#i still can only lfg about things i did before or i know i won't screw up
kaiserouo · 5 months
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oh yeah destiny is a multiplayer game
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darling-dummy-blogs · 3 years
A Dummy's Heartbreak- Victor Li (PT 2)
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Summary: Cassandra calls up Victor telling him that she misses him leaving Victor conflicted with his emotions. He decides to go over to her house to check on her. The two end up rekindling something as the night goes on…
Paring: Victor Li x Cassie (OC)
Genre: Angst (With a bit of Fluff)
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 2.5k
Will be mainly focusing around Victor's perspective 
Will go into details about why and how they ended up breaking up. 
Possible Part 3…?
Massive thanks to @little-butterfly-writes for helping with brainstorming ideas for the break up 💜 (Go follow her, if you haven't already~)
So sorry for the delay with this part! With everything taking place, it's been hard to focus and write when I've been anxious and emotional over the situation within the MLQC fandom. Hope you enjoy <3
“I Miss You. I Miss Us..."
Hearing those words made Victor’s heart leap within his chest. He had hoped and dreamed of hearing these words almost everyday after the break up.
Victor remained silent for quite some time, unsure of how to reply to her words. His light breathing was the only thing that could be heard over the phone.
"...V-Victor? Are you still there?" She spoke out once again to him, the nervous tremor in her voice could be heard.
He swallowed, trying to process the words and managed to clear his rapid thoughts as he replied in a soft, yet quiet tone.
"I'm still here…" Before adding the words he wished to speak to her that day she left Loveland, "I miss you too… More than anything. But why are you suddenly telling me this now? It's been four months, Cassie."
"I-I know… I know it's been a while since I spoke to you… I just… Today… I-..." She trailed off, growing rather quiet.
His eyes trailed off from his desk to look at the calendar. His eyes landed on the day in question. His gaze softened. A deep frown appeared on his face.
"...Our third year anniversary…" He finished for her, his voice coming out rather hoarse, the sadness he felt at that moment made his heart ache.
He could faintly hear her sobbing on the other end of the line.
"I-I'm sorry… I shouldn't have called you. I just… I had such a rough day today, I-I couldn't focus.. I-I couldn't do anything right…"
She took a moment to catch her breath before continuing, "A-and then I realized what today was and it all made sense as to why I was acting like this, why I couldn't stop thinking about you.. Why I… miss you…"
"Cassie…" His voice came out soft once again, hearing her cry, utterly broke his heart. "Breathe… It's okay…" He tried to soothe her.
"I'm right here.." He spoke again. "I'm here for you. You know that."
Hearing those words from him, made her sob more, only louder this time. She knew that. Of course she did. But it still hurts that he isn't physically there with her.
"Cassandra." He spoke again, this time slightly firmer than before. "Listen to me… Breathe… I know it hurts. Trust me, I know more than anyone that it hurts."
He paused, as his eyes landed on a picture frame that laid upon his desk, one that he refused to put away since he had last seen her.
The frame contained an image of Cassie's bright smiling face. A photo Victor snuck in while she wasn't looking during one of their dates.
Staring at that photo, made his vision gloss over with tears. She looked so beautiful in that image.
She always did in his eyes. But he could never forget the look on her face, on the day of their break up.
He spoke again, "But you are strong. You can get through this. I know you can…"
"...Not without you by my side, Victor…" She spoke in a solemn tone as she had managed to calm down her sobs, sniffling.
"I-I've tried everything to get you out of my head, but nothing worked. I drank wine, just to try to forget about all the memories we made. But you still won't stubbornly go away…" She let out a sad chuckle at the end.
Victor grew silent again. A single tear slipped down his face as he stared blankly down at his desk. Taking in her words.
At that moment. He knew what he needed to do. He swallowed, as he wiped away his tears, speaking in a firm yet serious tone.
"Where are you right now?"
"I-I'm at home… Why?" Confusion clearly shown within her words.
"I'm coming to see you. Right now." He stood from his chair, gathering his suit jacket and left his office immediately.
