#i stg reading this shit makes me actually violent omfg
liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Bro, mad respect to all of the women in the 1940s who joined the WAC & WAVES & everything bc the more I read about all of the stupid pageantry shit that went into it, the more admiration I have for them; specifically, admiration for the sheer amount of self-restraint it took to deal with shit as fucking ridiculous as uniform inspections & room inspections day-in & day-out while there's a FUCKING WAR ON.
Like, I'm sorry but I have a fucking job to do. I have fucking official reports to type & people are DYING but you're worried about MY STUPID FUCKING HAT BEING ON WRONG OR MY STUPID FUCKING BEDSHEETS NOT BEING TUCKED IN IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING WAR ARE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING KIDDING ME
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