#i still love the more magical and unrealistic aspects of sailor moon
alevolpe · 4 months
The way you write the girls is oddly comforting to me. It makes them feel like less of otherworldly beings, but teenagers trying to navigate their way through life. Which is beautiful in a sense.
Your writing inspires me a lot with my own characters, so please keep doing what you're doing.
If you feel that way toward my take on the girls then that is telling me that I'm doing a great job, thank you!! Srly thank you!
The senshi are all people to me, first and foremost! Yes, Sailor Jupiter is cool! She controls lightning! She can beat up bad guys even harder than regular Mako! She has a frigging DRAGON MADE OF LIGHTING!!
But when I think back on the girls, how I see them, how they make me feel, they are always Usagi, Ami, Rei, Mako, Mina, Haruka and Michiru to me.
People who went through a life like mine, like many other people's, they have flaws, they have preferences, they have bad memories, good memories, they can be lazy, generous, unfair, kind, rude, needy, overly emotional, all of it! They are people.
That is one of the reasons I make it such a point of differentiating them from their past 'selves'. They will be many Sailor Mars', she'll keep being reborn over and over, but there's only 1 Rei. One perfect, beautiful Rei Hino, who was shaped by her experiences and the people around her. There will never be another Rei quite like her.
I really want to drill how important these girls are, especially to each other! Mina's not fighting for a stupid Moon monarchy or another 'who tf knows who she's gonna be' Sailor Moon, she's fighting for Usagi, for all the girls who were there for her as friends, companions and her lover. When in extreme and tragic situations, do you think the girls still keep up the rouse and refer to her as Jupiter? NO! An emotional Usagi is going to scream Mako's name. Because MAKO is who truly matters to Usagi.
This is kind of why I cannot stand the 'duty' talk that is ever so present in the manga.
It undermines how important the girls' HUMAN lives are. Why worry so much about your teammate if you know they'll reincarnate exactly how they are now (which is totally how it works btw, pls do not look up nature vs nurture... Even if u had a clone of yourself, if your life didn't go EXCATLY, AND I MEAN EXACTLY, how it went til now, you'd have a totally different version of yourself).
There will be many more Sailor Mercurys, there's 1 Ami Mizuno. Saeko Mizuno is waiting for her daughter to come back late in the night, praying for Ami to be safe and sound.
If you're more interested in a more magical story about magical girls, that is totally fair! It's just not my focus on my version of sm.
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