#i shouldnt have to deal with bullshit like this because i was born and had the audacity to try and be happy and comfortable in my own skin
codecicle · 1 year
worlds teeniest tiniest vent but i think all transphobic lawmakers should get their balls put in a panini press and get run over by cars so perfectly that their pussies get roadburn actually. they don't deserve happiness or respect and i hope they all die <3 <3 <3 <3
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Part 2 of Toni x Reader sequel
   “ Please excuse my friend here, she is a little shy.” 
    Toni told the guy behind the register . She flashed me a bright smile , looking down at her wallet and pulling out a ten dollar bill to hand to the guy. I was frozen , standing there in my black thigh high boots.    “ $6.83 pretty lady ” . The middle aged man looked Toni up and down and she rolled her eyes as she handed him the bill. He slowly opened the register , getting the change     “ So where`s your boyfriend at tonight ? Shouldnt he be buying these for you ? And why are pretty young ladies like yourselves out at such a late hour. Scary things go bump in the night , you know.”   
    Toni respectfully took the change and raised an eyebrow in my direction.   “ I think we could handle ourselves but thanks for the concern.” she paused and her eyes traveled down to his name tag.   “ Steve is it ? ... Well  What if i told you ‘us pretty ladies’ were part of the scary things that go bump in the night ? Besides... Im more into girls anyways . And these chocolates are for my girlfriend over there. ” She held out the ‘d’ in girlfriend and looked my way. Im almost positive my heart skipped a beat or two. GIRLFRIEND??? Did she just say girlfriend ? I know she was probably just saying it to screw around with the guy but still.    She took the bag with the rose and chocolates and traced her fingers across the conveyor belt until she reached the end of the register aisle and made sure to stand there long enough for him to see her serpent jacket. She walked forward , grabbed my hand and led me out the exit door . Before taking her hand off the door, she turned and smiled at Steve. “ Have a great night Steve.” She bit the tip of her tongue in the sexiest way possible and let the door shut . 
“ What a loser !” She laughed as she guided us through the parking lot. She stopped at the bike and turned to face me. The way her curls flipped over her shoulder and her eyes landed on mine ,i saw it all in slow motion and my breath hitched. Again , I tried to formulate words but my mind was racing too quickly and i couldn't think of anything. Say something !!   “ You... bought me a rose ?... And Chocolate ?”
“ Indeed i did, princess. Are you going to share some of those chocolates with me or am i gonna have to satisfy myself looking at something else just as sweet.” She stepped closer and with an inch or two on me,  My cheeks turned a light pink as she watched me giddily smile .   “ We`ll see “  i said and grabbed my helmet. “ So where to next ?” I hopped on the back of the bike and she smiled , following my actions.   “ Hmm i didn't really think that far .  But i know a place.” She started the bike and we were off.
    This time, Toni played music from her phone in her pocket. We thankfully had the same taste in music . “ Heaven “ by Julia Michaels was playing now and we were both screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs as we rode through the night. It was about 9pm and close to no one was around, not shocking since Riverdale becomes like a ghost town after 8pm. There were definitely things that happened after 8pm in this town but usually, you had to go looking for it and it was on the south side.  I lived right in the middle, my house being about half a mile in from the tracks, i lived in the north side by default.
