#then again jeff could leave the police at some point...
irondad-defensesquad · 7 months
i wrote smth like this a long time ago but i deleted it, and yet i still think about it...
this takes place in the mcu (or the miles in the mcu series more specifically). miles' dad hates spider-man. miles is a huge fanboy, but jeff doesn't trust the punk. one day, though, he and spider-man start working together to take down weapon dealers in brooklyn. after a particular dangerous patrol - but thankfully no one got hurt -, jeff is surprised to see iron man talking to spider-man.
he doesn't mean to eavesdrop, but iron man rlly seems like he's looking after spidey. so the kid is in good hands.
(bonus jeff and tony talk about peter and parenting overall. jeff might as well invite spider-man to miles' upcoming bday party...)
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
A Friend in the Alleyway 
Jeff The Killer solo fic 
Summary: After narrowly escaping an altercation with police, Jeff finds an unexpected critter companion 
Genre: Fluff 
Content/Warnings: None unless you count a little profanity on Jeff’s part and a singular, brief mention of blood. it’s a jeff the killer fic don’t be surprised when he. yk. jeff the kills 
Jeff’s ratty old sneakers skidded on the pavement as he stumbled into the alleyway, brain running at a million miles per hour as his body moved faster than he could ever make it go voluntarily. The ground was still wet from that morning’s rain, and the puddles soaked his shoes and socks and splashed up onto his jeans. The sudden sensation of cold water would have been shocking if he could feel anything but panic. He can hardly see anything with only the moon and a few broken street lamps to light the pavement, but he knows every crevice of this city.
He narrowly escaped the police after hastily climbing down the fire escape of an apartment building. His hoodie is splattered with blood and he dropped the knife somewhere on his way here, it doesn’t matter now. He’s a rat scrambling back into its hole in the wall, barely having escaped the clutches of the predator that stalks around the house he’s made a home. He hates this feeling. 
He grasps at his chest as he falls to his knees, collapsing against the wall of one of the buildings making up either side of the alley. His heavy breaths are pushed through yellowed, gritted teeth behind chapped lips that extend into telling scars. They ache when he opens his mouth too far, he’ll have to catch his breath as best he can without panting. 
He can feel his heart thumping behind his ribs through his sweatshirt, threatening to break free from its prison and throw itself to the ground of this filthy ally with a sickening splat and the iron smell of blood. His chest burns with agonizing exhaustion. 
He’s tired. He’s dirty. He’s a mess. He’s terrified.
But he’s alive. 
And he’s free. 
“Holy fuck,” Jeff chokes out, almost laughing to himself. He’s not sure what’s funny. He doesn’t know what else to do. 
Maybe it’s just the absurdity of all of this. Maybe the flood of relief he’s finally able to feel is making him a bit loopy. It doesn’t matter. He’s alive, and he’s free. That’s all he needs to go on another day. 
He allows himself to relax a bit, his legs stretching out only for him to wince as a stinging pain suddenly manifests in his ankle. Shit, did he bust it scaling down that fire escape? 
He silently prays as he rolls up the leg of his jeans, then sighs in relief. No, it’s not broken. Bruised, yes, but nothing that won’t heal on its own. 
Good. He doesn’t have it in him to coerce an urgent care employee tonight. 
He groans to himself in frustration. Frustration at what exactly he doesn’t know, but that’s the only name he can put to his feeling. Maybe it’s a bit of everything. 
He’s frustrated with himself for running like a frightened animal. 
He’s frustrated with those asshole cops for catching him off guard. 
He’s frustrated with all the people in that apartment who get to sleep in a warm bed that belongs to them tonight.  
Dammit, dammit, dammit. 
“Fucking stupid,” He mutters to himself, reaching up to grasp his arm where it hurts. He’s not sure why it hurts or when he injured it. It’s hard to think about what just happened with the adrenaline still clouding his mind. He’ll worry about that when he calms down. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” Is all he can say, repeating it to himself for no real reason. It’s the only word rattling around his addled brain. 
He has to pull himself up eventually. He has to leave this alley at some point, he can’t stay here forever, and he’d rather turn himself in than go back to sleeping on the streets. Yet, the idea of even standing at this moment takes far too much energy. 
He groans again, rubbing his eyes. When he pulls his hands away again he blinks a few times, and he flinches back when he sees two glowing eyes watching him from the shadows dancing across the wall opposite to him. 
A surprised noise leaves his mouth before he can stop it, his back pressing hard against the wall of the alley. He squints in the dark, trying to make out what he’s seeing. 
Then the glowing orbs blink, and start to move. His eyes widen as the stalking creature comes forward, padded paws silent against the concrete. It lazily meanders out of the shadows, and he can see now the milky white fur that reflects the soft moonlight and the slit pupils bisecting those bright green irises. 
…A cat. 
It’s a fucking cat. 
He’s on such high alert he was almost scared shitless by a fucking cat.
He scoffs, crossing his arms and scowling at the animal. 
“You little— The hell do you want?” He asks with a roll of his eyes, though he’s not sure why. Not like the cat’s going to give him a response. 
The animal stops a few feet away from him. It sits down on its hind legs, curling its tail over its paws. It stares at him without a sound, as if it were staring right through him. Jeff raises a brow.
“…What? You think I got something for you? Because I don’t,” He hisses, “Fuck off.” 
He reaches down and grabs the first pebble he touches. He hurls it at the opposite wall, losing sight of it in the shadows but hearing it as it hits the bricks then clatters against the roof of a dumpster. It doesn’t even come close to hitting the cat. It wasn’t supposed to. He only wanted to scare it off. 
The cat doesn’t move. 
Its keen eyes follow the stone until it hits the ground, but then it turns back to Jeff. It blinks slowly, its tail now swaying side to side behind it. It meows softly and tilts its head as if asking a question. Too bad Jeff doesn’t understand. 
His expression softens just slightly as he looks the animal over. There’s no collar, no sign of any ownership at all. This cat just wandered out of the shadows of an alleyway. Is anyone taking care of it?
He sits up a bit, tapping the ground between his legs with his nails. 
“Pssst, c’mere,” He says softly, attempting to coax the animal over. It doesn’t move. 
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Yeah, he wouldn’t be super eager to approach him in this state either. 
“Look, I’m sorry for throwing things, will you just come here?” 
The cat considers the offer for a beat before ultimately deciding to accept. It closes the distance between itself and Jeff, sitting between his legs and gazing up at him with those big, green eyes. The reflections in them seem to go on forever, Jeff thinks. He just stares back down at the animal for a few moments, studying its face.
The cat blinks slowly. 
Jeff blinks back. 
The slightest hint of a smile crosses his tired face before melting away again. 
He reaches out towards the creature slowly, trying not to startle it now that it’s close, though the cat doesn’t seem to mind him all that much. He runs a hand down its spine, giving a little scratch to the base of its tail. The cat meows softly before a steady purr starts to rumble in its chest. Jeff chuckles under his breath. 
“Oh, you like that, huh?” He says with a lopsided grin. He moves to scratch under the cat’s chin, prompting it to flop over onto its back, paws in the air and fluffy belly on display. 
“I guess you like that more,” Jeff laughs, putting a hand on the cat’s stomach and playfully jostling it back and forth. His smile widens at the shaky meow it elicits from the creature. For once he doesn’t even think about the ache in his cheeks as his scars contort to accommodate his grin. 
“You’re just a baby, aren’t you?” He wonders aloud, “My hand’s nearly as big as your tummy…”
He moves to gently scoop the animal up, holding it under its front legs and letting gravity pull down its body. He moves it back and forth just to watch its legs swing, and the cat certainly doesn’t seem to mind.
His suspicions are confirmed:
“Oh yeah, yous a little one.” 
The cat meows back at him, its eyes crinkling as its mouth opens to release the sound. Jeff mimics the sound clumsily, his voice gruff but sincere. 
He sets the cat back on the ground, his hand returning to scratch at the base of its tail. The purring only gets louder. It’s like an engine in the little creature’s throat, running on steam and affection. Jeff loves that sound. 
“No collar, no identifying features, no sign of where you came from,” He whispers to himself, though he can tell from the way the cat’s ears perk up it’s certainly listening. It was only a matter of time before Jeff came to the only logical conclusion. 
“…How’d you like to sleep in a warm motel room with me tonight?” 
The cat chirps happily in reply, nuzzling into Jeff’s chest. He gladly accepts the gesture. 
“Good answer.”
The cat sniffs at his hoodie, its nose almost seeming to search for something. It finds it when it notices his hoodie pocket, curiously poking its head inside. Jeff stifles a laugh as the creature pushes itself into the pocket, its face poking out on one side and its tail on the other. It fits, though, and it doesn’t seem to have any intention of moving. Jeff is more than alright with that. 
He cradles the cat in his hoodie pocket as he stands up, looking down at it with one of the first sincere smiles he’s had in a long time. He sighs as he peeks out of the alleyway, making sure the coast is clear and pulling his hood over his head before taking the first steps towards the cheapest motel in the city.
“You know what, cat?” He says, and the animal looks up at him expectantly. 
“…I think we’re gonna get along just fine.”
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Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
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peachentertainment · 2 years
New Jeffery Dahmer Netflix Series: How Should We Continue True Crime Entertainment?
Well-known director named Ryan Murphy, known for popular television series American Horror Story, American Crime Story, and Glee, creates a new television series, Monster: The Jeffery Dahmer Story, over the serial killer Jeffery Dahmer, played by Evan Peters, and the stories of what went wrong.
Close family and friends of Dahmer's victims have stepped forward to announce their discomfort of having the relieve the real life tragedy all over again. Just as soon as they may put the past behind them, another documentary, movie, or TV series is being made about him again. How long do we have to continue to make entertainment dealing with the very real, brutal murders of many people of color.
While I am a guilty person, as I watched this new series, I just want to point out how this series does a better job at showing not what Dahmer did, but why he became the way he did due to his upbringing and how police failed multiple victims due to not doing their job to equally protect people of color and gay men. Without this series some may have never known exactly how those particular events went down. Many just hear Dahmer’s name and think, “Oh, the crazy cannibal from years ago?”. Now, people can associate this string of killings to things that can improve in law enforcement and how lack of attention from parents can mentally affect a child.
Dahmer’s parents weren’t ideal. His mother and father fought constantly. His father left for long weekends, a lot of times after a fight and not giving young Jeff a loving goodbye, leaving his son feeling abandoned. While his father is gone, his mother isn’t the best either. She was addicted to pills during and after her pregnancy. As a child, Jeffery even walked in to find his mother close to death after an overdose. With a home life that shows no affection and has a lot of violence in the home, it’s sure the affect a child’s brain as it’s developing. His father was even the one who introduced him to his hobby of finding roadkill and dissecting them. All of these situations leads to something disastrous.
As Dahmer got older and began his crimes, many along the way could have been saved or Dahmer could have been caught in action if only the police would listen to the people of color that pleaded for them to do something. One case deals with a 14 year old boy named Konerak Sinthasomphone, he was drugged in Dahmer’s home but found a way out while Jeff was gone, and tried his hardest to communicate help to anyone. Neighbors found him naked and covered in blood. They called the police as they said they found a young boy in trouble. The police came around the same time as Dahmer. Dahmer told the police Konerak was his boyfriend and he just drank too much, the neighbors pleaded with the police to just check the boys ID, since he looked much younger than 18, or just take him somewhere else to get better. Police refused to listen to them and actually made sure the boy was back in the apartment, where he would later be killed. If the police did their job and check ID and did a background check, they would see the boy is underage and Dahmer had already been charged with sexual assault of a minor. This charge also happened to be Konerak’s older brother. So much is wrong with this scenario, that little boy could have been saved if the police just took their time to listen to someone other than a white man.
Evan Peters himself did an interview about the show, and even said that this show isn’t about Dahmer, it’s about the tragedies that could’ve been stopped by police but didn’t because of racism and homophobia. While true crime series will never stop being made, I think it’s up to directors to create something that educates people on why the crimes happened, and how they could’ve been stopped so that police and bystanders can learn from it and do better. (The bystanders in these crimes did try, this can just be an example for other people to step forward.) Another problem is since everything is public information, productions don’t necessarily need to ask permission from the victims family’s. However, we need to take into account how they would feel as this is something they actually lived through and not just a story for a television show.
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creepypasta-archive · 2 years
Jeff The Killer: Rewritten
by Claudia
Just some rewrite i found on jtk.fandom.com, The heavily vandalized Jeff the killer dead wikia site.
CW// stabbing, bullying, blood, murder
Click below to read the original unedited story
After a day of the murders happening, the police announce, the child of the murdered family being a 13 year-old boy, hasn't been seen after the incident. The police suspect the murderer kidnapped him. If you've seen the child the picture shows, please contact your local police department. ---- UNKNOWN MASS MURDERER STILL ON LOOSE
After three days of the triple murder of the family and two separate murders shocking the citizens, the killer has struck again. Police say the murderer attacked his victim at 1:30 AM, apparently near the victims' home, leaving his victim unharmed. However, the victim got a severe trauma from the incident, says the police, not willing to give any further information at this point. Details haven't been revealed yet, but the police tells the citizens to be careful and to not to go out alone at night. ---- TAPES OF THE VICTIM'S INTERROGATION LEAKED
After police announcing the murderer had failed at his newest attempt to kill, the interrogation tape has leaked to the public. However, the victim's speech was hard to understand, but our reporters made their best to type it all out. I - was sleeping. When I woke up -. It was dark -, and I took my phone to see what time it was -- The light - of my phone is bright. Then I saw - it. A dark figure stood in the shadows - I couldn't see any details, but I saw a reflection of light - *victim gasps* - Took me a moment to see - it was a knife --- *victim stays quiet* 'Ms Claudia? Please, continue. ' Yes - I'm sorry. When I saw it - I reached to turn the light on - *victim gasps, remains quiet* 'miss? I have to ask you to continue.' *victim remains quiet, breathes heavily* 'miss, this is important. What did you see?' *victim mutters, then sobs* I'm - I'm sorry. I - his face. - His skin looked odd and there was -a huge grin on his face. - Piercing eyes were huge, they looked at me but he - didn't see me. He was bald, wore - black and white. *victim gasps, continues sobbing* he reeked of death. *victim's voice gets muffled up* 'Excuse me, miss, could you speak up?' *victim remains quiet, breathes heavily* ---sorry - I'm sorry. *a soft sob, and victim continues* then, I could hear him speak. - Weird voice, that said - Go to sleep ' 'Go to sleep?' '...yes - I shrieked, - and he darted towards me - raised his knife. - I reached - with the desk lamp on my hand, I hit him. - Could hear him make a noise - as he fell - still trying to cut me with the knife. I - could see his face clearly for a moment - though the light was dim. 'Do you remember any details?' - He had... Cut his cheeks - I don't think he had eyelids. - Cuts on his face seemed - infected. He seemed like - some disease personified - the smell - parts of his face were - swollen - I think his cuts were making - his flesh abscessing - rotting. I - run off, quickly, to the - neighbor's house.
Police doesn't tell whether the taped interrogation is trustworthy, but recommends anyone, who's seen a person even slightly fitting the description, to contact the local police. ---- The days in the new neighborhood hadn't gone too well. Jeff himself had been feeling slightly sick, and he and his brother Liu had both been picked on by the local kids. Actually, they were both in the front of their foes right now.
"Listen here you little punk, give back my bro's wallet or else," Jeff growled, staring at the kid who had introduced himself as Randy.
"Oh? And what will you do?" Randy asked, smirking snarky.
The smirk disappeared quickly under Jeff's fist, and turned into a grimace as Jeff grabbed his wrist, twisted, and heard a crack. Jeff felt Randy's wrist bones breaking, but his expression didn't change. He just threw the kid off, ready to take out Randy's friends. One quick, smooth move, and Keith had a knife stabbed down to the bone of his arm, another smooth move forced Troy on his knees, trying to gasp for breath as his breakfast came out through his mouth and nose.
"Jeff, how'd you?" Liu whimpered, staring at his brother. Jeff just frowned, tilting his head to a direction. Their bus was coming, and without a word, the boys knew that they'd need to run, as they thought that'd be a way for them to avoid the consequences. They arrived soon to the school, both leaving to their own classes. Liu was scared, thinking of what his brother had done. He could still hear the crack Randy's wrist had made, and the cry that the boy let out. On the lunch break, Liu went out, took his shoes off and rubbed them on the ground. The image of Troy's puke splashing on his shoes had come into his mind to stay there, sharp and clear. Jeff, then again... he seemed calm. Happy, even. The sick feeling that he had had on the morning had disappeared.
He smiled by himself, feeling a weird mix of disgust and pleasure under his chest. Jeff was excited; hurting others like that... it was nasty, ill-spirited... but he liked it anyway. Maybe it was the disgust that made him enjoy it so. Every single detail his senses and mind had gathered during the fight... they made him feel good. The idea of that he felt good because he had defended his brother never crossed his mind. Jeff let out a soft giggle, and as if he had heard it, Liu shivered. Even at home, he told his parents It was a wonderful day, when they asked how his day was. Jeff was feeling calmer than for the whole time they'd been living in the house. The next day ruined it. Two policemen came to their house, telling Jeff's mother what had happened. Liu took the blame on his shoulders, and even though Jeff tried to tell the truth, the policemen took Liu away. Jeff cried, yelling at his brother to tell the cops the truth... for nothing. Now, Jeff was all alone his room, not willing to leave his loneliness. He felt how sorrow and guilt ate him from inside. He couldn't look at his parents. Knowing the truth, that he was the one in response of what happened, he suffered.
"Jeff, it's the day," his mother chirped, opening the curtains of Jeff's room.
"What, what's today?" Jeff mumbled the question, his throat still sore from crying and not talking.
"Why, it's Billy's party," his mother replied, leaving Jeff speechless for a second.
"Mom, you're joking, right? You don't expect me to go to some kid's party after..." Jeff growled under his speech. The policemen had taken Liu away just two days before, and his mother was expecting him to go to neighbor's kid's party.
"Jeff, we both know what happened. I think this party could be the thing that brightens up the past days. Now, get dressed", she said with a chirping voice and left Jeff alone. After a trouble with choosing suitable clothes, and having his parents to have few words with him, Jeff ended up wearing dress pants and a white hoodie. The three of them then went to Billy's house, and the mistress of the house shooed Jeff to go to the yard, to play with the other children. The kids were younger than him, but Jeff agreed to play with them; which he found to be a good thing. For a moment, he could forget his brother. Even if it was childish, Jeff enjoyed playing with the kids, and probably would've liked to play for a little longer than he could. It was a weird rolling noise that caught his attention, and before he had figured out what caused the noise, Jeff saw Randy and his friend with their skateboards.
