#i still got lots more to learn about vocaloid!!! yay!
oishartmani · 4 months
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watched the MK 15th project today!
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magicmindless · 1 year
A HC list but it’s just Liezel
First queer chef yay
- Her parents were kind of strict on her and were sometimes the type to compare her to other children, but she didn’t mind for the most part
- They’re easier on her now and though they don’t understand her being transgender completely they love her as their daughter very much
- Her deadname was Ricky
- She moved to Tastyville for college and applied to a part-time job at Fluffmart to get some money while she studied in college
- Like mentioned in Allan’s hc list, Allan became her first friend in Tastyville since they had a bit in common, but the first person she came out to was Sue who was her upper
- She thinks she might also be bi or pansexual
- Before moving Liezel was aware of what being gay was, but it wasn’t talked about a lot back at her school since it was considered “taboo” where she was
- Overall nowadays is more outgoing, high-spirited, and a bit hyper at times
- Can be a bit of an anxious person who gets stressed out easily however so she takes her time when she need to (or at least when she can)
- Very affectionate with her friends, has even tackle-hugged a few of them before
- Type of person who can’t fall asleep in silence so she needs music to fall asleep to
- Also afraid of the dark so she keeps a nightlight
- Likes to collect cool stones and crystals, her favorite stone being peridot
- Despite falling out of football she still worked out to maintain a slightly athletic build. However after transitioning she became much more comfortable with getting back into it a little bit and can teach a thing or 2
- Really loves dogs because of Mary’s pugs (she got to come over and play with them whenever she felt like it) and wants her own someday
- Idk why but I think she’d know how to speak Japanese
- Unrelated but she really likes J-pop and Vocaloid, her favorite artists being YOASOBI
- Learned how to do her hair and makeup from Mindy and Vicky
- Has been getting into growing and taking care of plants in her apartment
- Back in high school she had one teacher who she really liked and that was her 11th grade English teacher who genuinely cared about her well-being for and she still keeps in contact with them
- When she went to her high school reunion, some people didn’t recognize her since she had changed so much, but those who did were her old English teacher and some of her former football teammates and a few of them also admitted to being closeted like her during high school
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entracteofevil · 3 years
Round Table Discussion with the Cover Illustrators
Entr’acte of Evil, page 142-145
--First, everyone please introduce yourselves.
Ichika: I’ve been responsible for the first cover and the illustrations for the series. My name is Ichika.
Suzunosuke: I am Suzunosuke. I normally just draw what I want to. I was able to make the cover for the second book.
You: I am You, and I was charged with the cover for this book. I’m really nervous, but I look forward to being able to do this interview with you.
--When did you all first start making illustrations?
Ichika: Since I could first remember. I don’t recall it all that clearly, but by the time I was in first year I was already drawing.
Suzunosuke: I think it was about middleschool. Apparently when I was a kid my parents were consulted by my teachers on the fact that I couldn’t actually draw pictures.
--You couldn’t draw pictures?
Suzunosuke: Even when I was made to stay behind by myself in kindergarten, the only things I drew were like little pictures of flowers on my drawing paper. It wasn’t that I was sick or anything like that, I was just a normal kid who couldn’t draw.
--I see, that’s very unexpected. What about you, You-san?
You: I don’t clearly remember when I first started drawing as a hobby, but my first picture was when I was three years old, and was a portrait of my caregiver in nursery. Back then I always wanted to use every color of crayon I had, and I guess the fact that I’m still always using rainbow colors even now just goes to show that what you learn in the cradle you carry to the grave.
Suzunosuke: I think that’s cool.
--Incidentally, when did you start making pictures related to VOCALOID?
Ichika: I think around 2007…maybe? I remember the first time I drew Miku was after listening to Yuuyu-P’s “White Season”.
Suzunosuke: I don’t remember how many years ago it was, but I feel like the first thing I drew was Kurousa-P’s “Cantarella”.