    We were about 2 minutes in Fox Forest when I knew exactly where we were going. Lovers Lane. Toni accelerated as we went up a small hill to get to the top of Fox Forest and stopped when we reached the small gate that blocked people from driving off the cliff. Surprisingly, there have been no reports of that happening yet.  We were at the top of Riverdale. From up here, Riverdale looked peaceful even if living in that town was far from it. I preferred the town from up here, I think most people did.  “ Beautiful , right ?” Toni looked from the view to my face for a quick glance.     “ Yeah it really is. I almost wish the town lived up to the views expectations.”    Toni chuckled. “ Yeah i know what you mean.  I come up here with my friends sometimes and we just talk about life for hours. Its nice to get away from all the bullshit once in a while. ” Right as she finished her sentence, she looked back out over the cliff.  I unwrapped the plastic around the box of chocolates with my fingernail and opened the heart shaped top to unveil the delicious candy. I took one out and I took a bite. We sat there in silence for a few minutes just staring at the houses and trees and lights below us. It was a nice silence. You know you really vibe with someone when you both can sit and enjoy each others presence in comfortable silence without it getting awkward.      “ So tell me about you , oh mysterious one. You are a serpent , I can guess that one pretty easily.  Your name is Toni, you have pink hair, you ride a motorcycle and you have a thing for defying capitalistic holidays. Anything else ? ”       
     Toni took a piece of chocolate and put it in her mouth, slowly putting her finger in her mouth to lick off the aftermath of the chocolate. She swung her legs around so we were both facing the same direction and our legs rubbed up against one another.  “ Well, Looks like i hooked myself a pretty good detective, huh? ” She bumped my shoulder in a playful manner and put a piece of hair behind her ear. “ Hmm , where should i start ?! Well, Im from the South side born and raised. My parents will never win best parenting award to put it lightly. My mom got knocked up in high school and my father ran. So she tried to do it on her own but just couldnt. The stress got to her, and eventually she followed my dads footsteps and ran too. My uncle raised me and he is a good guy, i guess. Not citizen of the year but he took care of me and raised me the best he could when i wasnt his responsibility in the first place. We fight alot so when hes not locking me out of the trailer , he usually finds himself something extra to do at work on the tracks so he doesn't need to come home and deal with my `teenage moodiness` . I am really close to my grandfather.  I visit him almost everyday after school before i go to work. I am a bartender at the Whyte Wyrm 4 nights a week. Sometimes five when Sweet Pea doesnt want to do his job that night. Speaking of Sweet Pea, hes my best friend. We have known each other since we were in kindergarten. Me , Sweets and Fangs were the three musketeers since our ABC days. Ill introduce you one day.”
   “ No need. We`ve already met. Fangs has a thing for my friend Kevin and Sweet Pea kindly split up their little love fest in the halls earlier this week so i wouldn't be late to English class for the thousandth time. They seem really cool and Jughead says nothing but good things about them.” Toni raised her eyebrows and her facial expression turned into a look of curiosity   “ And what exactly has Jughead said about me because there is no way he would talk about Sweet Pea and Fangs and leave me out.”
       “ He said you were the first person to show him around South-side High when he was transferred and you were nice but feisty. He actually said you were his favorite out of the rest of the friend group and you were best friends. He left one thing out though.”    Now it was Toni`s turn to be momentarily confused. I could see she was thinking but quickly gave up and raised her eyebrow. If she hasn`t done that enough tonight. But everytime she does it, I feel like I gain 10 years to my life so i certainly don`t mind it. “ And what would that be, Dimples ?” 
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lesbian-ed · 7 years
do you have advice for dealing with the feeling that being a lesbian is unnatural? I KNOW deeply that my body refuses males and loves and desires females. but sometimes I worry I'm only like this because of patriarchy and when I see my straight/bi friends describe 'decent men' I try to talk myself into the idea of being open to men. and then I hear all these bullshit biological arguments and it makes me feel like I must be misinterpreting my feelings because I shouldnt logically exist like this
Hi there, sweetheart. 
Our [internalized lesbophobia tag] might be a good place for you to start at, but I do have some direct advice I’d like to give you.
First of all, you acknowledged something I think is quite important: your body refuses males and loves and desires females. Girl, by saying this, by stating this, I think you’re halfway there. Try to rationalize this: why is it that you body has these needs, and these aversions? In my personal opinion, it is because your body knows what it needs, and therefore it is guiding you there. Because of this, your wants and desires are 100% natural. They are normal, they are not odd, they are not dirty or wrong. Even if you don’t agree with me, what is more important then; denying yourself, ignoring your instincts, or allowing yourself happiness, allowing yourself to be true to who you are? 
Why would you have to deny yourself? Because of “biological arguments”? If that’s what’s getting you worried, take a look around: we have over 7 billion people in the world. Every one second, four babies are born. Every one second, less than two people die. That means that we reproduce at double the speed we die off. So why the fuck would we have any more biological reasons to be in heterosexual relationships? What is the world really getting of it? 
If you’re looking at it from a scientific stand point, I can’t think of any real reasons why being gay is detrimental to society (even if your had any sort of obligation to society about who you date and who you marry, which you don’t).
