#i suspect a Good Vivienne letter would require more thought on my part but i miss her. you understand
calicostorms · 11 months
for the codex entry prompts and fen'an <333 2, 4, 9 and 15! :D
!!!!!!! Moss u know he's my favorite tysm for sending these in <333
2: a letter written by your OC’s family member
Codex: An Unsent Letter
A partially torn letter written in Elvish in very small handwriting:
He is settling in well, but misses the clan often. The spirits are clinging to him less in spite of their restlessness recently. He's peaceful in a way I haven't seen in quite some time— maybe since that trip to the tree for Myriani to honor her after his first vallaslin. Her spirit is so small next to his guilt, now.
He's been making eyes at one of the new Avvar healers who joined. He has less ghosts than most people here, though that admittedly doesn't say a lot. Don't worry, Mirassan, I'm teasing him plenty in your stead about it. He misses you the most (sorry mama and mamae). We've gotten lost a few times without your Ghilan'nain-gifted sense of direction but it's been alright otherwise so far.
Fen'an is integrating better than me, surprisingly. I hope that [the rest of the words are scribbled out hastily, as if frustrated]
- From a half finished letter crumpled on a chair in the Skyhold gardens
4: a letter from your OC to their love interest
A Hidden Letter [Avaliable to be found in the infirmary after What Pride Has Wrought]
From a crisply written letter on blood splattered stationary:
Ma vhenan,
I am not good with words or letter-writing. I feel your absence keenly while I am fighting here. You wouldn't enjoy it- it is always raining. At least the darkspawn are nothing new. My companions are paranoid about turning into one and it is making them sloppy.
We have been using an old fisherman's cottage here to stay dry during the night but Sylaise has not gifted us with a campfire in several days. Everything is damp and I wish for nothing except to return to your side in the mountains again. If this letter arrives before I do, fear only for my companion's attitudes.
All is well except the rain.
I will return from the Storm Coast within a week. I will bring the requested herbs for Enchanter Orrick running your infirmary.
May Ghilan'nain guide your steps,
9: a future historian’s account of your OC’s actions
Codex: A Historian's Notebook
A worn, old notebook bound in leather with many illegible sections.
By many accounts, he was a small but influential member of the budding Lucerni, often providing muscle to back up anti-slavery causes.
Known for his stoicism and a surprising friendship with Dorian Pavus after a reportedly rocky start, he orchestrated numerous slave revolts alongside friends of all sorts. Though blunt, he is reported to have been quite kind and is credited with teaching countless ex-slaves basic swordsmanship, sewing, and weaving to grant them a means to make a living.
His partner, Asgeir Brynjarsen, proved to be a valuable ally to the anti-slavery cause often credited to have begun in earnest with the start of Dorian Pavus' time in the Magisterium. The two proved to be a source of hope for countless slaves, particularly with Maevaris Taelani and Dorian Pavus at their backs to finance their operations.
It has been reported that Fen'an Alahannon was an ex-slave himself, though it is unsubstantiated by records. Some speculate his name was changed after escaping slavery to rationalize this idea, regardless of a lack of records. All that is formally recorded is that he was a Dalish man from the Anderfels with a sister he came South with around the time of the Breach opening.
[Several pages after this are ripped out]
15: a letter to your OC from a companion they haven’t seen in a while
Codex: Sealed Fancy Letter
My dear Fen'an,
I pray that your stay in Tevinter alongside our mutual companion is as fruitful as you desire it to be. I confess, I often miss our talks of the latest fashions now that you have left the Inquisition, but it is a brave choice and worthy of accolades you will never receive. If you find yourself in need of aid for your cause, you need only to ask for my assistance. If there are young mages amongst those you rescue, they are welcome among the ranks in my Circle.
Returning there as a free man must be an incredibly different experience. Enjoy it as much as you can, and relay the experience as best you are able. Do not bear your burdens alone. I look forward to our correspondence and pray you are able to forgive my tardiness in recent letters.
I will plan to see you close to Wintersend as discussed previously. We simply must find you a better outfit for all those Tevinter parties, darling. Perhaps we will find our way to a salon in the process— I would not protest spending more time catching up on your pursuits to the North.
With affection,
Vivienne de Fer
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