"Hello, Jeff, is it? We have some unfinished business," Randy spat, staring at Jeff, his eyes flaming with anger.
"I think we're even. I beat the crap out of you, and you get my brother sent to JDC," Jeff replied, observing the boy and making a note of the kid's bruised nose in his mind.
"Oh no, I don't go for even, I go for winning. You may have kicked our asses that one day, but not today," Randy growled, darting at Jeff, pushing him to the ground powerfully, even with one broken wrist. The screams of the kids alerted the adults, who now rushed to the yard, as Jeff and Randy tried to beat each other up, and stood quickly.
"No one interrupts or guts will fly!" one of Randy's friends shouted at adults, pulling out a gun, as the other one did the same. A piercing pain slashed into Jeff's shoulder at the same moment; Randy has stabbed him with a knife. Jeff screamed, fell down on his knees, and Randy let his shoes meet Jeff's face. Three strong kicks, fourth one coming. Jeff grabbed Randy's foot, twisted, and as Randy fell on ground Jeff stood up, just to be grabbed by Troy. The fight with one against three led the boys inside the house, Jeff fighting back at moments, trying to escape from the other boy's sharp kicks then. Now, coughing blood on the floor, Randy and his friend backed up for a moment. Jeff tried to stand up, his legs trembling. Randy snarled at him, grabbed a bottle of vodka, and smashed it over Jeff's head, and yelled at Jeff. Jeff grunted, gave it a new try; this time, he stood up properly. Randy let out an angry yell mixed with weird happiness, as he dashed towards Jeff. Just a second later, Randy was on the floor, Jeff on top of him.
A blink of an eye and Jeff was punching Randy's chest, adrenaline rushing in his veins. A punch after punch, cracking sounds, Randy making a weird noise and gasping for air. Randy's ribs breaking under the powerful punches, piercing his insides with their sharp edges and letting the blood in. Gasps, as Randy tries to breathe and scream. Jeff's mindless rage. Blood and alcohol dripping on Randy's dying body. Silence. Everyone staring at Jeff, shocked. Troy and Keith as the first ones to move pointed their guns at Jeff, him already running for his life. The boys chase after Jeff, to the upstairs, trying to drop him dead, missing on each shot. Sounds of fighting. The next thing the adults and the kids could see... Jeff, now the boy on fire, falling down the stairs. An image of... Keith with an odd smile on his face, saying something about alcohol, then throwing the lighter at Jeff. The flames, the pain...Jeff screamed. It hurt, it hurt so badly. Jeff tried to move, to open his eyes. He couldn't see anything, felt something tightly wrapped around him. A scared whimper and noises bear him. An unknown female voice said something, male voice agreed to what she said. Jeff let out a murmur, feeling then a soft touch, the male voice coming closer and speaking slowly. And Jeff could only listen, as the man told him what had happened.
"Honey, are you okay?" his mothers' voice.
Jeff felt relieved, after hours of hearing only the sounds of strangers. The doctor had told him that he had been kept in sleep for some time, so his burns would heal and Jeff wouldn't need to stay awake in huge pain. Jeff couldn't speak yet, though, so his mother continued her monologue:
"Oh honey, I have great news. After all the witnesses told the police that Randy confessed of trying to attack you, they decided to let Liu go. He'll be out by tomorrow, and then you two will be able to be together again."
Jeff shivered, trying to speak, unable to. His mother, however, could give a reply to his unasked question.
"The doctors saved the other boys' lives," she chirped. "There will be some consequences, though, but they won't take you from us just yet."
Jeff didn't quite know how to react to the news. Killing them would've been enough to make Jeff deserve to go to the jail, but just hurting them... No, that's not enough.
He started planning on an idea of how to kill the three before Jeff would be taken to the jail. During the next few weeks, different doctors, therapists, psychologists, and other folk like that visited Jeff daily. Also Jeff's parents' came to see Jeff frequently. Jeff could hide his other side from all of them. The side, that plotted on a revenge, which wanted to mutilate and murder the three kids. As he spoke with his doctors, Jeff could easily lie to them, pretending to be okay, when he was really thinking of ways to kill them too. When Jeff was alone, he smiled under the bandages that covered his face, counting all the possibilities in his mind. Soon came the day when Jeff was to be to let go home to wait for the trials.The doctor started removing the rest of the bandages and cloths that had been covering the injuries of his body, leaving the bandages to cover the most severe ones.
"Let's hope for the best," Jeff could hear the doctor saying, as he removed the cloth off Jeff's face. Jeff flinched as his mother let out a loud gasp when she saw his face; his dad and Liu remained quiet.
"What? What happened to my face?" Jeff groaned, stood up and limped to the small bathroom. What he saw in the mirror, was horrifying to him. His face has badly burned, and he was bald now. Jeff touched his face, looking then down at his hands and arms. The kid let out a whimper, glanced then at his family.
"Jeff, it's not that bad..." Liu mumbled, and Jeff rushed to reply "Not that bad? It's perfect!"
The voice that Jeff made was either shrieking or laughing, and his family stared at him, stunned for a moment.
"Uh... Jeff, are you okay?" Jeff heard the question, and burst out laughing. "Okay? I've never felt happier! Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha, look at me! This face goes perfectly with me!" Jeff laughed, thinking about all his plans he had made while lying on the hospital bed. He wasn't normal. He shouldn't look normal. Jeff grinned, staring at the mirror and stroking his face, the word 'perfect' dancing in his mind. While Jeff was at it, looking at himself, his mother looked at the doctor, worrying deeply about his son's health.
"Doctor, is my son... alright, you know. In the head?" she asked quietly. She got an unsure reply from the doctor; he told her that Jeff had passed the tests, but suffered from traumas that caused him to act the way he did. He also mentioned the appointments Jeff was going to have with the doctors in the near future, adding that they'd soon send a letter about them to her.
"Oh thank you doctor", she smiled, stood up and walked to Jeff." Jeff, sweetie. It's time to go", she chirped to her son."Kay mommy. Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!" Jeff replied, with a huge grin on his face. His mother shivered, and walked her son to get his clothes. The same clothes he had worn back then, when the fight had happened. His clothes were cleaned and stitched together. Jeff's mother helped him to wear the clothes, and an odd feeling crawled up Jeff's spine.It had felt so good... beating Randy, crushing his bones, hearing him gasp and blow air from his lungs as he tried to scream. When Jeff thought Randy was actually going to die. Jeff frowned, growling at the thought of Randy and others still living. Late that night, Jeff had spent a long time in the bathroom after taking his painkillers, just staring at his own face and body, thinking about the death of the three. Drowning all the other thoughts of his under this murderous bloodlust, mindless need to crush his enemies’ bones and insides...
Oh no. Jeff stared at the mirror and stopped thinking for a moment. His thoughts, the plans should be kept secret, but how would he be able to do that with his new looks. He tried to smile. His face hurt, so he just whimpered softly, and frowned at his reflection. His looks revealed all his thoughts, he wondered by himself in his mind. Maybe even his family knew. His eyes widened, and he left the bath room, walked quickly into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Then he went back to the bathroom and placed the knife's edge on the side of his mouth.
Jeff's mother woke up at weird noises, left the bedroom, and quietly sneaked to the bathroom's door. She heard sobbing, and placed her hand on the handle. She listened for a moment before she opened the door, seeing Jeff and freezing to where she was. She tackled with her words as she stared at Jeff, who looked back at her, fresh cuts and burns on his face.
"Jeff, what are you doing?" his mother whimpered, falling on her knees. Jeff rubbed his face with his other hand, and his mother noticed the bloody knife on another of keep smiling mommy. It hurt after a while. Now, I can smile forever," Jeff replied with honesty. His mother was shaking, she stared in his eyes.
Jeff, your eyes!" she shrieked quietly.
"'I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face", Jeff replied, with his eternal smile, and eternally open eyes. His mind was wandering. He was sure his mother knew what he was thinking, but it wouldn't be ok to kill her without any proof of her being really against him. Then, he got it.
"What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful? he asked.
"Yes son, yes you are. L-let me go get daddy, so he can see your face-" a shock made her voiceless. Jeff had thrust the knife through her stomach.
"Mommy, you lied", he murmured. Lying was bad. If she lied to him... she wasn't on his side. Jeff placed a gentle kiss on his mother's forehead. She cackled, and Jeff slashed her stomach open with the knife. Next, Jeff walked into his parents' bedroom. His dad was still asleep, and he didn't wake up even when Jeff crawled next to him. Now, what would be his reason for killing his father? Jeff tried to think for a while, and chuckled then. Why would he need a reason, actually? No-one would never know. So, he just thrust the knife in his dad's stomach, causing him to wake up and yell in pain, and gutted him. Then Jeff stabbed his neck and left the room, listening to his father making weird noises as he moaned in pain and drowned in blood.
Liu had woken at his dad's scream. Jeff rushed into the dark room, and to his brother, who didn't quite understand what was happening. When he smelt the blood on his brother, Liu's eyes widened, just as Jeff's hand grabbed his neck. Liu whimpered, kicked and squirmed, as Jeff leaned closer and raised the knife. Blood from the knife and Jeff's face dripped on Liu's face and in his mouth as he screamed for help. Jeff just stared at his dear brother for a moment, with his piercing, huge eyes, and with the smile on his face.
"Shhhhhhh", he said, "Just go to sleep."
Jeff was all alone. He had become so weak, and it hurt everywhere. Opening his mouth made his whole face feel like it was burning. He couldn't see anything. He was so hungry. Starving. The infected cuts and scars leaked with dirty fluids. His body, his clothes were dirty, smelt awful. Jeff disgusted himself. Leaning against a cold stone wall, he sobbed softly, trying to take a better grip of his knife. He whimpered as the knife fell to the ground, and he himself fell down on his knees. He couldn't do anything anymore. He hadn't found Randy, Troy or Keith, and now it was too late. On the next morning, his body would be found from the spot where he was resting now. ---- ANOTHER MURDERER RAMPAGING IN THE CITY The Police informed locals earlier about the discovered corpse that was said to belong to the murderer. Even though the murderer was announced to be dead, a similar murder happened last night approximately at 2:00 AM. More information about the corpse or the incident hasn’t been revealed yet. The police are left clueless, and once again they ask the locals to be extremely careful when they're at late hours spending shit.
Written by:Claudia
Thx for reading
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nunesbytko · 2 years
Netflix - Dahmer Monster- The Dahmer Story  Review! Episode 2- “Please don’t go”
THE Present- Jeff's case and his apartment are going online.
  He's getting booked. He tells police he's going to tell them everything.
  FLASHBACK  to little Jeff coming home from school. His little brother is crying. His mother is in a bad way. She had an overdose and his father is an unsympathetic dick. His parents argue non-stop and his father leaves for a few days.
Tadpoles as a teacher present?
  Oh crap, what is Little Jeff going to do to Kevin? You just can't let yourself into someone's house....
  He just took the tadpoles back
  Daddy is talking about drilling holes in animals and the brain function. Something so innocent that Jeff used on his victims waaaaaay later.
  Catching and dissecting roadkill. Lionel you could have steered him towards a different hobby. Jeez he asked one question about divorce, and you leave? Lionel you're not helping Jeff with his anxiety about you and his mom.
  1981- Jeff has just left the army and is working at a butcher shop.
  Yes Lionel call him out on the alcohol! You're son has been a drunk for some time!
  Why the hell is Lionel palming his son off to his mother [Jeff’s Grandma} Lionel he's your son. If you don't like the way he's acting, why don't you look after him and move him in to YOUR house???
  I mean Jeff is evil pedo trash.
  But I understand why he feel like his parents didn't give a shit.
  His mother had mental Health issues and wasn't there. His healthy parent, Lionel just passes Jeff over on the nearest family member, like he's a return to sender parcel. Spend some time with your son man,
  Back to drinking at Grandma's.
  Being bored to death at Grandma's. I'm gonna say this again. He dad should have taken him in!
  I'm dying everytime his family brings up dating girls! Oh my God...............
Jeff's beginning of the affair with the Mannequin, Steals it. As this weird as this is, and disturbing. In hindsight, he should have stuck to mannequins forever. He could have saved everyone a ton of problems! This is date night with a mannequin!
  Grandma's going in!!!
  Shit, he's going to kill you Granny!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Back to the nineties and a dead dude is on his bed. He's gone out to get alcohol and bumps into his next victim. He going to lure this kid with alcohol!
  This is sooooo wrong!
  Jeff's pedo ass does not care about age and it's sickening. He has no morals whatsoever!
  This part must be made up. Because IRL Konerack didn't know this dude touched his brother. That's never been proven. This kid didn't know that Jeff was dangerous. The writers just added that bit in.
  Evan's accent is soooooooo on point it's crazy............
To repeat Konerack did not know that Jeff was a predator. There is NO way anyone would willing go to a predators house with the knowledge that their brother was abused by that person. This is such a weird plot twist to add it. There was no need to add this!
  Konerack Waking up drugged with drill holes in your head in a pedo's apartment. He's out and it's Gelnda to the rescue. Konerak's bleeding and so incoherent.
 The cops don't check ID, they don't even run Jeff's name.
Omg, the cops are asking Jeff what a nice blonde guy like him is doing in crack city. They mean  black crack city. And offer to get Jeff help if he has any drug problems???
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  Can the cops smell the smell?
  Cops - we don't wanna catch anything???
  Can the cops just take the kid back home???? Like  what????
  You're telling me that seasoned cops couldn't smell the dead bodies in this place???? These cops are so disgusting, but there's no change there!
  The call, Glenda should have been a police officer, honestly
Glenda is trying to tell this cop that Jeff is a predator and Konerack is a freaking child and really, this shitty cop John Balcerzak is lying trying to convince her that she's crazy, and she needs to forget about it, because he has!
  I just feel like if Glenda was white, that child would have been at least taken to the hospital!
  The cops were just so racist and homophobic and Glenda is soooo polite, and trying so hard to get these idiot cops to do the right thing, and they won't.
Another Well done Ep! 
Still I do wonder why Little and Big Jeff don’t have blue eyes, 
This episode will make people understand about racism and the white privilege that blonde Jeff has. He is untouchable when it comes to the police and he knows it! 
It’s so frustrating to watch Black women rally to save Konerack’s life and the police officers ignore these incredible Black women and take the side of a white paedophile.   
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clouded-dreams2 · 2 years
Here’s My Fist Where’s The Fight?
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a/n: I really hope everyone likes it! The reader doesn’t really come in until next chapter. I couldn’t find a gif for this chapter so I’ve committed to making mood boards for the chapters.
Warnings: Bar fight, Blood, Violence, Alcohol consumption, Cat calling, Attempted drugging, Police, Swearing, Probably inaccurate to how the legal system works. I’m so sorry if I missed anything.
Characters: Johhny Knoxville, Steve-O, “Some dude”, Mentions of reader, Police, Jeff Tremaine, Sorry if I missed any.
To be the unlucky bastard that just wolf whistled at (y/n), without her knowing. To be the unlucky bastard who had wolf whistled at (y/n) then came up to Johnny to ask if she was with him and Steve-O. They had come to the bar together, yes. They were going to leave the bar together. Knoxville had been sipping on another beer, he was at the point where the beer thought for him. He looked at Steve-O then back at this guy who thought he was tough shit, then back at Steve-O, who wasn’t as drunk as Knoxville but definitely close. With a knowing look Knoxville fed into this guy. Knoxville opened his mouth to say something before the guy just slid past the two, to go stare at the girl they were with. Maybe to even touch her without her permission alcohol made you do crazy shit, and you never know who you’d meet at a bar. Knox grabbed the guy by the collar, trying to be civil. 
“I wouldn’t.” He spoke, the dude shrugged off Johnny’s warning. Johnny let go of the guy's collar, noticing the guy's hand in his pocket he pulled something out of it. Small, some sort of pill hard to see but somewhat noticeable as he released it. 
“How fucking dare you drug a drunk girl.” Steve-O led them both over there. Johnny grabbed the guy’s shirt collar bringing him away from the girls. Steve-O bought them both another drink, and apologized, for the behavior of the guy who drugged their drink. 
“She was free game.” The guy shrugged, Knoxville looked at the guy pissed. 
“Don’t fucking…” He couldn’t find words and instead acted. Johnny punched him square in the mouth. He was a protective friend, that was definitely all there was to it. Johnny let the collar on the guy go, hoping it was just a warning. Though still on guard he managed to block an attack, then tried to land another hit sloppy but he hit. The next hit got him spitting up blood, head cocked to the side, and an anger in his eyes covered by his sunglasses. He placed his sunglasses on the table next to Steve-O turning his back for a split second was a mistake. He got hit again, this time it could be seen that he wasn’t playing around. First mistake was trying to drug the girl he was with, the second mistake was dragging this out longer than it had to be. Knoxville wanted it finished, he wasn’t typically one to punch a random guy. Maybe it was a different side of protectiveness coming out of him, he knew she had a boyfriend. Hell, he only knew her because she works on Jackass, and worked with Big Brother Magazine. Knoxville stood back up from using the bar ledge for balance. He landed another punch, then another, then blocked, then got hit. Finally he had the upper hand, grabbing the guy by the collar once again. Forcing his back against the table, and started punching the guy again, this went on another few minutes. One of the bartenders had to call the cops before someone got killed, and by the looks of it. It wasn’t going to be Knoxville. 
“Dude.” Steve-O tried to be the voice of grounding to Knoxville. He also knew it would be no use, Knoxville had this look in his eye. It wasn’t typically one someone would see from him, he wasn’t just pissed or fucking pissed. There was something else there, something that wasn’t quite placeable. It was scary enough to see Knoxville acting pissed off, it was even scarier to see it first hand. Then again the turn of events this random ass man trying to drug Johnny and Steve-O’s friend wasn’t smart either. 
“(y/n) and her friends left.” Steve-O spoke, Knoxville had to get out of the fight. He knew that now. 
“You ever fucking talk to her, lay eyes on her again…” Knoxville pulled back on his attack turning his back to see if the guy would try to attack him again. Just as he suspected, he turned back around pushing the guy to the table once more. 
