#i still have two rounds to go but they're usually quicker at least
queerofthedagger · 5 months
finally finished the main editing round of this 30k fic and turns out now it's only 23k words long which like. i love deleting shit when editing, truly, but that's 7k words. can we not try and be concise the first time around like girl pls
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invisiblequeen · 8 months
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 29
Jeremiah (@seulvgi) was up early in the morning, trying to call Kash (@saruin) to talk things out. But she didn't pick up. Of course she was still asleep. He spent the rest of that morning power sculpting through his feelings, determined to meet up with the girl of his dreams and fix whatever was broken.
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Kash was actually NOT asleep; she was just unsure of what to say to him right now. She knew she'd never felt anything like this before, but she also knew things were harder with him than they'd been with anyone else. So she made herself a lil microwavable chocolate cake to distract herself from her uncertainties.
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Between you and me, I checked their relationship bits. As you can see, these are soulmates with awful compatibility. Which means they're going to have to work twice as hard to have the happily ever after they're looking for. Do you believe they can make it?
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Noemy(@beebeesiims) was having a much better morning. After reading an inspirational book of poems, she hurtled into the kitchen with energy on 100 and made TWO excellent dishes: Pasta Primavera and Red Velvet Cupcakes. You are doing AMAZING sweetie.
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Pandora(@gloomiegalaxie-sims), exploring the Magnolia Promenade, celebrated her first snow in the SimWorld by skating around the local ice rink with Simeon Silversweater and Ukupanipo Hekekia, funnily enough (cause I know these mermaids aren't feeling the winter weather).
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Donna(@elysiantrait) went to the Art Center bar and had a grand time drinking with Kleo(@lotusplum) and Riaan(@wibblywobblytumblywumbly). She wasn't even interested in the art! Maybe she was just looking to mingle with new sims? Well, they all got that wish granted!
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You know who was actually there for the art? Pax(@theosconfessions) and Khalil(@fl0pera). Two buds with fine taste. Look at their lil' smiles!
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Maike(@fl0pera) was sparring outside in the brick cold because a true slayer never quits training. She's gotten quicker since the last time I saw her.
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Rhea(@fl0pera) was changing into her uniform (which isn't cute enough for her) and heading out to work like the hardworking badass she is.
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Martin(@starjira) was investigating a possible missing persons case around Willow Creek and ended up sitting in the park to observe who comes and goes in the area.
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The only sim around at the time was Hiro(@sofft-neko-sims), who was playing chess with himself.
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That night, Luco's(@tr-angyo) house was filled with cheer as he spoiled his guests Felix(@madfeary), Rain(@riverofjazzsims), and Stephanie(@kazuaru) to their hearts' desire.
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And look, even Mothman(@occultradio) was there!
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Rivers(@gloomiegalaxie-sims) and Lou Howell were watching TV at his place with no problems at first...
Until they remembered it was a Full Moon.
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Aaaand last but certainly not least, my simself Noe Bodi was sipping on that late night Bubble at ThirfTea and looking fly while doing it. AS. USUAL.
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She also ran into Noemy there, so that was nice. They finally met!
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I'm so grateful to everyone who has given a sim to use in this series. I've been having so much fun making myself PLAY the game instead of just taking pictures (as much as i love to do that) because now I can enjoy the gameplay mods I've used up so much computer space to download! 🤣 There will be more coming soon, with more sims and more chaotic interactions, but for now, the representative song for this gameplay is: "People Make The World Go Round."
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Ok I know your brain is probably on Last Life right now, which is fair, but if you're looking for some new Among Us angst opportunities, consider:
Oxygen failure now kills players if they don't grab a mask in time. Including Impostors.
Take a crewmate. Let's say, Tango, for example. He's not the Sheriff, he can't do anything special, he's just a Crewmate who isn't doing so well this round. He can't seem to get anyone to believe him.
Which is a problem, because Impulse messed up.
He took a second too long standing still while calling the sabotage, and Tango saw his screen. Tango knows he's the Impostor. He knows, and he's completely thrown off, and there's nothing he can do about it, right? They're both stuck in this room alone. He can't call a meeting during a sabotage, he can't act against Impulse because he's not the Sheriff, all he has is himself and Impulse and those two masks left hanging on the wall and -
No. No. He can't do that. Right? But it would be so easy...if he's lucky, Impulse will be too shocked to even kill him before -
It's just a game. It's the only way. And, a small voice in the back of Tango's mind is reluctantly, morbidly proud of thinking of it.
