#i spent so long making the pony and then fucking around looking through Angie's
bestmutt · 10 months
All the talk about Pony Town made me go hunt it down so I could play it. I spent entirely too long customizing my pony, walked around the world once, and then hid behind a tree so I could figure out what all the buttons did. 10/10 game, I'm having so much fun
Swag. Love that for you. We love taking forever to make your little guy and then not talking to anyone <3
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curiouscastarchive · 6 years
01 || Sage & Leon; the First but Not the Last
the following is a head canon drabble about the first time Sage and Leon slept together. it’s under a read more because it’s long, not nsfw ; enjoy!
            She watches him, sapphire hues a thousand miles away as Leon busies himself with the mundane task of cleaning up his kitchenette. The airstream is anything but five star accommodations, it’s certainly not a stay at the Ritz, but it’s cozy; and safe, it’s innards lined with iron and salt, making the thing demon and ghost proof. Smart really - but in the short time she’s known him Sage has been given no reason to doubt the Ramsey’s intelligence.
“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” She spouts suddenly, sliding her beer off to the side, in turn crossing her arms one over another to rest against the cool surface of the table.
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The elder hunters dark brows knit together, his frame half turning as he finishes off with his chore, wringing the rag out that he’s been using before tossing it to the side. “‘Scuze me?” He asks, making a point to turn all the way, giving the raven haired female his full attention while simultaneously crossing his arms over his own burly chest. The girls a fighter, that much Leon could tell from the moment he met her. Her brothers a little soft, too soft for their line of work if you ask him; but the duo has only been at it for three months, they can barely tell the difference between a revenant and a shifter. They’re kids; at least in a hunter’s mindset - despite both twins having just passed their twentieth birthday.
“You. You blow into our lives, turn everything upside down, get us to spill our guts, study our story inside out - and when it’s time for you to pony up - you wuss out!” Sage is shocked he’s so aloof, but then that’s been Leon’s M.O. from the second she’d encountered him at the Road House, him mumbling to another gruff looking character about something called a changeling; none sense - at least that was what the Lee girl had assumed when she’d first spoken to him. She’d been proven wrong though - and very quickly, so fast in fact her head could have spun like a top, subtlety was apparently lacking from a hunters repertoire. “Seriously, Z and don’t know anything about you other than that you hunt. It’s insane!”
“Right.” Leon utters, giving his head a shake as the quirk in his smile wavers. Sage has been on about his ‘story’ from the moment she shared her own; it’s a topic he doesn’t like to breach, unlike some people the older hunter doesn’t LIKE to put his life on display, doesn’t see the point. Rehashing old wounds aren’t going to make them ‘go away’ make him feel better. It’s only going to tear him up, remind him how useless he’d been; how naive to the world around him. Leon Ramsey doesn’t like to feel stupid, much less inadequate. His story might not be as graphic as some of the ones he’s heard, maybe not quite as gut wrenching - but it’s his story and it causes him untold counts of pain each and every time he things about Angie; why should he dredge up the past just to quell someone else’s curiosity? “We’re not having this conversation again.” He says as he turns, fetching himself a beer from the mini fridge.
“No! You don’t get to do that! I’ve spent more time with you in these last three months than I’ve spent with some of my blood relatives; I deserve to know something - anything.” Sage continues, prodding with her words. She doesn’t like the fact that Leon’s kept himself so closed off from her, especially not when she’s seen him just about every day in the past several weeks. Call her crazy, but the eldest Lee twin believes in building a connection, sharing and caring; all that bullshit. But she’s young - and fresh in the game, you can’t really blame her for not understanding just how dangerous it is to get attached in this life.
“Oh sweet heart I don’t have to tell you anything.” Leon snaps, slamming the butt of his bottle down so hard the glass threatens to crack. He’s done more than enough for this girl and her brother - offered them his time, knowledge and protection. In Leon’s mind he owes them nothing, and Sage is way over stepping her bounds if she thinks she’s going to demand any kind of answers out of him.