“Go on… Do it.” Knoxville snared through bloody teeth, spitting out blood right next to the table. That wasn’t his first bar fight but hopefully his last. He looked the guy in the eyes looking for any sign of wanting to punch him again. Johnny set him free and watched as the guy ran off before the police would arrive. 
“I need another beer.” He said, turning back to the bartender. His knuckles started to spot pain, there was blood on his knuckles. He did what anyone would do in that moment, he wasn’t just going to let someone drug her.
“Knoxville..  We have an issue.” Steve-O speaks up, noticing the flashing red and blue outside of the bar, Knoxville wanted to finish his beer. He didn’t notice how this looked, honestly he was still a bit drunk. The fight only sobered him up a little. He finished the last sip of beer, and was escorted outside by the authorities. 
“I’m in trouble, aren't I officer?” Knoxville’s southern accent seeped through his question, he now knew how this looked. He was handcuffed against the hood of the car and thrown in the back of the police car with Steve-O. The officer just nodded at his question. 
“Great way to promote a movie.” Knoxville chuckled to himself, He and Steve-O would have to stay overnight in the prison cell. He knew the cops wouldn’t listen to a guy with blood on his hands, and with the guy he was fighting for a purpose disappeared before the cops arrived. When they arrived at the station they were taken into separate rooms for questioning, but they’re stories practically matched up. Few words were different due to how they spoke, but the overall theme was there. 
“Officer, I can tell you. I would not randomly punch a man; this guy was tryin’ to drug up this girl I was with.” Knoxville was sober enough to answer the questions thrown at him. If he had too, he would request his lawyer but so far there was no need. Nevertheless, they were thrown in overnight with a bail posted, if no one could match the bail it would be court. 
“Bar fight, then prison.” Steve-O looked at Johnny, it wasn’t the first time he’s been in jail and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. The officer came back over to the cell both Steve-O and Johnny occupied.
“You have one phone call.” The officer spoke to Johnny, bringing over the phone. Johnny dialed the only number he could when he got into trouble like this, Jeff Tremaine. Knowing he could get a message to the cast and hopefully (y/n). 
“Haha… Hey, Jeff.” Johnny chuckled nervously, as he heard him pick up. 
“Johnny? Why the fuck are you calling me on a state identified phone, at 2 in the morning?” Jeff’s tone was deeper than usual having just woken up to a call from Knoxville.
“I have Steve-O here with me.. We. I got into a bar fight, and now have a bail posted. Great promotion?” He spoke with a question trying to ease the density of the situation. All he earned was a disappointed sigh from Jeff.
“Some guy was trying to drug (y/n).” 
“And I'm suspecting you called me to call her to see if she can bail you out?” Jeff asked, whipping his eyes of sleep, he was up now rather he liked it or not. 
“So I can explain the situation.” 
“Fine.” Jeff gave in, he was still tired as hell but he’d work on getting himself awake and be able to call and drive (y/n) to where both Knoxville and Steve-O were being held.
“Alright, I’ll hopefully see you in an hour.” Johnny hung up then looked at Steve-O, then back at the phone. He tried to find a place to sit for the next hour, with nothing to do. He hoped he’d be lucky enough to get out of this one too.
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itrytowrite-things · 4 years
Murder podcasts
Spencer Reid x reader 
Summary: Y/N has a tendency to listen to murder podcasts while doing chores, one day Spencer comes in unannounced scaring Y/N into action. (This summary sucks but it’s fluffy) 
A/N: shout out to @with-paint, she helped me form some of this fic so check them out. 
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The eerie background music and narrator filled the kitchen as I scrubbed diligently at a plate. I blinked down at it, trying in vain to remember what the hell I used it for that would cause such a stubborn stain of food. Sighing, I squeezed the soap bottle some more and ran hot water over it. Maybe soaking it would help? 
Grabbing a few of the cups I had washed, I spun around from the sink to a towel I had laid out earlier. I scrunched my nose as cold soap suds ran down my arm, hit my elbow and fell to the floor in a sticky mess I didn’t want to deal with right now. 
I was so engrossed in the podcast playing over the Alexa that I barely even processed the grueling chore that was longer than normal. I was lost in the words, that an hour longer scrubbing at dishes seemed almost fun. The dishwasher had completely died a couple of weeks ago. 
Normally Spencer would speed read the manual to figure out what was wrong with the stupid machine. But unfortunately, his case in Michigan was taking longer than he anticipated. So, he hadn’t been home to look into it, leaving me to hand wash the dishes. I didn’t mind, it was a mindless task and allowed me to catch up on my favorite podcast. 
“They found her body a week later, twenty minutes from their house,” I shook my head at that, case freaking solved. Her husband obviously killed her. I mean there’s no way the police didn’t solve this case, come on.
I moved from the towel back to the sink, sticking my hands back into the soapy water. I always believed that I should be a detective. I could solve these cases easily, Spencer claims that suspicion can only take me so far and the reason that they don’t catch the guy is not because they don’t suspect it, but because they don’t have hard evidence. I normally just scoff and give him a kiss knowing that I would get the bad guy in the end, “hard evidence” my ass. 
“Two months later the police came in and found Jeff’s disembodied head laying on their kitchen counter.” My jaw dropped and I turned around furiously, bringing a wet butter knife with me, on instinct I pointed the knife at the device. 
“Oh shit.” I said to the speaker, as if it were relaying the case itself. Well turns out I was wrong. I cleared my throat and lowered the stupid knife. I placed it down and tried my best to look less scandalized. We all make mistakes. So I might have been a little off in my husband theory, but I mean I had only heard half the case at that point so it doesn’t speak anything of my amazing detective skills. I nodded at that and tossed the knife into a little stack of silverware. The metallic sound echoing around the kitchen. I smirked at my good throw and turned back to the sink. 
I quickly got into the true grove of washing the dishes, listening to the more gruesome details of the case. Turns out the killer did quite a number on old Jeff. I was halfway done with the remaining dishes when I felt a tap on my shoulder sending my heart into a frenzy. 
I whirled around quickly bringing the closest item with me as a weapon. The plastic spatula slapped the asalint straight in the face creating an awfully loud twack sound that bounced off the kitchen walls. I blinked in horror at realizing who exactly was standing in front of me. 
Spencer's cheek turned red immediately. 
“Oh my god! Spence! I am so sorry!” I dropped the spatula and brought my other hand to his face trying to soothe his skin. My hand was covered in water and soap suds, and it dripped down his face onto the already wet floor.
“I am so so sorry. You scared me.” I rubbed my thumb over the spot, feeling his heated skin. Jesus, I felt awful. I didn’t hold anything back when I hit him. I figured I was fending for my life, not greeting my boyfriend. 
“It’s okay.” His much larger hand cupped mine removing it from his face. The redness had died down a little, making his skin a rosy pink instead of the previous bright red. He looked adorable which only made me feel worse. Who looks that cute after getting slapped in the face with a spatula? 
Spencer startled me yet again when a chuckle came bubbling out of him. His laugh was like someone bottled the sound of happiness. It made my own laughter arise every time without a doubt even if I didn’t understand what was funny.
“I guess I don’t have to worry about you protecting yourself.” A loud squeak sound emitted from my body unexpectedly followed by more laughter. I slapped him very lightly across the chest, kissing his unharmed cheek. 
“You're lucky I wasn’t cutting vegetables.” I said,  rustling my way into his arms pulling his body against my tightly, loving the way his laughter shook my entire body. I felt the short press of his lips against the crown of my head before tucking my head into the nook of his neck. I inhaled deeply, taking the scent of him with me. The apartment had started to lose its scent with him being gone for so long. I was beyond eager for the apartment to smell like us again.
“I think those podcasts are giving you wild ideas.” 
“They would never find your body Dr.Reid.” I teased, poking gently at his side making him squirm in my grip. Another round of laughter filled the small space, it was only when it died down that I realized my podcast was still running in the background. 
“Alexa, stop,” I shouted into the air stopping the podcast. “The neighbor did it.” I said with coincidence knowing that my answer was correct this time. Spencer let out a belt of laughter, nodding his head, a big grin on his face. 
I pulled back from Spencer taking in his features for the first time. He looked tired, his eye bags had doubled creating a skunk in effect. I could see the trouble in his eyes, the case was hard. It killed me to see him after a hard case, he looked more and more defeated after each one. However, it was what he loved doing and my job wasn’t to erase the trauma of his job, but to ease him back into daily life. I thumbed his eye bags lazily, a pout taking over my face. 
“You wanna take a shower and I’ll start us some dinner.” I asked gently. Not wanting to completely destroy the quiet we created. He nodded slightly looking younger than ever. I quickly pulled him back into me taking all of his weight. “I love you bub.” His hair felt silky against my fingertips as I disentangled the curls. 
“Love you too.” He mumbled, his heated breath warming my skin. I waited a few comfortable minutes rocking our conjoined bodies in the cozy silence of our kitchen, I took a deep breath and said what was on my mind. 
“You wanna talk about it?”
I don’t ever ask Spencer for the details of his cases. He either goes into a tangent without prompting or doesn’t feel like talking about it. I used to think that talking to Spencer about his job would be like listening to my murder podcasts. It honestly was one of the things I was excited for, but I soon found out it’s nothing like that.
When Spencer spoke of cases it was personal. He felt every death that was caused and saw every killing through the eyes of monsters. He held so much emotion in his voice when he spoke of the victims, that I often can’t help but cry. How a person can hold that much pain and still continue to do it everyday, is beside me. 
He shook his head, squeezing my torso before finally pulling back and placing a soft kiss to my lips. 
I continued the dishes, washing the last few. I left the podcast off, listening instead to the shower from down the hall. I scrubbed off the last of the grime before starting the oven. A simple dinner was always best in these situations. I pulled out a pre-made chicken pot pie from the freezer and placed it in the oven. 
As I moved to dry and put away the dishes while waiting for pie to finish. Spencer emerged from the bathroom freshly bathed. He wore a thin gray shirt paired with some soft looking sweatpants. My upper lip jutted out automatically. God I love him. 
“Feel better?” I kept my voice low, not wanting to startle any peace that the shower might have brought him. He nodded slowly. 
“What did you cook?”
“A chicken pot pie, I hope that’s okay.” 
“It’s perfect.” He smiled and returned to my arms, kissing my neck once before tucking his head into my neck. The edge of his wet hair scraped against my skin in an uncomfortable way, yet I only moved enough to rub circles into his back. 
A loud beep emitted from the oven caused me to jump in Spencer's arms. He let out a small chuckle. 
“Pick us something to watch and I’ll plate us some food.” I hummed turning my back to him. I heard him walking towards the living room as I bent to retrieve the hot food. 
Spencer sat criss cross on the couch, Les Enfants du Paradis was displayed on the TV. I handed him the steaming bowl and sat down, sitting close enough for our knees to knock together. I have no idea what Les Enfants du Paradis was, but I would watch literally anything he wanted as long as he was here. 
“It’s in French, but I figured I could whisper the translations to you while we watch. Or I could pick something else?” 
“No! This is perfect Spence. I love it when you translate, you tell the story better.” He let out a little blush highlighting his previous slap mark. I bit my lip and winced slightly, “How’s your face?” 
He touched the spot faintly, he didn’t wince when his fingers made contact which was a good sign. However, I have an inkling that a small bruise would form in the center of the slap which was going to be a fun story to tell his colleagues Monday. 
“I’ve had worse, but you wield a lot of power with a cheap piece of plastic.”
“I am professionally trained in the art of spatula wielding Spence, don’t try that at home.” I stared at him, my face blank before a blast of laughter came out of both of us. One can only be so serious when you are talking about slapping people in the face with kitchen utensils. 
Spencer started up the movie, and we remained there for the rest of the evening. Laughter and dramatic sighs followed by even more dramatic translations from Spencer. At some point he went so off script that even I could tell his story was bullshit. I didn’t call him out though just allowed him to spit nonsense, I would let him create fake French stories until he was blue in the face if that meant we got to stay in this happy bubble forever. 
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loekas · 4 years
Let’s talk about Into The Spiderverse, and specifically, Jefferson Davis.
So from what I can gather, it’s a popular headcanon that Jeff doesn’t know that Miles is the new Spider-Man by the time the movie ends. Which has led to some amazing fanfics, so it’s not like I’m complaining. But my personal headcanon is a little different.
By the time the movie ends, Jeff totally knows. And I will explain why with all the skill of a passionate fan.
We start at the end of the movie, when Miles appears before his dad in costume and surprises him with a hug. And it is a surprise. Just look at the face Jeff makes here.
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That is the face of a man totally caught off guard. At this point in time, he has no idea that the new Spider-Man is his son. Knows he’s a kid, the size gives that away fast. But Jeff doesn’t know it’s HIS kid. So he’s surprised by the tight hug from what he believes is a random kid. Again, just look at his face!
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That’s the face of a man wondering what’s going on and what to do. But then, oh, THEN.
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We get this face. A face of confused recognition, a face that says: wait a minute, I know this hug. And of course Jeff knows this hug! It’s a hug he’s gotten a thousand times before!
It’s a hug we saw happen earlier.
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Look at this. It’s the exact same hug. And the way Jeff responds here? The way he immediately embraces Miles back and starts comforting him? Jeff is a physically affectionate dad and you can pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands. But even ignoring that! Even if Jeff and Miles don’t hug much more than most, this hug and the total lack of discomfort still shows it’s something that happens frequent enough for it to be a thing! And that means Jeff KNOWS this hug. He knows what a hug from his son feels like.
The new Spider-Man hugs him in the exact same way. Really, how can that not make bells ring hard? So is it any wonder Jeff gets a face that says: I recognize this hug, I know it, I definitely do.
(But where do I know it from?)
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But then the hug ends and Jeff tells himself he’s imagining things. I mean, Miles, his son, can’t be the new Spider-Man, that’s impossible. It’s got to be another kid.
(Because if it’s Miles, that means Jeff almost watched him die. If it’s Miles, Jeff would have known. Miles would have told him.)
(Wouldn’t he have?)
So Jeff tells himself he’s imagining things, and he believes it too. Right up until Spider-Man takes his leave. Now, Miles saying “I love you” is probably a huge contributing factor to Jeff figuring it out. I mean, why would a random kid say that? He wouldn’t, which means this is a kid Jeff knows. Still, it’s not an instant realization. See, his face after Miles says that.
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That’s confusion, plain and simple. And it stays that way even when the new Spider-Man tells him to look behind him (as evidenced by the subtitles).
But then we get a spectacular shot of the Kingpin being webbed up high.
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And the shot we see next?
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We see Jeff in utter shock. The hand in front of his mouth, the wide eyes. This is shock, pure and simple.
But why? It’s not like it’s a surprise that the Kingpin is behind this, Jeff literally saw him fight the new Spider-Man. And it’s not like he should be surprised by finding the villain webbed up for the police, that’s kind of Spider-Man’s thing. No other character we see in the shot is shocked like he is either (= the other policeman, the people taking pics with their phones). So what could cause that?
My headcanon: this is the moment he figured out the new Spider-Man is Miles. This is when the final piece fell into place? And what might that piece be you ask?
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Miles’ handwriting. His drawing style, his signature. Jeff recognizes it. And if this was the only thing, he might have been able to dismiss it as a coincidence, but combined with the other things? Combined with the hug and the I love you?
There’s only one explanation that makes sense. And that is his son being the new Spider-Man.
And that’s the story of how Jeff figured out Miles' secret identity!
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specsforwoo · 3 years
Son of Lachesis | Demigod!Jung Jaehyun
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Parent Deity: Lachesis (Goddes of the String of Life; the Second Fate)
Allegiance: Hades
Dark Humor was a thing
He probably picked it up from his dad
His dad was this super successful thriller author
So they had this huge penthouse in New York but Jaehyun was your normal edgy emo teenager
He claimed to hate his life, hate his family, hate his friends
But like, his dad wasn’t bothered by it???
At first Jaehyun thought it was because his dad just didn’t care about him
But then he started to realize that his dad was the same way
He would rather disparage himself in the name of humor than anything else
It was more of a coping technique but oh well
And for some reason, Jaehyun’s senior year of highschool, he moved to Korea
Still doesn’t know why tbh
Something about his dad telling him that it was safer for their family to be closer together
But like his family only comprised of himself and his dad
And his beagle Chu-Chu but that’s it
As far as he knew, he didn’t have any family in Korea
But surprisingly, he fit in well
His last year of high school went by quickly
And soon he was accepted into the medical examiner’s program @ KAIST
He felt more comfortable around cadavers than live humans
It wasn’t weird he just had hella social anxiety
He had a real gift for it too
He could just look at a body and be able to tell how they died
He was oddly able to tell how long ago they died too
He was actually starting to get creeped out by it
So he started talking to the only person he could ever confide in
His dad
It was a long weekend off of uni
And the Friday before he got into a huge argument with his toxicology professor about the substance that one man ingested that led to his death
His professor swore it was Croton tiglium
And he doesn’t know why but something in his gut was screaming that the diagnosis was wrong
So what did he do?
He stole the toxicology report to review it
And he barged into his professor’s office claiming it was actually Daphne mezereum
What scared him the most was that he could swear the man who was lying helplessly on the table was the one who told him what the poison was
So back to his dad’s apartment
Jaehyun was in tears explaining what had been going on to his dad
And sure his dad was the one to lighten up any room he could
But his dad just laughed
And for the first time he actually felt like he was going crazy
He thought that if anyone would be able to help him understand it would be his dad
I mean what was that Ph.D in psychology hanging on the wall for then
But his dad placed a hand on his shoulder and talked to him very calmly.
I think it’s time that you met your mother.
Sniffing, he looked up
I thought she had been dead since I was a baby.
How can someone be ‘sorta’ dead?
She’s more like… undead?
Suddenly a gray smoke started swarming around his feet.
And a young woman, dressed in black with a rose in her hair appeared behind his dad
Jaehyun almost screamed
Dear, Many people are in need to relief so why are you calling me up?
She spoke and her voice was as light of as the mist swirling around her feet
She looked up and made eye contact with Jaehyun
Dear, you know how dangerous it is for them to meet their other parents… why is he here?
She didn’t break eye contact with Jaehyun as she spoke to his father
It’s time he knew. Maybe Taeyong or Yuta could help him? They’ve been through this before.