He takes both masks and braces himself to watch Impulse die.
(this can be a writing request if you want it to be but honestly I just thought you would appreciate it, game mechanic angst my beloved)
i really really love the mechanic of imposters being able to die to the O2 sabotage it's amazing
i'm sorry this one is shorter than usual, i just didnt wanna sacrifice quality for the sake of adding more words lol
“Hey, Impulse,” says Tango casually, entering the lower deck. “You faking a task?”
Impulse grins at his friend from the task panel. “You know it. Killed anyone lately?”
“Sure have.”
Tango goes over to the task panel next to Impulse and touches his tablet to it. As his download starts, he discreetly glances over at Impulse. He knows his friend hasn’t quite gotten the hang of disguising his sabotages when he’s imposter; maybe Tango can see something.
What he doesn’t expect is for the O2 alarm to go off the second Impulse taps his screen in the exact place he knows the O2 sabotage button to be.
Tango freezes, his breath catching in his throat. Impulse is an imposter. He has to be. But what can Tango do about it? Emergency meetings can’t be called during sabotages. And nobody would kick Impulse out on such flimsy evidence, if it can even be called that, anyway. The only thing he would be able to do is sheriff Impulse, but he’s not sheriff. He’s just a helpless crewmate.
...or is he?
This new map does offer one solution.
Kicking himself into action, Tango pushes past Impulse and grabs an oxygen mask, securing it over his face so he can breathe. Then he grabs the last one and backs away from Impulse, who stops and stares at him with wide eyes. “Tango, what are you doing?”
“Imposters don’t deserve to live,” Tango says quietly.
Impulse blinks. “I’m not an imposter, Tango. Please give me the mask.”
“No. I know you’re the imposter and I’m not giving you the mask.”
“Tango, c’mon!” Impulse’s voice rises in panic. “E-Even if I WAS the imposter, would you really just leave me to suffocate and die?!”
“YES!” Tango’s voice also rises to match his friend’s. “If I give you the mask, you’re just gonna get voted off anyway! Why not just get you out that much quicker?”
The flashing of the red lights increases in intensity. Twenty seconds left until death.
This makes Impulse desperate and he draws his knife, lowering slightly into an aggressive stance. “Tango. GIVE ME THE MASK.”
Tango clutches the mask tighter and backs up as far as he can, his heart skipping a beat. He wasn’t 100% sure that Impulse is the imposter but now there’s no doubt whatsoever. “No.”
“Give me the mask and I’ll get voted off. You can get me voted off. It doesn’t have to end like this.”
“No it does, cuz I don’t trust that you actually will get voted off. This is the only certain way to get rid of you.” He lifts the mask above his head, despite being well aware that Impulse is taller than him. “If you really want it, come get it.”
He realises only a second later just how bad that decision was.
Encouraged by Tango’s vulnerable stance, Impulse lunges and stabs Tango in the stomach. Letting out a choked scream, Tango drops to the floor, the oxygen mask still clasped tightly in his hand. He fights against Impulse as the latter tries to take the mask from him, using the last of his strength to cling onto it.
Finally, it’s wrenched from his grasp.
But it’s too late.
Impulse’s body hits the ground just a split second later.
Breathing heavily, Tango lets his eyes close, the throbbing pain in his stomach slowly ebbing away as he slips under.
At least his sacrifice won’t be in vain.
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itspenisparker · 7 years
could you do a follow up to the baby osterfield one where tom and reader now have a kid and they tell haz and his wife they're having another or something?
Alexander toddled after Robin, babbling complete nuisance. You cooed after him, watching the chubby toddler make his way around the garden. You and Tom had the Osterfields around for the day, nothing unusual, but pleasant nonetheless. The warm summer sun allowed you all to venture out to the decking, lounging on the furniture. You had spent a majority of the day out here, and you watched as the children continued to play. Robin Osterfield had recently turned three, and was considerably quicker than Alexander Holland who was turning two next month, yet they were already the best of friends. It made you all glow with pride, seeing your boys already developing such a strong friendship. Rachel and Tom were putting away the paddling pool, seeing as you didn’t want the kids in the actual pool, not just yet. The paddling pool had allowed you all to continue your chats, no one has to stay near the pool itself.
“How will Alex like the plane?” Harrison mused, sipping his beer. His dark shades took up most of his face, but the skin which was uncovered had slowly become pink, seeming as the gentleman had refused to put on appropriate sunscreen, declaring when first coming out here that he wouldn’t burn. Everyone else had put it on, had lavered the children head to toe in the stuff.