The drive from Loveland to Cassandra's hometown felt long however, it wasn't too long as Victor pulled into the driveway of Cassie's home.
The anticipation of seeing her once again after such a long departure, made his heart flutter. He took a moment as he parked his car, looking at the house in front of him.
The sun barely began to set as he stared for what seemed like an eternity before unbuckling his seatbelt and stepped out of his car. Smoothening his jacket as he made his way to the door. Hesitating before ringing the doorbell.
A few moments passed by and the door flew open. The two made eye contact. Both stared at each other with wide eyes as though they had never met before.
Victor took in her appearance. He could tell she looked tired; the dark circles under her eyes, followed by how red and puffy her eyes were from crying. He could see the tears that stained her cheeks.
Gosh how he hated being the reason that she was upset. He mentally scolded himself for hurting such a loving girl such as herself. For fighting with her over a matter that she was feeling insecure about four months ago.
At that time, he didn't know what he had done to himself. But when she walked out that door, with that look on her face. He knew he regretted everything he had said to her in that argument.
He blamed himself for the longest time for saying such things to her.
Days if not weeks after the break up he did nothing but drink his sorrows away, threw himself into work to occupy and fill in the hole that she once held. Giving everyone at LFG hell to keep his mind from thoughts of her.
Sleepless nights filled with him crying over her, a side he refused to let anyone see. He wouldn't even want to let her see him like that.
His emotions got the better of him then. But now, seeing her within arms reach.. He wanted nothing more but to hold her and wipe away her tears. To take away her pain…
His eyes filled with tears, but he remained calm. She stared at him quietly with tears in her eyes as well, yet she refused to say anything. Fearing if she did, he'd disappear or she'd start bawling her eyes out once more.
She took a deep shaky breath, speaking out to him
"Come in…"
She opened the door wider for him. Waiting as he silently stepped inside. She shut the door quietly behind him as she wiped at her eyes hastily.
Cassie then gestured to the couch once they were in the living room, sitting down in the exact spot she was sitting before she called him.
He sat down next to her. However after realizing how close he was he slightly scooted away to give her some space.
Both of them remained silent for far too long.
Cassie proceeded to break the ice as she spoke, bringing her legs up to her chest while looking at him, "Why are you here, Victor..?"
"...I had to see you." He spoke as he kept his gaze low to the ground.
"I still don't understand… Why though?"
"Because Cassie… I missed you. Just as much as you missed me. I wanted to see you in person because I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"...Well.. I'm not okay…"
"..." He looked up from the ground to meet her gaze. A tear slid down his face. "...And I'm sorry for being the reason as to why you aren't okay…" He looked down at the ground once again
She frowned at that statement. "Victor…"
"No. I know that I'm the reason. That's why we broke up to begin with. I-I was too harsh with you.. I always have been."
She looked away. Shaking her head as tears filled her eyes. "That isn't the reason we broke up."
"Then what is it?"
"...The reason we broke up was because I was mad and upset with you for what you told me that day. It wasn't that you were harsh with me… because you were far from that."
She looked at him, moving closer to him, hesitating a second before cupping his face within her hands, making him look at her.
"Y-You were an amazing lover. And I loved you so much.. And if I'm being completely honest with myself. I still do love you. I believe that I always will…"
Her hands lightly caressed his skin, he brought his hand up, resting it on top of hers as he stared into her eyes.
Her lips trembled as she continued speaking. Her eyes filled with fresh tears. "But we broke up because of the awful rumors and ideas about my relationship with you that were being spread by numerous people online, especially by Chik. The argument we had that night took part of it but it wasn't the full reason."
"I didn't want to ruin your reputation. And I didn't want others to tear me down… I was insecure and I didn't want to be selfish by continuing to be with you… to have you to myself... that's why I told you that night if you wanted to end it. Then we would..."
He removed her hands from his face, holding her hands within his own, frowning. "Cassandra, you weren't being selfish nor were you going to ruin my reputation. I can now understand why you chose to break up with me."