The anxiety and stress was piling up on Jaehyun until he couldn’t stand it anymore
Knew what? Who is this? Why is our apartment filling with smoke? What have Taeyong and Yuta been through before?
You are a demigod Jaehyun. The woman spoke up, inching closer to his side.
My son, the son of Lacheses.
Lacheses…. The goddess of the string of fate.
I’m the son of a death goddess.
He burst out laughing
He couldn’t tell if it was from shock or denial
Everything made sense
His ominous ability to tell how people died
How long they would live for
So you are telling me Taeyong and Yuta are demigods too?
He looked between his mother and father
Yes, sons of Themis and Bia, respectively of course.
So that summer Jaehyun ended up going to camp with Taeyong
He didn’t feel that comfortable in the Hades cabin, and ended up rooming with Sicheng in the Achelios cabin instead
He also tended to help out with medical care when super dangerous competitions were taking place
If he remembered correctly, Sicheng asked him to because your weird ass ability to tell how long people have to live comes in handy so I can override it.
He said it with all smile on his face too, like people thought Jae was creepy
He is still actively attending uni, still the top student is his toxicology class, despite his prof throwing the hardest cases his way
But camp is his life now
He never knew what he would have done if he didn’t have the support system that he did because of it
Yuta is his best friend
Partly because they are apparently first cousins
But also because they just mesh really well together
Whenever Yuta is fighting or practicing
He is there to makes sure to call game before anyone gets fatally injured
It actually got close one time
But other than that
His life is really normal
He eats out a lot
He studies a lot less than he should
He has made lasting friendships
And he has the hugest crush in the world that he refuses to reveal
hey , you
Just tell me! You know I can keep a secret from the hyungs!
Cue Jisung pestering him as they run the track at camp
How do I know that?
Taeyong still hasn’t found out that Chenle and I sneak out every Saturday to go to the arcade and that we were the ones who broke his cat mug.
Good Point.
Still not telling.
Honestly though, not like it wasn’t obvious enough
Sometimes he wonders if everyone is oblivious to him staring at the back of your head while you run rounds for Sicheng
Or how his eyes follow your figure when he spots you in a crowd
Dude has it bad
And might be a little possessive too
He saw Taeil hug you once and he refused to talk to Taeil for a week
Until Kun saw what was going on and forced them to make up
But you
Girl you might have an even bigger crush
Who knew volunteering was so fun when you got to see Jaehyun every day
Highkey only Renjun knows that you both like each other
What? Renjun knows E V E R Y T H I N G
At least he is like ‘passively’ helping Jaehyun score a date with you
And by ‘passively’ I mean he straight up walked over to you and asked you if you would want to grab dinner with Jaehyun on Thursday, something about studying for toxicology finals
And by ‘passively’ I also mean him straight up telling Jaehyun that you were going to be a the hole in the wall diner on 53rd street a 7 o’clock and if he didn’t show up he was going to kick his ass
So you both showed up
You with study materials
And him with flowers
Johnny told him that flowers were always the way to go
And Jaehyun was beyond embarrassed and confused when you looked up and saw him standing there in a button down shirt that definitely wasn’t his holding a bouquet of flowers
And you were sitting there in sweatpants and your glasses falling down the bridge of your nose
So he did what he does best
Laugh it off
Oh, these are to thank you for helping me study.
Of course, you didn’t have to get me anything though.
In his head he is sitting there cussing Renjun out while also trying to create that empathy link with Yuta so he could tell Yuta to go beat his ass
But he brushed it off and starts studying with you
Only after ordering pecan pie and hot chocolate
Because everyone needs snacks for studying
But you suddenly looked up and stared him straight in the eyes
Why do you even need my help? Aren’t you like top of this class, and IDK you can talk to dead people? Just ask them what happened.
Jaehyun is back to being embarrassed and this time he can’t laugh it off
Well– ummm— you see– Renjun— I—-
Oh for Zeus’ sake can’t you just say that little twerp set us up on a date?
Well… yeah, yeah he did.
YoU — umm— you can leave if you want, I understand if you don’t like me
Why would I leave. And you shouldn’t understand because you are a great guy, of course I like you.
You gave off a cheeky smile before stealing a bite of his pie
Y’all started off really casually
Like a group date here and there, nothing alone
Something in Jaehyun told him it wasn’t going to get serious unless he made the first move
Your father was probably to blame
Zeus was known for being a little aloof when it came to love
But Jaehyun
God Jaehyun had no guts whatsoever
Not until his best friend from New York came to town
Jameson had come to visit over his own spring break, claiming he wanted to see why Korea was so special and “Jeff” as he knew him, never returned to the US
And Jaehyun had taken you with him to the airport, better than dragging along Jeno or Jungwoo, who for some reason was terrified of planes themselves, and Yuta was out of town for a competition and Johnny was still passed out from last night’s party
And when Jameson stepped off the plane, he came barrelling towards Jaehyun, screaming JEFFFFFFERRRRRYYYYY as loud as he could and tackled him into a hug.
After that he began speaking in English a mile a minute
To say you were a deer caught in the headlights was an understatement
Jaehyun obviously wasn’t fazed, he was able to talk back to Jameson at the same speed, not even stuttering
So you felt kinda lost, shrinking away from the boistering boys, opting instead to starting rolling his friend’s luggage to the car
Jaehyun caught wind of your suddenly shy personality and cut off his friend to instead walk over to you
In a much calmer voice, and this time in a language you were actually able to understand, Jaehyun asked if you wanted to be introduced to his friend
You nodded and Jaehyun grabbed your wrist before shutting the trunk of the car.
Pulling you back over, Jaehyun spoke in English again
You could barely make out something along the lines of This is my friend, Y/N, daughter of Zeus.
You gave a small wave and bowed, hoping he wouldn’t speak to you directly, prompting you to speak in your broken tongue.
Just a friend, or something more? Jameson smirked at Jaehyun before looking back over at you
A friend that you can’t have. You couldn’t really understand what Jaehyun said but you could tell that whatever was said, he wasn’t happy about his friend’s comment.
After that you all got into the car where Jaehyun made you sit in the front seat, holding your wrist the entire time, in obvious view of Jameson
Things died down for a while and it went back to the usual
You were still on the track team (more like Pegasus Racing team but whatever)
And Jae came to cheer you on at every game
And Jae was still top of his classes @ KAIST
And you came to cheer him up when the workload got to much for him
But it STILL wasn’t serious
So one night
Specifically, Jameson’s last night in Korea
Everyone decided to head out to Hongdae to go club hopping (pls tell me you people know what club hopping is)
And you were all having fun, dancing, most were also drinking, especially Jameson
Jaehyun somehow ended up being DD after a brutal battle of scissors, paper, rock
So he was sitting there on the side lines, nursing straight tonic water watching everyone else get shit-faced drunk
You weren’t any better to be honest
Jameson started having a habit of trying to get you alone or get you to dance with him
So you thought that if you had to deal with that all night you had to have a couple shots in your system.
PSA TIME PEOPLE!!!!!! PSA!!!!! If someone in your group keeps trying to get you alone or get you to dance with them, both men and women, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT resort to drinking to deal with it. If they don’t get the hint by you avoiding them, tell them straight to their face that you don’t want to be with them. If they still don’t get the hint, seriously consider just leaving wherever you are. Under no circumstances is it okay for them do that. PSA OVER!!!!
Jaehyun had been watching you try to avoid Jameson from the bar all night and after Jameson came up behind you and grabbed your waist he was done
The vision of fully sober, properly pissed off, ready to throw punches Jaehyun was not a pretty sight
Thankfully, at the moment he had enough self-control in his system to not deck his friend straight in the throat
He instead opted to grab your wrist, much more forcefully than last time, and drag you out the back door of the club into the alley way
Then, much more gently, backed you into the wall of the club
He was so close that you could feel his breath on your forehead
Muttering to himself in English, you couldn’t understand what he was saying
Suddenly he looked down and his eyes kept snapping from yours to your lips
I’m probably going to do something I regret right now
Poor you couldn’t even understand him because of him still speaking in English
Next thing you know he was kissing you, pushing you up further against the wall, wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer
After he let go, worry flashed across his face, like he finally realized something
Oh my god, did that bastard hurt you?
He started checking your arms and wrists, even running his hands along your waist to make sure there wasn’t bruising there
For once, Jaehyun actually had the guts
He ended up calling everyone rides, and left early with you so he could take you out on an ‘official first date’
To an ice cream shoppe
Mind you average temps in Korea during, let’s say March is still around 28 degrees Fahrenheit @ night
He realized his mistake after seeing you sit there in the booth, shivering as you picked up your ice cream
So he quickly shrugged off his jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders and grabbing your hands in his to warm them up
First date was still a success in his mind
And all the dates there after
Renjun takes full credit for your relationship, but so does Sicheng, they actually fight about this
Jameson actually isn’t in Jaehyun’s life anymore
And Jaehyun is madly in love with you
Proposes after he graduates, in front of all of his friends, @ the stupid little hole-in-the-wall diner that he claims was his first real date with you
While they all scream JEFFFERRRRYYYY in the background.
really tho, Yuta has it on tape, along with Doyoung forced feeding Jaehyun wine, and him sleep talking about your first official date, all of which he plays at your guy’s wedding
Good luck having all of these idiots as brother in laws :::)))))
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dweetwise · 4 years
survivors as roommates hcs
just some silly little headcanons i wrote between fics <3
Dwight is a huge pushover. Late on rent? Dwight has you covered. Ate his food? “Haha, it’s fine, you were probably more hungry anyway and it’s not like I need to eat today—”. He’s a little messy but mostly keeps to himself, unless you befriend him, in which case he’s clingy af. Constantly asks to hang out and isn’t the best at understanding social cues.
Meg is a whirlwind, leaving stuff in her wake wherever she goes. She leaves for morning runs at like 4 am and showers weird hours of the day. She’s also really assertive, going “You don’t mind if I borrow this, do you? Ok cool!” and sprinting off before you can even reply.
Claudette keeps to herself. Hope you don’t mind the 6281 plants that start in her bedroom and slowly spread to cover every available surface of the apartment. Sometimes she leaves weird science projects in the fridge that you do not want to accidentally drink unless you want to be poisoned by some obscure plant.
Jake just wants to be alone. He’s a hermit, never having people over and shutting himself into his room if you do. He can go days without showering, so hope you don’t mind his stink or the constant weed smell.
Nea will throw impromptu parties and leaves her shit laying around. Empty spray paint cans are now a permanent part of your décor, since no matter how many you throw out, more always appear. She has a habit of adopting stray cats and you’re not even sure how many are in the apartment at this point.
Laurie is the most perfect roommate anyone could ask for. She usually just keeps to herself and reads books or something, but will almost always join you in watching a movie or cooking or whatever, if you ask. She’s also very neat and will clean up after you, even if she scolds you for it. Sometimes she’s a little too responsible and doesn’t know how to let loose, so you won’t be throwing any wild parties with her around.
Ace on the other hand, is… well. A wild card. He doesn’t have a sleep schedule, stumbling home at varying hours in the middle of the night from god-knows-where. Will bring home random hook-ups. Will beg you to lend rent money when he’s gambled away his share. Will make you cover for him when the police comes knocking. 0/10 worst roommate wouldn’t recommend, the only thing he’s good for is a laugh and knowing the best parties.
Bill smokes inside. He also snores. Loudly. Usually falls asleep with the tv blaring, so hope you have earplugs. There’s also the war flashbacks, which… yeah you should probably not ask him about that.
Feng will play games all night, screaming at her teammates over Discord. Again, earplugs are a must, or alternatively you can join her in game and be screamed at. She lives on energy drinks and you’re not 100% sure she even sleeps.
David is kind of unpredictable. He’s punched at least two dents in the wall after losing at Mario Kart. Has a boxing bag in his room that he loudly beats up. If you have friends over, he’s going to do shirtless push-ups right in front of them. He sleeps naked and sometimes forgets to put on clothes so you’ll be getting an eyeful whether you like it or not.
Quentin is a great roommate… except when he’s asleep, because he sleepwalks and has night terrors. When he’s awake he’s super chill, picking up after himself and letting you do your thing, occasionally asking to hang out but not minding if you say no.
Tapp will complain about the slightest bit of noise, and you’d better not be doing any drugs or underage drinking. Is the most punctual with paying rent and utility bills, and you can bet he’s always in bed by 9 pm.
Kate is tidy, but her music doesn’t have an off button. Sometimes her inspiration hits in the middle of the night, and while she tries to be quiet, she gets carried away and always ends up singing at full volume. Will also insist on throwing huge bbq parties no matter the season.
Adam is a very nice roommate. His biggest sin is being a little forgetful and sometimes leaving wet laundry in the machine until it starts to smell. He works long hours and isn’t home a lot, but still somehow manages to do his share of the housework.
Jeff tries his best not to make a mess with his art but the paint splatters are inevitable. He comes with a dog and the entire apartment is now filled with both the puppy’s and Jeff’s long hairs. Surprisingly, the death metal isn’t an issue in the slightest because he always listens to music with headphones.
Jane listens to podcasts on speaker. Is a little bit of a mom, often cooking extras so you can have some later, and even occasionally washing your laundry. Her guilty pleasure is watching corny telenovelas and you can bet your ass she’s yelling at the tv in her native tongue.
Ash is just loud. He talks to himself, laughs at shitty sitcoms and brings home random hookups to have obnoxiously loud sex. Sometimes leaves his prosthetic in odd places especially when he’s been drinking. You’ve found it in the freezer at least twice.
Nancy is mostly really neat and organized. Sometimes, she leaves research papers strewn around and you do not want to touch them or, heaven forbid, throw them away lest you want to face her wrath.
Steve is messy and a little spoiled. His room is pure chaos, and occasionally sweaty socks and basketball shorts make their way to the shared living space. The apartment always smells faintly of hairspray.
Yui constantly has her gang over, and they’re nice enough but it gets a little annoying. Constant motor oil smell from when she’s been tinkering with a bike part. Once, she even brought the entire bike indoors and you got into a fight when she tried to get rid of the couch to make room for it.
Zarina has photography and film equipment laying around the entire apartment, especially when she’s working on a project. She’s a great cook and the kitchen smells like exotic spice 24/7, so depending on your tastes that’s either the best or worst thing ever.
Cheryl means well but is a disaster. If she tries to cook, the kitchen looks like a hurricane and smells burnt, and you’ve found the laundry machine overflowing with foam more times than you can remember. You might need to parent her until she learns the ropes.
Felix is neat but doesn’t know how to relax. He’ll often pull all-nighters and passive-aggressively complain if you disturb him. Miniature buildings will appear on every available surface, especially when nearing a deadline.
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can u write more leachel please
no but i can fuck ur bitch
Leah’s first public reading was not packed. Of course, the seven of them all filed into front row seats and of course her parents, grandparents, Ian, and most of her teachers were scattered throughout the audience. Even Emily, her friend from middle school who she hadn’t really talked to since she went to private school, showed up. It was a sweet gesture but beyond the people who knew Leah personally, only around fifty or so were actual fans. It was fine and Leah did an amazing talk and afterwards Rachel slapped her hand against her thigh, wishing she could actually clap.
Leah’s tenth public reading was standing room only.
The National book festival was held once a year in DC and while there were two panels Leah was put on, they also asked her to do her own talk because she had a new book coming out. It’d been called by the New York Times book review “the most anticipated book of the year!” And Rachel had only been allowed to read the first draft of the first chapter, which was slightly killing her. But her girlfriend had a process, even if that process was to solely talk to Nora about it. Nora and sometimes Toni.
When Leah walked onto the slightly raised platform the entire room erupted into applause. It was a standing ovation and Leah looked beautiful and also incredibly embarrassed. Her eyes found Rachel’s immediately and they were so fucking intense, Rachel just wanted her to keep looking at her forever. Forever and a half.
“Wow,” Leah began when she reached her microphone. “I haven’t even said anything yet.” There was laughter, more cheers, gradually people sat down. “Thank you all for coming, I know there’s some pretty amazing panels going on right now. There’s still time to go to Roxanne Gay’s talk, it’s a few rooms down.”
More laughter, more cheers, a “We love you Leah Rilke!”
Rachel shook her head, smiling. Leah could pretend all she wanted, but Rachel saw what was happening. The entire world was slowly coming to life under her touch. The English language was being shaped to fit Leah Rilke.
Every think piece, ever op-ed, every review, mentioned the words Leah Rilke somewhere in there. Every teenage girl was talking about her like they’d talk about the Bible. TV studios and movie execs sat in rooms and discussed about how they could capture her writing style. Publishing houses wanted to find their very own Leah Rilke. Tattoo artists were adding to their pre drawn collections symbols from her books.
It was happening slowly, a little at a time, but time happened all at once. And history textbooks were being printed in Texas for the year 2032 that had an entire chapter about Leah Rilke.
The world was changing, and for the next half-century it’d be one where Leah Rilke was alive. And after, it’d be one where everyone was looking for the next Leah Rilke, however futile.
Leah didn’t see it, but Rachel could. And Nora. They talked about it sometimes, when a Dolly Parton song came on or Tolkien happened to come up in conversation.
“I’m not really afraid of public speaking,” Leah continued. “But can you all look somewhere else for a minute? I just need a break, I feel like you all are staring.”
There was more laughter and Rachel felt her phone buzz. Her eyebrow furrowed and she ignored it, instead focusing on the woman wearing her engagement ring.
It’d taken her a minute to propose, insecurities thriving with Leah off giving talks or going to conventions like this one. In a big empty house it wasn’t hard to feel less than, especially with one hand.
It’d been Dot who talked sense into her. Dot surprisingly sensible when she herself had eloped with Fatin, annulled it, and eloped again.
“Okay,” Dot said. “Maybe she’s too good for you. So what? She doesn’t know that.”
“Exactly,” Rachel said. “That’s my fucking point. She’s gonna find someone better and realize that I’m just… me.”
“Yeah,” Dot nodded.
Rachel glared at her. “You aren’t making me feel better.”
“I’m not Fatin, or Shelby, or Martha.”
“I know that,” Rachel said.
“It sounds like you wanna marry her,” Dot said. “So fuckin’ marry her. Then she won’t be able to fuck off with someone else.”
“But I want her to be happy,” Rachel said.
“So fuckin’ make her happy,” Dot said. “I don’t get what the fuckin’ problem is.”