The time of the nuclear family is gone. We have no need for that. Your job in this world, your role in your own life, is not to be a man’s wife and children’s mother. Even if you want to become a mother one day, nothing says it must be with a man. Why would it have to be? Why would this be some sort of obligation? What is the value in that? Why would it be more valuable than you living a happy life with a family you actually love?
Whenever I answer these asks, I tend to come back with a bunch of questions. The thing is, each person is different, the things that ease my mind about being gay and why it is not wrong are probably different from the things that will ease your mind. So I’m asking you these questions, because I think the way to make it through is to rationalize these feelings of self hatred. Try to understand where they’re coming from, try to tell yourself plain and simple: what is there in you not to like, and why don’t you like it? Because once you recognize that there is simply no viable answer, there isn’t a single good reason why there’s anything wrong with you... Then you can work from there, and constantly remind yourself. 
I wish  you all the best. I hope you know you have a place with us, that we appreciate you for who you are, that we see value in being a lesbian. Surround yourself with good friends, actual lesbian friends (trust me, I’m sure a lot of our followers are seeking friends too), and make yourself see that there’s nothing wrong with being who you are. 
I hope you’ll live your happiest lesbian life, and that you’ll be kind to yourself in the future.
(PS: we’re meat sacks, made out of bones, skin, and a bunch of atoms which are recycled from starstuff. Somehow our bodies got put together, and they  work so that a muscle in our chest pumps blood through our body, and keeps us alive. Somehow, a weird grey mass in our heads which constantly shocks itself makes us think and be conscious and aware... Not everything is so logic. Idk how it is that we got to be who we are. 
But we’re here, we look at cat pictures, talk to each other, and exist. We don’t need a logical explanation, we just need to keep going, and doing our best to make the most out of his plane of existence.) 
/Mod A
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how to afford teen driver insurance
"how to afford teen driver insurance
how to afford teen driver insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What can i do if my fmla and insurance is terminated?
Today is my last day for fmla and my insurance benefits, but I can't afford any insurance. Its almost 4 months I've been out of work due to diabetes, high blood pressure, fractured c1, infections on my skull and spine, and excessive migraines. I am unable to bend over, lift heavy objects, push or pull objects, stand, sit, or walk for long periods of time and was recently denied disability benefits. I need other operations done, but I cannot afford health insurance to continue my treatments.""
I have a health insurance question for baby?
Hey, I was wondering if there is a type of cheap health insurance me and my husband could get since we don't have any and are wanting to have a baby? We both work and have good jobs but, no insurance. Is there and insurance just to cover the baby because as long as the baby's needs are covered I could care less about us? That includes like before the baby is born but, all the doctor visits pertaining to the baby.""
Aren't you sick of people comparing health care to car insurance?
1. Mandatory Car Insurance is to cover THE OTHER PERSON if you get in an accident that is your fault. 2. Any coverage for yourself is optional, unless mandated by the bank that is loaning you the money as part of the contract for them loaning you the money to acquire the car. 3. I can choose not to drive. Liberals really are morons....""
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
How do I insure my new used car while I wait to pass my test?
I have a UK provisional driving licence, am due to take my practical test in little over a week and have just bought a used car. I have purchased temporary insurance so that my mum can drive the car home for me, which cost me 45 for the day. I'm an older learner driver, (over 40). How do I insure the car whilst it sits on the road outside my house until I pass my test?""
I'm 18, from california, and ive had my license since i was 16. I currently drive a 04 volvo and im planning to get a 2012 or 2013 chevrolet camaro LS. The plan is to trade in my old car but my mom is complaining that my insurance will be like $300 or more a month. Is that true? I have safeco btw thanks""
Why did my friends mother want me to have car insurance?
I wanted to pick up my friend and have her come to my house. Her mother said i have to have car insurance to have her daughter in the car with me. I was just wondering why.
How do i go about getting car insurance?
ok so i just bought my first car but i dont know a thing about getting insurance nd what not.. my mum said something about third party insurance and greenslips and what not. what's the first step i should take?
Considering suing my car insurance company?
As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...""
How much would car insurance be?
I'm 17, but plan on registering and getting insurance in my name when I am 18. I'm a female, I live in Georgia and I'm just now getting my license. My car is a 96 Toyota Tercel. A piece of crap that runs, but she's my piece of crap :D help?""
Where can a 18 year old female get cheap car insurance?
