#i still hint miles' bday in another work but yeah
irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
i wrote smth like this a long time ago but i deleted it, and yet i still think about it...
this takes place in the mcu (or the miles in the mcu series more specifically). miles' dad hates spider-man. miles is a huge fanboy, but jeff doesn't trust the punk. one day, though, he and spider-man start working together to take down weapon dealers in brooklyn. after a particular dangerous patrol - but thankfully no one got hurt -, jeff is surprised to see iron man talking to spider-man.
he doesn't mean to eavesdrop, but iron man rlly seems like he's looking after spidey. so the kid is in good hands.
(bonus jeff and tony talk about peter and parenting overall. jeff might as well invite spider-man to miles' upcoming bday party...)
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yugen-ai · 7 years
slack saturday! all i want to do is to watch bro’s gameplay of the breath of the wild.. (○´―`)ゞ  --12092017
out for an event.. i can sense the spirit of stalling (or maybe the effect of mercury retrograde??) in our presence since the other attendee wasn’t able to attend the main event because the car malfunctioned on their way.. then on our way home, we’re comfortably sitting when the bus suddenly stopped in the middle of the road so we had to transfer to another one.. someone wants to play with us.. (⇀‸↼‶) --12102017
so many social gatherings this month!! i received another invite today!                ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )  --12112017
glad that i’ve finally figured out the easiest way on how to get things done.. this day will be marked as the day of discovering the easiest way out!! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
free lunch from a bday celebrant! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)  --12132017
whenever i’m riding the bus on my way home at night, i’m always seeing this store with a cute cat relaxingly sitting on the entrance.. idk why it makes me think that the place is cute, warm and somewhat magical! i’m still not certain what are the stuffs this store is selling.. will definitely pay a visit someday..  ◔_◔  --12142017
wow! i won an item from a raffle draw!! though it’s a consolation prize but at least.. this kind of instances is so rare.. like the odds for me to be drawn in a raffle is when the ratio between the prize and the participant is at 90%.. (O.O)     --12152017
an event again today! people from the past are meeting again after a loooonng time!  |´∀`●)  --12162017
damn! my throat is aching again! don’t tell me i’m gonna have a flu again??!! if i back read all my shitty posts here, how many times that i’ve been infected this year?? flu vaccine is not effective! (×﹏×)  --12172017
i know i have so many stuffs to do but i’m already sleepy (maybe because of the meds) and cold and my muscles are aching.. idk how will i managed to finish them all in just 3 days..  [ ± _ ± ]  --12182017
just witnessed the other mask of a person today.. it’s like i’m dealing with the rough & tough side of a soft & sweet person i knew.. i think (and i thought!) she’s my closest colleague coz i’m like an open book to her whenever we’re having a chat on personal matters like our love for kpops and kdramas.. but then this day came when i have to turnover some work to her, part of an agreed arrangement.. then witnessed a 180 degrees turn.. i know, i admit, i made some mistakes if that’s her interpretation (and i have my own!), but that must not be the reason to change her tone to that of a strict, bossy, terror person! (reminds me of the day when i’m on the hot seat surrounded by what i think evil persecutors!) idk if i’m not just used to seeing the choleric side of her (though sometimes i got a hint that she has one but today it’s directed on me).. and i think starting tomorrow, things will be a bit awkward, maybe on my part, idk if that’s the same with her.. i don’t have time for dramas since i’m not feeling well.. i can see a crack on a once’s shiny glass.. honestly, it’s waaaaayyy much better to hide in the fcking void than to deal with human’s stupid emotions... (눈_눈)     --12192017
another page has turned.. another leaf has fallen.. another century has passed..  --12202017
need to rush things since it’s the final push and i’m gonna be out by the clock later.. (○`・Д・´)9  --12212017
up for some travels with my folks to attend 2 events on 2 separate places hundred of miles apart and only by car! ᕕ(╯°□°)ᕗ  --12222017
time to paint the face and be a clown for a day! my cute baby nephew is laughing when he saw us.. yeah, i’m not happy with something heavy coating my face.. (ન_੦)  --12232017
we’re finally back home! so tired and exhausted from all the travelings and socializing that transpired! i think i used up all my saved socializing skills for 2 years just for this month! (´Д`)ヾ  --12242017
it’s christmas and all i want to do is sleep!! so drained and exhausted! slept for almost a day though but after waking up, my head hurts! ~(>_<~)                   --12252017
another prospect has slipped away.. oh well, i’m used to it.. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ                    --12262017
these days, i feel so bored and uninspired.. as if i have no motivation or even if i have, can’t inspire me anymore.. maybe i’m just too tired.. lots of sleep and lucid dreaming can fix this, i guess.. (--_--)  --12272017
this day, when i’m gonna post these shits on tumblr, the phone containing the draft memos died and can’t be charged anymore.. i can’t remember what happened this specific day, because maybe its just so trivial or mundane, as always.. but, you know, maybe it’s time to change the phone if it’ll not turn on..  ╮(︶︿︶)╭   --12282017
everyone’s in the partying/vacation mood and here we are working our butts off.. (/0 ̄)  --12292017
yes it’s saturday and here i am still working! though i still have 1 remaining pending item, the mood in the air is making me lazy.. so fck work and let us find the remaining hidden shrines! (╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ ( ╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻  --12302017
woah! another novel again! pardon this long shitty post coz maybe this is the last one i will do this year (and the coming years, i guess).. as you will notice, i haven’t been posting much these days or even months.. looking back, i noted on my first 2017 shitty post that i have 2 goals for that year: to smoothen my fcked up sleeping sched and to seriously begin my jap lesson again.. fortunately, i have fulfilled these two.. not that much.. maybe 65%-70%?? (during workdays, sleeping sched is ok, i guess and my jap lesson is still on the starting phase :P)..  yes i’m inside the fckn void until the firsts months last year but after that, need to get out and embrace again the big shitty world called reality.. then became very busy.. but honestly though, void is waaaayyy much better but it lacks the gold or i’m just too lazy to find the gold.. maybe if i already earned so much gold, i am very willing to go back to that comfort zone,, my only sanctuary..  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧   --12312017
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