So she proposed. Leah said yes immediately, not even a moment of hesitation, and they were planning a small wedding with a rabbi they both knew and a Huppa but not a Ketubah. Some sort of halfway for the both of them.
Rachel’s phone buzzed again and she turned it off, slipping it in her backpack to focus on Leah.
“This is probably the hardest book I’ve ever written. Not because its deeply personal or anything, just because I had to do so much research for it,” Leah said. “I even had to dedicate it to my sister in law because she spent hours with me looking at flight patterns and chess strategies. Do you guys know how many different kind of tulips there are? I can’t say I don’t understand the dutch a little better now.”
Nora squeezed her wrist and she looked over at her. Shelby caught her eye from beside Nora and passed her a phone, the notes app open.
Jeffs here.
Rachel frowned. Jeff Greene? The book review guy? Or maybe Jeffery Wilson, the Sony guy. Didn’t they have a neighbor named Jeff who liked to complain about their noise level to the police?
“Jeff?” She mouthed back.
Shelby was stone faced when she nodded and something sunk in Rachel’s gut.
Fuck. Jeff.
Leah was still talking but Rachel couldn’t hear her.
Shelby took the phone back.
The back.
Rachel clenched her jaw and Nora squeezed her wrist again, eyes wide.
Has Leah seen him?
Shelby shook her head and Rachel let out a breath of relief.
She got to her feet, and cast a quick smile back at Leah who’s brow furrowed at her. She kept talking though, stumbling a little on her speech. Behind her, Fatin, Martha, and Shelby followed.
Jeff wasn’t hard to spot. He was the washed-up has been, with the fraying hair and dark circles under his eyes.
“You need to leave,” Rachel spat.
“I’m just here to apologize,” Jeff said. “I don’t even—”
“You’re leaving,” Shelby cut off. “Now. Or I’ll call security.”
“Take this outside,” Someone hissed and Fatin dragged him out, shoving him roughly through the open door. Several more people waiting outside slipped inside, entirely grateful.
“Listen, I know I fucked up, I want to apologize,” Jeff said.
“She was a child,” Fatin said. “You’re a fucking predator.”
Jeff paled.
“Wait,” Martha said. “Are you here to apologize for dumping her, or for raping her?”
“I didn’t—”
Maybe it was Shelby that threw the first punch, or maybe Rachel. Maybe they both came at him at once. But Martha didn’t hold Rachel back like she normally would’ve, and Fatin snapped at some people to put their phones away.
Leah said it was ironic later, that Fatin was telling people to put their phones away, while Martha urged on a fight.
But it wasn’t a fight, it was a beat down.
Shelby had taken Toni to enough kickboxing lessons over the years to know how to throw a punch, and Rachel had been picturing this moment with Jeff for too long.
No one intervened once Martha pushed a couple people away explaining he was a pedophile who prayed on teenage girls. One person said, “Isn’t that Jeff Galanis?”
And Martha said: “Yes.”
Jeff Galanis hasn’t published a book in five years at that point, he wouldn’t publish one again. Leah wasn’t happy Rachel broke her only hand, and Toni started going to kickboxing lessons alone.
“It was stupid,” Leah told her, when she met her outside after they’d all been thrown out. “I don’t give a shit about him anymore. I just wanted you there.”
“I know,” Rachel said. “But it wasn’t stupid to me. I wanted you to know you wouldn’t have to see him again.”
“Rach,” Leah sighed. “You remember how when we were driving here a Smith’s song came on?” Rachel nodded. “I realized then I literally couldn’t remember his last name.”
“Really,” Leah said. “We’re getting married in a few months, my new book is coming out, your starting your new job. We’ll probably be aunts as soon as Toni and Shelby finish those foster parent classes. Jeff is like—probably the least important person in the universe right now.”
“Sorry I missed the talk,” Rachel said.
Leah kissed her, soft and easy like they’d never once been.
“It’s okay,” she promised. “There’ll be others.”
There were.
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Love Bites
(a blurb from the “My Girl” Series)
Warning: Smut.
Word count: 2020 (lol)
AU: older!harry, younger!y/n (4-year age gap).
Anon: Hey mg harry making out with bambi and maybe she left some marks on him and thr next day he has to shoot for a naked scene .At first he tries to refrain from opening his shirt but later does and when everyone teases him about it he just gets do smug because he fucked her right. And then maybe telling bambi all about it at night when they're in bed or she is sucking him off. Could u write smthng about it??
One, two, three, four.
Four love bites scattered across his neck. He’d forgotten how long he’d been staring at them as if they would disappear if he looked long enough.
When he returned to the room, she was still perched on the bed, her hair damp and her skin flushed from their intense love-making. She pushed herself up and blinked innocently at him. “What?”
His irritation was easily detectable. He marched toward the bed and pointed to the red marks she’d left on his neck. On contrary to the horror on his face, she fell back, laughing into her palms.
“It’s not funny!” he grumbled, his face growing hot. She caught his wrist before he could storm out, dragged him back to the bed so he could sit on the edge. She scooted over on her knees, hugging his waist from behind, her cheek cool against his naked back.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”
Was he mad at her?
“I told you not to leave a mark,” he heard himself say and looked over his shoulder to find that she’d pulled back, frowning.
“I didn’t mean to.” She stroked one of the love bites with her thumb. “I’m sure they can cover it up with makeup.”
They could. But it’d be so unprofessional to show up on set with hickies all over and make people wait for you to get it covered up. He wanted to say that, but what came out of his mouth was a dejected sigh.
“I should go.”
As he rose, she moved toward the edge of the bed, looking up at him with her big twinkling eyes. “I didn’t mean it, really,” she whispered.
He considered her puppy dog face before dropping down on the bed and wrapping his arms around her. He pressed a kiss to her temple and gave a reassuring grin to ease her nervous frown. “It’s okay, kid. Might be a bit embarrassing but—” he chuckled, shaking his head. “God, Brian will tear me apart.”
Brian was his co-star, his best friend in the cast, and definitely the type to make plenty of dirty jokes about the love bites once he spotted it. Styles! Brian would call from the dressing room entrance so everyone could hear it, Looks like you had a fun morning, mate!
Harry snorted at all the reactions in the room, now more amused than annoyed.
“You’re sure it’ll be all right?” Bambi asked, eyebrows still furrowed. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”
He squeezed her hands and kissed her knuckles. “It’ll be fine, baby. Don’t worry about it.”
She couldn’t help but worry about it.
She’d been reading and writing a bit since he’d left, in order to distract herself until he returned. He’d said it was no big deal, but the look on his face had said the opposite. In her defence, she hadn’t been aware of what she’d been doing. She never felt the need to use her head while he was buried deep inside of her, so she guessed it’d been her fault; she’d been careless.
She didn’t know if his contract had specifically stated that he should not get any marks on his body during the shooting period of the film. Even if there was, he still wouldn’t tell her. Also, his manager didn’t like her very much because Harry had dropped so many interviews and photoshoots for her, even before they were officially together. Maybe after this Jeff would hate her even more.
She had no idea when she’d drifted off on the sofa with a book opened and faced down on her stomach. She only stirred awake to the sound of her door being unlocked and opened. She pushed up slowly, stretching her limps as she welcomed him with a lazy smile. The aggression on his face worried her. As he marched toward where she sat, she opened her mouth to ask if he’d got into trouble, but he shut her up with his mouth against her before she could say a word. He gripped her hips, pushing her back on the couch with her head on the armrest.
They only broke the intense kiss so he could pull his shirt over her head and palmed each of her breasts roughly. Her nipples were hard, needy for him. She moaned his name when he kissed down her neck. She was only wearing her panties and he was wearing too much, so she pushed at his chest to get him to rise on his knees, stripped off his jacket and tossed it somewhere on the floor.
She got up to straddle his waist as he rotated to sit with his back against the couch. He gripped her thigh and brushed his nose across her chest before taking a nipple into his mouth. She held the nape of his neck, gasping and tossing her head back.
“What happened on set?” she asked breathlessly. He tried to drag her back in when she pushed away from him, gripping his shoulders. He started palming her buttocks, wanting to pull her to his cock which was poking against the fly of his trousers, but she fixed him with her eyes. “If you got hard after filming a sex scene with someone else, I swear–”
He shook his head rapidly and tried to kiss her again, but she didn’t let him until he answered.
“It’s the hickies,” he admitted, his cheeks flushed, either because he was horny or embarrassed to tell her why. “My castmates teased me for it.”
“And you got smug, didn’t you?” she flashed a grin, stroking his hair. He groaned into her neck and squeezed her bum as she ground her clothed pussy against his cock. She was already soaking through her panties.
“Brian said I must’ve fucked you right. You have no idea how much I wanted to say I did.”
“Why didn’t you say it?” she murmured, her eyes shut as he licked and sucked her neck, probably leaving his own marks on her.
“Not sure if I was allowed.” She felt his smirk against her hot skin as he stroked his tongue over her nipple and licked his way up to her mouth, sliding his tongue over hers. “Does it turn you on?” he whispered. “The idea of me...telling my friends...how hard I...fucked...you,” he said between sloppy kisses.
She couldn’t speak; her mouth was wide open but all she could do was nod. She took no time to unbuckle his belt and got him sitting butt naked on the couch. His eyes went dark, piercing at her as he ripped her panties in half and she let out a frightful scream. Before she could scold him, he shut her up with a passionate kiss.
“I’ll buy you ten new pairs,” he hissed against her lips while rubbing her clit. She was so wet she could hear the delicious sound of his fingers moving against her and then inside her. He pulled out before she could cum and inched his dick into her tight dripping pussy. They both gasped when he was all the way inside with nothing between them.
“Move,” she groaned, frustrated, unable to open her eyes.
His hips stuttered a bit before he started thrusting slowly. “Give me a moment. I don’t wanna cum now,” he chuckled, his face dazed with ecstasy. She ignored his helpless expression and started moving her hips and giggled when he smacked her arse as a warning.
“Do that again and I won’t let you cum.”
She simpered at his empty threat. “You don’t have the power to decide, Harry.” She fucked him slowly, rewarded by the wet delicious sounds coming from his throat. “I can just finger myself on that armchair over there while you watch. Get myself off the way I do when you’re not here.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t,” she hissed, fingers tightened in his hair.
Harry growled as he clenched his jaw and palmed her arse, thrusting increasingly faster. He was so big and deep that she could feel him all the way in her stomach. He stuck his thumb into her mouth as he fucked her harder so she wouldn’t scream. The last time they’d been too loud, one of the old ladies from across the hallway had threatened to call the police. She couldn’t look at the lady in the eye after that.
“God, yes, fuck me. Just like that,” she gasped. “Want to see your face when you come in me.” She rolled her hips faster, every nerve in her body tingle and flare in response to his affectionate roughness.
Harry gave a long and rough groan, “Yeah. God–love you so much.”
“I know, baby. Love you too.” She stroked his cheek, biting her lip. “So fucking good, God, don’t stop, please --”
She leaned over him, hair falling across his chest as she moved, fucking herself on him in a rhythm that started slow, almost hesitant, but gained in speed and force as she went.
“So big, Harry. Filling me up, fuck.” One of her hands was in his hair, but her other hand had slid to one of her breasts, pinching and tugging on her nipple. “Gonna come on your cock. Gonna come on you.” Her hand moved from his chest to her clit, and she started to work herself over again, stumbling on the rhythm.
“Shit, let me,” Harry said as his fingers tangled over hers. “Want to–Want to get you off. Please let me?”
She nodded, eyelids fluttering as she found her pace again. He groaned and thrust up into her, matching her rhythm as his fingers rubbed frantically over her clit.
“Oh, oh God, Harry.” She cried out his name again and again as her back arched and she came, hips jerking against his hand, driving herself down on his cock. She collapsed forward, bracing her hands on either side of his head on the couch, kissing him wild. “Fuck me, Harry. I know you’re close.”
She groaned roughly as his hands went tight on her hips, holding her still as he thrust up and into her, hard and fast. She whimpered and licked along his neck, tasting sweat and salt, and Harry bucked up off the couch and pushed her hips down at the same time. He could only grunt as he chased the feeling.
She bit down on his earlobe, her voice shuddered, “Come in me, please, need it. Need you.”
He rutted up against her, mindlessly pushing deep one last time before he came, pulsing into her. She collapsed on his chest, numb and trembling. The only sound she could hear was the buzzing in her ears, the thunder of her heartbeat, and them panting together.
After a few moments of silence, he pulled back and laughed, looking smug at how dazed she appeared. “Sorry. Made a mess on your couch.”
As he grinned at her, she knew he wasn’t really sorry. He reached down and traced where he was still inside her to find his come still trickling out, and she felt herself blushing at the hungry look in his eyes, as if he wasn’t done with her yet. Her body was almost boneless so they might need to take a short break before consider doing anything again.
“I hope these won’t get you in trouble at work,” he said with a smirk, tracing his thumb across the skin of her neck; he was talking about his love bites.
She rolled her eyes and ran her hand through her hair. “The only trouble is that they’ll remind Eddie of how single he is, and he’ll torture me with an extra amount of work that I might not do anyway.”
He laughed, shaking his head and kissing her again. When his phone rang, it took him a moment to locate it. He slipped out of her unwillingly but kept her on his lap as he reached for his phone on the floor.
“Uh-oh. Someone’s in trouble,” she said and bit back a smile when they saw Jeff’s name on the screen.
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creepy-spooghetti · 3 years
A Hapless Endearment [Creepypasta x F. Reader]
Chapter 9 - All My Friends Are Heathens, Take It Slow
It isn't long before the house that Y\n ran away from only fifteen minutes ago comes into full view, the girl only beginning to notice the shrubbery that the entire exterior of the building is covered in. Almost like it's meant to be difficult to see, as if to make it inconspicuous. There's no doubt that these people are wanted criminals if they're crazy enough to kidnap people from their bedrooms in the middle of the night, so what else are they capable of? Murder? This permanently-smiling man still in front of her has to own a knife for a reason, right? Do they actually... kill people? Is that what they're going to do to her?
Jack told her that they meant no harm, but then again, how is she supposed to trust the very guy who abducted her while she was asleep? She limps onto the porch, behind the raven-haired male, and waits in uncomfortable anticipation as he knocks on the door. Smile sits down beside her legs, looking up at her with scarlet eyes and releasing a growl from deep within his throat, making her take a small, almost unnoticeable step away. This dog is freaky. This man is freaky, the guy that took her in the first place is freaky. People like this are supposed to be in movies, not reality. Then again, she's been seeing things lately that should make her question both herself and reality.
The door opens, and she instinctively glances up, instantly regretting it when she meets the soulless pits where she assumes Jack's eyes used to be. Or did he even have eyes? He did, she saw them. They were a nice, chestnut color, so what happened? Was it just a disguise? A trick of the mind? Is he even human? Maybe he somehow made her see him in a different way than what he actually is. "Jeff," Jack starts, voice low with a suspicious tone to it, "I hope you didn't do anything stupid."
So that's his name. Jeff.
"Psh, why must you immediately make such an assumption about me?"
"Because you do stupid things," he answers plainly, stepping aside and allowing who she now knows as Jeff to enter the small household. Y\n follows, warily glancing at the mask-wearing male and staying as far away from him as possible. "What happened to her ankle?"
"How else was I supposed to catch her? She was bolting so fast even Smile had some trouble." He stands there a moment, staring at Jeff with an emotion that she can't quite identify. Though it's quite possibly irritation. 
"So what you're saying is, Brian tells us not to hurt her, and you hear, 'sic Smile on the runaway'?" 
"Hey man, I caught her, didn't I? You just better be happy she didn't get a leg ripped off or something." She crosses her arms and shoots a glare at Jeff, putting her weight on her right leg to relieve herself from as much pain as she can. Jack sighs, shaking his head and walking farther into the living room, closer to Jeff. 
"Just... just get outta here. And take your dog with you."
"With pleasure," he replies, sending Y\n what she assumes to be a smirk from behind his makeshift mask before stepping outside, snapping his fingers while he does so. "C'mon Smile. Let's go somewhere far away from these bozos." Smile wags his tail excitedly and stands from his sitting position, looking up at Jeff. "And I'll have you know, demon boy," He looks back at Jack, his eyebrows raised, "if you let her get away again I'm not the one responsible for catching her."
"Get lost, Jeff," he responds, pointing outside and facing the icy-eyed teen with clear annoyance. Jeff leaves without another word, and Jack closes the door behind him before turning back to the injured girl standing timidly in his living room. "...Are you okay?"
She narrows her eyes and releases an indignant huff from her nose. "I've just been bitten by a dog, met some psycho with a smile carved into his face, and been taken back to my kidnapper's house against my will." She furrows her eyebrows. "What do you think?"
"I think that you could be doing better," he says, taking a small step forward and making her move back slightly to keep some distance. "Look, Y\n... I know you're scared. If you'll just sit down and let me bandage your ankle, I'll explain it to you." His tone is negotiative, and she raises an eyebrow suspiciously.
"You want to bandage my ankle?"
"Yes. Unless you want to walk around with a hole in your leg and wait for an infection to get into it first." She stares at him, glancing at the couch she stands in front of and contemplating her options. It isn't like she can take off again and expect to get anywhere. Maybe she shouldn't push her luck—after all, he doesn't seem too mad at her, if he is at all. And if he wanted to hurt her, he likely would have said something threatening. But he hasn't.
Slowly, she steps toward the couch, not taking her eyes off of Jack as she eases down on the cushion farthest away from him. He seems to take this as a positive sign and his muscles loosen up, nodding in response to her silent agreement and beginning to walk down the hall.
"Make this easier on yourself though and don't try to get out again, okay?" She doesn't answer, though she figures that he doesn't really expect her to. She watches him disappear into the hallway and open a door, she isn't sure which one, before flicking her gaze around the room that she's currently occupying. If she's going to let him 'bandage' her ankle, then she doesn't want to be unprepared while he does so. What if he tries something? There's no way to know what's going on in his mind and what he's planning on doing with her, but according to Jack, he'll explain it all.
How is she supposed to believe that he is actually the Jack she met on her way to the river? They look almost totally different. How could he change his whole appearance like that? He went from fair skin and copper eyes to grey skin and no eyes. How is that possible? 