I've looked around everywhere and the cheapest i could find was 2200, would it be cheaper if i phoned up the companies or what? how do they expect ,e to be able to afford that im a student and live in a village so i need it to commute to work and college. i cant rely on the buses because there always late and stuff. i would be willing to pay something around 1000. i have a fiat punto 1.2 and just past my test, i was going to do a pass plus test but they dont even ask if you have done anything like that.""
Will my insurance be higher if my car doesnt have airbags?
I'm about to buy a mustang and I know how much insurance will be already, I've talked to my insurance agent and there is a mustang with low miles, and its a nice deal but needs a little work. The main thing it needs is Airbags. Will my insurance be higher because it has no airbags? And how much does it cost to get airbags replaced?""
""In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.?""
In India, which company offers cheap insurance price for car ins. and bike ins.? Thank u in advance.""
Car insurance for temporary work in California?
I have a 4 months of temporary work in California and I am thinking of taking my car. My current car insurance will not cover driving for work purposes in California. What is the easiest way to get car insurance for 4 months for California?
How much would private insurance cost for two adults and 1 baby?
My fianc and I would like to get married. About how much would it cost for the two of us and our 14 week old?
Will a cell phone ticket effect my car insurance rate?
I got a cell phone ticket that might go on my driving record. Wil it effect my insurance rate? I have 21 century with a great low rate. Will that change?
Estimate the affordable mortgage and the affordable purchase price for the Bergholts? Please help if you can.
Kim and Dan Bergholt are both government workers. They are considering purchasing a home in the Washington D.C. area for about $280,000. They estimate monthly expenses for utilities ...show more""
Has you health insurance premium cost gone up or down?
Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday. State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower. Supporters of the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, credited the drop in rates to the online purchasing exchanges the law created, which they say are spurring competition among insurers that are anticipating an influx of new customers. The law requires that an exchange be started in every state.""
What do I get as a USAA member without any accounts?
You can get a USAA membership with an online registration; however, I do not need to have any banking accounts, insurance, etc with USAA. What do I get with this membership and does it affect my credit score? What are the pros and cons of becoming a USAA member when I don't have any accounts open with them?""
""Will the Government help us financially, with affordable health insurance plans?""
Since it's required by law in 2014 to have health insurance, will the US Government help pay for health insurance for your average family of four? Or any Non-Profits possibly, because, it's either food or insurance which is at least $400.00/month (through employer), plus all the co pays, deductibles of $7000.00+, major increases in food/gas,costs of living, with only $1.50/hr salary increase in five years. Seems to me health insurance should be affordable depending on annual income, and reasonable enough in price or there's just no way to live hear anymore, so can the Government help at all?""
Whats the average price of car insurance for a teen with a 97 jet ta ?
Whats the average price of car insurance for a teen with a 97 jet ta ?
What would the insurance cost for a 2002 Audi TT?
Just looking for a quick estimate. I'm a 20 year old male with a moving violation that happened two years ago. It would be a California car. Probably would drive about 8,000 miles a year. Also would it matter if it was a roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks""
Around how much would my car insurance be?
I was thinking about buying a 2001 chevy camaro that my friend is selling. I wanted to purchase the car but my mom said I shouldnt because the insurance for the car would be too much. I'm 18 years old. I also know that different insurance companies will have different prices. Just wanted to know if anyone can tell me around how much I would paying. Thank you for your time
Can I buy a car and drive it home same day without insurance? First time car buyer?
Same as above really, I recently passed my test and I know nothing about cars, I was just wondering if I see a nice car and I wanted to buy it, could I buy it and drive it away same day without having insurance. Or can I insure to drive a car for a few days with those temporary insurance covers and then insure it properly when i brought the car? A little confused here..""
What is a good low cost health insurance plan for my family?
I am 27 and my wife is 26. I am currently a full time college student and my wife is bartending until I finish school. We have no kids but also not a lot of money. I don't mind ...show more
how to afford teen driver insurance
how to afford teen driver insurance
Will my mom's car insurance go up because of my speeding ticket?
Ok...I was driving my mom's suburban truck...I was doing 45 in a 35. I am not on my mom's insurance but the ticket is in my name in my mom's truck. The ticket is 81.50...I only had my license for a year...my mom never had a ticket...ever...so her insurance is like cheap...she gas state farm...will her insurance go up? I don't want to tell her.