"I didn't care about what those people were saying online about you, me or our relationship. I never cared about others' opinions but my own… It has always been like that. That was until you came into my life. Your opinion mattered most to me… That's why that day when you told me you were insecure about those rumors, I brushed it off."
"...Because I would never believe their words about you, because I know you. And I love you more than anything in this world. I just wanted to be with you…"
She stared at him in shock. Tears glided down her face as she listened to his every word.
"In hindsight… I should have cared a little more, knowing that you are more vulnerable and easily hurt by others words than I am… That was my error and for that I am sorry…" Tears slipped down his face as he added, "I-I never wanted to lose you, the way that I did."
He let go of her hands, moving to wipe at her tears, resting his forehead against hers. "I still… want to be with you. That's all I've wanted since you left."
He admitted, gazing deeply into her eyes. She stared into his eyes, nearly getting lost in them as she was unsure of how to respond to his words.
She swallowed as her breath hitched when she realized how much closer he was to her, which made her cheeks flush bright red.
Victor took in her expression, his eyes trailing down her face, taking in every feature. His eyes then landed on her slightly parted lips.
He missed everything about her, but in this moment, he missed the soft touch of her lips against his …
He leaned in closer, all self control he had at that moment seemingly lost as their faces were just mere centimeters apart.
She swallowed as her heart fluttered. As much as her heart wanted this, her mind wouldn't allow it.
She turned her head away just as their lips were about to touch
"...We shouldn't.. As much as I want to, it's still painful…"
He frowned, as he pulled away gaining control of himself once again, he looked down. "...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.. I don't know what came over me..."
"It's okay, really… It's just… Hard…"
"I know…"
An awkward silence took over the two of them. Neither of them knew what more to say to one another.
"I should probably get back to Loveland.." He spoke, standing up after a moment in their awkward silence.
She looked at him, her hand reaching out to his. "No! Stay… Please…"
He looked down at her hand that held onto his. Moving his hand to softly lace his fingers with hers, looking at her.
"Are you sure you want me to stay?"
She nodded, giving him a small smile. "Y-yeah… I could really use the company… I was just about to put on a movie to watch…"
The corners of his mouth lifted upwards as he let go of her hand, sitting down once again beside her. "Alright, I'll stay. What movie are you thinking of watching?"
She smiled wider as she moved to grab the remote to the TV. "Mm.. I'm not sure honestly… Hmm… How does Beauty and The Beast sound?"
He let out a chuckle, knowing how much she adored that movie. She always loved watching it with him in the time that they were together, "Still love that movie? Even after watching it countless times? I guess some things never change."
Victor lightly teased her, smiling more as she rolled her eyes, pouting playfully at him.
"Of course I do! It's my favorite movie of all time, no matter how many times I watch it, it will always be my favorite. Now are you going to watch it will me or not?"
He looked at her as he laughed softly. "I'll watch it with you."
"Great." She giggled, as she then found the movie, pressing play as the movie began playing. Victor then made himself more comfortable, seeing as he'll be there for quite some time.
However, not even halfway through the movie, Victor feels Cassandra's head rest against his shoulder.
He didn't realize that she made herself comfortable and had curled up at his side. He looked down at her, his gaze softening as he realized she fell asleep.
He smiled, letting out a soft chuckle. "As usual… You always tend to fall asleep at any given time…"
Victor then shifted his hands to wrap around her, as he stood up. Being cautious as to not wake her. He lifted her up into his arms.
Taking her up the stairs and into her bedroom, he gently set her down on the bed, tugging the covers up and over her, making sure she was fully tucked in. He gazed down at her, moving a few strands of hair away from her face. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight Cassie… I love you."
He whispered before standing up straighter, turning to leave.
However a small tug to his shirt sleeve, stopped him in his tracks. He turned back to look at her, her eyes opened as she gazed at him sleepily.
"Stay… Please…"
How could he say no to that? His heart skipped a beat as he nodded. Moving to lay beside her, wrapping his arms around her as she moved to curl up close to him, her eyes fluttering close as her head rested against his chest.
