#i still have those pf invites in case anyone is interested
veidtveidtveidt · 4 years
Just posted a long and thorough Connie biography on my blog over on Pillowfort. I also translated it into Finnish, here. Go forth and read up on this amazing human being therein:)
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Your time warp love triangle headcanons for KH were great! Could we maybe get something similar for Chocobros? Like a time warp where their main game selves and their older selves after the 10 year gap end up in the same universe, and they are both falling for the same person. If you have time or are interested it would be cool to see for Ardyn or Ravus too, but no pressure. Your stuff is great!!!
Ardyn and Ravus are two of my favorites I’ll always have time for those jerks lol. For the Bros, I’ll do Main game and after the game ends and the world is saved; Ravus gets slightly Pre-Game and Post-Worldsaving; for Ardyn, I’ll do main game and his past self from before everything went to hell.
Both of them are really surprised, but like... Very lowkey about it
Older!Noctis is probably more surprised than Main!Noctis. If only because, well, Older!Noctis knows that this guy is him from the past - Main!Noctis can at least try to convince himself it’s just a dude who looks really similar, or something
Older!Noctis explains himself to Main!Noctis though. There’s... Some awkward silence afterwards, because how do you react to meeting your future/past self??
Problem with wooing you here is... Neither Noctis is really all that skilled at it. He hasn’t really been all that interested in dating so far, so has pretty much no experience whatsoever
He knows the theory, sure, and he’s usually somewhat okay at human interaction in general... But dating?
Main!Noctis actually tries asking Older!Noctis for advice but. Older!Noctis really does not know any more than Main!Noctis does.
The first few dates are kinda... Awkward simply because of that. They’re pretty standard in a way; restaurant, maybe the cinema, etc. (Older!Noctis is more likely to pick a restaurant as the go-to spot, Main!Noctis more likely to take the cinema)
Until they relax a bit more about the whole thing, at least. The dates are still nice, since Noctis is a nice person, they just felt kinda stiff. But once they relax a little and basically throw out the script? Much nicer
Main!Noctis, for example, would totally invite you to just literally take a nap together. Or play games together. Stuff like that. Maybe even take you fishing.
Older!Noctis is more likely to suggest going for a walk or, again, take you fishing (He’s been in the dark for a while, so he kinda wants to go see the world with the sun up again)
When you pick one of them, the other one will accept it and wish you good luck, but probably leave. He might text occasionally, though
Well. Seeing himself with those scars is… Unsettling.
Main!Ignis is very tempted to ask, but on the other hand not quite sure whether he wants to know.
He does decide to ask in the end; maybe knowing can help him avoid it? And Older!Ignis is perfectly willing to answer. Again, maybe if he knows early enough, some things can be changed.
Next question is what they should do about the fact that they’ve both fallen for you
They come to the conclusion that it should be your decision, obviously, and that they’re not really into the idea of really competing against each other
So instead, they both kinda just... Hang out with you. They’re both a bit more thoughful and/or romantic than they’d be with their friends (They might bring you flowers from time to time, for example), but other than that, don’t really ask you out on a date
(Pro of this situation: You get tons of amazing food because you’re hanging out with two great cooks!)
After a while, they confess to you that they’ve both fallen for you, though they assure you you don’t need to make a decision in any way now
By the time you do decide, you’re such a close-knit group anyway that not much changes. The Ignis you didn’t pick just takes it in stride, though he might try to get some distance for a while.
But you still hang out all together, and both Ignises still get along really well
First of all, super confused to be seeing… Himself. Crushing on the same person. What???
Y’all know that Spiderman meme? That’s exactly what they look like the first time they spot each other
They’re both sad they have competition in general (Despite being a total cutie, neither Prompto is all too experienced when it comes to wooing anyone), but at least the competition is only, well, himself.
It’s weird, sure, but Prom feels like he’s got much better chances against himself than he would against, say, Gladio
Both would have their go-to solution be asking Noctis (or one of the other Chocobros) to be a wingman... But how exactly are they supposed to decide who to help?? They’re technically both Prompto, right?
(They’d help the one whose time they’re in - If Older!Prom ended up in the Main time, we’d have Main!Bros helping Main!Prompto. If Main!Prompto got thrown into the future, the Older!Bros would help Older!Prom)
They don’t want to make their friends choose like this. Which means they’re on their own.
They won’t explain stuff unless you ask.
“Why does he look so similar to you?” - “Would you believe if I told you he’s me from the past/future?”
Their way of wooing you is pretty similar (Up to the point that the first idea pf both for asking you out is suggesting a nice photo shoot!). Sure, Older!Prompto is a bit more mature while Main!Prompto is a bit more excitable, but at their core, they’re obviously still the same person.
Regardless of who you pick, the other is willing to hang around as a friend, if you want to. Sure, it hurts to see you in a relationship, but at least you’re happy (and it’s technically still a relationship with him, which is... Nice, he guesses?)
