#i still remember Jay posting it on Facebook and her friend commenting they didn’t know Louis was having a kid lol
releaseholiday · 2 years
Nope. Not watching it either. In fact I can’t imagine how hard it will be for Louis to sit in a theater with his friends and family while he plays fake dad on the screen - no matter how long it is. That has to be mortifying. And then how do you pretend for all the people that don’t know it’s a lie? Possibly even some extended family? What a weird place to be in.
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foundcarcosa · 6 years
Is there anything that you and your friends simply can’t agree on? >> I mean, probably? We’re all different people from wildly different backgrounds with different experiences and paradigms and ways of understanding the world, so of course there are likely to be things we just don’t agree on. I try not to make a habit of focusing on those things unless they are directly detrimental to our ability to be harmonious with each other.
Who were your last 3 Facebook messages from and what do they say? >> One is from Sparrow’s mother, which was annoying for several reasons. One was me and Elle talking about my OC, Logan Luxurian (sometimes I think about reverting him back to being the Host of Greed or Wrath because “Logan Avaritian” and “Logan Iritian” both sounded way cooler and less like a stupid porn name than this one does...) and her OC, Siran, who are forever schmoopily in love. And the last was from one of my cousins, who is one of those older people on facebook that send chain IMs and post about Jesus all the time.
Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? What does the comment say? >> The last comment I got was Jay saying “same” to a comic I posted.
Is there a song that always makes you cry whenever you hear it? >> You bet your sweet fuckin ass there is. More like 50 songs, tbh. I’ll give you a few examples: I Know It’s Gonna Happen Someday (David Bowie), These Things (Fuel), Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers, and only that version), Stoppa mig Juni / Stop Me June (kent), Nothing As It Seems (Pearl Jam) -- okay I’m stopping here because just thinking about that last one and why my relationship with it is the way it is fucked me up just now.
When will you next go out drinking? >> God, I wish I fuckin knew.
What are 3 reasons you’ve smiled or laughed most recently? >> A particular survey answer I read, a meme I saw on facebook, and hearing Sparrow leave her room because she’d released the toilet demon and couldn’t sleep. (The half-bath’s toilet runs intermittently for like an hour and a half after flushing, because fuck this apartment complex, that’s why.)
Who was your last Tumblr message from and what does it say? >> It was from one of my mutuals with the url to her personal blog.
Can you remember who your closest friend was 10 years ago? Do you still speak to that person? >> I don’t know that I had any close friends in 2008. Maybe Anubis? I don’t even remember who-all was in Xibalba at that time... oh, wait, I think Vengeance was still around.
Think about your ex, your crush, or the person you’re currently dating. Were you attracted to that person as soon as you met them, or did the attraction develop over time? >> I mean, I’ve met most of the people I dated in recent memory on the internet, so no, it’s not like an instant thing.
Is there anything you’ve wanted to do recently, that you haven’t been able to? >> Nothing specific that I can pinpoint. Aside from just getting out of here.
Will you be spending the night with the last person you kissed? >> I mean, we live in the same apartment.
Where was the last place you went on holiday? >> New Orleans.
Do you turn your phone off at night when you go to sleep? >> No.
What are the initials of the last person that texted you? >> SC.
Who was the last person to post on your Facebook wall/timeline? What does the post say? >> Oh, I don’t know. Most people don’t post directly to my wall, they just tag me in things.
Which do you use the most, smiley faces, kisses or hearts? >> I use various kinds of smiley faces the most.
Describe the last person who put their arms around you. >> I don’t even know how to “describe” people. Describe what?
What’s the closest thing to you that’s red? >> I’m not sure and I’m not willing to turn the light on just to find out.
What are the 3 objects closest to you? >> Various stuffed animals. Also, my phone.
Is the last person you texted older or younger than you? >> Younger.
Are there any conversations going on in the room right now, that you’re not involved in? >> No.
What is the sexual orientation of the last person you talked to? >> In meatspace, bi. In headspace, uh...... lmao
Describe the last strange dream that you recall having. >> I’ve forgotten what my last remembered dream was, period.
What is it that you want, more than anything else in the world? >> I don’t know. I just... I don’t know.
What’s the last thing you said to the last person you kissed? >> I don’t remember.
Have you ever kissed the last person who Facebook messaged you? >> No.
Have you ever had an ask on Tumblr that was too embarrassing for you to answer? >> No. That’d be interesting.
List the last 5 things you had to eat. >> A McChicken, french fries, a veggie burger and broccoli slaw eaten out of the bag like chips, chicken enchilada soup, and the rest of my Voodoo chips.
Do you like dark, milk or white chocolate best? >> Dark chocolate is the only chocolate I like at all.
Is your handwriting neat? >> It can be.
If you had to choose, which would you give up - your phone or your computer? >> I’d give up my phone way easier than I’d give up my computers.