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
Hi everyone, i bought a car today...and i would like to insure myself on a provisional licence (UK ONLY) for my car. I have looked up cheap temporary insurance...but it needs to already be insured by another driver. I am the ONLY driver of this car. I do not want to put anyone else's name on it. I would like to insure it for 2-3 months, as i am nearly ready to pass my test. Can anyone tell me good sites? Ive already been on provisional marmalade and covered learner ....but they can only insure you on someone elses car. I will be the only person driving my car, i am the legal owner. I am only 18 and need something cheap for 2-3 months till i pass my test. Please help! Thankyou!!""
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
Where can I go for affordable prescription glasses being that I do not have any insurance?
I've noticed my vision is a bit blurry and i'm always getting headaches these days. On Thanksgiving my Uncle let me try on his prescription glasses. It wasn't blurry at all. In fact, I've never seen better so I KNOW FOR SURE I need glasses. Do you think Walmart would be affordable?""
Cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Would it be cheaper to put I rent my home or just other on my insurance for my vehicle.
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
Is it misandric that young men have to pay more for car insurance?
I mean, its noted that young men tend to have more severe accidents, than women and older men - but isnt this just another case of generalising based on age and sex? A similar generalisation made about women, would have caused an uproar and certainly no policies would have been based on such generalisations about women - as it would face immediate protest, then why is it OK to generalise young men like this? Source : http://education.yahoo.net/auto-insurance/articles/why_do_men_pay_more_for_car_insurance.htm""
Which car is the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified 17 year old driver ?
My daughter wants her own car but insurance costs seem very high - can anyone sugest a suitable car for a new driver that won't cost her a small fortune to run or maintain ?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance?
Use Medisave to Buy a Life Insurance! Is this a wise choice?
Which car insurance company fit what I want?
Hi, I recently cancelled my car insurance from State Farm because they were over-charging on my bill. I am 19 years old, and have a new car (Honda Accord Coupe) which is a 2 door which is considered a sport's car. Because I'm a young driver, and it's a new car, and it's a sports car my insurance was off the roof. I want to find another car insurance that will have fair coverage and is affordable for me. I live in PA if that helps as well...""
How much is an SR22 insurance cost?
More or less...
How can i get cheap car insurance?
cheap car insurance
Question about Scion Tc insurance?
So I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about the insurance on a Scion Tc. I'm 16 and looking into getting a scion as my first car. My family and I have state farm insurance, and I would co-sign with them. It would be a used scion with about under 50000 miles and probably a year 2006 or 2005. I live in new york if it helps and am a new driver, no tickets or points. So I was just basically wondering how much other people pay a month or year for a scion tc, their age, the year of their car, and the state they live in. Also and more importantly is a scion tc considered a sports car, or is it under sports car insurance. If it is how much extra monthly is that. I would also be eligible for a steer clear program reduction, good grades reduction, and the reduction for taking drivers ed if anyone has any idea how much that would save. Thanks for anyone who can help!""
Best Insurance for Speeding Tickets?
I will be getting married in a month and need to get new car insurance. What insurance companies offer the best rates for people with speeding tickets? I have 2 speeding tickets, and my fiance has 2 accidents on record... any suggestions of the best places to start looking?""
What car companies have a low insurance for newly passed driver?
i want to buy car i am intrested in mazda rx8, i am wondering what car companies are good for low insurance.""
How much is a basic texas motorcycle insurance?? cost these days..?
I am curious to know this information.. for later to purchace a bike maybe a suzuki 250r 2011
Is health insurance portable from state to state ?
If I purchase health insurence from a company like Coventry One of Kansas and move to Florida, can I take the Coverage with me ?""
Keeping my car at a different address than given to car insurance company?
I am currently looking at car insurance (17 male) and for a peugot 106 its 2,100 at my address, but at my dads address its 1,850? He only lives like 1 mile away... If i put his address in the insurance website, but the car will be staying at my address is there anyway they can find out or check? I stay at my dads now and then and the car will be there sometimes but most of the time it will be at my address.... But i dont want to pay another 250pound for living like 1 mile away...lol""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario?