Huh, so he got some new scars, but other than that, he didn’t change that much
Both Gladios are somewhat competitive, so they decide they’ll just… Both try to impress you, and then let you choose
For fairness’s sake, Main!Gladio sticks to his shirtless look while Older!Gladio wears his Kingsglaive outfit, so you can easily distinguish them
And, well… Then they come up with cool stuff to impress you with.
Sometimes it’s literal competitions against each other, like armwrestling, or just generally showing off their skills and strength
But other times, they try going a more romantic route, like bringing you flowers etc
Both Gladios really enjoy dragging the other one when they’re with you, but in a rather friendly teasing way
“That kid, huh? Thinks he’s so hot with his shirtless look…”
“Well, he still looks pretty nice, I guess… For a grandpa”
At times, you might wonder if they actually want you to choose, since they are kinda having fun with their competition
They’ll both accept your choice, regardless of whom you end up choosing; the other one may stick around, or may not, but either way it’s no big deal
Past!Ravus is somewhat disturbed by his lack of arm
That’s. That’s a pretty big change.
Other than that, while he’s surprised, he doesn’t really show it. The two of them do stare at each other for a while though.
When it comes to wooing you, they decide to just treat each other like a stranger. They do talk occasionally - Especially since Past!Ravus is really really curious what happened to his arm (Though Future!Ravus only gives cryptic answers) - But never about you
(The whole situation is just... Too weird otherwise)
So it’s not a direct competition; they don’t try to one-up the other one, for example. It’s just... Two very very similar guys both asking you out on dates.
Once you choose one, the other one will take a step back, but won’t leave completely; he may text you occasionally, and you might meet up from time to time, but he’s basically just an acquaintance
Well, at first, Past!Ardyn is mostly very curious - This is his future self, right? So he’s curious to hear what Present!Ardyn has to tell him
Until they get too close to each other
Now, Past!Ardyn is no stranger to the Starscourge; he’s marked by it, too. But that’s no comparison to Present!Ardyn.
Past!Ardyn actually flinches back at first. He doesn’t want to - in a way, Present!Ardyn seems just like another lost soul to be saved, like the other people he’s healed before - but there’s just so much dark energy emanating from him
Present!Ardyn chuckles and pretends to find Past!Ardyn’s reaction amusing. In truth, it hurts, deeply. It’s a reminder how deep he’s fallen, how deep the Gods let him fall, made him fall
Before that, Past!Ardyn tbh wasn’t sure how they should solve the whole thing. He’s never been in competition with, well, himself. And now he’s… Even less sure
See, on one hand, Present!Ardyn seems kinda threatening - That’d mean Past!Ardyn should try to woo you first. But on the other hand, Past!Ardyn has no idea how or why he ended up like this. What if you’re in even more danger with him, considering Present!Ardyn at least seems able to control his Starscourge? Or maybe they both should leave you alone in this case?
Present!Ardyn gladly uses the time Past!Ardyn spends doubting himself to chat you up.
That at least removes the last option. And Past!Ardyn does, in the end, decide to try and woo you himself. It’s still possible for him to avoid whatever fate had befallen Present!Ardyn, and Past!Ardyn doesn’t quite trust his future self
Despite being the same person (Ignoring that Present!Ardyn is kinda 1000 demons in a trenchcoat but shh xD) their ways of approaching you are very different
Present!Ardyn is very, very charming. There’s always a little hint of danger underneath, sure, but it’s hard to notice if you aren’t paying very close attention - And even then, who’s to say that feeling is right? He behaves like the perfect gentleman, after all.
Past!Ardyn knows what he’s doing, too, but he does seem a bit rough around the edges at times. Not necessarily in a bad way, either; it makes the whole thing feel very genuine.
It’d be rare to see them both together; they both have their reasons for staying away from the other one as good as they can
Past!Ardyn is, truth be told, somewhat scared of Present!Ardyn. Not much, but seeing himself like this is just unsettling
Meanwhile, Present!Ardyn hates being reminded that he wasn’t always like this. That there was a time when he still had genuine smiles, when all he wanted to do was help people, when he wasn’t more demon than man… But that time is long gone
Past!Ardyn might actually try to warn you about Presen!Ardyn. Not with the full details (yet), but a general warning that he isn’t quite who he appears to be
If you choose Past!Ardyn, Present!Ardyn will surprise probably everyone - mostly himself - and just leave you two alone. He doesn’t quite get why, but… As much as he’d love to be the one who’s with you, he also doesn’t want to hurt you. So he accepts your decision and leaves.
If you choose Present!Ardyn, Past!Ardyn will probably still hang around as a friend.
In either case (in the first one especially if you have grown fond of Present!Ardyn), given some time, Past!Ardyn will probably try to find a way to help Present!Ardyn with his, um, little Starscourge problem. After all, that’s what healers do
(It’s uncanny as heck for them to work together, though, and neither particularly enjoys the other’s company, but they can deal with it if there’s a good enough reason)
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