#i still need to get off my ass and set up my prints! augh
shirozora-draws · 11 months
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So here we are after a month and a half of sketching out the kind of merch I want to feed my hyperfixation. Not every initial thought survived and I won't touch acrylic standees until a later round, but right now I want to get these done and in my hands by fall of this year.
This is a Brand New Horizon and only intended to be a side project, so bear with me while I figure out how this shit works.
If interested in anything, please fill out this form I slapped together on Google in an hour.
(We'll, uh, revisit art prints at a later date, maybe after I finish Gravity Well and update The Stars)
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cwdcshows · 4 years
The Flash - S6 E10 - Marathon
Man, the recap for this episode is all of the reasons they should have started the seasons on each of the shows with Crisis; it feels like forever since any of this other shit happened and I barely remember or care about any of it. So wait, Jitters is celebrating the crisis being over - but how?  No one remembers Crisis except those at the dawn of time or their memories being restored by J'Onn. I mean, there'd probably be at least $100 in the til at the start of the day, right?  Not much, but how much cash does this tiny coffee shop do in one day otherwise?  It's not like anyone robbing it would be walking off with tens of thousand of dollars or anything; they could maybe make off with a grand tops.  Plus, they say they've "just opened," but clearly some people have ordered and presumably paid, unless the employee is handing out freebies to the first dozen customers.
Yeah, dipshit, you're robbing a coffee shop in the town where the Flash lives and works, what the hell did you think was going to happen? Ah, yes, Iris' new oh so important news article.  Where to start?  A) Flash didn't disappear during crisis, at least as far as anyone else was aware.  Sure he ended up at Vanishing Point for a while, but that was after Earth 1 was gone; and at no other point was there really any noticeable absence of the Flash to go with the original concept that he vanished during Crisis or need to specify his return, since he didn't really go anywhere.  B) Once again, no one is supposed to remember that Crisis happened, unless they're now referring to the moment the Anti-monitor attacked for all of two minutes and got taken down by some handguns and a shrink bomb.  And C) Flash saves the day?  Flash.  Well, I guess fuck you, Oliver.... Diggle!  ....Eh.... Sorry man, I know Oliver would be all smiles about seeing you, but it feels a little soon after you series ended for you to pop up in a show a week later.   And is it right after the finale episode or sometime during that transitional period?  Because he's talking about still packing boxes and getting ready to move and I was under the impression that he had finished with that by the end of the episode, but maybe not.  More importantly, is this before or after his encounter with an ominous green glowing object that may or may not have been a power ring? This is the second mention of Diggle moving to Metropolis, is this supposed to be setting up John being part of the new Superman series? Augh, and here we go with Barry tilting at windmills, because there's genuinely nothing better to do...   Seeing as how they reminded us of the other two employees at Iris' paper working together, obviously this episode is going to focus more on them than Barry. Wait, if a prototype and an employee go missing at the same time and someone says the missing employee's background looks fishy, why the fuck wouldn't you believe him?  Just the fact that they both went missing at the same time is suspicious; and if there's any proof to further warrant that suspicion, why wouldn't you at least entertain the notion? What?  How is this fucking "reporter territory?" and is there nothing in between Joe sitting around with his thumb up his ass and launching a fucking Rico investigation?  There are legitimate crimes being committed that they could be investigating in their own right; and if in the course of that investigation they find enough proof of conspiracy, you apply the necessary resources. To Cecile's point, if they don't have enough evidence for the police to move forward with, it seems kind of irresponsible for a newspaper to start printing something that is at least partly speculation.  I mean, they'll more than likely turn out completely right about every assumption they've made, based on the least amount of evidence, but that's more due to lazy writing for the series.  In any other circumstance there's every possibility that they might get at least some details wrong.   How is this magic gun shooting through the outside of the office without first damaging the exterior wall of the office....? Is Cisco still Vibe?  They made a big deal about the Monitor making Cisco Vibe again during Crisis, but they they didn't even seem to need his powers during Crisis, or barely used them if they did; and since he wasn't at the dawn of time either and is therefore a version of Cisco who never physically lived through Crisis, he shouldn't have his powers.... God, Crisis is the cluster fuck that keeps on giving.  It's become the herpes of crossovers. Why is Nash?  I know that's not really much of a sentence, let alone a questions; and yet it pretty much sums up everything that crosses my mind when he's on the screen.  Why is this the version of Wells they're going with now?  Why is he going to be permanent Wells they go with, en lieu of a multiverse from which to plumb the infinite depths of others Wells?  