What’s your honest opinion of the last person you had a conversation with? >> My honest opinion of Can Calah is that he’s the most important person in my life and I can’t deal with anything in this world or in this brain without him.
Would you feel okay about going to your parents for advice about sex and contraception? >> No.
Is there any kind of food or drink that you used to love, but now hate? >> Probably, but I can’t think of it when prompted.
Do you have any moles, ‘beauty spots’ or birthmarks? >> I mean, maybe. I’m not entirely sure.
Think back to four months ago. Were you single, or in a relationship? >> I was in relationships.
If you’re in a relationship, what is it that you love best about the person you’re with? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? >> Oh brother.
Have you slept in a bed with the last person you kissed? >> Yes.
If the person you miss came into the room right now, what do you think would happen? >> first of all HOW in the PLUPERFECT FUCK did you manage a spatial-contortion trick like THAT (and can you teach me)
What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told anyone? >> I don’t know.
Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever kissed someone? >> On a balcony of an abandoned house...? Probably.
Do you and your sibling(s) look alike? >> No.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? >> Yes.
What’s your favourite hairstyle on the opposite sex? >> I don’t care.
What’s the closest thing to you that has glitter on it? >> I don’t think there’s anything glittery in this room. I don’t like glitter around me because of how contagious it is.
Has anyone ever played a prank on you? What happened? >> I don’t think so.
Do you tend to go with your head or your heart most of the time? >> I’d prefer not to think of emotions and logic as being separate impulses. It’s a synergistic system.
Do you like sweet or salty popcorn? >> I don’t much care for popcorn, period. But there’s that dark chocolate-drizzled salty kettle corn kinda stuff that this one company makes that I will definitely eat too much of in one sitting.
What are you going to do when you’ve finished on the computer? >> If I’m finished on the computer it means I’m either switching to my phone or going to sleep, real talk.
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thecosydragon · 7 years
My latest blog post from the cosy dragon: Interview with Christopher Slayton
An Interview with Christopher Slayton, author of Chaos Company
Everyone has a ‘first novel’, even if many of them are a rough draft relegated to the bottom and back of your desk drawer (or your external harddrive!). Have you been able to reshape yours, or have you abandoned it for good?
I’m glad you asked! I’ve had a rough draft of my first attempt at book writing still saved in my files and I’m currently finishing it in hopes to have it published this fall! I wrote the first few pages back in 2009 while in college but didn’t feel confident to write a full manuscript for it. The story follows a young man who is forced to become a masked vigilante after his brother, a gun-wielding batman-like hero suddenly dies. I think with the complexity I wanted to put into this story was more than I was able to handle then. I believe that after writing Chaos Company I have what it takes to deliver a complex story within my first manuscript.
Some authors are able to pump out a novel a year and still be filled with inspiration. Is this the case for you, or do you like to let an idea percolate for a couple of years in order to get a beautiful novel?
Well, the truth is I know I have a number of stories from start to finish I can’t wait to get to! I even have a dozen of them outlined! I can’t speak for other writers, but inspiration isn’t a problem for me. I try to find it everywhere, from current events and life experience to traveling. The biggest issue for me is time. Until a year ago I didn’t have the time to write, mostly because after working a 40hr/week job, exercising and being social I didn’t have enough to put my ideas down. But now since I work for myself I have the time needed to put my ideas into writing.
I have heard of writers that could only write in one place – then that cafe closed down and they could no longer write! Where do you find yourself writing most often, and on what medium (pen/paper or digital)?
I often write on my laptop either in my bedroom or the living room. That being said I have written in other places such as the common area of my former college, and even at my old job while I was on break. Heck, I’ve even written when I was on vacation in Spain lol. To me there isn’t really a special place for me to write. There is however a mindset I like to put myself in through music in order to write. For example, if I’m writing a lot of dialogue I like to be listening to alternative rock or instrumental music, and when it comes to me writing action scenes I find it easier to do so while listening to hardrock or EDM.
Before going on to hire an editor, most authors use beta-readers. How do you recruit your beta-readers, and choose an editor? Are you lucky enough to have loving family members who can read and comment on your novel?
Unfortunately I can’t trust my family to read for me because most of them see critiquing me as them being rude. When it comes to beta-readers I have only one. Her name is Tessa. She’s been a friend of mine for seven years now and I can trust her to not only tell me exactly how she feels about my work, but also provide ways on how I can improve on a story. I trusted her taste in storytelling and her suggestions when I had her take a look at Chaos Company, and I know I can trust her going forward.
Now when it comes to hiring an editor I am very picky on whom I choose. I got lucky with Chaos Company. Before being let go with publisher Desert Breeze Publishing they had already edited my book for me and had spent over five months and two editors on the project. But now that I am on my own again I’ve learned to ask various questions before hiring an editor, and have them edit a chapter of my work before hiring them. That way I know what I’ll be getting from when they are working on an entire manuscript.