I'm looking to purchase a used car, probably 6-7 years old, and I am a 29 year old male living in Toronto. I want the most basic insurance available required by law, as the vehicle will be less than $4k, so I will take the hit if something happens to the car. I've seen really good quotes from Johnson insurance, but can anyone recommend any other insurance companies which offer cheap insurance for basic coverage? Thanks in advance, Joe""
""If you're driving someone elses car and you wreck it, does their insurance still cover the car?""
Im buying a new car and to make the insurance cheaper my mom is going to be on the insurance not me. But my name is on the title. I wont even be put down as a secondary driver. So my question is, if i wreck, will the insurance still cover the car?""
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
What's the best and cheapest car insurance in California for a bad driver?
Mazda Miatia Insurance Costs!!!?
I am 18 years old and am in the process of buying a mazda miata. I am looking to buy one between 2002-2005. how BAD will the insurance be on it for someone my age? LIke minimum coverage, just Liability and Uninsured Motorist.""
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
I am 17 years old, male, my birthday is 7/11/94. I am looking to buy a car to learn to drive in then finally fully insure. I have not passed my test you but when asked on insurance website's I have put under the 'time held licence for as 1 month just to get a realistic view. I have tried a huge variety of cars but I just can't seem to get them to a reasonable price. For example I have been quoted 5999 on a seat alto 1.0 litre on gocompare. I have also tried adding my father as an additional driver who has 15+ years of experience and no claims. I am currently a student and have stated that the car would be parked on the drive. I live in a semi detached house in a small town. Please can anyone help me on getting it down as low as possible. The only cars I would not consider are 1. citroen saxo, 2. ford ka, 3. any form of fiat.""
how to afford teen driver insurance
how to afford teen driver insurance
Whose insurance will be raised?
A couple weeks ago I let my grand daughter borrow my car to run up to the store for me. While she was gone, she was in a car accident in the parking lot of HyVee. She gave my insurance because she was in my car. Will my insurance be raised, or will her's? We have different insurance companies.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in PA?
So basically I need to insure my car, it's a old one worth about 2000 bucks, so I want the absolute bare minumum amount of insurance. Does anyone know any really cheap but legit car insurance companies? Oh and of course I'm 19 so that'll raise the cost a whale of a lot.""
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
Will it cost more on car insurance to tow a trailer tent?
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
In California I Pay $16 for my two kids' health insurance as low income family?
can I do the same in New Jersey? I am afraid to move to a new state whereI don't know the roads and malls but may have to for a better life
""I was charged dui + my insurance company doesn't know, should I notify them for $1700 coverage for road work?""
I was in an accident involving a highway railing but no other automobiles except my own. This was six months ago. My insurance company was not notified and as of now has no information regarding my accident or dui. I totaled my car and have gladly stopped driving as I live in a city and can bike, walk and ride public transportation. My question regards an outstanding bill I have for $1,700 to the state highways for repair to the railing I hit. Should I pay out of pocket? or file an insurance claim and have it covered as part of my property damage liability? I have heard the insurance company would increase my insurance rate for 3 years, but I don't plan on having a car anyway. I could use the $1700, however, I've come away clean thus far and am reluctant to bring this to my insurance company's attention if I don't have to, though it may be just a matter of time before the insurance company learns of the accident anyway. I have moved to a different state and have a different drivers license and plan on discontinuing my insurance at the end of the month when the policy runs out.""
Do you need insurance for a scooter under 50cc in Pennsylvania
About how much would auto insurance be a month for a beginning teen driver?
I know your not going to be able to give an exact price. I just need a legitimate number. I'm 16, and just fully paid for a nice car on CL. So I do fully own it if that helps the price any. Just an estimated number per month please.""
How do you find affordable health insurance?
I have a friend of mine who lives in Florida. He had open heart surgery a few years ago. After the surgery was done, the Dr walked in the room and told my friend he really never needed the surgery to begin with. He is trying to find health insurance and he is having trouble finding it because of his heart condition even though now he doesn't have one. Most of the health insurance companies want more then $1500 a month to insure him. How does he find affordable insurance in the US?""
Auto insurance for a 17 year old dirver?
ive had my license since christams and im looking for car insurance and im 17 years old how much is the average auto insurance for a teen like me and whats the best thing i can do thank you
CAR INSURANCE - how can I insure my car in a California so my son can drive it even though I live in Florida ?
PROBLEM I own a car that my son drives. He lives in California and will have a California drivers liscense there. I live in Florida. what do I do. The car obviouslyt is in California as well.
