#i suck at tagging but i want to for organization reasons since i'm actually sharing the gameplay consistently for once oough
plumbogs · 1 year
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i think he witnessed a fire at someone else's house because he's aspirationally in the red. after smashing some flowers in rage he just started raking leaves before school. darren did fuck all but what else is new
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cl0wntwn · 11 months
ok hi wow i'm posting something that isn't what i usually do but i want to share because. idk i'm autistic abt cathal and my personal interp could be taken as a mischaracterization(?) of the character so i want to ramble. it's a mix of projections, my interpretations of things cathal says/does, and headcanons. this is just gonna be a glorified bulletpoint list with little to no organization im so sorry. this obviously be inspired by this post cause i love it so much i'm rotating it in my mind please go check it out. this whole ramble was supposed to go into the tags of that post but i think i can organize it better in a text post. i can also share it easier. but please go read that post if u haven't :D
first things first, cathal is depressed.
ain't that a shocker? he's been depressed for a while, but it never really got to "i don't want to do anything ever" until he was hired at C.O.G.S. inc., and even then it's not really the main reason. it does make it hard for him to do things that he's asked of. he's not incapable of doing things though, unless he's like. super unmotivated or sad.
cathal is a papa's boy.
he loves his dad. ever since he was a kid, he's loved his dad. he appreciates the patience he has with him, he appreciates that his dad is willing to take hit for him not doing his work, his dad is first and foremost in his mind. his dad comes before his own wellbeing. which goes into my next point well...
seeing his dad being destroyed every day hurts cathal bad.
it is the main reason he hates working at C.O.G.S. inc.. yeah, the work sucks, it leaves him drained most of the time (which i will hit later), but the fact that he has to watch his own father basically fall to his death every day makes it all so much worse. not to mention he has a clear view of it from his office.
how does cathal cope with this stuff?
by distracting himself. and not doing his work at all. the work he has to do already drains him and what little energy his depression gives him, but i don't think seeing your dad dying every day helps with motivation. he distracts himself by watching tv and ignoring what he needs to do.
this is not to say that he is unaware of the work he has to do, he knows all the work he puts off piles up on him. but piles of work doesn't seem like the most easy thing to do... so he just keeps putting it off and putting it off, and his dad lets him get away with it by making excuses for him. it stresses him out, which makes him not want to do it more, and the cycle continues...
also believe it or not, cathal actually thinks about the future and is very stressed about it.
he knows that when his dad either retires or... can't work anymore, cathal's going to be the new department lead. and because he has literally no experience working where he is now. he's scared he's gonna get thrown into work he doesn't know how to do or doesn't want to do.
so why did cathal apply at C.O.G.S. inc. in the first place?
short answer, he wanted to make his dad proud and didn't process the gravity of applying to C.O.G.S. inc.. he didn't think it would take so much effort and energy to work a full time job. but now that he's been in it for a while, he's afraid to quit. he doesn't want to upset his dad or make the lack of work he's done worse by throwing it on others.
aaaand that's all i can think of. if i can think of anything else i'll edit this post and reblog it or smth. thank u for reading <3
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funkymbtifiction · 6 years
hey! i've been having trouble figuring out if i'm an enfp or an enfj; on one hand, i've taken a whole whack of different tests and i've gotten enfp every time. "that's because they all sort by letter, problem solved" you might already be saying -- but the thing is, the enfp function stack seems to apply to me really well, too. what's confusing me is that fe isn't anywhere in the enfp stack, but fe feels like the function that i "relate" to most. i would be so grateful if you could help me out
Tests suck. They’re almost always wrong.
Since you aren’t explicit in what you identify with about Fe, I can’t tell you if it’s actually Fe or not. If you feel what other people feel instinctively and lose yourself in their emotions – you are Fe. If you find yourself mirroring other people’s emotions and adopting them over time – you are Fe. If you feel a strong need to bring harmony between others and organize them through finding a common good (rather than focusing on people’s differences) – you are Fe. If you can process your feelings instantly / as things happen and easily put them into words others can understand – you are Fe.
If you do all of that and assume you are an ENFP, you’re not. Fi is detached from other people and from the environment. Fi never feels what other people feel – it projects itself into the environment, and feels through that. It’s not “I feel their sadness,” it’s “If that happened to me, I’d be sad… so they must be sad, and I feel sad right now because it’s painful to go through that.” Fi can and often guesses other people’s feelings wrong, when they are incompatible with what the Fi feels. Fi isn’t in step with the “appropriate emotional response.” It’s out of sync. Which is why it can project wrong, and have more or less emotion than the situation requires. It never mirrors. It feels insincere to do that. Fake. It decides whether to bring harmony to others based on how much personal involvement they have. And above all, it cannot instantly process feelings on the go. If something is happening and someone turns to a Fi and demands they articulate their feelings, they will be met with anger, frustration, and resentment – because Fi has just been put on the spot, it doesn’t know yet or can’t put it into words, and so you will get a ducking out of the situation or an attack to redirect the focus, or an excuse or anything really – then they will go home, be alone, and process their feelings. And then maybe never share them.
You also can’t look at these things in a void. Where’s the rest of the function stack? No Fe without Ti. In an inferior Ti user, this manifests in WHY mode under stress. WHY is this happening to me? WHY are you doing this? WHY?
No Fi without Te. An EXFP’s Te is like a bull in a china shop. Once they’ve had enough, they are all about FINISHING THIS THING. Organizing this thing. Get on board or move aside. I don’t give a damn about the “why,” here’s how I fix it.
Think back to when you were 20. Something happened, if you’re either one of these types. You either woke up one morning with the drastic realization that life has plenty to offer and you must indulge in it more to balance out how much you want to please others, and try to be more opportunistic and take risks if you ever want to achieve your personal vision (tert Se) or you decided once and for all to stop wasting your life on menial nothings and just dreaming without ever doing and to start bringing your life into serious ORDER (tert Te).
You’ll find more in the tags. The feeling tags. The type contrast tags. The NF tags. Etc. ;)
- ENFP Mod
I should also add that as an ENFP who grew up with an ENFJ, the differences are stark – he feels what other people feel, I do not. He Ni “knows” things “for sure” and has very specific futuristic predictions that often are correct, but he admires MY ability to see information, process it instantly, and theorize “in the present” without much down time. I can pull reasonable predictions (often also accurate) out of random connections that would take him longer to see. Oh, and he thinks I am “bossy” and sometimes tert-Te “rude.” :P
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