You: I listened to VOCALOID the first time in the winter of 2007, so I think it was probably around that time.
--So then, when was the first time you encountered AkunoP’s work?
Ichika: It was right after “Daughter of Evil” was posted on Piapro. I had just finished up making a PV, and when I was looking for new content on Piapro I got drawn in by the title and started listening to it.
Suzunosuke: The “Servant of Evil” was on NicoNico Douga’s rankings, and when I opened up the PV it had a tag saying to watch it after “Daughter of Evil”, so I watched them in order of “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil” for the first time.
You: Like Suzunosuke-san, probably in the autumn of 2008. The “Daughter of Evil” had a lot of buzz when it was first uploaded! I saw it in so many places with Ichika-san’s illustrations~ It feels so strange to see it having taken this form so many years later.
--Suzunosuke-san and You-san, this was the first time you’d seen a song that used Ichika-san’s illustrations, wasn’t it?
Ichika: I’m sorry for being alive…
Suzunosuke: Sorry, haha
You: Hey, hahaha
Ichika: I’m honestly really shaking here, haha
Suzunosuke: Maybe we should reply with “You’re a very wonderful person” ha ha.
-(Laughs) So what was everyone’s thoughts on the work when they saw “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil”?
Ichika: I think the imagery in it was really easy to get emotional about. I also thought it was a really interesting concept that although “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil” had a really different feel to them, they still felt like part of the same story.
Suzunosuke: All else aside I thought it was really sad, and I kept getting stuck on the fact that Allen couldn’t be saved. Still, it was because it was such a sad story that I was captivated by it. It also really made me feel the potential of the VOCALOID genre. It’s a derivative work, but also original content.
You: At the time I had thought it was really interesting and unusual to make a work with such dark fantasy elements using VOCALOID. I also really liked how catchy the tune was. It was also really impressive with all the derivative songs and fanart that got uploaded as things went on. I think it’s a work that shouldered a main pillar of the VOCALOID community in its heyday. And it’s really cool that it’s continuing to spread around the world even now.
--What image do you get of its creator, AkunoP?
Suzunosuke: Given he’s got “Akuno” (of evil) in his name, I thought he might be a scary person.
Ichika: Generally the people who do DTM have a kind of science-y image, so there’s that. And when we actually met, I remember he was a lot like that image. Though he was a bit thinner than I had imagined. Maybe if Akuno-san had shown up to our first meeting with his sunglasses look I’d answer that his image was different, haha.
You: Before I met him offline…He made a lot of romantic-type works, so I actually wondered if maybe he was a woman. When we actually met, it was apparently right after he’d changed his look, so I was a little amused to see him wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses.
--Have you all met AkunoP-san wearing sunglasses?
Suzunosuke: I actually just brushed him off because I didn’t know who he was for a second. As a fan the way he is now is probably close to his image as AkunoP, I would think.
Ichika: I also brushed him off.
You: Everybody brushed him off!
--Well that was an unexpected outcome, haha. Next, do you have a favorite AkunoP work?
Ichika: I actually really like “Clockwork Lullaby”. I prefer the quietly compelling melody and lyrics. Aside from that, I remember when I listened to “Daughter of Evil” I was really drawn to it, wondering what other kind of work he’d done, so that left a significant impression.
Suzunosuke: I think that might be “Re_Birthday”. The flow of sin and rebirth is so painfully beautiful, and I always get misty-eyed no matter how many times I listen to it.
You: Like Suzunosuke-san, I like “Re_Birthday”. I really love the music, and as for the story of it I think it’s really great it has that theme of salvation.
--I see. I had thought that Suzunosuke-san might say “Lunacy of Duke Venomania”, so that was surprising.
Suzunosuke: I could also say “Lunacy of Duke Venomania”, but I don’t want people to think I’m someone who likes erotic content, haha. But that’s also another song that I really like.