But... he looks familiar. She knows already that he's the one that she saw in her 'dream' that turned out to be an actual event that occurred, but she can't help but feel that maybe she's seen him before then. When? In a nightmare? No. During one of her severe hallucinations? When she was having an episode? Now that she thinks about it... she has seen him before. It was when she was at the river, right before she began to climb down the tree. She saw Jack, but... it wasn't Jack. It was him. The man that brought her here. Except he wasn't wearing a mask.
And then, in an instant, he looked normal, again. What if he isn't lying? What if he somehow tricked her into seeing what he wanted her to see? She trusted Jack, at least to a point, but if he actually lied to and kidnapped her, she can't trust him. Not until she sees for a fact that he isn't going to hurt her. Not until she finds out that her grandparents are fine. Not until she's allowed to go back home.
By the great lengths that Jeff guy went to already to make sure she didn't escape, it's evident that he, Jack, and whoever else was involved with this stuff don't want her to leave, at least not yet. Even after sweeping her gaze over every inch of the living room, she fails to find anything that could be used as a potential weapon, much to her displeasure. Would a TV remote be heavy enough to throw at his head?
If worst comes to worst she supposes that she can kick him, but it won't do much if she uses her left leg for one reason in particular. She notices a doorway to her far right, with only a swinging door to block the interior. She sees what looks like a fridge and the beginning of a counter, and is instantly tempted to journey inside. That has got to be the kitchen. Kitchens have knives, right? A knife would be an amazing weapon.
But before she can even start to stand, Jack reappears and turns his head in her direction, black pits searing through her eyes, grabbing at her stomach and squeezing. Why does he have to be so creepy? In his hands is a bottle of what looks like Peroxide, a roll of gauze, cotton balls, and some kind of wipes. Probably to clean her wound. As long as she doesn't see anything sharp like a scalpel or a knife, then she won't cause too much trouble. 
He draws closer at a slow pace, likely in an attempt to make sure he doesn't alarm her any more than she already is, and sets everything but the wipes on the coffee table before dropping to his knees. Y\n shuffles in her seat uncomfortably, scooting another inch away from him but seeing the sudden difference in position and height as an advantage and mentally prepping herself should she need to use it. 
"I'm just gonna clean the bite, okay?" he says cautiously, tilting his neck upward to better face her and not missing the skeptical look etched across her features. "Don't... don't kick me. My intention is to help you, not hurt you." 
"And you couldn't have told your friend that before his dog or whatever did this to me?" She motions toward her leg, her nerves jumping. Everything about this situation seems out-of-place and wrong, and there's no way she going to let her guard down for even the shortest of moments.
It takes a few seconds for him to respond as if he isn't sure what to say. "Jeff... isn't one to follow orders very well. He pretty much just does what he wants when he wants to do it. The only one he really listens to is Liu, and even that's scarce."
"Who's Liu?" she more or less demands, her eyes narrowed down at him in suspicion. She might as well be informed of every person that she can, because if they're associated with Jack, it will come in handy, especially in a police report. It'll make them easier to track down. 
"Jeff's brother." He reaches out toward her leg, silently asking for permission, and after a moment of hesitation, she lets him take it. "This process will be quicker and more comfortable if you shift around this way a little bit."
"I'm not going to be 'comfortable' either way." But she does as told nonetheless, her right leg now propped onto the couch and her left one dangling slightly. She studies his actions as he peels away her dirt-covered, bloody sock, and rolls the material of her pants up, revealing the small puncture wounds littering her ankle as they leisurely seep crimson. He presses one of the soggy wipes against her skin, making her flinch from both the wave of cold it brings and the mild stinging sensation. 
He rubs it gently around her injury, putting pressure on certain areas, and it isn't long before she notices that the blood leaking down her ankle is getting significantly thinner and less noticeable as the piece of cloth collects it all. Unable to handle the tense silence between the two and yearning for answers, she speaks.
"Why am I here?" He continues his process of swiping away the blood for several more seconds before tossing the wipe in a nearby trash can, opening the plastic bottle of Peroxide, and pouring it skillfully over a cotton ball. She waits in dwindling patience as he takes hold of her leg and brings it closer to him, once again. 
"This is liable to hurt a bit."
"I don't care," she snaps, lips pressing together into a firm line. "Tell me why I'm here. Tell me why you kidnapped me." She internally winces when the medication meets her minor wound, focusing directly on Jack and glaring daggers into his head. She avoids looking at his empty sockets to make everything a bit more bearable. 
"You're in danger, Y\n." Sensing the judging e\c gaze of the girl sitting on the couch, he better clarifies. "Something bad wants you, and it wants you now. I only brought you here this soon because, if I hadn't, it would have gotten to you first. And you would be suffering. It would make you its...slave, I guess one could say."
She raises an eyebrow, clearly not buying what Jack has to deliver. "What do you mean 'something bad'?"
"It... er, he, I guess, is... well, he's not human. He's not even from this world, he came from somewhere different. Somewhere evil, and dark, and filled to the brim with things, creatures that he created to reign chaos upon the earth." He pauses a moment to gather his words. "We don't know a lot about him because sightings of him are so rare, but... there are a few key individuals that live around here that have had very personal, up-close encounters with him. Everyone knows that he's dangerous, though."
Geez, that's a lot of information to process. She takes in a short breath, fighting the fear threatening to creep into her chest and forcing a coherent sentence out of her mouth. "So why is he dangerous? What did he do?"
"He's bad. And I'm not talking about robbing a store or stealing ice cream from a baby 'bad', I'm talking about messing with peoples' psyche, making them go insane and murder others 'bad'." She blinks, quickly becoming invested in his words, much to her resentment. "He gets in your head, makes you see things that aren't there, makes you dream terrifying things that often involve your greatest fears. It's a slow process, and it usually takes months if not years to complete, but... he's taken a strong liking to you for some reason. I don't know if it's because you're really stressed or just because you have a weak mind, but either way it means you're in immediate danger."
He takes away the fluffy ball of cotton and throws it, too, in the nearby trash bin, grabbing the gauze wrap and slowly twisting it around her ankle, making sure to cover the entire wound before slapping a piece of medical tape on it and setting it on the table. She doesn't realize that the speed of her breathing is increasing, nor does she notice the erratic beating of her heart as it thumps against her rib cage. Seeing things that aren't there? Having horror-inducing nightmares? That sounds extremely familiar, and she isn't sure whether or not that's a good connection to make. 
"It sounds crazy, and I know you probably don't believe me. But haven't you been experiencing freaky, unexplainable things lately?" She watches as he stands and sits on the other end of the couch, making her instinctively draw her legs toward her in order to create as much distance between the two as possible. "I mean... when I went into your room that night, you weren't even in your bed, you were in the closet. There must be a reason for that."
She releases an unsettled huff, biting the inside of her cheek nervously and staring at his navy-blue mask with a contemplative expression. Surely he can't be telling the truth, right? "I was just..." She wracks her brain for a reply, desperately wanting to think that this is another one of her wild dreams that she'll wake up from again soon. "...just a little scared."
"Because you had a bad feeling. Y\n, I saw that symbol that was drawn on the sketchpad. Did you do it?" She shoots him a half-hearted glare, subconsciously clenching her hands into loose fists. 
"Yes." Her tone is sharp and defensive, eyes holding a mixture of fright, anger, and disbelief. "What does some stupid symbol have to do with anything, anyway?"
"That symbol is a side effect of having Operator Sickness, which means that he's in one of the last stages of recruiting you." He stuffs his hands into his hoodie pocket and shifts around a little. "Did you draw it willingly?"
"What do you mean?"
"Were you conscious while you were doing it? Or did you not realize until it was finished?" She narrows her eyes, refusing to take them off of the brown-haired boy sitting only two and a half feet away from her.
"I was... I was doing it in my sleep."
"See what I mean? He's been trying to control your life. It only would've gotten worse had I not taken you here." She attempts to wrap her mind around this new information, though not willing to just accept them as straight facts. It is, indeed, freaky how almost everything he just mentioned has happened to her within the past few days. How would he know that? Has he been watching her? But how would he know what she's been dreaming about?
"And how exactly is you bringing me here, wherever 'here' is, gonna help me?" She scoots backward and furrows her eyebrows at him. "For all I know, you could be the bad one and just be lying to gain my trust. It wouldn't be the first time." Her words have a blunt edge, eyes brimming with emotions that she isn't allowing to fly out of her mouth. He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"This place is like a base, I guess. There are lookouts on duty at all times in order to ensure nothing creeps up on us, there are cameras hidden in the trees around the area with a sharp eye watching them, and multiple...beings, live here that can protect things better and more efficiently than normal people."
"So you're telling me that you brought me to a prison with a bunch of freaks." She doesn't miss how his shoulders tense after those words leave her lips, though she doesn't think on it too long, focusing solely on her current, certainly unfortunate, situation. 
"I, uh... I wouldn't call it a 'prison'. A lot of individuals take shelter here because it's the safest place to be. And it has been for a while. We wouldn't have to have such drastic measures if we hadn't all been attacked before. We're at risk all the time, so we have to take precautions."
"Cut the crap, dude," she suddenly barks, twisting around and putting her feet back on the floor. There's no way this is all true, right? He has to be trying to get a reaction out of her. Trick her, manipulate her. And she won't stand for it, even if she does have the disadvantage. "Just let me go. I don't want to be here."
"I'm not lying."
"Oh, yeah?" She rises to her feet, becoming exasperated and refusing to believe the information she was just given. "Are you really expecting me to believe that there's some other-worldly creature trying to get me, that it's been controlling what I dream and what I see, and that there's a secret base somewhere in the woods that houses multiple 'beings' that protect it?" Her voice raises, a natural occurrence thanks to her incredulous state, and she holds back frantic tears. 
Jack stands as well, easily towering over her with his taller frame and striking her unintentionally as intimidating. "It's the only way to explain what you've been experiencing. I promise you, I'm not lying." She scoffs, crossing her arms and taking a step back, ignoring the pain it causes. 
"So then why do you care?"
He tilts his head in mild confusion. "What?"
"If I'm really being hunted by this thing, why do you care? I can't do anything for you, I can't even help myself at this point. So why'd you bring me here? Don't you have better things to do than help some random, troubled girl?" He rubs the back of his neck, his voice lowering slightly.
"It wasn't my idea, but I agreed with it. If he were to get his way and you became his...his worker, then you'd be against us. We don't need anyone else to fight." Her gaze flickers down briefly, staring at the floor and trying to decide whether or not she should take what this person says to heart. He's made some pretty valid points so far, and he obviously isn't trying to hurt her. Why else would he doctor her ankle for her? He sounds very passionate about this, so even if it isn't true, she can tell that he's either just convinced himself that it is true, or he's a really good liar. Something that wouldn't be too big of a surprise...
After a long silence, she lands her gaze on the black pits in his head that leak the same thick, tar-like liquid that she's seen since she woke up and first laid her eyes on him, and breathes an almost inaudible sigh. "...You're not going to let me leave, are you?"
He doesn't comment on her sudden change in demeanor and instead shakes his head slowly. "It's too risky. Besides, I'm sure you don't want to be mind-controlled by some faceless guy in a suit."
"W-wait, faceless what?" That sentence sends her mind into a frenzy, and she subconsciously leans toward him in anticipation. Did she really just hear him say that?
"Faceless guy in a suit. That's what he looks like." He steps closer to her curiously. "He's also really tall. Did you see him?"
"I... I think so." She thinks back to that night she slept in the closet after she woke up from that daunting dream, so horrific that it made her awaken violently ill. When she glanced out of the window, she saw something. Something tall, starch white, but she couldn't make out any other detail besides the fact that it seemed to be dressed in formal wear. Maybe that's because it didn't have any other details. "Do you mean... that wasn't a hallucination?" Her tone is uncharacteristically soft as she comes to the realization that if that wasn't a hallucination, how many other things has she saw that also weren't hallucinations?
"No... probably not." Another silence settles between the two, and she steps backward until stumbling over the armchair sat beside the couch, causing her to fall into it and land with a startled huff. Not that she's complaining, in fact, she hardly even comprehends it as she tries grasping everything she was just told.
One of the first thoughts that enter her consciousness is her grandparents. What happened to them? Are they okay? "My grandparents." She shifts her gaze back onto Jack, expression quickly turning aggressive. "What did you do them?"
He's quick to put his hands up in self-defense and shake his head. "I didn't touch your grandparents." She sends him a look that makes it obvious that she doesn't believe him. "I'm serious. I went in, got you, then left. They didn't even know I was there."
"Prove it," she spits, glaring up at him with distrust. His posture tells her that he's becoming a bit irritated, but she could care less at the moment.
"You want proof? Fine. Brian's going to take you back in a few days to get your stuff, so you'll see then."
"Who's Brian?"
"He's who you're staying with." She opens her mouth to object, but he cuts her off. "No, he won't hurt you, but I suggest you don't push his buttons. He has a low tolerance level."
"I can't believe you expect me to willingly stay here," she says through gritted teeth, devising a way to escape Jack, escape this place. All of this is a little too much to comprehend at one time. She just wants to go home. Nana and Pops are probably worried sick about her. 
"Well, you don't have another choice." He collects the medical supplies from off of the coffee table, screwing the lid back on the Peroxide bottle and heading toward the hallway, likely to put them back where they were originally. Her stomach twists into a stressed, scared knot as she glares daggers at his retreating frame. "Let me put it this way; if you go back to that house and start living normally again, not only will you end up either dead or a slave, but you'll be putting them in danger, too. I know you don't want that."
He leaves her with that sentence, letting her repeat it over and over in her mind. How would, she returning home, put them in danger? Would that make them targets? Would Jack and his group of misfits go after them as a form of revenge? It's unknown to her, and it will remain that way until she gets more answers out of Jack. She will not stand aside and let him threaten her family like that.
She twirls a strand of hair around her finger anxiously and considers everything. How did she get tied up into this? She's never done anything that could be deemed as 'satanic', like playing a Ouiji board. Is this... thing, if it does even exist, a demon of some kind? Is it the devil himself? Why does he want her? What makes her so special that he'd want to...mind-control her, according to Jack? She's just an average girl with trash for a family, at least for the most part. All of these questions and more send a streak of fear through her chest, and she can't shake the feeling that maybe it is all true. Maybe Jack was telling the truth. Maybe she is in danger. If that is the case, what then?
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.7 (BAON)
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Summary: Team Rescue is on the way...mostly. Look, they aren't good at names.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships,  Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Edge had been on worse car rides, but not many. In fact, he could only think of one; riding in the backseat of his own car with Stretch unconscious in his lap, his life ticking away in decimals as Edge desperately clung to Blue’s instruction that he should think of healing magic as similar to making a hollandaise.
It wasn’t ridiculous if it worked and sitting here in this silent car, hyperfocusing on the mostly empty roads with Blue next to him radiating grim determination and Antwan in the backseat, Edge found himself thinking of hollandaise again.
The mental picture of the saucepan was strangely easing, keeping his turbulent thoughts occupied. In his memory, Blue’s voice was preternaturally calm as he reminded them that all the butter couldn’t be added at once because the mixture would break. Edge followed the direction coming from his phone as the voice assistant instructed him in its robotic way to turn left, (you need to add the butter a little at a time) turn right, (whisk it in), your destination is on the left.
It was only when he pulled into the empty parking lot as directed that the real Blue spoke, his high voice uncertain over the confidence of his imaginary twin, “Shouldn’t the security teams be here?”
“No,” Edge said disgustedly. He threw the car into park and pressed a knuckle between his eye sockets with painful force. “because this isn’t the right place.”
The dilapidated sign over the empty storefront declared with a spooky if faded cheer to be ‘Spirit Halloween’ but the only spirits in this place were the ghosts of customers’ past.
“My brother’s sense of humor,” Edge said, “he’s sending us a message. We went trick or treating behind his back and here’s his trick.”
“Of course it is,” Blue muttered, sinking back in the seat. His gloved hands were tight in his lap, a mirror to Edge’s grip on the steering wheel. “Papyrus probably warned him hours ago that I’d left home. He would have been ready for something like this.”
Edge picked up his phone, his bare thumbs moving with cautious swiftness over the screen. “Yes, he would. Which is why we’re going to follow the other tracker now.”
“Other tracker?” Antwan leaned over the driver’s seat to look at the new directions scrolling up the phone screen. His laughter was uncomfortable, more nerves than humor. “How many trackers do you have on your brother?”
Not as many as he has on me, Edge did not say. “On a normal day, only one.” Edge pulled back out onto the empty street, following the monotone drone of the GPS. “Sans set it up for me when Red pulled his little disappearing act after California and then reappeared to wreak havoc on my kitchen.”
“He did what?” Blue asked and Edge winced internally, barely keeping it from showing on his face. He wasn’t at his best, that much was certain, spilling secrets out in a spreading pool, but caring about that would have to wait. There were only so many directions he could pull his focus for now and Blue was hardly going to take out an advertisement in the paper if he heard anything he shouldn’t. A bit of gossip when it came to office relationships and the local scandals aside, Blue was one of their diplomats and he was well able to use appropriate discretion.
Hopefully, his definition of appropriate did not include asking Red any uncomfortable questions at a later date.
“It doesn’t matter. As I was saying, I usually have one tracker on my brother just in case he gets it into his head to face something he shouldn’t alone.” Edge didn’t quite roll through a red light. Better to not get pulled over by the Ebott police if he could help it, Embassy security certainly had enough on their hands right now without having to handle minor traffic violations. “Except, as I said, Sans gave it to me. Which means it’s only as accurate as Sans wants it to be and he has an unfortunate tendency to match my brother when it comes to deciding he knows what’s best for other people.”
A certain sourness fell over Blue’s expression as he nodded. As both a younger brother and a diplomat he was quite familiar with the ongoing irritation of overprotectiveness, even as he often did the same to his own brother.
“Which is why tonight I added my own tracker to Red’s jacket,” Edge said, “I would have followed that one first, but I was hoping not to reveal it so quickly if I could help it.”
Blue hummed thoughtfully. “You don’t think he’d be expecting that?”
“Of course, but I think he’d have a harder time finding and disabling it. Stretch made it for me.” The memory of his maniacal delight when Edge told him what it was for was briefly allowed, as well as his satisfied triumph when he presented Edge with a device that was the size of match head, tagged with near-microscopic hooks reminiscent of Velcro that were made to catch and cling to any fabric with a mere touch.
