#i still need to get labs done bc i didn't have time today (they planned to but i had somewhere to be)
pinkpeccary · 2 years
okay but actually anyone in northern indiana trying to do gender transition stuff the place i went to i can very highly recommend
aside from being slightly behind in their schedule (i was waiting about 10-15 minutes after my appointment time to actually be seen) everything was great. i talked to the doctor for ~20 minutes total and most of that was about preference on how i wanted hrt / questions i had about it (it was all informed consent so whether i was getting it wasn't even in question).
she also told me they had a therapist in house to write surgery letters and could help with changing gender markers, and overall the whole place felt super safe and comfortable to be in
10/10 very glad i went
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studentbyday · 8 months
day 10 // 100dop++
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i had originally planned to do schoolwork today, but excitement quickly turned to anxiety regarding lab prep bc i feel like i'm so out of my depth, so that was my focus for today 🙃 i told myself i would nap in the afternoon bc only half my brain cells are functioning today, butttt that didn't happen.
i still can't quite believe i'm actually gonna be doing bioinformatics work at a lab! 😁😄🤩 i've been dreaming about this day since i started uni! 😊🤓
👩🏻‍🎓 study stats (50/10): 🍅🍅🍅 (i stopped counting after this cuz it was getting annoying)
journal and/or meditate ✅
physio ✅
watch video about ms-based proteomics ✅ (halfway through!)
read 1 article on R packages for lab ✅ (idk, might have to refer back to it? unless the docs are more up to date)
practice using the package (try to make the figures in the article) ✅ (ugh it was supposed to come with a dataset on installation, but it didn't - found it in the repo after a long while of being confused and thinking i had done smth wrong. several more minutes of confusion later, i found the code for the figures in the article and it works [freaking finally after pretty much everything not working before], so now i just need to figure out what each function does and why they use it and not some other thing 😣 I really hope the actual lab work will be less confusing than this! 😫)
work on unit 6/18 (integrated math 1) ✅ (finished watching videos in the 1st of 3 sections)
one package down (sort of), one more to go! ✊🏻
📰 media on my mind:
beating the winter blues (i actually tried these tips and they really do work for me 😊 who knew all i needed was more sunlight and to keep warm[er]? attempting for as warm as i feel during spring/summer months and even warmer if it's that time of the month 🧥🧣🧤 hopefully you find it helpful too if it's winter where you are 😊)
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paigemathews · 1 year
Annnd, that's a wrap on watching this disaster today, so here's my thoughts on episode ten (Keep Calm and Harry On):
reenactment of my reaction to the beginning of the episode:
Me: DRAGON My sister: EVIL dragon Me: DRAGON 😍😍😍
okay, but how the fuck do they know that Morningstar BioTech connects with any demonic plot at all? Parker's demonic reveal doesn't inherently connect to the lab at all, except to the AUDIENCE bc of the Julia Wagner reveal that the sisters shouldn't know about
yeah, they figure out that connection but only after believing there's a connection there for? some reason? bc the show needed it, I guess?
Mel making jokes literally seconds after they think Harry will be trapped forever is not a good look
Also her giving advice to Maggie about heartbreak would be good if it weren't for the fact that, y'know. she literally didn't even grieve for Niko for more than five seconds
why does that page in the book of the shadows look like a bullet journal spread
Macy, babe, ily so much as the only good character, but why are you showing off your telekinesis in a public place instead of like. your house. or the lab. or literally anywhere that is not public and full of people
they are literally prepare for anything but their plan for not getting caught being in the office is pretending to be caught making out in there??? what the fuck is this are they trying to get fired
I... do not like that Macy's virginity is this big of a deal to literally everyone, man. Can we just. normalize being a virgin in your twenties? Not everyone wants to have casual sex. Hell, some people want to wait even in longterm relationships, I don't understand why television (and ppl for that matter) need to be so fucking weird about it
I get why Mel's upset, but babe, there is a difference between Charity being heartless about Harry and being practical about the dangers of releasing the Harbringer of Hell into demonic hands. (Y'know since it cost an innocent his life last time, if you'd wanna remember that, Mel? Since an innocent man is still thought to be a fucking serial killer who killed himself.)