I walk past bookshops and am drawn in by the smell of the books – ebooks simply don’t have the same attraction for me. Does this happen to you, and do you have a favourite bookshop? Or perhaps you are an e-reader fan… where do you source most of your material from?
I am an e-reader. My mom got me a device years ago and I’ve been using it ever since. That being said, I am a sucker for having a physical book in my hand from time to time. I usually get my physical copies from amazon and the same for ebooks.
I used to find myself buying books in only one genre (fantasy) before I started writing this blog. What is your favourite genre, and do you have a favourite author who sticks in your mind from:
1. childhood? – Dr. Suess. His work was and still is a great stepping stone for young readers. I could do without the films made from his work though lol
2. adolescence? – R.L. and the Goosebump books. Especially the choose your own adventure stories. I remember when I choose the wrong page and quickly flipping back to the previous page to try again! I also remember reading the Halo series based on the video game because I wasn’t allowed to play those games as a kid so I thought reading the stories was the next best thing.
3. young adult? – The Alex Rider novels by Anthony Horowitz. That series really got me through high school and inspired me to try my hand at writing, which I would later fall in love with. I read somewhere that Mr. Horowitz wrote a James Bond novel and I can’t wait to get to it!
4. adult? – As a fan of The Walking Dead show and Graphic novels I am currently making my way through the tie-in novels for the comics. The novels are written by series creator Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga who both do an excellent job portraying a dreadful and cruel world in these stories. I’m almost done the second book now and am grateful to have 6 more books in the series to go!
All that being said, I am a sucker for a good action novel. If it has anything to do with spies, bad-ass one man armies, super heroes or epic individuals, I am all over it!
Social media is a big thing, much to my disgust! I never have enough time myself to do what I feel is a good job. How do you manage it?
If I’m being honest I don’t spend too much time on social media. I have a facebook and twitter account so that’s about it. And my facebook is used mostly for personal reasons, which only leaves me with twitter to promote myself and my work. I may put 2hrs towards social media a month because I just don’t have the time for it right now. With my schedule the way it is and how many projects I want to release by next year I have to put social media on the back burner. When it comes to twitter I at times feel like I’m just yelling into a void hoping people catch wind of my words. That is why I tend to stay away until I’m ready to promote more material and announce when I will be making appearances. Hopefully when writing is my official full-time job I’ll be able to be more active with social media. But until then I refuse to be a part of something I believe has gotten out of hand when it comes to making it as an artist. A true artist’s work should be based on their artistic merit and vision and not how many followers they have.
Since you don’t use social media to promote your work, what do you do? What do you do instead?
– I work as a driver for Uber/Lyft and do odd jobs through the website Taskrabbit. Both jobs require me to meet so many new people on a daily basis and to me that’s a potential new reader/fan I can introduce my work to. It may seem like a slow way to draw in a fanbase, but I get to have a one on one conversation with potential readers and fans and I believe that is worth more in the long run. But, with this method only time will tell if it works.
Answering interview questions can often take a long time! Tell me, are you ever tempted to recycle your answers from one to the next?
No. Well, at least not yet lol. When people are kind enough to interview me the least I can do is be as authentic as possible when answering them. Now if someone asks me a question I’ve had before then yes there will be a few points I may repeat from a previous interview. But I do not just copy and paste an answer and I will do my best to never do that in an interview. It’s not fair to the people interviewing, or the people who have read previous interviews I’ve been in.
from http://ift.tt/2sXEwH7
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jaynumb · 7 years
Help me!
I wish i could tell you how i feel after all these years. It still is as fresh as if it were yesterday. Remember when you just wanted to leave me for no good reason but that of some college extra activities you had put yourself into. You asked me to leave. Really! I mean literally. I remember the exact same words, "i want you to break up with me." I was stunned. I mean who asks for a break up. You had absolutely no idea what you were doing. You did not had the guts to say it out loud. So you asked me to break up with you. Crazy, right? This was in April 2012. 5 years have gone and i still cant believe it happened. Remember how badly i came back to you and surrendered everything because of you and your true love. I vowed to stay faithful and true to you. I know i made mistakes but you knew I wouldn't go anywhere and come back straight back to you. Having said that, you forgived me for all the cheating i did. And i swear i regretted about it a lot. But the only thing that amazes me and keeps me still in a quest of knowing is why did you wanted to break up all of a sudden? I know studies and Aiesec has nothing to do with it. C'mon yar. I had always given your studies a priority over chatting, texting, dating or even plain talking. Neither did i ever stop you or made faces when you attended all those Aiesec events. What was wrong with me in staying? Had you been seeing someone else and had not the courage to tell it to me, like i did to you? Were you trying to take a revenge on me so that how i know how bad would it feel? I remember when you called in for the last time in August, you categorically stated "Jay you left me too. Now you know how it feels". But i didn't even judge you then. Whatsoever the reason was, i still don't know. And now, it doesn't matter to each of us. I was heartbroken. I just couldn't cope what happened. I just wanted to end it for once and all. I started talking to one of the oldest friend and i decided i will marry her. You called in August and wanted to patch up and end the silence and fill the gap again between us. This time, I refused because i had decided to marry another girl instead of you. And it was purely