His design was with the Research and Development team now, minus the tracking device, as they worked to find a use for it that would allow for them to sell it to Humans, along with a dozen other things he’d created. So many of Stretch’s designs ended up that way, patents in which he was not named used as bargaining chips to help keep their coffers full. Stretch always declared that he didn’t work for the Embassy and that much was true. Instead, he worked for all of Monsterkind, that clever mind of his working to get them the funds they needed establish a place in this world. Only a handful of people even knew it and while Asgore could be foolishly soft-hearted on occasion, he wouldn’t considering paying a large ransom for any citizen on the street, even if they were married to Edge. Stretch was important past his twitter feed and it would be narrow not to suspect that these kidnappers somehow learned about it.
This time the tracker was leading them to the other side of town, down on the north side where the neighborhoods were filled with condemned houses and boarded up businesses. The only industry that thrived there were liquor shops whose windows were barred, manned by cashiers who spent their days behind a thick layer of bulletproof glass. His car was going to stand out like a sore thumb, but it couldn’t be helped. He wasn’t about to waste anymore time by stopping at the Embassy to borrow something more discreet.
At least he could worry less about reprisals from rolling through stop sign; the Ebott police presence on this side of town was minimal.
They made their way through the empty streets without incident. It was late even for the criminal element and a glance down the alleyways they passed showed them filled with shadows that could have been trash cans or curled up humans sleeping amongst them.
Some of the children from the Y lived on this side of town. Actually, most of them did and some of them might well be sleeping on the street right now…no. He couldn’t think of that at this moment, one thing at a time. He couldn’t afford to have his attention ping-ponging around inside his head, not when their destination was in sight.
This time, there were plenty of cars parked in a semi-circle around the building, floodlights pouring from their windows and flashers circling on their rooftops. Embassy security teams were made up of Monsters and Humans, and there were plenty out there in their uniforms. The Ebott police were going to throw a fit about jurisdiction, of that he had no doubt, but that was going to be a tomorrow problem for the Legal department and their FBI connections.
One of the security personnel approached the car as Edge pulled up, both hands raised in a gesture that could either mean for them stop or for him to offer surrender. Edge rolled down his window and he ducked his head inside the car. “Sir, your husband and his friend are both fine,” he said without preamble. “This area is closed off, you should—”
“If you even suggest that I should leave, you’re going to be reassigned to the elementary school playground for the foreseeable future,” Edge said evenly.
To his credit, the guard’s expression did not change. “Wouldn’t dream of it, sir. I was going to tell you to park over on the north side,” He pointed to a clearing off behind the other cars. “Your brother is waiting for you up at the entrance.”
“Of course he is,” Edge muttered. “I’m sure we’ve kept him quite entertained with his version of hide and seek.” But he obeyed the direction.
He parked a fair distance away from the circle of the security vehicles and got out of the car, Antwan and Blue at his heels. No one else approached, the rest of the security team keeping a respectable distance away out of either direction from their leaders or simple self-preservation.
Standing near the warehouse entrance and out of the glare of the floodlights was Red, burrowed into his jacket with a Styrofoam cup in his hand and a cigar smoldering between his teeth. As if warned by his instincts or, more likely, through the curling earpiece that was stuck into his audial canal, Red turned to them as they approached. His grin was irritatingly knowing and familiar, pleased as a punch to have held them off long enough that everything was finished but the cleanup.
And yet, it was also such a comfort to see that smirk that Edge nearly went weak at the knees. He wouldn’t be smiling that way if Stretch or Jeff were hurt, even his brother’s sadism had its limits.
“what took you so long, you stop for coffee?” Red snorted. He held up the Styrofoam cup. “coulda brought me some, the shit they’ve got here’d give battery acid a run for its cash.”
“Yes, of course, we got stuck in the drive-thru at Starbucks," Edge snapped. “You’ll forgive me for not bringing enough for everyone!”
Before he could even demand a report, Blue went on past him. Parking lot gravel scattered under his booted feet as he stormed up to Red and swatted the cup from his hands. He paid no mind to the coffee sloshing out over their shoes, his small fists knotting into Red’s jacket front as he hauled him in close to snarl out, “WHERE IS MY BROTHER?”
Even through layers of forced calm, Edge could still appreciate the sight. It was certainly an unusual one. Blue was shorter even than Red and he wore no oversized jacket to give his small frame an illusion of bulk. The overwhelming visual was that of a tabby cat attacking the local tiger and if it were anyone else, Edge might have tried to intercede. It was possible he could have saved their lives, if not their limbs, had it been anyone but their innermost circle.
As it was, he tensed until his brother said mildly, “easy on the threads, baby blue, this’s my favorite jacket. my only one, too. they’re still upstairs. they ain't hurt, so we're lettin' 'em come down in their own time. ain’t no need to rush ‘em. think they needed a mo’ to catch their breath, s’all."
Blue didn’t wait for another word. He let go of Red and turned to the building entrance, running towards it. No one tried to stop him, though Edge noted with approval that one of the security team peeled away from the others to follow him at a discreet distance.
Antwan looked as if he was considering chasing after Blue, but he hung back. With the suspicious nature of a good lawyer, he asked Red, "If they’re fine, why aren’t you with them?"
"sweet that you think me bein' there would be some kinda comfort," Red snorted. "already saw 'em. head on up if you want, we've already cleared away the rest of the honey bun’s little scooby traps." Red offered them a vicious slash of grin. "your liability might need a new rating, he's damn creative when he’s got a hair laid across his ass just right."
That was enough for Antwan. He headed off in the direction Blue had, leaving Edge alone with his brother.
Edge waited until Antwan disappeared before he asked, low, "Where are they?"
Red only looked at him with mild reproach. “toldja, upstairs. what, you think i’d bullshit you on that?”
“I don’t mean them.”
Red was shaking his head before Edge finished. “nuh-uh, nope, not a chance. you ain’t gettin’ a look at those asswipes outside a courtroom. you’re keeping your toes behind the yellow line on this one, sneaking backstage ain’t happening, little brother.”
“I need to see—" Edge began heatedly.
“you fuckin’ don’t. you want to see and your wants ain’t on the list, not this time!” Red lowered his voice, “i get you wanted firecrackers and this is endin’ on a wet fart for you, but i ain’t explainin’ to the honey bun that i stood here and let you add a fresh shovelful of xp to your load on his account. so whyn’t you head upstairs now and go get your liability, huh? take him home and let us handle this, you can read the report tomorrow, yeah?”
Suspicion filtered through Edge’s strained temper, cooling it. Something of his brother’s little speech rang wrong to Edge; it was too consolatory towards him for their normal tastes, something was off here. Now that he was looking at it without his frustrations clouding things, there was also the matter of him leaving Stretch and Jeff alone; comforting presence or not, it was difficult to believe that Red would let them out of his sight unnecessarily. As shrewdly as he could still manage, Edge took a closer look at his brother.
Red did not have any LV but that certainly didn’t mean he had no trauma. His tells were subtle, unnoticeable to anyone who hadn’t watched them develop straight from the gutter. Eye lights slightly narrower than normal, his cigar clenched between too-tight teeth, the rare crackle of crimson magic arcing across his fingertips like a stray bolt of lightning.
There was something Red wasn’t saying, but there was no point in trying to fish it out now; he’d need better bait and Edge already had one in the net to deal with.
Better to leave it as it was. Even if the issue festered, his brother was unlikely to allow it to affect his work. It was difficult not to lay a hand on his brother’s shoulder, however briefly. Edge resisted the absurd impulse. It would not be appreciated. Unwanted concern was more likely to make things worse.
Instead, Edge nodded curtly and headed for the entrance. His boots clacked loudly on the cement floors. Security was milling in the hallways, others crouching over scorch marks and a strange overflowing mass of what looked like multicolored foam oozing down one side of the stairwell. Superfluous information, none of it mattered. He followed the subtle cues from the security personnel, the glances and occasional points that came without questions leading him up the rickety stairs to the second floor of offices and storerooms.
On the landing, a low sound caught his attention, a familiar voice crooning softly. Edge nearly skidded to a stop outside one of the rooms, looking in the open doorway to see the Swap brothers sitting together on the floor, holding each other tightly.
“hey, bro, shh, i’m okay. they didn’t hurt us, sans, i’m fine,” Stretch was saying. Blue was in his lap, clinging like the child he no longer was, and Stretch was rubbing a gentle hand down his brother’s back, leaving behind sooty streaks. He looked up, soft white eye lights catching on Edge still standing in the doorway. His cheekbones were wet, his wide sockets drowning in tears. Stretch scrubbed his face with the sleeve of a shirt that was not his own and managed a tremulous smile. "hey, handsome, miss me?"
He’d seen Stretch only hours ago, dressed in clothing stolen from Edge’s side of the closet and offering flirtatious kisses before walking out their front door. Now he was in baggy clothing that belong to neither of them, the shirt nearly hanging off his narrow shoulders and his bare legs sticking out from the bottoms of the too-short pants to leave the delicate bones of his feet filthy and exposed. All of him was filthy, his pale tears left clean tracks down his cheekbones and Edge did not know what Stretch had done to free them both, what he’d endured until he could., couldn’t begin to imagine it. Or perhaps he simply did not want to, and the precariously thin layer of Edge’s calm finally began to crack. All his desperate worries surged in through that first line of weakness to fill his face and then downward to soak into his aching soul.
"Don't—" Edge choked on the word, unsure what he was even going to say. Don't joke, don't dismiss this, don't ever leave me. He walked over and fell to his knees beside them, hardly feeling the warning jolt from his leg as he pulled them both into his arms rougher than he'd meant. Unnecessary, Stretch came easily, willingly, settling into his embrace exactly as if he belonged there, and brought his brother along for the ride.
"hey, i'm okay," Stretch said, pitching his voice for them both. He rested his forehead against Edge’s, settling a gentle hand on his sharp cheekbone with a sigh. "we’re okay, babe. it's okay."
"It is not okay by any stretch of the imagination,” Edge said hoarsely. His own hands were moving over Stretch, cautious of his lack of gloves even as he convinced himself that this was no dream, these well-loved bones were real. “And if you make a pun on that, you can ride home with my brother."
“wouldn’t joke about it, babe.” Then Stretch promptly made it a lie as he teased, “hope i get extra credit for not stretching things out, actually, ‘cause i sure didn’t get my ‘stay out of trouble’ badge tonight.”
“Pappy,” Blue moaned. His grip in the awful shirt Stretch was wearing twisted as if his disgust needed a physical outlet, “honestly, must you?”
Edge barked a laugh, hard and pained, but in his soul there was only giddy lightness. “No, you certainly did not. I would say any claim that you didn’t find trouble would be stretching things.”
Another groan from Blue was interrupted by a scuffing sound behind them. Edge jerked around, but it was only Antwan holding Jeff in his own tight embrace, whatever whispers between them too low to be heard. Edge hadn’t even noticed them when he first came in and the faint guilt from that was too small to be borne, already swallowed up in overwhelming relief.
Safe, they were both safe and unharmed, and Edge set his anger back, holding it in reserve. No matter what his brother thought, this was not over, and he would not be relegated to the injured group to recover, not this time.
But first, he was taking his love home.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
When the Music Plays
Chapter 1: Jimmy's
Tw: Hank alcoholism and suicidal ideation.
A/N: just a reminder that I am playing fast and loose with Canon
Hank wasn’t the best with technology, for that and other reasons he kept clear of androids; but even he knew things were changing. Androids were going missing with more and more frequency. An alarming number of people were reporting being attacked by their androids before they disappeared. It was something bigger than programing issues he suspected, and he also knew he didn’t want to be anywhere near it when things finally fell apart. As usual though it seemed fate wasn’t all that inclined to listen to him. He was doing what he normally did on days like this; avoiding his responsibilities and making a valiant attempt to drown whatever braincells were stubborn enough to stick around. Old Fashioned had gotten too complicated a few hours back so he had moved on to straight whiskey hoping that his consciousness would get the hint and move on as well. He’d pass out at the bar in his usual fashion and Jimmy would wake him up at last call; he’d drive home and pray to get in a wreck, feed Sumo if he survived, sleep, then repeat everything again if he woke up again. Except that tonight his consciousness was too stubborn to leave. He was hunched over the bar, all but face first in his whiskey when Jimmy’s hand came into his line of sight. Once he had Hank’s attention he pointed over his shoulder. Hank turned to look, and standing right there in his sanctuary was a fucking android. Fucking fantastic.
The things Hank has liked about Jimmy’s had been that there were no androids allowed on the premises and everyone would mind their own damn business, too busy drinking to worry about what was happening around them. Except now there was an android in the middle of the bar and everyone was staring at him. What had been a sanctuary was no longer safe. The android was talking and the nice thing about being Deaf was that he could easily ignore him simply by not looking at him. So he turned back to the bar to continue nursing his whiskey. The thing had the nerve to sit beside him. It gave Hank time to finish his whiskey before it tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. Hank thought about trying to ignore him again, but he had the sneaking suspicion that wasn’t going to work. It had after all made itself at home in a clearly anti android bar. It was either here for him, had no sense of self preservation; or if Hank was particularly unlucky, both. He sighed and turned to face the android. Immediately it started talking again. Hank withheld the urge to bash his head against the bar as he picked up his hands to sign, ‘I Deaf.’ The android took a moment of pause. The Led om his temple blinked for a few cycles. It returned to blue and began to sign, ‘You Lieutenant A-N-D-E-R-S-ON?’
Hank wanted to groan, ‘Yes.’ He signed the letter ‘A’ and tapped it over his heart for his rank and name sign in one making things easier, ‘You Want What?’ ‘I Look For You.’ The android signed sharply, ‘I Find You After Five Bars.’ ‘You Want What?’ Hank repeated going as far as to tap the android’s chest. ‘I Sent For You. Active Case.’ It signed, ‘My Name C-O-N-N-O-R.’ He took a moment to to sign ‘machine’ but with the letter ‘C’. ‘I From CyberLife.’ Of course it was. Androids had taken every other job, and at long last it seemed they were coming after his. He sighed and rubbed at his face. ‘Tough Shit. I Not Join You.’ He didn’t even get back to facing the bar again before Connor tapped his shoulder again. Hank groaned and turned back to it. ‘If I Buy Drink You Will Come With Me?’ Connor asked and tipped his head to emphasize the question. Hank figured he had nothing left to lose. Connor had already made it clear he had no plans to leave him alone. So much so that he had made himself comfortable in a place that he clearly wasn’t welcome. ‘Sure. Why Not.’ There was no getting out of this as it was, so he might as well get a free drink out of it.
Hank didn’t see the bill Connor had slid across the counter, but after a long moment Jimmy slid him another whiskey. He took his time with it. He had to work this evening, which most likely meant dealing with Gavin and that wasn’t something he wanted to do sober. Connor just lingered. He sat stiffly in the corner of Hank’s vision, a constant reminder that he was one mistake away from being replaced. He didn’t know what Jeff was thinking with this, but Hank was certain he wasn’t going to like it. Unfortunately, a single glass of whiskey could only be made to last so long. Not to mention that Connor was just outside his line of sight as a solid reminder that there as no getting out of this. He sighed and set the empty glass down on the bar then stood. Connor followed him to the end of the bar and watched him settle the tab. It was creepy as all fuck. He got in his car and Connor got in on the passenger’s side without prompting which unsettled him. Hank reached across the car and opened the glove box. He felt around until he found his hearing aid case. He took them out and put them in, he turned them on, then put the radio on a volume where talking would be unpleasant if not difficult. With everything settled he made his way to the location that Connor had sent to his phone. Hank found androids as a whole to be off putting, not the least of this was because of how real they looked. This of course extended to Connor as well, but there was more to it than that when it came to him. He looked young, innocent almost and it was uncomfortable. Hank didn’t trust it. Androids had no reason to look like that. Something was up, and Hank had a feeling he was going to find out whether he wanted to or not. This android had sought him out and there was a reason for that. It was a mystery he would rather not solve, but he knew that wasn’t up to him either. So in his usual fashion, he planned to ignore it until it became unavoidable. They pulled into the scene and Hank turned off the radio and then turned to face Connor, “Stay in the car.” He said firmly and went so far to sign ‘stay’ as he spoke. “Got it.” Came the android’s response. His voice was somehow both earnest and emotionless. It was added to the list of things Hank found unsettling about Connor. Hank didn’t trust that he would actually stay in the car but he still got out. As much as he disliked it, he still had a job to do. If he got it done quickly enough he might even be able to go back to Jimmy’s and finished his night the right way. Drunk enough that none of this would stick around, or be a distant memory at the very least. He didn’t even make to the police line before he heard the other car door close. As he had suspected, his orders were not the ones Connor was designed to follow.
He waved at Ben who responded in kind then looked over Hank’s shoulder with a perplexed expression. Hank could hazard a guess at who or rather what he was looking at. Connor who was dutifully following him like some overly eager rookie. “I didn’t think you one to get an android.” Ben remarked with notable confusion to his voice. Hank gave another sigh, his annoyance mounting further, “He’s not mine. CyberLife sent it to try and figure out what is going on, I’m just along for the ride I suppose.” Ben eyed Connor and he and Hank both crossed the police line. Hank changed his focus to the scene, though it took longer than he would have liked given the whiskey coursing through his system. He kept one eye on Connor as he looked over the scene. He wanted to know what had happened here as well as what Connor was capable of. From what he had gathered from the landlord Carlos Ortiz hadn’t been the best tenant, or even a good one at that. A Red Ice addiction and an android, those two things never mixed well as it was. Now the guy was dead, and like many androids as of late, his has vanished. Hank figured Connor was here for the android and he would be left with the homicide. It made the most sense. So with that plan in mind he made his way into the house.
The house was a mess, which Hank had for the most part expected. His years spent as a detective were the only things that kept him from losing his stomach at the smell. He talked to some of the other officers that were present before he went over the scene itself. Once he had an idea of what had happened he stepped out of the way to let Connor do his thing. Whatever that happened to be. He watched Connor go over the scene. It was unusual. The android would stand in one corner of the room or a doorway and observe the room as though he was watching something that Hank was unable to see. After that it would go through the room and observe the evidence. The LED would cycle between yellow and blue. What Hank was by no means ready for was when Connor swiped two of his fingers through god only knew what and then licked it. “Jesus Christ. Connor what the fuck?” Hank groaned as he looked away. “My apologies Lieutenant.” He didn’t sound the least bit sorry, “I have a fully functional forensic analysis unit and I wanted results on the thirium before it evaporated.” “Just don’t do it again.” Hank replied as he turned back toward Connor. “Got it.” Connor responded in the same empty earnest tone from the car that Hank didn’t trust for a moment.