He gently moved his hand to gently stroke her hair, as he often did many nights when they were together. He let out another chuckle as he leaned in to whisper into her ear...
"I'll always be here to stay...Dummy…"
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rikumorimachisgirl · 3 years
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Title: Eyes on you
Pairing: Shaw x You
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 2,901
A/N: You (Y/N) are not the MC in MLQC. This is a plunny that's been bugging me for quite a while, I had to write it. I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own MLQC or its characters, but I do own the concept of this fic.
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There were a few mysteries in this world that the esteemed Archeology Graduate Professors at Loveland University can't explain - for instance, the formation of the Stonehenge, the exact location of the lost city of Atlantis, the origin of the Nazca lines… and your presence at the Metro Art Gala dressed to the nines, positively gleaming as you strode arm in arm with your classmate and Thesis partner Shaw, who seemed like the perfect gentleman that evening. Thanks to your work at the Loveland Museum, you scored two invites to the gala featuring the recently discovered works of a well-known artist - an event any Archeology fanatic wouldn't let pass. The two of you walked along with LFG's Exhibition Hall, pausing occasionally to admire one of the recently discovered sculptures by the Renaissance artist D'Romani. As you both looked at the intricacies of the artwork in front of you, your charming companion would lean in slightly and whisper something in your ear, causing you to roll your eyes or stifle a giggle. 
To the guests in the prestigious gala, the two of you looked like two young people at the cusp of falling in love, but the members of the Faculty of the Graduate School of Archeology saw it differently - this was a real-life mystery if they'd seen one. 
As your eyes swiftly swept through the entire room, you could see that your professors only had one question in mind - how'd this happen? How did two people as different as day and night, who argued with each other throughout Graduate studies, end up amiably enjoying each other's company tonight? 
You drew a sharp breath and sighed. The answer was simple: Your Thesis defense was right around the corner. You needed him to cooperate, you were willing to go to great lengths to make it happen. And your Thesis partner (unfortunately) was ready to take full advantage of the situation. 
"Tell me why we're doing this again, " you said through the door that separated you and your date, as you were putting on the dress you bought (or invested on, as he casually stated) for tonight's gala, which he insisted on attending with you. It was six in the evening on a Friday, and you had just arrived home after cramming your workload at the Loveland Museum and foregoing your meal breaks just so you could leave work at exactly five-thirty. 
"I already told you a couple of times - you want me to cooperate with you so you can pass our Thesis, and I need a reason to be around her," the purple-haired man waiting at the other side of your bedroom door called out nonchalantly. "You can drop your fantasy about me asking you out because I'm attracted to you."
You hissed silently at his snarky remark and counted to ten. You haven't even left your apartment yet you already wanted this night to be over. "How do you even know she's gonna be there?"
She - the Miracle Finder Producer, the object of your Thesis Partner's fantasies, and as fate would have it, his brother's girlfriend. 
"They're doing a show featuring our Thesis adviser. Didn't he tell us about it during our last consultation?" He asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
"I wasn't listening," you shot back, as you took off your ponytail and started styling your hair with your curling iron. You chose a one-shoulder fitted black dress that stops right above your knees, so you thought of wearing your hair down for a change. 
"Ah, yes. You were too busy looking at your notes, trying to prove me wrong as always."
You closed your eyes, as you continued to make big beach waves and prayed to the gods you wouldn't commit murder tonight. 
"How much longer are you gonna take?"
"Excited much?" You asked, smirking while you now removed your glasses and put on your contacts. "You sound like a teenager excited to see his crush in a school fair!"
"Don't compare me to you!" 
"I don't have designs on anyone in the party," you called back. "Unless your brother's attending the event, that is. From what you've been telling me, he seems like a great guy."
Silence. You arched an eyebrow as you strained your ear to listen for any sign of life outside your bedroom door. What must your grunge-rock skater boy-turned-date-for-the-evening be thinking? 
"Do you want to pass our Thesis or not?"
You struck a victory pose at his remark. Finally, one point - you, Shaw - about twenty. 
"Are you done yet? This suit is really uncomfortable. Damn, why do people even wear these?"