“Probably hate it, but Tom’s the one taking him,” you smirked, watching your husband fail once again at putting the paddling pool back in its box. Rachel stood back, giving him pointers on what he should be doing, but Tom didn’t listen. No, Tom was now shoving it in, grumbling expletives as only half of into the box. He dubbed that acceptable, throwing the box in the general direction of the shed before stomping his way back over, Rachel laughing as she followed after him.
“Why can’t you come with us to L.A?” Harrison quizzed, picking at a loose thread on his shorts. “You love America.”
“I know, but I have some stuff to wrap up over here,” you sighed, shuffling over in your seat as Tom came and sat next to you. His arm fell around your shoulders and you nuzzled closer, “but I will be coming out in a couple of weeks.”
“What’s this now?” Rachel sat on the seat next to Harrison, picking up her own beer.
“L.A,” you and Harrison replied together, “Harrison is complaining about why I can’t fly out with you guys,” you continued.
“But we’ve explained why?” Tom chuckled, “or is he sad because it means that he’ll actually have to help me carry my stuff?”
“I’m not your assistant anymore, Holland,” Harrison grinned. It was true. Harrison was soon spotted for a role on a Netflix show, and once Marvel saw his talent, they scooped him up, casting him as the next Johnny Storm.
“Who makes more money? Oh yeah, me,” Tom pointed at himself with a smile.
“Only because you basically replaced Robert,” you pointed out, prodding his ribs. He jerked away, squealing. You couldn’t help but laugh at how ticklish he was.
Alex got interested by the tickling and waddled over, making his way up the small steps. He wasn’t the most steady on his feet, but once he got running, he wouldn’t stop. He came over, arms wide, asking to be picked up, squealing also just to ensure that he was noticed. Tom pushed away from you, picking up his son, cuddling him close, “you can’t tickle me now,” he giggled, blowing raspberries on Alex’s bare stomach. “I better go and get him dressed actually,” Tom decided, holding Alex out at arm's length. He was still wearing his swimming costume, little sharks decorating his trunks, and as the temperature started to decrease, Alex would feel the cold very soon. So, Tom got up, tickling Alex as he went.
“Just wait until they get dressed themselves,” Harrison chuckled, tossing his son a shirt. Robin picked it up, tugging it over his head before going back to the mud. His shirt was on wrong way round and inside out, but at least he had it on. Harrison shrugged, drinking more from his beer as Rachel rolled her eyes, yet didn’t bother going to correct her son.
“The fans are going to love him,” you mused. So far, whenever possible, you all have kept the children out of the limelight, at least until they had some form of a personality. Tom wanted Alex to come to L.A, it was promising to be a long shoot and he couldn’t bear being away from his son for so long. Usually, Nikki and Dom looked after their grandson, with frequent video calls to his parents. But this time, he wanted his boy there. You weren’t overly busy this time you're needed in L.A, and the days you were, you could take the boys with you. Rachel would have them, but last time that Robin had gone in a hair and makeup trailer, he had ended up crying and needed too much attention.
Tom came back out, Alex now wearing a sweatshirt with his Spider-Man PJ bottoms. He loved those things, screaming the house down if he isn’t allowed to wear them. Robin has a pair also, and a pair of Fantastic Four ones, but he preferred Spider-Man, much to Harrison's dismay and Tom’s delight. Tom was playing one handed pick-a-boo with Alex as he walked over, his son howling with laughter, causing Tom to laugh which caused Alex to find the game even funnier. Tom sat down, and Alex rocked backwards and forwards with laughter on his dad's lap.
“Is that your new jumper, baby?” You cooed, getting your son's attention. He nodded, determinedly, tugging on the shirt proudly. “Do you want to show Uncle Haz and Aunty Ra?” Another nod, a confident “yes”, and down Alex crawled from Tom as he excitedly went over to Harrison and Rachel. He held out the bottom of the shirt, looking down at his belly, trying to read the font upside down. “What does it say?” You prompted, gripping Tom's hand.
“Big … Brotha to bee”, Alex read out, looking up as Rachel squealed. She covered her mouth, looking over at you both with wide eyes, Harrison slowly taking off his sunglasses. Alex decided he got bored of the adults and made his way back over to Robin, who was now lying, sprawled out on the grass.
“No way,” Harrison stated, taking off his sunglasses. Tom grinned, looking smug. “No way,” Harrison repeated.