The Dark Master is the dumbest name ever lmao. Also idk why they did his face with CGI when they could've done a significantly better job with like. make-up and special effects
This weird miscommunication tropes is so annoying between Parker and the sisters, like ugh. I don't like how they're doing it even a little.
Jada is so cool, omg. Also I'm fucking obsessed with her style, gimme.
Yes, I did see Niko taking pictures of them and Galvin's reveal to Macy that she and Maggie apparently share a father. I just don't really care.
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themarcusmoreno · 5 years
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an: this doesn’t have a read more bc i don’t know how to do them tbh AND i’m posting from mobile. any errors present are yet again my own. i tried to give my dumbass, baby boy javier what i took away in timing is everything. i suggest listening to this version of the song that inspired the title and i hope that you guys enjoy it, i’m proud of this one. i left this with a possiblity for more, if that’s something you’d like to see let me know! feedback is welcome! //// tagging: @spacedadheadcanons, @bonkybaaarnes, @callingmrsbarnes, @buckywiththegoodglare, @drakecaggiula91, @thatsonehellofajedi, @mando-vibes, @i-like-those-odds, @i-am-forever-a-fan, @fvckingavengers, @ikeatwins776
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You found becoming a DEA agent to be an easy task, falling into the training and field work like they were second nature. You made a name for yourself, eager to the fight and quick to solve the issues presented to you. So, when the opportunity came for you to take an open post in Colombia, in Bogotá, you took it. Transportig your life to the new country seemed easy enough but finding your place amongst the senior agents proved troublesome, especially when Javier Peña seemed to be involved. You'd been placed with him and his partner, Steve Murphy. Where Steve had warmed up to you quickly, Javier stayed distant and cold. Every bit the asshole you had been warned he would be.
Over the coming months, you saw small breaks in the persona the man presented. Whether it was when you joined he and Steve for drinks after a particularly rough day or at the "family dinners" that Connie held once a week. You, even in the briefest of moments, got to see a different side of him. One that showed the crinkle of his face as he laughed at one of the jokes Steve shared, the warmth of his smile as he watched Connie with the Murphy’s little girl and even the lingering glance he'd give you as you told stories about your early days as an agent. A smirk played on his lips every time he saw you home safely and bid you goodnight.
"You know if you keep this up I may think you actually like me or something, Peña." A smile spreads across you face as you lean against the doorway of your apartment.
"Now what would give you that idea?" Javier has a smile of his own as watches you, arms crossed over his chest and head tilted upward ever so slighty.
You chuckle and roll your eyes, turning to disappear into your quiet home. "Goodnight, Javier."
A brief wave of somethig like sadness fills his chest as he watces you turn away, his arm aching to reach out and grasp yours but instead he is met with the soft click of your door. "Yeah.. goodnight, cariña." He mumbles, sighing and rubbing his jaw before he backs away to head to his own place just a floor below.
In the coming weeks, you saw more of that change in Javier. Once in him lingering near the entrance of the office long after finishing his cigarette, fresh cup of coffee in hand for the both of you. You hid the soft smile that crept on to your face at the gesture behind your cup, walking along with him as he explaied yet another lead in the hunt for Escobar. You saw it again in him seeking you out after another raid had failed and your team had lost four men. You'd be alone, gathering your own thoughts when the knocking at the door had pulled you from your silence. Wiping your face quickly, you opened the door to him standing there looking no better than you felt. His jaw clenched and eyes tired as he took your appearance in slowly.
"Mind if I come in?" The softness of his request betraying the way his features held such frustration. You gave a slight nod and made your way back to the chair you'd previously occupied. When he speaks again there's something in his tone you can't quite place, concern maybe. "I couldn't find you when we got back. You disappeared and nobody saw where you went. I thought you'd left. I needed - wanted to make sure you were okay."
You were silent a few seconds before you brought your gaze to his, fresh tears threatening to spill. "Would you be? I lost men, Jav. I lost four good men because of a fucking raid I planned." There's a bite to your words, not at the man in front you but at the pain in knowing you'd cost someone their life for something you believed in, something you trusted. A wave of nausea brought you to your feet, the emotions overwhelming. You let the tears fall, not noticing the gentle pressure of Javier's hand on your arm as he pulled you close. You didn't fight him, instead you turned into him and gave yourself over to the sobs that racked your body.