Question about car insurance?
Passed my test today!! :D Was wondering what kind of insurance prices people started paying. I want either a ford ka (Been quoted like 2,000) or a Peugeot 207 or something like that. Just wanted to know what other people pay for there car when they first passed?""
I have an insurance question?
If the government regulates and requires auto insurance, why dont they provide it? Flood insurance is provided by the government so why not auto insurance?""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Ok im 20 years old ands i expect to get my full licence soon. i think a Ford KA is my best option for price when thinking about purchase price, Insurance bands, TAX bands and repair costs. The problem is all the insurance company's i have looked at will charge me around 2500. Can anyone recommend any good insurance company's for young drivers. I have tried some price comparison websites none seem to come up with anything new.""
Is it cheaper to buy car insurance from an agent or online?
I just purchased a vehicle and I haven't had a vehicle in a while. Usually I'd get insurance from an agent in an office. I usually get a pretty good deal, but a lot of people are doing things online now for the convenience. What should I do?""
I have 21st century car insurance . They list some of the people that live with me as not rated?
I want to know what this means . They claim the drivers on this list can still drive my car , if they have their own car insurance on theirs cars . Is this correct""
What would be the best car insurance for me?
I just turned 16, and my dad is giving me his mustang. it is a 2004 mustang gt, 2 door coupe. we own it so its all paid for, but he's just going to add me onto his insurance i think, but i'd be paying the difference. so how much would it be to pay insurance monthly? and which car insurance company would be best?""
Where to buy business auto insurance?
My job requires me to transport individuals from their home to various stores or dr.'s appointments. I recently found out that my employer will only cover the person served when I am driving my car on the clock, but not me, or my car. I've done some research and found that I need to update to business/commercial insurance. I live in Iowa. Where is the best/cheapest place to purchase this type of auto insurance. I've got a fairly clean driving record (I've been in two accidents in the last 5 years, neither were my fault) and a safe car.""
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
What would be the best car for a 17 year old in the UK?
(Has to have low insurance & fairly cheap to buy secondhand)
""Best Place for van insurance, young driver 24?""
I'm just wondering the where is the best place to look for cheap van insurance? I'm 24 and a carpenter by trade and I need to get my own van, something like a standard box ford transit.""
Car Insurance Question?
I am buying my first car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan altima 3.5 sedan (4 door) I would love to know how much im looking into for insurance and which company would be best for a new car owner/college student Geico Progressive State Farm etc..... Any information would be beneficial
How will the Affordable Care Act help the self-employed?
While I have been examining the Affordable Care Act from the employer's side (I work in HR), I haven't put much time into how it helps individuals. My brother is married and self-employed. He has no employees. His wife is currently a full-time student. Neither of them currently have health insurance because it is too expensive. They are in their 20s and are both healthy. What type of health insurance options are going to come available to them with the passing of the Affordable Care Act? What is the time frame on this? (I know I read something about the State Pools starting in 2014 but surely there is some relief sooner).""
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
Where to get Individual Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for cheap health insurance quotes?
how to afford teen driver insurance
how to afford teen driver insurance
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
How much does it cost to fill up a 2008 Chevy Malibu and how much is the insurance?
Not allowed to be insured on my mum's car because i work in a pub?
Hi, im starting work in a pub this weekend and in order to get to work etc my mum phoned her insurance company (more than) and asked how much it would be etc.. and they said im not allowed to be insured because ill be working in a pub and there might be a scuffle or something and the car might be damaged.... WHAT? are they serious?! well they are because they wont insure me!! can they do that? what ways round this are there? they have my details already, so i dont think phoning back and telling them a different occupation will work because they already know ill be in a bar. Can you please help me out here? i really need to be insured on my mums car, i cant afford my own car and i need this job to work out, but it wont unless i get this insurance!!! Thanks (im 22 years old by the way, male)""
Insurance costs for a 19 year old with a street bike in Nebraska.?
I am 19 years old and live in the state of Nebraska. I have never received any speeding tickets or traffic violations. I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja 650 or a Yamaha yzf-r 600 and I would like to know about how much insurance would be for that per month.
I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance?
I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance?
Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally?
Should kids protest against very high insurance costs by driving illegally?