About the Novel Illustrations
--How did you feel when you heard about the “Daughter of Evil” becoming a novel?
Ichika: I was simply surprised.
Suzunosuke: I thought it was awesome.
You: I thought it was awesome for Akuno-san. I thought there must have been so many fan’s voices there, and that kind of invisible strength was deeply moving.
--Ichika-san, in the first book you did the cover illustration as well as the ones in the book itself—What was something that was hard about that?
Ichika: I’d have to say highlights.
--Highlights…! Certainly you had to do quite the interaction there… Honestly, was there any point where you were like, “I hope these editors step in dog crap”? haha
Ichika: Nah, ‘cause ever since I’ve become able to put in highlights more seriously, so I’d say it was good practice, haha.
--Suzunosuke-san, you were asked to do the cover for the second book; how was it when they approached you for that?
Suzunosuke: I had thought for sure that they were going to have me just do a pinup on the inside of the book, so then I was kind of like, “Now what?” The others who’ve been involved in it are such amazing illustrators, so I wondered if I’d be good enough for it.
--Was there anything you had trouble with?
Suzunosuke: Drawing the two of them to be just adorable was a little hard.
--I understand you had a bit of revision going on…?
Suzunosuke: Oh no, I saw that as being good training in a lot of ways, so even now it’s a good memory for me.
--You-san, you’ve been asked to do a lot of color illustrations each time, and in this guidebook you were entrusted with the cover illustration. How did you feel after finishing your work?
You: I really like doing the pinups, and I’ll generally paint them as I like, but I dealt with the cover with some different feelings in mind. As a fan I thought that Ichika-san would be given preference for sure. And I’ve refined on my composition a bit looking over past work. I wanted to emulate the flow of things up to now, so like Suzunosuke-san’s work I made it very horizontal.
--Who are some characters that were fun for you to draw in this novel series?
Ichika: All the characters are fun to draw, but if you’re gonna make me choose I’d say Elluka…I had this sense of security while drawing her, like it wasn’t an issue if I made her look a little bit like a villain.
Suzunosuke: I’ve only drawn two characters, so that would be the harmonius Clarith and Michaela. That pair so really cute, so I like them a lot.
--Suzunosuke-san, are there any characters that you would like to draw?
Suzunosuke: I love old man figures, so I’m a bit intrigued by Leonhart. Though I know that’s probably not what you were looking for, haha.
Ichika: (after half a second) It is!
Suzunosuke: Yay, haha
--You-san, you’ve probably drawn all of the main characters at this point; are there any that you’re fond of?
You: Everyone’s fun with how cute they are. I think Riliane-chan is really precious with how her hair is done up. And then there’s the princely Kyle-san—for some reason I’m always grinning when I draw him.
--Please tell us the impressions you were left with as the story has developed.
Ichika: I wasn’t expecting the romantic love between Michaela and Clarith, so that surprised me a bit.
Suzunosuke: I was actually really surprised that the base for Michaela and Gumillia’s appearances were those characters in those other songs.
You: I was also surprised at Michaela and Clarith. I felt the books complemented the content that wasn’t expanded on in the songs, which made them have a lot of interesting points. I think it’s also pretty great that I can now listen to the songs with a fresh perspective.
--Conclusively, how do you think the story will develop in the third book?
Ichika: I think Kyle’s mom is gonna be the final boss.
Suzunosuke: Hmm, I think all of the countries might get wrapped up in the fires of war. All the preliminary announcements have a pretty foreboding feeling to them.
You: All will go according to the will of god (AkunoP).
--Please let us know any final thoughts you have.
Ichika: Thanks for having me here. I don’t know yet how the third book is going to go, but I look forward to being able to go through the novels again with you.
Suzunosuke: I’d be really happy if I could be with you on the sidelines. This interview has been great!
You: I’m really happy to be linked to this series and involved in the work in this way. Thank you very much!
--Thank you very much for joining us everyone!
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