because i found her very pure and perfect. You made me feel bad by trying to give the image of being an unfaithful lover again even when i had apologized and promised i wouldn't do that Ever agin. You were crying. I had tears in eyes too. But i, in rage, plainly refused to come back. That was the last time i heard your voice. It's April 2017, my marriage with wife is 2½ yo. I am happy more than i should be. We don't have kids but it still is not a problem between us. Me and my wife work along really well together and she's the kind of biwi any desi man would want to marry. There's no problem with the marriage, but there is certainly something that has left me clinged to the past. I see "On this Day" of facebook everyday, view my old posts just to see your comments in it. And remember how we used to be so open in showing love at the Facebook. I stalk you on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tumblr, LinkedIn. I see your display pictures and save the ones i like the most. Even my wife has seen you and knows everything about you. She wants me to talk to you. But i will never do that. Because of the ugly ignorance you've shown quite Thrice. I can't understand num. I do miss you but i do not want to leave my wife because i love her. What has gone wrong? What can be more absurd than this situation? I mean i want you but I love my wife more. I want to talk to you, meet you, see you. I sleep and you're there. I am alone and you're there. What else can i do? I have no one to tell this to. And after all this my love for my wife is not effecting at any minute extent. WALLAH! I never knew it could go so insane, that too at this point of fine maturity and age. And it looks like you're into someone now. It feels horrible. Trust me! But no, i feel good too. Everyone has the right to love who they want. Not by force, but by themselves. Basically, writing heals and helps. It gets all the agony out (just like the old times). And in the farthest hope of you reading this, i put it over here. So that you know & Help me.
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djrelentless · 7 years
“Look Before You Leap”
(An Overview Of The Ferguson Verdict)
November 25, 2014 at 6:20am
What was originally going to be a private message to a facebook friend turned into a post and evolved into a blog. The more I wrote the more I had to say. So, this is what came out....
All hell has broken out over the United States tonight! And social media is driving a lot of anger as well. We went through this with the Trayvon Martin verdict. And the sad thing is that we will be having this argument again in a few months as the numbers of deaths of people of color come in from future protests and racial profiling shootings. And it's not just black folks who are the victims. There are many cops who are being charged with racial profiling and murder.
But I guess what is most disheartening is seeing folks that I have on my facebook friends list posting a lot of Anti-American memes and statements making jokes out of the pain and suffering of Black People in the states and making judgements about a group of people that you really don't know. I was very tempted to send a message to one that read: "Dude.....you're going a little heavy on the America bashing posts these days."
I am just as upset about the state of things in my home country too, but generalizing about people and places you really don't know is no different than Americans who think Canadians live in igloos and say "a-boot". If you're going by what you read and find online...don't. Many sites are set up to point out extremes. The major divide that is happening in the US has to do with The Right Wing being still upset over Obama being elected. They are not gonna let it go until he is out of office. They have made it their mission to discredit and destroy anything that Obama supports. And what is even sadder is that the poor uninformed Right Wingers (basically white and racist) don't realize that they are mere pawns in this propaganda as well. The "not-middle-class" family living in the midwest in a trailer park think that they voted against Obama in the last election when they really voted against themselves. The Republicans are gonna benefit from that last election....not you.
It is the Republicans securing their interests for the future. And trust me....the "Average Joe" (white, black or whatever color) is not included. The bad habits that the rich acquired during the Reagan and Bush years have spoiled the Republicans. That character in "The Wolf Of Wall Street" is real! They don't care about you and I. All they want to see is how much money they are going to make.
The racial bias in the United States is at an all time high. And as a person of color I can tell you it is real. I'm a fairly educated and a politically aware person and I still get discriminated against and racially profiled. After many witnesses and in some cases (video of police attacks) verdicts like this really damage what's left of race relations. Like the Rodney King and O.J. verdicts.....what little compassion and understanding that is on the table gets trampled. This cuts deeper every time a situation like this happens and I'm afraid that an all out race war is lurking under the surface. The extremes want it bad. The Republicans and FOX want it bad. It will keep everyone busy while the corporations continue to buy up the power and votes in the US. So, you see....this is bigger than some teenager getting shot. And our words shape and form what is to come.
Another thing to consider is the Bill Cosby allegations. Social media is driving his demise in public opinion. Being a person who was sexually abused I believe he has a serious problem. The time period that his fame came was about the same time as Sammy Davis Jr. And we all remember that his fame in the Brat Pack (Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin) took a major hit when he married Swedish actress, Mary Britt. Even John F. Kennedy shunned him and would not allow him to perform at his inauguration because of it. Bill Cosby was considered a hero in White America. For African-Americans who lived in low income housing and no where near the middle class, his TV character during the late 80s and early 90s was unrelatable. That family did not represent the reality of Black America and many felt Cosby was a new version of "Uncle Tom". And the reason I bring this up is that the fall of a major Black Man is the United States puts him back in his place. The Republicans have not been able to put Obama back in his place. He's the president....what can they do but be big babies and say "we're not gonna play with you"?