So , i live in England , and my neighborhood is like really nice ! ( Houses are like 300000 pounds) , so like my car would be parked in my drive with a gate closed , and it is in insurance group 7 and it is a convertible ( renault megane ) 2006 one how much would i be paying around if i am a driver under my dads name on the insurance and i have had my license for around 6 months and i have had more lessons than needed when i took lessons?""
Affordable health insurance?
i am 34 , i pay over 400.00 a month , im single , does anyone know of some possible cheaper insurance . does anyone know of better insurance that i can afford . please help , male nonsmoker also""
How much will insurance cost for this car..?
so i'm looking for my first car and i'm looking into a Mini cooper S 2004 i am 16 years old and just want to know how much a month it will cost? also could please tell me how much would a 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t cost as well thanks for all your help :)
What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?
I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.
""Cheapest car for insurance, and also cheapest insurance company in uk?""
hi, I have just passed my driving test, so I am looking to buy a car. As I am a new driver, I would like to get some tips and help about choosing a car that is cheap to insure and also a cheap insurance company. to give u an idea I have around 2000 to 2500 pounds to spare for a car and insurance. do u think it would be possible with my budget Please help.... thanks.""
Car insurance queries?
its got no insurance but taxed and motd can i drive it on my licence i can drive any car not belonging to me with owners permission
Insurance for Porsche Cayenne?
hi, im thinking about buying a 2005 Porsche Cayenne, and was wondering how much the insurance will be for such car?""
How much will 1 point affect my car insurance???!?
I got a right turn violation about 8 months ago and i took traffic school so im assuming that my insurance won't penalize me. Now i got another ticket(stop sign violation), how much would you estimate the percentage of my insurance? I live in California btw and im 20 years old.""
Willthe insurance cover me ?
If someone hit my car and it was their fault but i dont have insurance will my cars damage be covered?
""Found a Cheaper Car Insurance, What to do?""
Dear Mate, My car insurance is just started 5 days ago. I have paid them around 300 as deposit. I have found somewhere more cheaper then recent one. If I want to finish my policy with them, How much do they Refund me. Please help me if you knows. Thanks""
What am I required to report when I apply for new car insurance?
I scratched the paint on someone's bumper. A claim was made and the damages paid were approximately $1300. My question is: if I will be applying for a new insurance policy, am I required by law to report that I was in a fender bender? Are they able to access these records? I am trying to determine whether or not this will affect my new insurance policy rates.""
How much is insurance for an 18 year old?
i just turned 18 and am getting off my parents plan and getting my own insurance, i have 2 points on my license at the moment for an improper passing ticket. Thats the only ticket ive gotten. My car is a 2013 Volkswagen Jetta SEL I know i can get insurance quotes, just looking for a ballpark estimate right now....thanks!""
Car Insurance Taken Away?!?!?! HELP?
Ok... so my mom got in a car accident.. which made the insurance company look at my insurance. They decided that I was an at-risk driver.. and they were not getting sufficient money from me if I were to get in an accident and la-de-da so my insurance was taken away!!!! They sent me a letter telling me to basically find another company within a week. I was just wondering.. has this happened to anyone else?! How much will my insurance go up?? -I've had 1 accident that was due to weather conditions... yet they still classified it as at fault -1 speeding ticket (10km over... no points taken away) -1 no-seatbelt ticket. I am 19 in a month... an honours student.. female..going for my 'g' in a week. .... What do I do?!?!
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Should Obama be impeached for saying you can keep your insurance?
Do I need insurance if I have a drivers license but no car?
Im Juss Got My License and i dont have insurance And Wondering If I Can Drive My Parents Car They Have Insurance And Gives Me Permission To Drive It, so if anyone knows the correct answer please let me know and by the way i live in tx.""
Affordable health insurance in Arizona?
My dad needs to find some good health insurance in Arizona. He wants to cover himself and my little brother. Any suggestions?
Health insurance?
affordable health insurance in Houston
What are my health insurance options?
I recently changed jobs to a small company that does not provide health insurance. I was turned down when I applied independently to Aetna for medical reasons. Would the decision of another company likely be any different or is COBRA my only option? Despite some issues in my medical history I virtually never go to the doctor and would be happy with a plan that just covers unexpected catastrophic issues but I'm not sure how to go about looking for that.
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
how to afford teen driver insurance
how to afford teen driver insurance
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