"Because they're decent?" You shot back. "You know, you can always go home if you're not comfortable in your attire because when we get there, you need to act decent, too. Can't have your usual swagger in a formal affair."
"Just hurry it up already!"
You rolled your eyes as you applied your nude-colored lipstick to finish off your look before putting on your black stilettos, and stuffing your phone, wallet, and your makeup in your purse. 
"All done," you replied, as you finally emerged from your room. 
A part of you wished that the dynamics between you and Shaw were different. While he was a pain in the neck, and too carefree for his own good, you also thought he made for a good intellectual sparring partner, quite attractive, and it was hard to deny that he's got your heart beating double-time whenever he got too close for comfort like he was at that very moment. 
"My, you two kids seem to be having fun tonight."
You gasped, at the sound of the voice behind you, and you felt your date nudge you ever-so-subtly while straightening.
"Hey, Professor Adler," he said in his usual unruffled tone, his lips stretched into a smirk as he held his hand out to your Anthropology professor and Thesis adviser, who watched you both amusedly. His gesture made your eyes shot wide open, you thought they'd fall right off. Shaw shaking someone's hand? That's one for the books. 
"Shaw. Fancy seeing you here," the stout middle-aged man greeted while shaking your date's hand. "This isn't your usual scene though."
"Yeah, I know, but I can't exactly turn a pretty lady down, can I?" 
"I can see that," your professor said as he looked at you appraisingly. "Well, well, you clean up well, Miss (y/n)."
You fought the urge to squirm at the older man's words when you heard your date cluck his cheeks with his tongue and suddenly felt his arm around your shoulders, pressing you protectively close to his side. 
"All done!" You happily announced as you stepped into the living room of your small apartment where your date was impatiently waiting for you. 
You could've sworn he was stunned for a second or two before he shook his head and tried to regain his usual impassive expression. Finally, he stood and walked closer to assess you better. 
"You're not wearing your glasses. I thought you said you're practically blind without them?" 
You cocked your head to one side. Out of all the things he could've complimented or called out, that's the first thing he noticed? 
"Wouldn't it look awkward if I wore glasses to a formal event?"
"Your hair is all curly," he continued as if you didn't say anything. "And your shoes are so tall, won't you trip? Also, surely you have a jacket to go with that dress, right?" 
You stared at him in disbelief. Why did this carefree, bass-playing skater boy turn into your dad all of a sudden? 
"Well, at least you're not wearing red lipstick. You don't have to try too hard to look sexy. Geez! I've got plans of my own this evening, so don't expect me to be your bodyguard," he continued to mumble as he circled around you. Before long, you felt something warm and heavy on your shoulder. His coat?
"It's just until we get to the venue," he shrugged as he led you to the car he borrowed for tonight. "I don't want people seeing you freeze to death."
You sighed, your shoulders slumped as you followed your date to the car. You already expected he wouldn't throw you a compliment for looking like a proper human tonight, and you cursed yourself for feeling gutted over it anyway. 
"So, which one of these sculptures did you like best, Professor?" You sighed in relief as Shaw changed the subject, his arm still wrapped around you, making you blush furiously. 
"Oh, I have to say I liked Eros and Psyche best. In case you haven't seen it yet, it's located a little further down the hall near the bar area," the older man was starting to explain when someone tapped his shoulder from behind. 
"Excuse me, Professor Adler," a gentle voice called out, making both the professor and Shaw jump. From behind the old man, a pretty petite with brown hair and big brown eyes, and the biggest smile on her face stepped up. "My name is MC from Miracle Finder."
Almost immediately, Shaw withdrew his arm around you, almost causing you to stagger backward. He straightened up and feigned disinterest. 
"Hey. It's a little rude how you stepped in while I was talking to the Professor," he said, his tone teasing. 
"Oh, I didn't notice you here. Do you mind if I talk to your Professor? We've invited him for an interview about the exhibit," the girl said sweetly. 
Based on how unconsciously coy she acted around Shaw, and the way he kept egging her, there was no doubt that this was the girl he was crushing on. You felt like the odd person out all of a sudden and needed to step away. 
