#i shouldn't be surprised considering i included all 7 brothers but like. wow
plumeriaheart · 5 years
Can you do hcs for the brothers (or Levi/Asmo/Belphie) based on the prompts "Vulnerable" ?? ;;; thanks! i'm sorry if this req make you confused ;;
SFW Headcanon asks 💞 | currently accepting
Hey! Since it’s only one letter, I’ll do all seven brothers for this one -- and don’t worry, it’s not confusing at all! I wonder if what I wrote really made any sense lol, but thank you so much for the request
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
LUCIFER will take the longest to allow himself to be vulnerable around his s/o. Would you expect anything else from the Avatar of Pride? It’s against his very nature to allow himself to show weakness, no matter who you are. On top of that, he has been holding back for centuries at this point -- old habits die hard. It may take months (or, more likely, years) for him to allow himself to be truly vulnerable around you, and even then, you can’t expect it to be a regular occurrence. It may happen every so often, but when it does? He will be rather quiet around you, lost in his thoughts and very distracted. Even then, Lucifer won’t outright ask for your reassurance, but at this point you know him well enough to do it anyways. Think of gentle touches and warm words, the usually proud demon hanging onto your every word as he looks at you, wondering if you didn’t hail from the Celestial Realm after all. The next day, neither of you should speak about it -- he will thank you for being there for him, yes, but he’s not looking to discuss it. 
MAMMON will show his vulnerabilities around you without realising it, very early on in your relationship. If he does notice he’s displaying his weaknesses for you to see, he’ll deny it ever happened. A few encouraging words are enough to make him admit to it, though, and as long as you keep encouraging him, he will allow himself to confide in you. Usually so very loud, he will be quiet and seem much smaller than he usually does. Please hug him, because there will be no safer place for him than your loving arms. Mammon soaks up any kind of affection you show him, and it’s the same with your encouragement -- it feels so strange to admit to his fault and not have somebody blame him! You seem to understand him, and upon realising this, he will tear up. Don’t mention it at all, just let his tears flow and wipe them away occasionally. You will become his safe haven, and trust me when I say that he needs one badly.
LEVIATHAN speaks up about his insecurities even before you two begin to date. This demon is fully aware of his flaws and assumes that everyone else is, too -- if he struggles to find anything positive about himself, then everyone else will, too, right? He will show you his vulnerable side before your relationship begins, because you will have to get through to him in the first place: show him that you care about him, that you like him for his strengths as well as his flaws. A lot of the time, his self-loathing will be aggressive, toxicity dripping from every bad word he says about himself. Levi doesn’t say them for you to pity him, to guilt you into saying nice things to him, and usually, he knows you wouldn’t do that, either. But when his mind is clouded with self-hatred, he is prone to accusing you of lying to him, that you’re only with him because you pity him, and it may be difficult to make him believe the truth. The best thing to do is to stay with him, keep him company until his bad mood fades away, then reassure him of your feelings for him once more. He will cling onto your words as if they’re a lifeline.
SATAN, similar to Lucifer, isn’t fond of the idea of showing vulnerabilities. His two biggest insecurities are his similarities to Lucifer, and what he perceives as a lack of personality -- he’s made up of parts of his other brothers, and what is there that makes him unique? He will keep these thoughts to himself, most of the time, and you will have to be the one to insist on talking about them for him to open up. While talking about his similarities with Lucifer can spark some anger and annoyance with him, you’ll find that his issue with his personality is much more prominent. It’s a rare sight, voice low and expression troubled. You wonder how he’s not able to see what you see in him: despite being the Avatar of Wrath, he has a gentle soul to him, you can tell by his love for animals. His fondness of books and eagerness to keep learning only shows how curious he is, how full of life. Tell him that, and he’ll be speechless. No, he doesn’t want to be speechless, but he will accept the situation as is; deep blush on his cheeks as he nods. He will need to think about all of the things you tell him, perhaps voice some thoughts -- you are invited to stay with him, as he values your input greatly.
ASMODEUS shows his vulnerabilities in spurts. Spontaneous bursts of insecurity may befall him, and he is not above asking you to cheer him up. He will want to be close to you, keep you to himself and have you list all the things you like about him. Reassure him that your feelings for him won’t fade, that your heart belongs to him and only him, and that you want to stay by his side forever, and he’ll slowly begin to regain his confidence. It’s not often that Asmodeus opens up like this, raw feelings on display for you, but jealousy and alcohol may get him there. If he wanted to, he could find anybody to whisper sweet nothings into his ear, but all of that wouldn’t mean a thing -- your words are the only one he cares about, and that in itself scares him. The easiest way to reassure him is to kiss him over and over again, telling him how much you love him and holding him close. Be warned, this may take up an entire day, and Asmo won’t be sorry about keeping you to himself.
BEELZEBUB doesn’t mind showing you his vulnerable side. In fact, he finds something comforting in those moments when you’re the one holding him, your warmth enveloping him. He doesn’t need for you to say anything, really, what Beel needs the most is for you to stay with him. Perhaps it’s due to him and Belphegor being twins, but being alone gets to him faster than you’d expect; anxiety and dark thoughts creeping up to him before he can realise it. Beel has talked to you about his worries before, but he finds that his guilt and anxiety are best combatted with your company. If you hold onto his hand, hug him or let him cuddle up to you as you stroke his hair, he will find his worries washing away slowly. And though you don’t ask for any compensation, this boy will insist on paying you back for helping him out. 
BELPHEGOR refuses to show you his vulnerable side, what good would it do? Is it even something you can help him with? His answer would be no, and yet he’d make excuses to have you spend time with him. Unless he’s seriously overwhelmed by his bad feelings, he will find a way to talk around his problems while making you believe you’re helping him out. (You are, but it’s something he takes for granted in the beginning.) The longer you are with him, though, the easier it gets to spot his fake smiles. His teasing will be halfhearted at best, and you notice him sleeping less during those times. It will be up to you to pull him aside and sit him down, and even then, he might deny it. (He’s touched that you care about him this much, even when he’s being difficult to deal with on purpose.) Keep digging, and eventually Belphie will cave, telling you all that’s on his mind. Make it more casual by having a horror movie on in the background, both of you wrapped in blankets on your beds, his head resting on your lap; that way, he won’t feel so awkward as he talks about his feelings. And once he gets it off his chest, he will promptly fall asleep -- don’t bother trying to wake him up, because he won’t budge. (He may be trying to avoid a deeper discussion about his feelings, but one day, he’ll get there. Please give him some time.)
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