"Easy, cariña. Easy." Javier rubbed the small of your back, holding you close and letting you cry. His heart broke for the pain you felt and the thought of the guilt you carried. "What happen.. What happen today, it wasn't your fault. The best laid plans fall apart every fucking day and I know that better than anyone else. So does Steve. But this, this raid and what happen to those men wasn't your fault. You want someone to blame, you blame me. Not yourself, me. Understand?"
You listened to him, your tears slowing as spoke to you. Firm but gentle. When you did't respond he said your name softly, repeating his question. "Blame me, no one else. Understand?" He gave you gentle squeeze, words slightly muffled by your hair as he rested his chin against you.*You nodded slowly, pulling away from his tear strained shirt, and answering. "I understand but - "
"No buts. You did your job well today and thats what matters for now. Losing men is never easy but we recover, come back harder the next time and you can bet we will. Harder and faster than this time. We'll avenge the fallen and take that bastard Escobar down a peg or two when we do." Javier looks over your face, absentmindedly reaching to brush a stray tear from your cheek. He lets his hand linger before he shakes his head a little and steps back. "You should take the day. I'll get your reports done. Just go home and rest, yeah?"
You don't stop him as he pulls away, don't reach out fo him the way you want, instead you nod slowly and wrap your arms around yourself to savor the bit of his warmth left. "Are you sure, Jav?"
"Positive, miel. Go home, rest and I'll check on you when I get done here." He gives you a soft smile, not hesitating to reach out and brush your hair from your face. "Maybe I'll bring food too."
"Nothing you cook though because I want to survive the night." You smirk, laughing at his look of shock. "Sorry, you're a great agent but a shit cook." When he grumbles a response, you just shake your head and press a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Jav." You squeeze his arm and smile, glancing back at him before you step out into the hallway.
He feels it then, the unsteady beating of his heart as he watches you leave. The feel of your lips still on his cheek and your scent lingering on his shirt, he knows what it is but he won't say it, at least not aloud. He just sighs, "Shit..."
The month that follows is different, you can't place it but something is different between you and Javier. He's more attentive, checks in on you more frequently. Lingering touches, soft smiles and few too many quiet moments shared for you to keep ignoring whatever may be there growing between the two of you. You don't get to bring it up to him, address the elephant in the room, before another wave of information comes in. Leads you needed to help the raid you, Javier and Steve were planning. Though leery to go out again, your partners encouragement had you eager to finally put a dent in the armor Pablo Escobar thought he wore.
"We've get every possibly scenario covered. Too many guards, too few guards. Nothing in the lab, something in the lab. Civilians present, no civilians present. I'm not saying it's perfect but its about the best damn plan we've had in a while." Steve looks up from the map to the small gathering of men, including you.
"Doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful. Expect the unexpected, I don't want another repeat of last time." Your arms cross over your chest as you look at everything spread across the table. “Everyone gets a vest, everyone has a partner. You watch each others back. We work quickly, we get home faster."
"Well you heard her. Date prisa, go get the gear and be out front in ten." Javier gives your arm a firm squeeze and winks before he joins the other men leaving the room.
You feel his gaze on you before you speak, sighing as you look at Steve. “What Murph?"
"You gonna tell him?" Steve quirks an eyebrow as he pops his gum and rocks on his heels.
Your breath catches and you brush it off as a cough as you start to speak again. "I don't know what you mean. There's nothing to tell anyone."
Steve scoffs, shaking his head as he gathers things from the table. "Uh huh. You keep telling yourelf that, darlin.” He smiles and squeezes your shoulder, "If it helps, he feels the same way. I've been that asshole's partner long enough to know when he's fallen for someone and that someone happens to be you." He heads towards the door, glancing back once more. "Just... Just don't wait too long to tell him. With our job, we aren't always promised tomorrow. But I told him the same thing and so far no one has made a move.”