And although many people of color would like Obama to come out and say the truth about his treatment in The White House, it is not going to happen. Or at least it won't happen until he is well out of office. Often when I watch Obama speaking, his pauses are very evident of self editing. It looks like he is fighting the urge to say "Ya'll have no idea what these muthafuckas are doing to me." Of course, that is total conjecture on my part, but I feel for the man. He has to walk a very difficult line as the first Black President. His words and actions are all historic and he knows it. So, he chooses them very carefully.
I have one facebook friend who seems to go out of her way to bash Obama weekly. The funny thing is that she's a drag queen who hates Republicans as well. I have another facebook friend who loves to bash the US, but has never even been to any of the major cities to get an idea of what he is talking about. It all reminds me of when I went to Greece and spent most of my trip explaining that most Americans didn't vote for George W. Bush. It was more interesting to explain to gay men that I met in Athens that their fetishized image of Hip Hop artists like Busta Rhymes and Jay Z were in vain. They didn't believe me that they men would just as soon beat the shit out of them rather than accept their advances. It's funny how people cherry pick what they want to believe or accept. I have another friend who posted a question about blackface and I couldn't believe how many people did not understand how and why blackface would be offensive.
But don't get me wrong....I'm not saying that all these police shootings are unjust. I'm sure not all of the people of color who are stopped and frisked are saints. In the case of Eric Garner, apparently he had sold illegal cigarettes. Did he deserve to die of a choke hold? Absolutely not! Were there reasons to stop him? Yes...there was. Like in the case of 12 year old Tamir Rice who was shot and killed for reaching for an undistinguishable air gun when confronted by the police. A very sad story, but what in the hell was this kid thinking reaching for any type of gun while being confronted by the police?
It's been said many times before, but somehow when times are hard, jobs are scarce and things are not going in your favor it is hard to remember that prejudice is taught. Social media has done wonders for sharing information, but unfortunately it has also helped in spreading hate, lies and misinformation. Before I post anything I try to at least fact check or check the source. With so many people with plenty of time on their hands there's many fake news sites that plant stories to get hits (no different than the folks who post photos everyday to see how many "likes" they will get). I guess, it's a self esteem thing. I try to post about what I truly believe in, what I am working on or promoting the things I like. I try to stay out of threads and conversations that I know nothing about. Giving uninformed opinions only make you look stupid and usually agitate the situation that you are commenting on. Look before you leap.
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ksparksthefuture · 8 years
K. Sparks: Things Aren’t What They “Post” To Be (Blog)
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I haven't been compelled to blog in a long time. Today's era has been reduced to tweets, doing it for the vine, throwing it on the gram' and snap chatting. A well thought out post that exceeds 140 characters has seemingly become obsolete. Nonetheless every now and then I get the urge like your old uncle that has absoultely no business on the basketball court hoopin, but finds himself getting crossed over. Fortunately for me I still got it like Uncle Drew.
Recently one of my friends quit music. She’s a talented singer/performer and in all honesty better than most mediocre singers you hear on mainstream radio. When she sings you feel it in your soul, placing passion mixed with intonation and just the right amount of connotation within her vocals. In the words of old black women in pentecostal store front churches on Sundays, that girl can sang. Last year when I was piecing together my album ‘Seasons Theme’ I had written a few hooks and had her lay some sample jazz riff vocals. Once we finished recording we began discussing music, song placement, business and other dynamics. When I asked her what she is presently working on the conversation shifted, disheartened she stated... 
‘I stopped doing music. Nowadays I only do session work’ 
Completely taken back, my natural and initial response was why because she has a natural gift. Some musicians have to work at their craft to get better while others are just naturally dope, she being the latter. Plus we’ve been working together for a while over my past few projects. Her response was simply this...
 ‘I make $750 monthly from music. Artist like Drake are selling millions. It’s not worth it’ 
And just like that she summed up her life’s dream and passion within four simple words ‘It’s not worth it’. Years of diligence, studio hours and performances to arrive here. This is where our conversation commenced. What started as a routine recording session in my studio turned into a three hour therapy session about; perspective. 
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Perspective is a funny thing. Regardless of sex, race, age or profession one thing is certain, ultimately we live and die by perspective. How you view the world is a reflection of how you see yourself, and if you’re not careful that can and will shape your daily actions. Those daily actions will indefinitely determine your future. The man that takes the bus to work everyday envy’s the man with a car because he wants to drive. On the flip side, the man with a car may envy the man that takes the bus to work everyday because he has to pay a car note, insurance, and battle traffic everyday. That’s perspective.  As we spoke further I began to realize her perspective was off. She had embraced a negative and defeat-us attitude that it’s nearly impossible for an independent artist to succeed in the present musical climate of Major Labels that fund artist with radio play, promotional budgets, and buy their own albums to boost sales. The first thing I explained is that...
