#i still don't know what tag to use for my original posts.... urgh
ryuusjacket · 2 years
man there's still so much stuff i don't know or understand about bsd fandom's politics and discourse and whatnot. like ive kinda picked up on some things and i sometimes think i might come to some conclusions myself from my own critical analysis of the series..... but again like. im dumb as a rock and my brain cells are super dead so there's a lot of common sense kinda stuff out there that i just never pick up on by myself. also ive basically forgotten all of bsd canon anyway bc i haven't touched the literal show/manga in fucking ages lmao. also bsd is just all-around fucked up so like basically every character, ship, and any other aspect is problematic in some shape or form.... but idk i guess im just not exact confident in my knowledge of what kinds of things cross That Line of what's morally acceptable to like as a fan. i want to know so i can be careful of what kinds of content i interact with.
for example... i Really want to know Why some ships are considered bad (like on their DNI list bad) by a large portion of the fandom. cause like obvsly there are definitely bad ones out there that Are obvious to pick up on, but like... i guess one of the ships that confuses me the most is oda/dazai? like that ship is condemned by A LOT of ppl in the fandom but... tbh i’m not rlly certain why? idk maybe it’s something completely obvious like maybe i forgot what dazai’s age was during the dark era (i coulda swore he was like at least 18?)... cause like okay i Get it if he was actually a minor when oda died cause like... oda was around 24ish i think? early to mid 20s, i know that much. but anyway, other than the potentially harmful age difference (this is literally just me being too lazy to go look up their ages in the timeline, but in the case that it is a minor/adult situation, then yes i understand and wholly agree with its condemnation and i would immediately ban even the Idea of them being a ship from my mind) but other than that, i don’t think there was anything else that immediately stands out about their canon relationship that was problematic? BUT AGAIN my memory is complete shit and i only watched season 2 ONE time so lmao. don’t take anything i say as being accurate.
anyway i forgot what other questions i had.... if i remember them i’ll try to put em down here so i can come back to it or think about it more or discuss it with anyone who wants to talk about it.
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stillthesunkenstars · 2 years
I hope this comes off alright, I'm bad with words and terribly rambly but-
I 100% understand feeling like social media sites you used to enjoy don't feel the same anymore. And if Twitter feels better than Tumblr, then jump ship! Do what makes you feel happy!
But (and i know this is selfish) i hope you don't deactivate, I adore your looking through your art tags and meta posts.
Your art has inspired me for so many years now and kept me invested in this little corner of fandom (not to mention your KICK ASS original work (Honestly at this point I mentally see Brax as your oc? More than a doctor who character??? He is the ivq blorbo) that has such amazing fluidity and flair that it makes me want to grab my tablet and draw something even half as cool)
I 100000% get feeling tired of less tags and less interaction (god knows this site is so shit for interaction these days. Not to mention with a small fandom like ours it feels even worse, urgh. Especially when you're out here making, no exaggeration, fuckin masterpieces)
But hope u keep ur blogs up because there is so much on here that is so close to my heart!
Still ofc its your decision. I just wanted to let u know how much you being on this site has meant to me. Even if we've never really had many proper conversations. I've always felt such a lovely feeling of parallel existance. I just always love seeing u around ya know. I'm sentimental and bad with words like that >:0.
So even if you haunt twitter rather than tumblr i hope you don't close the door completely? Tho ofc i will be keeping up with ur fantastic work through there.
Love ya my guy 💙💙💙
Hi cass!!!!! This is such a nice message to receive and I’m glad u enjoy my art… I don’t think I’m a good artist nor am I able to do or has the time to illustrate like I used to but i still keep it in my heart if I ever get to do it again in the future… I’m so happy what I make even makes you a little happy and I don’t think I’ll deactivate here.. I think I’ll go on a hiatus posting BS art here though and even if I do post it I will not tag it as such..
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