#i still dont really understand backgrounds or how to make the face shape easier to draw. but the difference is. notable
olberic · 8 months
cringetober 18 - old art redraw
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the original (right) is from november 2020! i dont really consider art to be a skill i spend a lot of time on, so i'm not like a million times better or anything, but i've definitely come a long way from where i used to be.
i actually only started drawing in 2020 because i had very specific ideas in mind for my dnd characters and wasn't happy with any reference pics i didn't make myself. this is dazora, my twilight cleric/sun soul monk that i was playing back then. i've redesigned her a couple of times since, so i slipped a few of those design elements in the redraw :-)
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slut-for-fandoms · 5 years
Paint me yours (kth x reader) PART 1
Pairings: Artist!Taehyung x reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst (in the following chapters) 
Summary:  You are an art college student who struggles with finances. Until one day, on an exhibition of the arising artist Kim Taehyung, when the same boy offers you a job as his model. Would it be just a simple job or would it complicate your life in ways you have never thought it would?
Warnings: none in this one (perhaps my bad writing and lots of mistakes?) 
A/N: So here is the first chapter. I really don’t know what to think about it as i haven’t written anything in more than a year (so sorry guys but now I am back, yey) I really do hope you like it and please let me know what you think and whether you would like to be tagged in the series ♥ Enjoy 
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Euphoria. Excitement. Happiness. Exaltation. A complete symphony of colors and emotions. Blue, purple, violet, azure - blended in such a way that glues you to the masterpiece. At places it seems unfinished, raw, as though the creator has been in a hurry. But at the same time it is so detailed that you wonder how long it took him to create it. It represents a woman, or to be more precise, a young girl. Long hair composed with ochre, amber, honey and a hint of gold, covers half of her pale face. Her lips are the perfect combination of red, cheery, wine and auburn. An orderly chaos of colors.
While everything seems just as raw painting, the most capturing features are the eyes. They are so detailed and express the condition of the girl. The sparks that make her look tangible grabs you on a roller coaster of thoughts and feelings and somehow makes you even experience the same state.  I move to the next painting.
Sadness. Affliction. Pain. Torment. The contrast between the used shades is much deeper. Pale yet dark. The more I look at it, the more it captivates me. All of the creations I saw were beyond amazing, complete masterpieces but this one… This one is different. One look and I got this strange feeling in my guts when we anticipate something bad, something that might hurt us.
The background is composed of dark shades, while the girl is sculpted of the pale range of colors. Again, the most detailed parts are the eyes. You get the feeling as if a soul was trapped inside the drawn girl that shows how much she suffers. The more you contemplate, the more you assume that the darkness around her represents the cruel world, while the bright yet shaded colors shows how fragile and broken she is. Is it from the world? What destroyed her? Who made her look like a shattered vase which parts are no longer going to form its beautiful shape?
Holding my glass of champagne I took some steps back and sat on the settee opposite the painting. Thanks god it wasn’t that low as they use to be in other galleries. I crossed my legs which caused the hem of my black dress to roll up slightly. As an art student, I tend to visit many exhibitions in order to get inspiration, gain knowledge of the new and unorthodox styles and improve mine. I can’t say I am complaining as we are given free access to any kind of such events. This is beyond amazing as now I am contemplating the art of one of the rising artists – Kim Taehyung. Honestly, I have never seen him but the critics consider him the new Van Gogh and now I understand why.
When I came I was so uneven about it, all the people here were rich and classy and I, a broken student with a cheap dress borrowed from her friend, had no place here. Everything was out of my league and I felt like garbage disfiguring this place.
“You seem really immersed into the picture.”, someone chucked, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw man in golden suit and two glasses of champagne in his hands. His smile was so bright, genuine, that it made me blush slightly, “May I?”, he titled his head towards the settee as if asking if it was free.
“Ye- yeah, of course”, I stuttered and put a lock of fallen hair behind my ear.
His smile grew bigger and he took the free seat next to me.