‘In order for anyone to determine success you must first determine what success means for you’
And when I say you, I truly mean you. For example, an independent artist may look at Drake and envy his level of success. I’m not taking anything away from that. But let’s entertain numbers. On Facebook Drake has over 35,000,000 Likes. And for his Views album set a record at 245.1 million streams. Pretty big numbers. But album sales for Views were only 4.14 million. That number isn’t bad by any standard in todays deplorable music climate. But it does show a large disparity when it comes to people that purchase music versus people that simply like artist social media pages. That means out of 35 million Likes only 4.14 million of those translated into sales. If everyone purchased his music sales would be way more massive, basing this upon his social media following. Which brought me back to my point, perspective. 
‘Don’t be fooled, things aren’t what they “post” to be’
If major artist can't get the majority of fans to purchase their music what makes you think an independent musician is any different. My friend had 1000 Likes on her Facebook artist page before she deleted it, which means that a monthly income of $750 equated to a 75% return on her fan base. Now although those are not Drake sales numbers, technically speaking her percentage is better. See the perspective. When you view yourself against unrealistic expectations things don't add up. However when you apply realistic perspective things make sense. An independent musician that is able to write, package, distribute and retain ownership of their content is in a powerful position. I then began to discuss the power of Influencer Marketing. Yearly I do tons of ghost writing which leads to music placements in commercials, movies and etc. A perfect example of this is a song I recorded a few years ago with my brother Ahmad. He's best know for recording his hit song ‘Back In The Day’ released under Warner Bros Records.
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We connected to record my single entitled ‘Black Magic’. After building back and forth about the concept we agreed to discuss the topic of shady record label business, how most people’s favorite rappers are poor, and the Ins & Outs of 360 deals taking advantage of musicians. We released the song and didn't think much of it until something strange started to happen. I started noticing the song getting significantly more traction and fans requesting to purchase the record. I wasn't sure where the random influx was coming from until I saw this posting on Youtube.
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Chris Ramsay utilized the song in one of his card trick videos which amassed over one million views. If you notice above you can clearly see he has 140,671 subscribers to his Youtube Channel. The video has gained 1,078,094 views. Thus the influx. Also, there was an increase in demand for my single ‘Blindfolds’ from my album ‘Self Portrait’ once Monster Energy and Marie Claire, and movie directors began purchasing the single to utilize in their commercial ads like the Toyota BMX Triple Challenge, Victoria Secret Super Model Elsa Hosk, Model Shanina Shaik, and countless others. 
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In a nut shell Influencer Marketing is when brands that have massive followings utilize your content. In music industry terms we call this a co sign. It's no different than if Jay Z or 50 Cent featured on your song, they are now giving you their coveted stamp of approval, which in turn puts an entire new demographic of fans they have on to your content. Songs you think are old, played out and no longer relevant can possibly take off. Look at Raphael Saadiq’s song Good Man that was released in 2011. By industry standards that song is old news. But thanks to the Netflix show Luke Cage, they utilized the song in their show and once again the song is revitalized. Read the comments “Luke Cage brought me here”. Influencer Marketing with brand power can cause excellent rewards for musicians. Once I started doing music placements I became connected with power brands to record music. I noticed things began to shift in a positive way, the energy was different. My content was no longer isolated to the underground, new opportunities began to generate within additional corporations, movies, and commercials until I started doing over 100 placements yearly from content. I have over 500 songs within my music catalogue and continue to create content at my own pace, making what I want when I want. The whole purpose is to have fun doing what you love to do, which is music; while generating revenue. Within this same conversation I also explained the beautiful part about music placements is that musicians get paid on the front end from the company that needs music, and also on the back end from mechanical royalties, publishing and music sales. When people hear content within commercials they always seek to purchase the content. If you read the c section, comments always request to know "what song is this?" or "who is the artist?". It’s the automatic win. 
But let me pause and digress. There is another dynamic that plays a key role in musicians being successful in regards to placements, and once again I revert back to perspective. When placing music and pitching music to companies be mindful that this is like the NBA, you're only as good as your last performance, people will disregard and doubt you. I've seen it time and time again when individuals become that quintessential rapper, singer or producer that feels because they got one song or beat placed they have arrived and will now see residual income indefinitely from that one placement. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and this will break your heart worse than Musiq Soul Child creating his alter ego The Husel and making bad trap music now, oh the tragedy indeed. If you are that type of person quit now, ctrl + alt + del your career because that is a losers mentality. The name of the game is hard work, and you have to be consistently good. Think about it like this, you get a beat placed once and don't create any new content. Every day that passes there are young talented and hungry producers that attend community college full time, drink Star Bucks late’s and live off they momma cranking out beats quicker than Devante made Timbaland and Missy do in his basement before they were famous. Remember that time Jay Z was talking about the kid with the Apple Jacks. It's real, he’s real; and he already surpassed you. So get with it or get left behind.