Why couldn't it have been Harry?  A version of Wells already established, that the audience likes and has a rapport with the other characters that can be friendly, but still abrasive?  What is the point of any of this?  He wasn't even at the Dawn of time and shouldn't exist post-reboot. Why is Nash? How exactly did Nash becoming Pariah accomplish anything for his atonement?  They did even less with that than Cisco becoming Vibe again. But for that matter, does Nash really deserve the level of blame he's gotten?  He was doing what Oliver was basically trying to do; and to some degree the Flash too.  Oliver was at a point where he was determined to undermined the Monitor and find a way to stop him to prevent Crisis; and while Barry wasn't quite as active about it, he wasn't exactly against the idea - none of them were.  And the fact that most of the characters knew that Crisis was happening before  it was supposedly triggered by Nash opening the vault or whatever it was, kind of makes it a paradox that might have been unavoidable. This again is where it would have made more sense for Harry to be responsible for awakening the Anti-Monitor through some experimental work he was doing; and then trying to find a way to rectify his mistake, but all this bullshit putting the blame on Nash - who only really has memories of doing these things, since he technically didn't physically experience them, since Crisis never happened.  Which there again, "Nash" Wells shouldn't exist on this Earth, because in a timeline where there is no multiverse and Crisis never actually happened, there'd be no Nash Wells.  If anything Nash should have died during Crisis and have the discover that in this reset reality the real Harrison Wells is alive and wells. Or Harry. So Harry and Jesse are effectively dead and apart from Cisco casually throwing that out there, it doesn't seem like anyone on the show actually cares. How does a hologram from a version of Harrison Wells who in this new timeline never existed....exist....? Seriously, how long after the attack did it finally occur to Iris that the attack happened shortly after she confronted that CEO? "I never miss twice." I mean, except you did.... You missed Iris in her office and again later in the parking garage..... So they're going to wrap up this elaborate conspiracy theory and meta-cabal or whatever after an episode an a half, split up between a bunch of other bullshit and like 3 or 4 months of a gap since the last time this was brought up?  They're not going to do anything else with? *sigh* So is Frost basically immortal or damn near close to it? Oh for fuck sake, make up your mind.  When Cisco and Caitlin talked about how Cisco had been given his powers back again, I took that to mean he did still in fact have his powers; and that he was having difficulty working out whether to get rid of them again or keep them.  Now he's saying he doesn't have his powers, so when did he lose them or?  Or did the reboot of the universe mean he never got them back and he just remembers getting them back? I called Cisco leaving, but the way they're doing it is kind of open ended and ambiguous as to whether he's actually going to be gone gone or if he's just sort of less involved and we occasionally see him for an update on his research or something, like how he spent time away last season to work on the meta-human cure.  Given the preview for this episode shown the previous week, I had the impression that one of the characters had been erased from history and that it would turn out to be Cisco and they'd explore what that might mean for him, but that's clearly not the case here with Cisco.  And I'm starting to think it's going to turn out Ralph was erased from history, seeing as we haven't seen him or anyone mention him; so I'm expecting him to pop-up at the end of the episode and everyone be like, "Oh, yeah.....we forgot you exist...." Why would anyone go to the trouble naming a door the mirror inverse of their wife's name?  I mean, I suppose it helps reversed it looks like a room number, but it's kind of like making your password "password" when it comes to subtlety when hiding shady shit; plus they continued the convention by numbering the other doors using the same convention.  So what, the big bad CEO said, "I'm going to hide something in this random room in the middle of the hallway that has something to do with my wife.  And because it has to do with my wife, I'm going label it using her name, but reversed; because her name in a mirror is AV3.  So name the doors before it AV2 and 1 and doors after it AV4 and so on." "Uh sir, what if that room hadn't been the 3rd door?" "Fuck you, that's what." And don't you just love how for no fucking reason Iris took notice of this other door that as far as she or anyone else could tell, was just another door along that hallway?  And she ties it all together with the random last breath comment by her informant about "mirror" which of course is going to turn out to be completely unrelated to the door number. It could have been the fucking broom closet for all she knew, but no, she has a reporter sense or some bullshit, so not only she immediately right about the elaborate conspiracy she's uncovered on the first guess with the least amount of evidence, she's God damn prescient. Wait, she just happened to have that little dodad she found on the dead guy months ago on her?  That thing looked like a fancy button off a coat or something, what would give her the idea that she could use it as some sort of magic key?
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