“Here.”, he gave me one of the glasses. I looked up at him confused, “I saw that you have already finished yours so…”, I looked at my glass which was empty. I might have stayed there for a way longer time that I have thought. I left the glass on the floor next to the settee.
“Thank you.”, I gave him a smile, although inside I was feeling embarrassed, “Very fond of you.”, I said after taking the offered glass.
“Well, I just wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I have left such a beautiful lady sitting here by her side. The champagne was just an excuse to approach you.”, I bit my lip and tried to hide myself due to the blush that crept on my face.
“You are even more appealing when blushing.”, okay, I have never believed I could become so red but here I am.
“Please, stop.”, I stuttered through the smile that just grew bigger on my face.
“Why?”, he tilted his head and asked me with that sweet smirk still placed on his face, his eyes never leaving my figure, “you don’t like honest people?”, as a response I chuckled and tried to gain my dignity and look at him. Why was I such a blushing mess around this… stranger…a handsome stranger?
“It is just that you are the first one to approach me this evening.”, a slight feeling of sadness made my stomach turn as I recall the events, pardon, the lack of them from this night. I started playing with my hands as something as pity overwhelmed me.
“Well-”, his deep baritone voice made me look at him. This time he was facing the painting in front of us which gave me the opportunity to survey him. Soft pink lips, sweet roundy nose, medium long light eyelashes. Skin in the color of bronze and a golden suit that make him look like a god. Aristocratic hands with long fingers, adorned with rings. The way he is holding the glass gives you the thoughts that a prince is sitting oppose you, “It is their lose.”, he states after locking his eyes with mine. And then I’m completely lost. They are just like the sad girls’ in the paintings – full of emotions. I see the same spark that leads directly to his soul. It captivates you. There is love, care, tenderness that make my heart skips a beat. But also you can spot something wild and intriguing. An abyss of feelings kept locked deep inside.
He took a sip of his champagne which caught my attention and made me break the eye contact. How could such a simple action as drinking makes me wanna grab the brushes and paint this gorgeous creature on the canvas?
“I can’t say I am complaining of that.”, I followed his movements and took a taste of my drink, “They seem like they are here only for talking. All of them are just chit-chatting and just at times spare a glance at the paintings. It – It just looks like a gathering of the rich and bitchy class.”, suddenly he burst into laughing. Oh that sound… It was like a soft melody for my years I could listen to all day. It was so infectious and addicting.
“What?”, I asked confused but with a smile plastered on my face.
“I couldn’t have said it more correctly. I’ve met everybody in the gallery and yet you are the only one contemplating the works.”
“Isn’t that what we are supposed to do on an exhibition? But apart from that, these paintings, these masterpieces…”, I took a breath like looking at the sad girl opposite me, “they are captivating. There is life in them, there is soul. Undoubtedly the artist is one of the best I’ve ever come across. Many have the ability to draw, few have the talent to create a masterpiece, something that makes you stop and think. And these here, they indeed convey more than a hundred words.”
“And where do you think that comes from?”, he asks me in that deep voice of his. I turn my attention back on him to see the man already looking at me with a stern expression showing nothing.
“The ability to make a painting live?”, he nodded his head in agreement, “Pain.”
“Pain. It is always the pain. Why do you think the greatest artists are those who have suffered the most?  Sadness, sorrow, ache, agony… they are different than the other feelings. When something good happens to you, you are happy for a short moment. Usually those moments tends to be forgotten way easier than the moments that our soul was in pain. It is just that the affliction we bottle inside us ruins us in the end. The knots in our stomach, the suffocating feeling in our chest… they are tormenting us and we all need a way to express them somehow, to try to get them out of us. And the answer is always the art. It doesn’t matter whether it would be with a brush or a pen in our hands, if we are going to compose a poem, song or just draw something.  We just want the pain away. For its tight fist around our hearts to weaken, for its dark thoughts to leave us at peace at night, for the tears to stop rolling down and choke us.”, I paused in order to take a sip of my champagne, feeling his eyes following my movements, “That is one of the reasons why I like this one so much.”, I continued pointing at the work before us, “It look as if not only the model had been sad, but also the artist.”, when I turned around he had a sad smile on his face. For a moment I saw the abyss – full of sorrow and regret, pain and affliction.
