#i swear brennan lee mulligan was ON AIR like 'matt and i are besties :) i really like his takes and his worldbuilding'
burr-ell · 1 year
17, 22, 25
choose violence ask game
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
I'm gonna get real self-indulgent here and say I want more content of Percy and Vex parenting their other three kids! Don't get me wrong, I love Vesper and Gwendolyn so much, but I see so much content for them with their parents and relatively little for Wolfe, Leona, and Vax'ildeux. I'd especially like to see more of Vex with Gwen and Vesper and Percy with Wolfe, Leona, and Vax.
(Honestly though, I can't really fault it. I personally can attest that Vesper-Gwen aasimar-tiefling parallels are catnip for fanart.)
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Y'know, I totally get why, but the Kraghammer arc of C1 tends to get slept on a lot and I'd implore people to give it a chance. Don't get me wrong, it's frustrating at times in ways that later CR just isn't, but it's got a lot of really cool moments in there and it lays some interesting groundwork for later lore stuff. The episodes are also way shorter than they are now; at the beginning they actually tried really hard to clock it at three hours, so it's comparatively easy to get through. (I think it's also useful to see that some elements of C2 and C3 are older than people think—and uh, some of Matt's creature designs and monsters have always been a lil bit fucked up.) And as @essayofthoughts has said before, the Briarwoods arc hits harder if you're able to see for yourself that Percy's behavior was genuinely shocking to both the characters and the players.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Pretty much anything about the cast hating each other or hating someone else or someone else hating them. Like you've got "nono look at Travis's face, he HATES Marisha he HATES Keyleth"; you've got "guys i think Laura was REALLY mad at Robbie in REAL LIFE"; you've got "ugh how could the D20 cast want to bring on Matt Mercer don't they know he's RUINING the setting"; you've got "uummm did you SEE everyone else during the watch party with Troy Baker he was obviously making EVERYONE uncomfortable and they all for sure wanted him out of there"...list goes on.
Like, guys, these people actually know each other personally. Some of them are like family to each other. Some of them were in each other's weddings. It's safe to say they don't hate each other and are, in fact, adult professionals who are good at playing a game. Can we like. dial it back.
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