You backed away slowly, careful not to rouse their attention because it would probably suck if you knew how Shaw would introduce you to his little crush. As soon as you were in a safe distance, you turned and walked aimlessly down the hall, pausing briefly at paintings or sculptures that caught your fancy, looking at its intricacies as you did so earlier. But somehow, it wasn't as fun as it was before, so you moved on quickly, to give way to the other guests who also wanted to view the artwork.
Finally, you came upon the bar and decided to rest your tired feet at the far corner, hidden from the rest of the world. Sighing, you slipped your feet off your stilettos and quietly watched as the guests around you - mostly couples - happily chatting away as they enjoyed the beauty of the art around them and the wonderful music that filled the air. You knew somewhere in the crowd, your date was fawning over his lady love, probably getting in the way of her filming your professor. 
You knew he liked her - he always told you he did. And why wouldn't he? MC was pretty, seemingly sweet, and dainty - the kind of girl any guy would like to protect. And you. You were the opposite. You lived for your work, were 'one of the boys', and didn't need anyone to protect you - that's just how you were - and now you started to realize that maybe guys don't exactly like that. At least not Shaw. 
Wait, what were you thinking? You scolded yourself as you shook your head. Why were you even thinking of what he liked when you don't even like him to start with. Or did you? 
"Ugh. What the hell is wrong with me?" You groaned when a cold bottle of beer and a frozen glass was placed in front of you. 
"I was gonna ask you that myself." 
You straightened up in your seat and shot a look at the guy seated beside you. Dressed in a nice grey suit, he smiled as he raised his beer bottle in front of you. 
"You look like you needed a drink. I hope the beer is okay. They don't have fruit beer or soda," he said calmly, his amber-colored eyes never leaving yours. 
"Y-yeah. Beer is perfect," you replied while pouring the amber liquid into the glass. "Thanks," you muttered before raising the glass to your lips to gulp down some liquid courage. 
"I saw you with Shaw earlier -"
The name on his lips drove you to a coughing fit, as you choked on your drink. "Sorry, " you mumbled in between coughs. 
"No, I'm sorry," the brown-haired guy said, as he cautiously and politely patted your back. "I didn't mean to bring that up. I was just curious."
"It's fine," you replied when you finally regained your composure. "Yes, we're just classmates in Grad school who decided to check this exhibit out for the heck of it."
"Classmates, huh?"
"Yeah, that's what we are," you said, taking a sip off your glass. "Grad school classmates."
"Are you telling me or telling yourself?"
You looked up and saw him smiling. There was something about Dreamy McHandsome who was seated beside you that felt so familiar yet different at the same time, but you couldn't point a finger at what it was exactly. 
"We're classmates, and we're working on our thesis together. But we're not friends - far from it even. We hate each other's guts."
"Can't blame you for doing so," he shrugged as he drank his beer. 
"Yeah. He dragged me here so he can get with someone he's been crushing on for so long," you rambled on, frowning. 
"Oh? And who might that be?"
"The Miracle Finder Producer. You know, the pretty girl in a blue top and white skirt. He's been going on and on about her for weeks…"
"You mean my girlfriend?" 
His girlfriend. You choked on your drink once again. "Y-y-your girlfriend? You mean to say…" You gasped. Has the beer made you stupid? You've barely drunk half of it, you thought as you fought to regain your dignity. This was Shaw's brother you were talking to - and boy, we're they blessed with good genes…
… And the same social awkwardness, you noticed, judging by how he kept his hand at your back, but not exactly touching it, as if trying to assess if he had to pat you or not. 
When you finally calmed down, he cleared his throat and gave you a small smile. "Don't worry. She talks to me about their conversations. I know what that guy is playing at, and I most definitely know he's not after my girl," he said, his voice broke no room for doubt. "My name is Gavin..."
"Yeah, I know…"
"You - what?"
"Oh," you said, tapping on your glass nervously. "Shaw kinda mentioned it in passing before."
"I see."