They moved through the house and the process repeated itself, save for the licking of mystery substances thankfully. The bathroom was a sight to behold. They both agreed that it was the android’s doing, but it was strange. As Hank understood it, android’s didn’t think. There was no way for them to develop beliefs, faith, or create something this ritual. Yet there it was. It was concerning in how unusual it was, and Hank was once again uncomfortable. This android, wherever it was, was defective and dangerous; but it also seemed like something more was going on. Hank couldn’t place what and he was getting more suspicious. Connor was looking up at the ceiling like he could see something that wasn’t there. Hank looked up to be sure, and other than the latch to the crawl space there was nothing up there. Connor’s LED rolled yellow and stayed there for a long moment. He passed Hank on his way out of the bathroom and Hank hesitated before he followed. Connor met him in the hallway with a chair from the dining room and Hank’s confusion only grew. “Connor, what are you doing?” He asked as he turned toward the bathroom. “The android is still here.” Came the distant reply. His voice was still emotionless and flat, but somehow colder at the same time. It teetered on dangerous and Hank didn’t like it.
Hank waited in the hallway because he had the feeling he wouldn’t want to be in the way when Connor came down with that android. He couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling from having heard Connor’s voice so dangerous but flat at the same time. It didn’t suit how he had been built to look, though Hank supposed that was the point. As it stood, the fact that CyberLife felt the need to get personally involved in this; as personal as sending an android to do your bidding could be; made him uncomfortable. Why send an android liaison? What were they trying to do? All of it was suspicious. There was more going on than they were being told, he just needed to figure out what. A commotion from the attic brought him out of his thoughts. Connor had found the android and apparently it didn’t plan to come quietly. Hank moved back toward the main part of the house; he didn’t want to be caught between two androids with something to settle. Connor and the other android got into another smaller scuffle in the front yard before they made their way back to the station to try and question the thing. There had the be a reason for it to have snapped like that. The alternative was that it was only a matter of time before every android out in the world did something like this; and that was not a line of thought that Hank was too keen on entertaining.
Gavin was waiting for them outside of the interrogation room when they got back and Hank had decided that he was way too sober for this. Hank pushed to have Connor question the android, it was the only way he could think of to get answers from it. Though as he watched Connor effortlessly manipulate it he came to regret that. Everything about Connor made him nervous, and that was before the other android had decided to self destruct in its holding cell. As Hand drove home in what was now the early hours of the morning he had the feeling that this was going to get so much worse before it got better. That, and he had better get used to this ever-present discomfort because he likely hadn’t seen every side of Connor yet.
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duskypinkbow · 4 years
Shitty weather II Jeff Wittek
summary: You meet Jeff again after a long period of time.
word count: 3,4k (upsy daisy)
note: This is my first fic ever so pls bear with me! :)
A veery very big shoutout to my lil angle @geoffwittek for proofreading and correcting my mistakes! Love u gurl u r the best 🎀
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“The house could be packed“ Natalie took the time to warn you. You waved her off while putting your bag between your legs „that’s totally fine“.
As you two drove through LA traffic you looked out at the sky and noticed the clouds are getting grey. „it might rain today..“ you determined, while the two of you continued your conversation. Finally, you pulled up at her house, or to be more specific, David’s house she happened to be living in. Nat parked the car in front of the gate due to the fact that the entrance was already blocked by other cars. Your friend looked at her phone „yeeep“ she said as the scrolled through her messages „there is definitely something going on here…“ - „oh, well I can always leave right away if it gets too much“ you promised while unbuckling your seatbelt and making your way to the house.
„Daaaaavid!“ she screamed, falling to the ground in fear. „You can’t do that to me!“ she complained as her hands rested over her heart. The brown-haired boy giggled, his phone still recording in his hands. After putting it back in his pocket he helped Natalie stand up again. „That’s my idiot roommate..“ Natalie explained to you. „aaaaand boss“ he added smugly, smiling from ear to ear. He stuck his hand out towards you. „David“ he said - „y/n“ you introduced yourself in return.
Once the introductions were done, you observed a big living room further down the hallway. „Come with me…“ Natalie instructed “I’m gonna show you my closet“. You followed her steps through the living room, which was indeed packed with people. Some of them sitting on the big white couch while others were leaning on the kitchen island. Natalie greeted them with a shouted hello, while you just waved shyly in an attempt to symbolise a well meant greeting to all of them.
In the bedroom, your best friend showed you her very well organised closet filled with dresses and fancy skirts alike. „What size shoes are you?“ she asked. “umm.. y/s/s..“ you answered while looking through the endless hangers. „damn, so I can’t give you those fanc-„ before she could even finish her sentence a loud „Naaataaalieee“ came from the hallway. „ugh“ she groaned, reluctantly setting the pair of high heels down. “I’ll be right back..“ you softly nodded and continued to look through her closet.
After some time had passed you still couldn’t decide between three of her alluring dresses. You put the hanger of one of them above your head so that it was hanging clearly in front of your body. „Oh you would look so cute in that one!“ Natalie said as she was re-entering her room. You smiled at your reflection in the big mirror. „Don’t you think it’s a bit too much for a wedding?“ you asked, still a little uncertain. „Absolutely not!“ she denied your worries. „When is the wedding anyways?“ - „in like three month..“ you answered, still glancing in the mirror while posing a little for yourself in assessment. „Then just take this one and the other two… you can decide closer to the day.“ you looked up, in slight disbelief at her offer.  „I mean it..“ she asserted „I won’t need them…at least not in the next couple of months“ her words reassuring you.
With the dresses in your arms, you made your way to the hall in order to leave the big house again. You waved your goodbyes to the people still sitting and chatting in the living room.
As you made a turn in the hallway your head collided with a solid chest, your body almost falling down at the sudden loss of balance. Instead, two hands rested on your shoulders, effectively preventing the fall. „sorry i didn’t see-“ you said while looking up to be met with a pair of brown eyes. Your mouth remained slightly open, the rest of the apology stuck in your throat. It’s been almost six years since you last saw him.
You met on a rainy day in late autumn. Your clothes soaking wet as you stepped through the door of the studio. „shitty weather out there huh?“ first words he ever spoke to you. „tell me about it“ you nodded, focused on trying to wring out your soaked hair. „I don’t think that will help“ he chuckled lightly. The first time you heard his laugh, the handsome boy looked at you with a little smirk. „heey..can we get a hairdryer or somethin’ for her?“ he requested the man who was passing through the room, his right hand pointing in your direction. „Yeah I can grab one, you guys here for the shoot?“ the employee asked. Both of you nodded simultaneously „Perfect. Could you get ready in here?“ he instructed you on where to go and promised someone would bring the hairdryer.
It was silent on your way in before he decided to end the quiet by asking: „Sooo..is this your first job?“ - „umm, second“ you answered shyly, a bit intimidated by his hight, especially next to your smaller figure. „Is it that obvious?“ you asked, now a little embarrassed, questioning if you already did something wrong. He chuckled again „not at all“ he reassured, holding the correct door open for you „Jus’ wanted to start a conversation “ you smiled, feeling your cheeks flush at his straightforwardness.
„Yeah, I actually have another job in like two weeks“ you said while on the phone, a little after you two began to take some photos for the launching clothing line. „No…- I guess.. - no I need to find a new place for that time.. - yeah.. - worst case scenario I will just go to a hostel or rent a cheap hotel room…- i mean I’m just sleeping there right? - no yeah...i understand.. - i should really get going now.. - i’ll call you back okay? okay.. bye“ you end the call and return next to the tall stranger you just met, waiting for instructions on what’s next in the shoot.
„uhmm“ he begins shyly, still looking to the cameraman who was adjusting his camera. „not to be nosey..but did i hear that right? You need a place to live or something?“ you looked at his side profile, explaining your current situation. „Alright, so about that..“ he interrupts, glancing between you and photographer. „A friend of mine has a spare room going in his apartment. He’s actually already looking for a new roommate, but that could be postponed. If you want to I could call him up and ask if it would be okay for you to stay there?” - „wait.. deadass?“ you ask, his generous offer shocking you. „well, I mean only if you want to?“  He looked down to observe your reaction. „I- yeah..- i mean your friend won’t murder me right?“ you joke, looking up and into his warm. He’s the first to break the eye contact, glancing at the cameraman again. „He’s one of the nicest guys I know out there…“ he assures with a small smile present. „He is so fucking nice, wouldn’t even kill a fly…“ his words of comfort continue. „Well, then yes, please I am totally willing to take you up on that offer“ is your enthusiastic response, his full attention back on you & a genuine smile decorating the handsome features. „Alright...I will ask him after the shoot is over then..“ - „Thank you so much!… it really means a lot -...umm?“ you begin, hopeful of catching his name „Oh shit yeah, guess I never introduced myself right?“ the man realised. „..My name is Jeff“ he said, reaching out for your hand „Yeah right“ you chuckle, not about to fall for his joke. „No, really..“ the smirk is back on his face. „Oh, so you are an undercover police officer just like me?“ you whisper, hoping he might catch the 21 Jumpstreet reference. „damn..“ he mutters while searching in his back pocket „this fuckin’ movie really ruined my life..“ his hand emerges with a wallet, the ID in it soon handed to you. „Jeffery Wittek..“ you read aloud „the one and only..“ he confirms still smiling softly at you.
After the shoot was over Jeff called up his friend, confirming it would be alright if you stayed with him. The very next day he helped you take all of your stuff over to his friend’s apartment.
In the weeks that followed, the two of you grew inevitably close. Although both busy with work & other responsibilities on some days, you still managed to spend at least a few hours each day together.
Sometimes he just checked in on you, making sure to ask if everything was alright. On other occasions, he visited his friend and stayed the whole day to do nothing but spending time together.
You showed him pictures of places you have been to, in return, he would share his childhood memories. You even told him about your plans for the future, while Jeff opened up about his past. It became your favourite pass time to make jokes about his inability to read properly, to which he would only tease about your short height.
Throughout your stay, the pair of you talked almost every night, about everything, just because it came so easily between you two. Always enjoying every second of valuable time together, not wanting it to end.
One of those nights, you finally built enough courage to admit that you were moving out of the country to live in Italy with your boyfriend. In reply, Jeff confessed his plans to move out to LA cause he met a girl.
Your friendship started innocently. Neither of you would have thought that it could ever build into such an intense and deep connection within the short amount of time. You were strangers only days ago, now openly sharing secrets usually too afraid to tell even the closest of friends. Maybe it was because both of you understood the reflected lack of ulterior motives in honesty. After all, you made sure to just keep things friendly, flirting carefully avoided. Or because you knew both of you were leaving, that alone reason enough not be dishonest with each other. Whatever it was, it started to become a little dangerous with time, you all too aware that the two of you were playing with the fire.
Time continued to pass, you could feel yourself begin to like the familiar boy more and more. Your heart would beat faster any time you saw him, breathing stopping for a second every time his skin touched yours. It continued on: you would get lost in his beautiful eyes whenever he looked at you, asking yourself if he could feel the same way you were. If there could ever be more. You did your best to stop those thoughts immediately, reminding your mind how you were about to leave the country for your boyfriend, whom you loved and didn’t want to betray. Besides, Jeff started to see that girl.
One night, Jeff's friend decided to hold a little get together with some of his friends, your stay in the apartment effectively forcing you to take part. Everyone had their fun, all chatting & playing drinking games on a cheerful night.
After a while, some of you somehow ended up on the rooftop of the building. Most of the people out there just wanting to get a bit of fresh air or have a cigarette, but you went up solely to enjoy the view. You loved going up to the roof just to see the shining lights of the city that doesn’t sleep.
„So your stay here is coming to an end huh?“ Jeff was the one to interrupt your admiring, walking up to you, while you looked out to the lights. You nodded „yeah“ the word spat out sadly before taking another sip of your drink. „I never thought three weeks could be over with so quickly..“ his words carried a sad undertone. „Me neither..“ you acknowledged, „i think i did and saw more in those three weeks with you than ever before“ he chuckled at the true words. „yeah.. we experienced quite a lot of New York together“ he made sure to exaggerate with his accent, sight remaining locked on you.
When you finally looked up at him, you couldn’t help but tease „So.. Is the tough Wittek gonna miss me?“ you asked jokingly while running your hand through his wind tousled hair. „Of course i will.“ he admitted. „Haven’t had so much fun in a long time..“. A smile sneaked its way across your face „oh your gonna have fun again when you are reunited with your special lady.“ you rebutted, oblivious to how his smile faded a little. Of course he would have fun again he thought. But the girl he was seeing right now wasn’t you. She was funny, but her humour couldn’t compare to yours. She was beautiful but she didn’t have those cute little dimples, which only showed when you laughed aloud. She had a promising career in front of her, but she just wasn’t you. „I guess…“ he eventually replied, still deep in thought about the girl who couldn’t compare.
You took another sip of your drink and gazed away into the distance before finally glancing at the man who had your heart.  „I think you- ..you have a little eyelash on your cheek“ Jeff said, abandoning his drink in favour of stepping a little closer and moving his hands up to your face.
One of them rested gently on your cheek, to give your head some balance as he titled it upwards, the other grazing right under your eye to get the fallen lash. His fingers lightly brushed over your skin, grasp so gentle on your face as if it was something precious. As if it could break if he put too much pressure on your little cheek. It was the very first time you really let yourself look him in the eyes tonight. Not that you haven’t looked into the brown pools before, but this time, in the light of the city, just inches away from your face, you really saw the artistic strokes of the different shades of brown melting together. You saw how the dark parts covered up the few light spots,  saw his kindness and how much he truly cared about you, all by simply looking into his beautiful brown eyes.
His hand stayed on your cheek, despite the lash being long gone. You breathed out audibly, lost in the present moment. The scent of his cologne travelling up and into your nose in the proximity you two shared right now. „we should-..probably get back to the party…“ he whispers slowly, involuntarily glancing at your lips while his palm moved from its hold on your cheek to the back of your neck. „mhmm“ you could only hum lightly in response, feeling your heart starting to beat faster, slowly rising to your tippy toes. Your face is slowly inching closer to his &  then you can feel his breath on your lips, eyes starting to close on their own accord, the two of you so close and right before your lips could touch - „Paarty time!“ one of Jeff's friend accidentally interrupts, tipsy shouting entering the rooftop. The two of you pull back immediately, not wanting him or anyone else to witness the kiss you almost shared. The friend walks obliviously towards Jeff. „man we thought you’ve left already!“ his word stuttered drunkenly. „No, I wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye“ he chuckles away as if  the moment you two just had never happened.
You had three more days in New York after that slip up before you finally left for Europe. Neither Jeff nor you mentioned the moment you two had together. After that night, and after you both finally sobered up, you convinced yourself that Jeff was too drunk to even remember what could have happened. His own thoughts were similar. Both of you far too scared to say something and ruin the time left. You were too embarrassed because Jeff had already started to date that girl he thought he liked, not to forget you were in a relationship with a boy you thought you were in love with . Both too cowardly to admit that there is indeed a spark there.
As your last day has come Jeff and his friend escorted you to the airport. „Man it will be so weird not having you around anymore y/n“ Jeffs friend said while driving through New York traffic. You looked out of the window in the backseat of the car. „I’m really gonna miss this..“ you stated, now slyly looking at Jeff, sitting in the passenger seat without returning your longing glances. In reality, what you would really miss..is him. You would miss his high pitched laugh, dark sense of humour and dry jokes, his warm and caring hugs and especially, his presence in your life. Not knowing if you would ever see him again or if you will ever come back to America again.
Jeff and his friend lead you to your gate, saying their goodbyes, promising to visit you in Italy someday, assuring that you’ll always be welcome if you decide to return. You hugged your new friend, who allowed you to stay in his apartment so graciously  before looking up at Jeff. „Come here..“ he says, opening his arms for your embrace. Your arms wrapped around his waist, his head resting atop of yours. You breathed in heavily, trying to hold back the inevitable tears. He stroked your back in comfort „I’m really gonna  miss you y/n/n..“ he conceded in a whisper. „me too..“ you admitted as well. „Promise me we will see each other again?“ Jeff asked, now looking down at you, while your own gaze travelled up to his eyes. You smiled sadly „I promise..“ you nodded with watery eyes. He hugged you again, saying your last goodbyes before you left to get your flight.
Jeff’s hair was slightly wet from the rain outside, a similar expression of shock on his face.„wow..uh, what?“ you let out, first to break the silence between you. „wow…“ he repeated dumbfounded. His hands were still resting holding onto your upper arms before he eventually raised them to his head in an act of disbelief. He shook his head, not sure if this was really happening right now, if it was really you in front of him. „I-„ you started again, but before you could keep talking he quickly forced you into a tight embrace.
His hands went back to your shoulders, still unsure if it was really you „This is insane..“  He muttered eventually, „it is..“ you confirmed. „How long has it been?“ Jeff was quick to ask while you still struggled to grasp the situation. „Almost 6 years..“ you uttered lightly.
„How’s Vince?“ he couldn’t help but ask with interest. „Oh...we uh, we broke up a while ago..“ you admitted, remembering your days in Italy. „oh I’m so sorry.“ the reply was sympathetic. „Yeah..how is Cierra?“ you asked in return, curious about the girl he started to see when you guys just met. Jeff glanced over into the living room, suddenly aware of all who were witnessing your reunion. „we also broke up a while ago..“. The information delivered with no emotions. You nodded lightly, unsure on how exactly to react or respond.
You checked your phone to look at what time it was, „I should probably go now..“ you mentioned, breaking the short moment of silence between you two. „Yeah..“ Jeff nodded, freeing your way to the exit. As made your very first step towards the door he stopped you by saying „Listen, before you go, can i get your num-“ before he could even end his sentence you interrupted „-just ask Natalie for it“ you informed him, „‚cause if you won’t, i’ll promise you that i will..“ you stepped closer to the door while teasing. „I’m not gonna lose touch with you again Wittek..“ you reveal and he chuckles.
Just when you were reaching for the front door again Jeff stopped you „y/n..“ you turn to look back at him, seeing that his stretched out hand held an umbrella „Here, take this..“ he demands softly „S’shitty weather out there..“ he adds with a little knowing smirk.
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