“You can’t be more right.”, and once again, as he looked up, the door to his soul closed with that stern expression, “That is why I don’t know whether I like this work or not.”
“It recalls a bad event?”
“It recalls the day I painted her.”
My eyes were so wide that surely they were going to pop out of my head. I opened my mouth, then close it, then opened it again. I was so shocked that I could say nothing.
“I still remember how heartbroken she was.”
“You- you are the artist?”, my voice raised an octave higher and I cursed myself.
“Surprised?”, he asked smiling at my shocked expression.
“You just caught me off guard.”
And then the rest of the night kind of slips my mind. I don’t really know how long we’d been talking through various topics. Whatever felt like hours had only been half an hour once I saw the watch on my hand.
“Unfortunately, as a host, I need to make a speech. It was nice to meet you -”
“(Y/N)!”, answering I took his hand as he helped me get up from the settee.
“(Y/N).”, he said tasting my name and I could not miss the way his tongue rolled and the deep voice that sent shivers down my spine, “A beautiful name for a way more gorgeous girl.”
“Why are you trying to make my blush so hard?”, I asked trying to hide my face.
“I don’t know. I just like it.”, he shrugged with a smile, “Can I ask you something, (Y/N)?”, is it just me or he just lowered his voice on purpose while saying my name.
“O-Of course.”, out of nervousness I started playing with my own hands which only made his smirk grow bigger.
“Would you like to be my model, darling?”
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constablegoo · 6 years
alright so i have. a lot of questions and thoughts on changeling physiology
tldr it’s quite unorganized so; asexual reproduction, shifting is a natural instinct but can be expanded through study and discipline, Form is easier to reproduce than Function, changelings passively absorb energy via background radiation, conservation of mass... ha, energy efficiency, regeneration is an aware but subdued/vulnerable state, you can sneak up on odo but not most changelings, exaggerated and inhuman movement, language and body language learning, Viscosity tm, vital organs exist, injury and physical tolerance, focusing the senses...
asexual reproduction. loads of possibilities here. they might split in two (which could mean they’re really all clones of one another or else slight variations on an original) or lob a bit of themselves off which then begins to form a new individual. they might fragment off and start growing more individuals from themselves until they’re mature enough to carry on, or they might produce spores!!! OR they might reproduce the way coral do. the main complication is that this is meant for simple or single-celled organisms and also maybe leaves them all more vulnerable to that Clone Problem of being wiped out by a single virus. but perhaps their ability to mimic other types of dna is involved in providing new individuals with a robust enough mix of original genes to be baseline Adaptable
also a problem with simple organisms is that they propagate Extremely quickly and tend to be short-lived and. unintelligent (think fruit flies) so - changelings could have a fair few ‘simple organism’ traits but are ofc complex in reality
the mimicry -- do they actually become the material?? if you scan a changeling as a rock, they have the make up of a rock. but what about more complex materials? or systems? like fire? that requires energy input. im gonna go with: 1. depends on skill level 2. some things like fire they can mimic visually, maybe even with proper light and heat, but does take energy to do so.
speaking of which HOW do they get energy. i think i rambled about this a little in another post, but basically im going with the idea that they’re sort of filter feeders on the dust of the universe... they’re just VERY energy-efficient and collecting these little bits of radiation being thrown around space is a passive activity. i.e. odo probs wouldnt even know he does it, even though he does it constantly.
um. conservation of mass. the biggest thing ive seen odo turn into is that blob-monster, which was maybe 10′x10′ ? 15 at most? large, but probably somewhat unstable, and not huge. the smallest thing in canon is probably the mouse. ive seen the idea that humanoid-formed odo might be. hollow? there’s no need for him to actually form internal organs or any of that, its all surface-level, and besides. if we’re going with the idea that they can reproduce Form more than Function, they wouldnt actually work. he doesnt even eat anyway, so why waste that kinda energy?