“Yeah, we decided another little tike would fit in, we’ve got the room for it,” Tom motioned around, the large gardens and the massive house. It was true, you did have the room for another, possibly more.
Harrison stood, Tom mirroring him also, “you little shit,” Harrison cursed, pointing at Tom, “you want to outnumber us!” Tom laughed, you did also. “Honey!” Harrison grabbed Rachel's hand, “we must compete. To the bedroom!”
Can you tell I love this concept so much? Gah! Also, I adore the thought of Harrison being Johny Storm, so ofc had to include it.
(The ‘to the bedroom’ part was inspired by Jared Padalecki when he discovered Jensen Ackles was expecting twins)
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Hey hey HEY! Could I please request a fluffy scenario with Bokuto, Hinata and Yamaguchi where they're helping they're s/o coach younger kids how to play volleyball. BUt more like they're interaction with the kids than teaching them and the s/o like looks over and is like wow they are a child and i am so in love with them how did i get so lucky? like O>O i feel like they'd be so cute about it! thank you. youre amazing
kicking off valentine’s day with some fluffy scenarios! everytime you guys give me fluff, it’s like super fluff and i die a happy deathevery time i write them :,)
i also wanted to include the idea that hinata gets a bighead from being called cute and instead of getting all flustered, he starts toget cocky about it
“Hey, look at that! You got past the block like I toldyou that you would.”
Bokuto holds his hands up—or well, down really so that thechild he’s praising can reach them—for a high-five. He’s a good nine or tenyears older than most of the neighborhood kids you’re coaching, but they don’tseem to mind at all. After their friend was able to land a spike thanks to hisinstructions, there was already a chorus of “Teach me too!” and “I wanna trythat!” as a few of them flocked to the ace.
His face practically lights up with their enthusiasm. Eventhough he’d been playing for a long time, it was only recently that he startedliking volleyball. Hearing that these kids are already eager to learn more ata young age, and partly thanks to him too, makes him swell with pride.
You grin as Bokuto leads the kids back on to the courtand proceeds to go over the technique again.
He’s just like them,but it’s so cute, you think. Itreally was a good idea to ask him to come help out today. All of them arehaving so much fun.
The sound inside the gymnasium muffles with your thoughtsand the heavy pounding of your heart in your chest. You don’t hear what one ofthe kids says to him while you’re lost in your thoughts, but he lets out alaugh and the sound finally returns. Bokuto’s golden eyes land on you andsomehow his smile manages to widen. Warmth floods to your face and throughoutyour whole body.
You’ve only been dating for a few months at this point,but the volleyball star manages to surprise you with his magnetism almost everyday. He can be silly at times, but he always finds a way to make you smile.
Bokuto Koutarou managed to charm you quicker than anyoneelse you’ve been attracted to.
“Oh,” you say to yourself, “I guess I’m really in lovewith him.”
While the children separate into smaller groups to giveit try themselves, Bokuto joins your side in observing them play. Yourboyfriend blinks in surprise upon finding your cheeks flushed before smilingslyly at you.
“Hey, you’re blushing like crazy,” he says. He leans in alittle closer to you and lowers his voice, “I didn’t think just watching mewould get you so worked up. I’m that good, huh?”
You let out a quiet laugh and nod. “Well, of course. I’m datingthe cutest of the top five spikers in the whole country after all. It’s prettyhard not to.”
While Bokuto enthusiastically stutters a response to yourcompliment, you giggle. The kids are distracted enough, so you turn to him andgive him a peck on the cheek. The action effectively silences him, and if thiswere a cartoon, he’d have melted into a pile of goo right then and there.
And I’m still tryingto figure how I got so lucky.
It’s almost astounding how easily these children seem tounderstand Hinata’s onomatopoeia-filled language, but they have no trouble withhis explanations. You toss a volleyball towards the kids lined up and ready topractice receiving. The first in line takes his stance and stiffens up themoment the ball makes contact with his forearms, and the volleyball goes flyingoff to the side.
“It’s a little more like whoosh,” Hinata explains to him.You lob another ball at you boyfriend for him to demonstrate, and cleanly receivesit.
“Oh! That makes perfect sense. Thanks, Sho-chan!”
He flashes his perpetually bright grin at the youngerboy. You toss another ball and this time, the kid is able to receive the ballwith much better form. Along with the neighborhood kids, Hinata’s eyes sparklein awe as the ball lands just before your feet. It felt like it was such ashort time ago when he could barely manage the volleyball basics himself, butyou know better than anyone how much effort he puts into every practice. Itprobably doesn’t hurt that your gentle tosses aren’t anywhere near as fast asthe serves and spikes he usually plays against.
