that but also just regular sparring. But again, her main focus is fencing, she's already one of the best but she can be better. Her freckles are mostly on her face (her nose to be specific) and are more sparse on her body
Her handwriting, like everything else about her, is bold.
What do I say about her? She cares about her appearance a lot and she knows she's pretty. She exercises at home but also goes to the gym sometimes (she has to watch out for her asthma tho). Her self-control fails when it comes to sweets but it goes to her thighs mostly which she doesn't mind as much. Her tummy and fingers annoy her tho
Pretty handwriting. She tries to make her notes pretty but gets so occupied with that, that she doesn't even pay attention to the lesson and just the appearance (wow really subtle lol)
He's the least athletic out of the three besties, he doesn't even try to catch up anymore xd. He can barely run a lap (same tbh). 
His handwriting takes up space and is sometimes unreadable. That's not really an issue because he remembers stuff more by listening so he doesn't take notes. He just looks at Marinette’s (or Stephan’s after they meet) if he needs to.
Another athletic fella. He does track running and swimming. He did track sooner than swimming but he likes swimming more and wants to focus on it (it's also how he and Ondine met). And like I mentioned before, he runs in the mornings and then starts going to the gym with Steph. So yeah, another strong legs lol
His handwriting takes up SO much space. He goes through so many notebooks, it's also not that readable xd and it's not like he can focus on the study sessions with Nino and Marinette, they usually just end up playing UMS3. (he always loses if you're asking)
Jules! She's pretty thin. She walks around a lot and forgets to eat sometimes. Especially when she's studying. Her collarbone is really prominent, she also has bony hands.
Her handwriting is small, sometimes unreadable
He has a belly button piercing!!!! (very important information imo) That's it. bony hands also
His handwriting is shit. You will not understand half of the stuff (unless you're Juleka).
Just an average teen girl's body, she exercises at home at least once a day.
The best person to go to for notes. So nice, so readable, so neat
Her legs are strong, she just flies around all day. She skates to school every day (which is like 45 mins on foot). Then she goes to a skate park or a roller skating rink.
Her handwriting is somehow worse than Luka's, like it's completely unreadable, just cat scratches.
She loves walking around, just taking in the atmosphere and nature
She has really small handwriting, the words look lonely on the page
He sits around a lot but he makes sure to exercise to make sure his body is healthy. He also watches his diet.
His handwriting is the best out of the class but his notes look less nice than Sabrina’s. He always writes down his full name
She has a hard time gaining and maintaining weight (even if we ignore her allergies) so she eats a lot and doesn't exercise much. Her chronic cough also doesn't help
Her notes are always decorated, there are so many cute drawings and stickers. It's so adorable
He's a lot like Chris, except he gets forced to do stuff by Alix
He doesn't have the prettiest handwriting. He usually just ends up drawing all over the page
His little sister is a back killer, she wants to be on his shoulders all the time.
His handwriting is on the smaller side
She did ballet since she knew how to walk. She slowed down a little, wanting to focus on her grades and the weather competition she loses.
Pretty notes, she doesn't use highlighter and decorations that much, just headers
Swimmer, she's like a fish. She has pretty wide shoulders. She has freckles everywhere.
Her handwriting is so round and spacey. She has a lot of pretty highlighters. Also her last name is Rosseau :D!
They don't exercise much, or at all. They like to take a walk when their inspiration is low
Their handwriting is nice, but it can get messy when they're really inspired and just write with no breaks.
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