that said!! there are probably some basic object functions they can reproduce. im gonna say that maybe your average changeling isnt going to be able to make a microwave that actually microwaves (not without a great deal of practice and scientific understanding), but could more easily become a lamp, for instance, that does actually turn on. that means they have some ability for bioluminescence, but again that requires energy and would shorten the time they can hold that shape.
regeneration obvs. is a chance to re-acquire energy, but we’re told odo doesnt sleep - it’s still a resting state, but maybe he’s still at least somewhat aware of his surroundings, if a bit unable to focus. he certainly seems to still undergo thought processes, etc. but if attacked in this state, he’ll be quite vulnerable, esp if he’s just reached hour 16, but he wont be completely defenseless. WAY more likely to hide than retaliate though, esp depending on where in the cycle he happens to be at the time -- even if that werent also kinda his personality. maybe its like bein rly rly rly tired but ur brain wont keep quiet.
kinda enjoy the idea of changelings becoming a little translucent or misshapen when they zone out. it takes some effort, practice, skill to remain present. a habit!
im sure he doesnt really bother to maintain constant humanoid-shape unless someone’s likely to look at him. could see him MAYBE being caught unawares, on occasion, whoops. very rarely, but how embarrassing
on that note, if you’re able to sneak up on odo and surprise him, he might momentarily jump a little out of shape (like a cartoon, exaggerated). other emotions like disgust or haughtiness might come off a little exaggerated too
at large, humanoid body language is a learned language for changelings, even if they can pick it up very quickly
odo’s got his humanoid walk cycle down pretty good but probably not perfectly, actually. i sort of imagine it could be a little more flowing -- not always -- but if he’s doing something he normally doesnt do, he moves a little less like a human bc he hasnt practiced it enough
ok whats the viscosity of changelings? like..... really runny and liquidy? j.... jelly? i kinda refer back to single-celled organisms again. cytoplasm w control.
in fact odo probably has some very simple (or maybe very complex, considering, but able to disguise themselves accordingly. so simple-appearing?) organs going on in there as well as cytoplasm of some sort
they dont sweat, they dont bleed, they dont smell, they dont taste, they dont sleep
they DO see, hear, are tactile, and feel most emotions that humans do. some of that emotions stuff is cultural
losing a little tiny bit of themselves (injury, i.e., a bit chopped off by a weapon) probs doesnt really hurt much more than getting a scrape, but if u like chop em in half thats gonna be Bad. but most surface level damage is just like getting a haircut or something, no pain. re: that scene with odo stopping the turbolift like.... that could’ve been painful
FOCUS!! sight, sound, etc - im writing senses as things that dont necessarily need to be located in the. face. bc they dont. but im thinking odo tends to concentrate it of course to better interact with others. that means technically - he could. .. . ‘accumulate light sensors’ and see out the back of his head, for instance, even without forming eyes, but because odo’s odo and he’s really trying to fit in he usually wont do that sort of thing and you can still sneak up on him. sometimes he even forgets he can do that kind of thing, when he’s humanoid-formed (unless he’s startled -- then he might revert to more ‘natural’ reactions) - bc he really hasnt spent any time with his people at all
this doesnt even get into the Great Link and changelings being a little bit touch-psychic
another thought !! i like the idea of one limitation being that he has to have seen / experienced in-person / studied / encountered / been exposed to an object, person, or animal to really become it. that’s where skill comes in -- some things are going to come very naturally, like shapes that are common in the universe such as rocks or. plants, in star trek .  they can learn by description or by looking at images and making their best guess, but its not gonna be totally accurate. so - some shapes come from study, like humanoids, and others come more by instinct like rocks and dirt and water, like learning to talk.