After a few more drills, everyone breaks for a fewminutes.
“____! Sho-chan is your boyfriend, right?” one of thegirls asks. You give her a nod. “He doesn’t seem like the other big kids at all.”
You turn to look at Hinata, who’s talking energeticallywith some of the other kids. He pushes his hair down, and puts on a scowl: he’simpersonating Kageyama again. His small audience giggles at the impression andyou do too. You’ve been feeling a lot more upbeat since the two of you starteddating. His presence alone always cheered you up even before you starteddeveloping feelings for him, but that positive influence increased tenfoldsince your first date.
You’re not sure exactly what you’ve done to deserve hisaffection, but you’re more than grateful for it. When you pulled that lucky ticketfrom the shrine during New Years’ festivities, you hadn’t expected this would be the fortune you were blessed with.
“No, he’s definitely not,” you laugh. “But that’s why Ilike him so much. He’s a lot of fun to be around.”
The girl’s face lights up at your reaction. She may beyoung, but it would appear that she’s already a sucker for romance. “Do youthink he’d come again if you asked him to?”
“Of course!”
The group then takes to the court again to start theirusual afternoon scrimmage. You turn back to glance Hinata’s way to find that he’sapproaching you. You offer him a grin as he plops down next to you on theground.
“Man, where was this kind of group when I was a kid? Iwould have been so much better at volleyball sooner,” he whines. Despite that,he’s smiling widely. “At least this is a good group of kids.”
“I figured you’d have no trouble with them since you’reso good with Natsu,” you say.
He crosses his arm over his chest, expression suddenlyshifting to a slight pout. “They don’t give me attitude like Natsu does,though.”
“Well, at least she’s cute just like her big brother.”
His pout disappears almost instantly and is replaced witha smirk that’s a little crooked, but cocky nonetheless. Hinata arms remaincrossed while he straightens his posture. You’re sure that’s just a cover-upfor the fact that he’s shuffling a little closer to you. To make the taskeasier, you shift yourself closer to him too, and rest your head on his shoulder.His body tenses at this and you can’t see his face now, but you know for a factthat his smirk is quivering trying to contain the swell of delight in him.
And do you ever love that the kids tease him only momentslater for that silly face.
“Bye, bye, ____! Yamaguchi-nii!”
You wave as the last of the kids heads home for the day,clasping his mother’s hand on the way out. It’s the first time in a long timethat you didn’t have to stay much later after practice than usual. Normally,they would be able to walk home on their own, but since it got darker earliernow, you had to wait for your group’s parents or older siblings to come andpick them up.
Thankfully, this time you have your sweet boyfriend Yamaguchi—who’sbehind you gathering up stray volleyballs and placing them in the cart—to keepyou company while you clean up and walk home. “Sweet” feels like anunderstatement at this point, but you know that calling him that to his facecould make him short circuit. It’ll suffice for now.
He could have spent the day somany other ways, but he still decided to spend it coaching elementary schoolstudents with you. With the trip to Tokyo for Nationals right around thecorner, you hadn’t been seeing a whole lot of him as he put in more practicetime. Once he leaves for the tournament, you aren’t sure how long it will bebefore he comes home. Even though you told him that you’d both be relativelybusy instructing the kids rather than being around each other, he still agreed to help out.
You always knew him to be quite gentle—save for the timeswhere he and Tsukishima would pick on their teammates—so it came as no surpriseto you that the children were receptive to him straightaway. You’re starting towonder if it’s because Yamaguchi knew that he’d look so charming helping themout. If you hadn’t already been dating him, you would have started crushinghard on him today.
While his back is turned to you as he picks up a few moreballs, you clasp your hands behind your back and rock back on forth on yourfeet. As he rises, you feel your face heat up slightly. If you could feel youreyes sparkling, this would be one of those times. Yamaguchi turns to you and blinkswhile he dumps the volleyballs into the cart.
“What’s with that face?” he asks. There’s a small smiletugging at his lips. He likes to think that his freckles hide his blush, buteven if they did, they currently aren’t doing a good job muting the pink on hischeeks.
“As if you weren’t adorable enough, you’re really goodwith kids too,” you blurt out. Yamaguchi stands in stunned silence as youcircle round the cart to him. “I really hit the jackpot with you.”
With your hands on his shoulders for leverage, you standon your toes to give him a peck on the lips. Those freckles don’t stand achance against the red on his face now.
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