The girl’s eyes widen at the sound, her body jumping slightly - Sage hadn’t expected such a volatile response. Leon’s usually all jokes and smooth lines - anger is an emotion she has had yet to experience with the older hunter; and it looks like he’s about to let loose a shit storm of it on her. “Excuse me?”
“Just who the fuck do you think you are, Ms. Priss? ‘I blew into your life’ I’m sorry - but the way I remember it you were practically begging for answers back there, shit you might as well have been up on a soap box with a mega phone they way you were going on and on. ‘Oh - something attacked my Dad, this guy had creepy eyes, his teeth were weird - help me, help me!’ Christ you’re lucky you’re not in a padded room with all the shit you were spouting.” Leon isn’t a typically angry person - but when the switch gets flipped he’s apt to let loose, all the disgruntled feelings he’s kept buried or packed behind a dam suddenly flooding his mouth; a very appropriate case of verbal diarrhea. “I offered to help you and I have, believe me I can just as easily stop helping you.”
Sage is taken entirely aback, heat rising to her cheeks as she watches the raven haired male go off on her, his voice raising with venom with each and every syllable that passes through his teeth. Her own thin brows draw together, mouth agape as she attempts to get a word in edge wise - but is continually cut off by Leon’s sputtering.
“You think you’re the only hunters with some sob story, the only people who’ve ever suffered loss? News flash, honey. We don’t do this because it’s fun or exciting. I could name twenty hunters right now that have a story just like yours - some infinity worse. But that doesn’t matter. Loss is loss. Look you’re a fucked up puppy, I get it - we all are. But just because you’ve earned a member ship to this shit show of a club doesn’t mean you automatically get to know how everyone else got their card stamped. Some people don’t like to air their dirty laundry, life isn’t a god damn Jerry Springer episode.” Rage emirates from those usually warm chocolate hues, his form animated, gesturing here and there until he leans forward at the very end, both hands bracing his brawny form as he lowers himself to her level using the kitchenette table for support. “Here’s a tip. You wanna get along with people like us? Next time someone says ‘they don’t wanna talk about it’ don’t. PUSH.”
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The space between them is minute, barely three inches - so close in fact Sage’s nostrils fill with the subtle hint of bergamot and spice that Leon douses himself with every morning. It’s a pleasant smell; one she can remember making her insides warm - for a reason she can’t quite place. The Lee’s own body trembles. She’s not used to having someone berate her in such a way and she can feel her cheeks turning rose coloured as the beat draws on. “You’re an asshole.” She says after a moment, lip glossed petals drawing together in a fine line.
“Takes one to know one.” Leon utters back easily, his own eyes narrowing slightly as if to underline his point. What happens next no one could have predicted, certainly neither the experienced hunter or the novice just beneath him.
Sage’s body jumps upward, enough for her delicate palms to grasp the collar of Leon’s deep grey v-neck. Her lips crash against his own, the tension surrounding them exploding into tiny fire sparks of passion. She’s always though the Ramsey was handsome, and his easy charm had always been a draw. She can’t quite explain why the argument has lead to this - but there’s nothing inside of her that tells her it’s wrong.
The kiss is unexpected, that much is putting it lightly. Leon had fully expected Sage to slap him, to storm out of his airstream, back to her mustang and out of his life entirely. Certainly that wasn’t his intention with his out burst; but neither was this. He doesn’t deny her though - Sage is a bombshell, a straight TEN if Leon had ever seen one and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t felt the chemistry bubbling between them over the past few months.
             It isn’t long before they clumsily shamble to what can be loosely described as Leon’s bedroom and from there it’s a flurry of wanton moans and flesh on flesh. The next morning the raven haired male will crack; explain is origin to the girl who by all rights should hate him for going off on her so unexpectedly. Sage will smile, crack some lame joke about his being a stubborn child and they’ll kiss again before the Lee twin receives a worried text from her brother effectively ending the complicated encounter. They’ll continue on like this for a long time, their relationship a labyrinth of emotions - with Sage vehemently denying she’d ever done the deed in the first place, to wit Leon will only prove her wrong yet again by seducing her in some way shape or form; and Sage will give in, almost every time.
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