Needless to say, at the end of our therapy session my friend had several laughs, a renewed thought process in regards to not only music, but ultimately her perspective which led to her recording the hook on this song. 
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When you leave money on the table, the waitress cleans up...
So many artist are leaving money on the table and have no clue. Have you ever heard of Perrin Lamb. Chances are that would be a firm no because he's not as famous as the Justin boys (Timberlake or Bieber) and doesn't tour consistently across the country selling merchandise to fans. But he did have one of his songs randomly added to a popular Spotify playlist. As a result he received a payment of $40,000 from Spotify. Don't believe me, then read his article here in The New York Times. This is because Spotify pays artist for streaming of music. Now in full disclosure, granted the pay per stream is deplorable (somewhere between $0.006 and $0.0084 on the dollar). However, we're not talking about the quality of the amount, we're merely interested in the quantity of the amount because that's precisely how Perrin Lamb was able to see such a payout. $40,000 isn't a massive amount of money, but I'm certain it's a decent payday no Indie musician would decline. It's a clear cut example of how streaming can work in artist favor when positioned correctly. Ultimately musicians need to position themselves to have their music heard on each and every platform as possible. This means having your albums distributed properly and readily available for streaming on all digital outlets. For Indie Artist they normally debate about which distribution is better, Tune Core or CD Baby. Ah yes, the proverbial enemies that go hard at each other worse than Martin and Pam. When people ask me which is better they’re surprised to hear my answer, neither. The best digital distributor for Independent artist hands down is Distrokid. Let’s break it down, CD Baby charges $60 per album ($40 for album cost and $20 for Album UPC. That’s a one time fee, but on the back end they treat you like a two dollar whore and take a 9% commission from all of your sales. In my opinion if I pay you to distribute my album you are not and should not be entitled to any of my sales. In the words of your favorite high yellow rapper/singer “you wasn't with me shooting in the gym” or in this case “you wasn’t with me mixing in the stu”. Tune Core on the other hand initially charges $29.99 for album cost, however they then charge yearly $50 to keep those albums live on all digital retailers. If you don't renew, your album disappears like her career. With that said, Distrokid offers the best deal hands down. You have several payment options, but the choice I prefer is to pay $34.99 annually, and you can distribute unlimited music. That means regardless if you distribute 10 albums or 100 albums you still only pay $34.99 annually and retain all of your sales. See the difference.
Phil Jackson ran the triangle offense and you can too, sort of...
Within the importance of streaming there is also the importance of having what I call The Triangle Offense. It contains your Agent/Manager, Performing Rights Organization, and Sound Exchange. Those are three players that ensure you're not leaving any money on the table. The agent/manager is responsible for positioning your music to generate income (If you don't have an agent/manager do it yourself until you have adequate representation). Examples of outlets content can be placed with companies are such as commercials, movies and etc. From that point depending upon what format your music is utilized that will determine whom collects your publishing, writers and or mechanical royalties. PRO's such as ASCAP, BMI and etc ensure you are compensated when your music is played. However you have to stay on top of them because they cater more towards their big name artists, and often lesser known independent artists get over looked. Sound Exchange is also important because they are the clean up crew in a sense. They also make sure you are being compensated for your content. Any artist can sign up, and once signing up you will be instructed to fill out spread sheets with pertinent information such as the albums Bar Code, UPC & ISRC numbers for each song from the albums (hence why you need proper distribution for your music).
Stop making excuses, start making progress...
If you're a musician there is no reason why you aren’t taking advantage of all the present opportunities. Every-time I read about these men it’s a constant reminder that we have no excuse not to try everyday. If at some point you recorded music, singles or albums and they are presently sitting on your hard drive collecting dust you are to blame. You are the type of artist that believes you can't win because you don't have the resources and time to tour. You are the type of artist that records music and sits on it forever without releasing it because you constantly get in your own way. You are the type of artist that once upon a time had the passion for music because God instilled the gift within you, but ultimately you became defeated into accepting you will not earn revenue from music. Change your perspective. The days of having to tour are not the only way to make income. There are hundreds of what I call new age musicians that are quite comfortable doing it their way. Making quality music, releasing it at their own pace, and when corporations want to utilize their content non exclusively they get paid. As an independent musician you may not sell 4.14 million records like Drake, but you most certainly have the ability and capability to sustain a healthy lifestyle while reaping the benefits of your hard-work. So even though things aren’t always what they ‘post’ to be, ultimately you can decide what angle and approach works best for you. In the words of Amel Laruex, the possibilities are infinite, the only question remaining is simple; what's your perspective.
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djrelentless · 7 years
“Martin Luther King, The N-word and 2012″
January 13, 2012 at 11:57am
It's so hard to believe how quickly the years are going by. Just three years ago, I was debating whether or not to make my annual Martin Luther King Day CD. New York City seemed to be changing drastically and the kids who were coming out to Escuelita were not interested in my traditional musical celebration of Rev. King.