You hesitate in the now quiet room and let Steve's words sink. Whatever you felt, Javier felt it too. You wouldn't wait past today, you'd tell him as soon as you could. "I'll tell him tonight." With vocal confirmation, you nodded to yourself and went out to join your men.
Javier had been right that day in the office as he held you close, the best laid plans really do fall apart and its usually in the worst of ways. There had been an ambush waiting, a leak from your own department tipping the guards off. You were all outnumbered before you even got there, but when you did you gave them hell. Losing two of your own men as they worked to stop the assault. When the man you'd paired yourself with was taken down, you felt the fear of not making it set in. It make you hyper aware, but not enough. Javier had covered your six after your partner went down, keeping an eye on Steve as well. That's how he saw him, lurking just out of your peripheral vision and coming up fast. The solid body crashing into you was enough to distract you from the shots but when the body didn't hurriedly move, you knew something was wrong. You shifted enough and the body of your protector landed beside you, causing him to groan lowly. You could see the blood pooling slowly, panic rising as your eyes traveled up to his face. Javier.
"Steve, fuck! Steve, get some medic here. Javi is shot, he's bleeding out!" You look around for Steve, locking eyes with him as he brings his walkie to his mouth.
"Necesito abulancia. Oficial de policía abajo." He listens to the feedback and curses. "Goddamnit! They're ten minutes out, he got that long?"
You survey the area of the pooling blood, grimacing at the pained sound Javier produces. "Maybe.. I can't be sure. He took a couple rounds, looks like they went through but its not good. It doesn't look good, Murph." You feel the familar burn of tears as they start to form. Steve's voice fading away as you look down to the soft call of your name. "Jav? Take it easy for me, okay? Try not to move."
Javier blinks softly, the vision of you him above edged in darkness. "Mi sol.." He winces, grasping at your hand as you press it against the wounds. "Oh mi sol, I'm sorry."
His sun. You blink back tears as you look him, cupping his face carefully with your free hand. "Javier, why? Why would you do this?" You don't hold back, letting the tears fall freely. The sound of the ambulance outside not pulling you from the moment. "Javi, why? I don't - I can't lose you now."
Javier smiles, its weak and fading but he smiles as he squeezes you hand and starts to lose consciousness. "This.. This is about keeping you alive." When he starts to drift off, he hears hurried spanish and your cries.
A week. Javier Peña lays in a drug induced coma for a week before he starts to become aware again. Its slow at first, a groan that has you gathering a nurse then a few mumbled curses as starts to fully wake up. You watch him drink slowly from the cup of offered water. Closing his eyes again before he slowly opens them once more to scan the room, you hear his breath catching softly as he looks at you. You don't hear the nurse leave, you don't feel yourself move until your close to his side and his hand is in yours. The warm, tan skin familiar and welcome in your grasp.
You get choked up as you start to speak, the reassuring squeeze of his hand in yours bring the words forward. "I.. I thought I lost you."
Javier's voice comes out soft, raspy from lack of use. "Can't kill me if they wanted to, miel. I'm too fucking stubborn to die." He laughs and grimaces, shifting in the bed for you to have room to sit.
You reach up, rubbing his cheek gently once you finally join him. "Well you at least got the stubborn part right." You tease, wiping your eyes as you look at him. Stubble lines his jaw and chin, his hair unkempt and you know he's never looked better. Never looked more alive.
"What's on your mind?" He questions, running his thumb over your knuckles as he watches your eyes shift over him.
"Do you remember what you said? Before you blacked out?" You work your lip between your teeth before he slowly reaches up and pulls it free.
"Si." He cups your cheek, no hesitation in his movements. "Por qué?"
"What did you mean? 'This is about keeping you alive.' What does that mean?" You lean into his hand, savoring the feel of him against your skin.
Javier shifts, taking his hand from your face and wincing he sits up more. When he's finally up and stable, he leans in presses a soft kiss to your lips. Sighing against your mouth as you return his affection, he breaks the kiss and rest your foreheads together. "It means that I can't picture my life without you in it and I don't want to. I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you that, to tell you I love you."
You smile, matching his own as you kiss him again. "Glad to know it takes almost dying to get you to confess your feelings." You joke, closing your eyes and basking in the moment with Javier. "I love you too and I'm not going anywhere."
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