so when did odo meet a klingon targ omg
also means they are instinctually EXCELLENT observers, both of material and behavior
but imagine a bird or smth speaking in odos voice yikes
speaking of speaking, odo speaks bajoran and doesnt really know any other languages on his own, except workable cardassian. i.e. he’d have to learn to speak seagull
what if bc odo’s learning and sort of stunted in skill bc of his upbringing and inhibitions his face is..... actually made of latex, sometimes, like when he needs to save energy he goes Low Poly Rendering cos its close enough, and easier, and he’s interacted with plenty of latex and other Made materials bc he’s hardly lived at all anywhere that wasnt built-up by life forms. (probs partly why he seems so interested in practicing other animals and plants -- natural shapes are not shapes he’s been as exposed to, so they’re more interesting - and dynamic - than say, furniture / appliances)
he gives off no body heat, but neither is he cold. room temp, with a wide tolerance
can survive in space and vacuums
they seem somewhat naturally stronger than humans, esp as a sturdy material
some of them can become a magnet, thats just aligning poles / can then reproduce some basic electronics functions
at least they seem to have pretty comparable intelligence to humans so that’s relatable
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rodpupo5 · 3 years
Reflection of the day: 02/10/21: Project 1 Record Covers
this was one of the most intense weeks I've had at EBAC so far. The reason is that I've never had the chance to create a record cover, and even more of a style that I don't know much about and an artist I've known for a few days. The record was "A Seat at the Table" by singer Solange Knowls. The album is a mix of Soul, Funk and R&B. It's a really interesting album, because despite having very calm songs, its lyrics have very strong meanings, about black society in the United States, besides also talking about situations that women go through. At first I thought it would be easy to create a cover for this album, but I started to realize that it was getting difficult, because it's a very complicated topic, which I don't understand much. Besides also having the fear of giving the wrong image, doing something totally wrong with what the record says. I have to admit that I listened to the album not fully understanding the meanings of all of your songs. Because besides being an album I have to listen very calmly, to understand all its meanings. I was looking to develop the album cover as quickly as I could. I already wanted to get a clear idea of ​​what the cover design would be. So I made several drawings focused mainly on Solange's face and her hair. I made three illustrations using Procreate. But I think only the last one I did maybe shows a little bit of the meaning of the record with the words in Solange's hair. I wanted to talk to Lauren to clarify my ideas a bit and maybe do something that had more to do with the record. She suggested I look for black artists, and use their styles with reference to the work. But she mainly suggested I look at the music video for the song "Dont Touch my Hair" where I would have a clearer idea about Solange's look or outfit in the clip. On Thursday, I had to give a very quick presentation showing the development of both the album and book cover from last week. I showed that I had a little easier time creating the cover of the book, because the number of references and inspirations about Frankenstein were much greater than I had about Solange. I admitted that the research on the album was a little superficial. In the afternoon there was a crit on how we could improve our covers, both for the book and the record. From the book it was suggested to improve the back cover, because while Dr. Frankenstein's drawing was interesting, the background seemed to be somewhat generic. Besides, people also preferred other covers that I had made. With the one on the operating table and the one on the fire in the background. The one with fire in the background was praised because there is harmony between the setting and the lettering, which seemed more grandiose. The lettering of my final cover seemed to have been reduced due to the little space the cover has. And the one on the operating table was praised by Lauren for being a different cover. For not showing the monster like many of Frankenstein's covers do. For Solange's album cover, it was suggested by people to maybe make a composition with illustrations and photography. Maybe explore a little of this photographic side of me. I'm still in doubt on how to make the album cover. I need to try out all the possibilities present, and make something that dialogues with what the record means. At Friday's workshop, we were supposed to create our typeface in Illustrator, and use it in our cover work. I don't like the Illustrator, I find it extremely complex and tedious to use. I had little experience using it, so I knew the basics. However I had to relearn some tools, because it’s has been a long time since I used the Illustrator. It was very challenging to create these letters, I made and remade them several times, and I tried to make them the best possible way, so that it would be more presentable. It took me a long time to shape these lyrics, and I started to get extremely tired, wanting to finish soon and make the poster, which for me was more important. But I knew the lettering was an extremely important part of the cover. So I had to take it easy, and write the lyrics as best I could. And even though some were better and some were a little worse made, because they were more difficult to mold, I was happy that at least I managed to make some. But I'm sure after all that, working with lettering in Illustrator is something I don't want to repeat anytime soon.
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Mock ups and Ideas:
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Workshop Typeface:
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