Last year this time, I posted a blog about my appreciation for the achievements of President Obama. That blog garnered me some un-welcomed comments where a well known drag queen high-jacked my blog to promote her agenda of bad-mouthing Obama. She went on and on about all the things he did wrong or didn't do. It was almost as though she was telling me that I had no right to be proud of our first African-American President.
And now that I am spending most of my time in Canada where they do not celebrate"Martin Luther King Day", I really had to take a moment to think about what the holiday means to me.
A long time ago, I looked up the word "nigger" in the Webster Dictionary. It defined the word as "a stupid person" and "a racial slur for Africans". As I look around in this New Year, it disturbs me that this word is part of the daily lexicon in our youth's culture. Thanks to Hip Hop artists keeping it real, everyone feels like it is okay to just drop the N-word whenever they feel like it.
Last year, a popular gay burlesque troop in Toronto had a major show where one of it's black performers was being honored and a white dancer paid tribute by performing inblack-face. A female impersonator from Toronto actually had professional photos of himself in black-face posted on his facebook page. And in the news, there were some firemen who dressed in black-face for Halloween.
And let us not forget the popularity of another black-faced performer....Shirley Q. Liquor. I must admit when I first heard her material I laughed. She is a brilliant comedian and if I had never seen her, I'd probably still be a fan.
A long time friend released an old skool bitch track where he says "nigger please" twice in the recording and on his YouTube video. After closer inspection of some of his videos on YouTube, I noticed that the N-word was dropped very casually in several. I mentioned it to him, but he said that it wasn't racial it was just how the kids talk.
Almost every trip I take to New York City, I cringe at how many latinos are dropping the N-word like it's going out of style. But if someone said "wetback" or "spick" they'd be ready to fight in a minute.
Well in my opinion, all of these folks using the N-word (or any racial slur) are the first definition of the word!
I dated an individual who was from St. Louis and he was what some might call a "wigger". He had all the slang and had no qualms about dropping the N-word. At the time, he really wanted to go out with me, but I told him that I couldn't. Mainly because of his unfortunate use of the N-word. He saw nothing wrong with it. He tried to tell me that the young people of today have taken that word back and it has lost its power.
NO IT HASN'T! The older people who run congress and the finances in the United States have not forgotten what it means. The Republicans who are running for the oval office have not forgotten what it means. The people who hire and fire employees have not forgotten what it means. It's just your stupid asses who are running around disrespecting the African-Americans who gave their lives for you to be able to walk and talk freely. And this is what you do with your freedom? Sitting on subways talking loud and cursing while calling each other "nigger". That is the true meaning of "a stupid person".
Because I was raised by my grandmother, I grew up with a different sensibility about race. I know what it is to have a bottle thrown at you from a passing car as someone yelled"nigger". I watched my grandmother get spit on in a grocery store by a white woman who called her "nigger" because she wanted to skip her in the check out line. I grew up watching my grandmother despise "All In The Family" because the Archie Bunker character was just a little too real for her. So, don't tell me that the word has lost its power.
Just like slavery was abolish, so should the word "nigger".
Back in the 70's, my mother had a an album by The Last Poets. On it was a track called"Niggers Are Scared Of Revolution". I used to listen to it even though I didn't fully understand the meaning behind it. It wasn't until much later in the 80's that I really got what they were saying. The stupid people were afraid of change. And in a way when I hear a young black kid say "nigger" I believe that his family and education has taught him to hold on to that word. There is a safety in that word. You know where you stand with that word. I have never accepted that word and never will!
I don't believe that Martin Luther King or Malcolm X died for black people to accept being called that word. No matter who is saying it. You as black people are giving everyone the right to call you that word when you callously just drop "nigger" in a sentence.
I remember watching Jay Z on Oprah and she had an issue with the word in his music. He explained that rappers are telling stories that the police don't want you to hear. BULLSHIT!You stupid people are letting the music industry exploit you. They give you a lot of money to get on a mic and be as black as you can be. Meanwhile, back at the ranch....some midwestern teenager thinks its cool to sound and act black. But deep down inside, they would never want to be black. They know the repercussions and deep down inside, so do you. You have been conditioned to let that word live. Let it be an anthem for black youth. Well, I say it sucks!
As a drag performer, I occasionally lip synch to Millie Jackson. Most of her material uses the N-word. So, I always give a disclaimer about the N-word (especially if it is a predominantly white audience). I tell them that it is not cool to use that word. I advise against it. Why do I do that? I do it because I feel a responsibility to those who came before me. All of the people who fought for equal rights. All the people who died in the struggle. And I know the word isn't gonna go away. But I would hope that as this Martin Luther King Dayarrives everyone will take a moment to really think about what the word "nigger" is still doing to our lives and culture.
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