"So, what were you saying earlier about Shaw?"
"Oh. From what my girlfriend tells me, he's got his sights set on…"
"Ahem," you heard someone say loud enough for you and Gavin to turn your heads around. And there, standing behind you, was an angry-looking Shaw. You sat up, your gaze shifting between the two brothers as the air started to thicken with tension. "I talk to someone for a minute and the next thing I knew, my date walks out on me and right into the one person I'd hate for her to meet."
"Well, if you were just honest with her as with a lot of other things in your life, maybe she wouldn't have left your side earlier," Gavin retorted flippantly. "Is she finally done with filming?"
Shaw simply grunted in reply as he watched his older brother finish his bottle of beer and stand. "Well, Miss, there's a lot I've heard about you. Seems somebody couldn't stop talking about you, but I'll leave it at that." 
With a wink and a mischievous smile upon his face, the brown-haired guy sauntered off to look for his better half, as you and Shaw watched in awkward silence. 
He cleared his throat and glanced at you. "Hey."
"Hey," you replied, shakily. 
"So, about what that jerk said -"
"Yes?" You asked, feeling your heart hammer against your chest by the second.
"Whatever he said is not true," he said dismissively, as he took his coat off and draped it over your shoulders. "I told you before, I don't find you the least bit attractive."
You felt tears starting to sting your eyes, as he continued with his harsh commentary. "You're tough, highly opinionated, and you always want to come out on top. I don't find those attractive at all," he said. "I prefer a damsel in distress. I want someone clingy… someone, needy."
"I know that -"
"Oh do you?" He teased, his amber eyes twinkling. "You seem to know a lot about me."
"We've been working together for months now," you said. "Of course, I'd know more about you."
"I see," he said, as he took a step closer to you and touched your cheek, rubbing the stray tear that had managed to slip down the side of your face. "So, you must know I'm also a good liar. After all, I've kept all these feelings to myself for quite some time."
He snickered when he saw your frown deepen and he bent down just as he had done so earlier, to whisper. "I made you think I liked someone else when in fact," his low voice made you shiver. "I've always eyes for you."
The End.
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vexillumalbum · 4 years
hello! I saw you write for MLQC and I thought maybe you can write something (preferably hc) for Victor and his s/o being pregnant and he said he wanted to wait to have kids but it happened and his s/o is freaking out and she goes to tell him and she think he won't want her anymore and you know.. stuff like that. Thanks in advance!
Hello, Anon! I was thinking about this for some time now and I finally decided to post it! I am actually curious why you decided to send this ask to me but hey! I am not complaining! I hope you like it!
Some fluff with slight angst.
“Oops I’m pregnant” with Victor:
You have been feeling bad for several days.
Your stomach was unable to accept large amounts of food, and when you ate more than a few tablespoons of your favorite pudding you wanted to vomit.
Unpleasant smells irritated you, especially those associated with food. 
Suddenly, the pot that Victor cooked on average once a week smelled rotten to you and you wouldn't touch it for anything. You didn't want him to find out about it, so under the pretext of having previously eaten dinner with Anna (which was not entirely true) you went to the bedroom and fell asleep on an empty stomach.
You have been more sleepy than usual and more than once in recent days Anna has found you slumbering with your head lying on the desk. 
You thought all of this was due to stress related to work and wedding preparations. 
You and Victor decided for a winter wedding, so arrangements for it coincided with the annual summaries in the company. This meant that if you did not view the financial reports, you talked to the wedding planner, which Victor’d hired. You were overall flooded with stress and anxiety.
One morning you sat in the company and once again you discussed with the team the details of the reality show that your station was supposed to produce in the spring. It was a big project, so the meeting was long, but very resultful.
Around noon, you picked up the phone to see if something you missed during the meeting, and then after reading one of the phone notifications, your legs buckled under you and Willow had to support you so you wouldn't fall to the floor.
"Your period is 23 days late. We suggest you visit a doctor or complement the data in the application.”
With each passing moment, more and more things made sense to you. Nausea, irritability to unpleasant smells, fatigue…
You were pregnant.
