#i stg tho if they make razlo some sort of antagonist that livio has to defeat/overpower/control and is just a one-shot bad guy
rennyrose · 8 months
just wanted to say your razlo/meryl art is soooo good!! like even the idea of the pairing drives me a little nuts i love them so much lol and then your art of them is just *mwah* chef's kiss love the dynamic love their interactions love everything all around!
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Yessssss these two are so fun to come up with stuff for-
Since Razlo comes off as the type who loves getting a rise out of people and since Meryl is so easy to piss off a good chunk of his time is spent getting under her skin- but make no mistake that Meryl will take any and every opportunity to get one over on him- mutual goal of annoying the hell out of each other, but if there's a third person they both dislike they get real catty real quick pfffffft
But also the dynamic of two people who care a great deal for each other but neither will ever admit it hhhhh
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