#i still have alot of weird complaints about how she went about the women involved
snufflescribbles · 1 year
when you watch promising young woman for the first time and see the ending, and as a woman your BRAIN SCREAMS, 'why do woman have to die to get justice?????'
and then you take deep breaths and realise.... that's the point...that women HAVE to die get justice. they won't believe you until you are fucking dead in a ditch and they have no choice but to believe you.
the ending this cold harsh reminder that oh, you thought this was a feminist revenge fantasy, where everything will work out.
well, here's the cold harsh truth. that the man you might love will be complicit in your worst nightmare. and he will show no remorse unless his career is at stake.
that the men will KILL you and burn your body and enjoy their weddings and escape because they CAN. because the world is built to protect them.
you thought this movie will find escapism here, that oh I Can Win.
well, no. no you can't. they won't let you.
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