You weren't 100% sure about it, but your intuition almost shouted at you "there's a baby inside you!". You had to consult a doctor and in those moments you thanked the heavens that Victor Li was your fiancé because his name opened many doors. 
For example, the door to the gynecological office.
At your request, the doctor examined you after his working hours, for which you were extremely grateful. He made several tests, conducted an environmental interview. And bam! You were pregnant. 8th week.
A thousand thoughts per minute, bag straps squeezed in your hand and teeth biting your lower lip you stood in front of the LFG building several dozen minutes later.
Victor did not want children so early. You were sure of that. He often said that the time for children would come, and now the most important thing for him was the company and its development. 
So how were you supposed to stand before him and tell him that because of your carelessness and lack of discipline in taking birth control pills recently, you got pregnant?
I mean, sure, it takes two to tango, but still it’s you who failed. And you couldn't condemn him to change his life plan by one hundred and eighty degrees because of that.
You could wait for him in your apartment, but then it would only be worse. Stress was already eating you from the inside. If you still had to wait for him, you would probably start walking on the walls by anxiety bubbling inside you.
"Come in." you heard after knocking and entered the office uncertainly. Victor didn't even look up from his documents, but he knew it was you. A small smile appeared on his lips, but disappeared as soon as he heard no countering from his fiancee. He didn't actually hear anything from you because you just stood in the middle of the room and played with your fingers and looked at him with the unreadable expression.
"What happened?" He was quick to read you.
Uncontrollably tears started running down your cheeks, and when you opened your mouth to say something only sobs came out, not actual words.
Victor frowned and set his documents aside, leaning back on the back of the chair. He did not like to see you in such a state, but he even more hated not knowing what the reason was.
"Something with the company?" You shook your head. "With a wedding reception?" He missed again. "Tell me what's going on. Whatever it is, we'll fix it together.”
"I’m pregnant.” Your voice barely audible, but he heard you clearly. A few seconds of complete silence, and then you started rambling. "I know that we talked about it many times and I know that we planned to start a family a little later. I really didn't want it to happen. I mean, I wanted to have kids with you, but... but not now. And. And. And you have the right to be mad at me. I didn't take these damn pills on time. I was so stressed by this wedding and the company that I didn't even notice that my period was late 23 days. 23 days! God, I'm hopeless.” You took the engagement ring off your finger and stuck it towards Victor. "I plan to give birth to this child. And raise them. And if not with you, I should probably give it back to you. I love you and I don't want you to feel forced to change your life because of my mistake, so—"
Victor's soft lips on yours interrupted your monologue and you weren't even sure when he managed to approach you.
One of his big hands wrapped around your smaller one holding the ring, and the other supported your waist, so you could easily lean on his sturdy body. 
"You’re such a troublemaker.” He said in a surprisingly gentle voice when you separated. "Calm down, dummy. I said we’ll fix it together.”
"There’s nothing to fix, Victor. I—"
"You’re going to tell me calmly and slowly if you went to the doctor and if so what did he say. And put the ring back on, otherwise you’ll lose it.”
"What? But I thought—"
"Apparently you thought wrong.” Can this man stop interrupting you?! "I take responsibility for my actions. Maybe it happened sooner than I expected, but it happened nevertheless. You are the only woman I see myself having children with, so now the only thing I want to know is what the doctor said about your and our baby’s health.”
Once again, this man surprised you. You knew Victor was a mature and responsible man who was loving under a hard exterior, that's why you loved him, but now that he was looking at you so warmly and tenderly, you just were sure that the decision to spend the rest of your life by his side was a good one. 
You explained everything to him, you almost quoted the doctor's statements, because that was what your fiancé required of you. Victor listened to you intently and never once tried to interrupt you. You even showed him the first photos of the ultrasound and pretended that you did not notice the genuine smile that appeared on his lips. 
A long and bumpy road was waiting for you, but you both wanted to go through it together.
"Victor, there is only one more problem. I may not fit in my wedding dress anymore.”
thank you so much for reading!
if you want to read more of my works they are here
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