#i talk about doc ock donnie a bit in there
phykoha · 1 year
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*Comes speeding over*
Brah love the art. Honestly gotta say I'm a big fan truly. Your AUs are some of my favorites! Though I'm guilty of being here to ask about the Rise into the Spiderverse Raph venom and his brothers.
Idk very much about the au fandom myself tbh. Though what are your thoughts on it? Would they still be the Mad Dog Group or possible frenemies? Considering straight off the bat that Venom and Spiderman are actual enemies in the comics/cartoons. Soooo Spider Mikey and Venom Raph are they still brothers or has Venom affected Raph's psychie at all making him go Savage Raph and go on a rampage? Also! I had suggested Deadpool Leo and Doc Octo Donnie for the Spiderverse AU because honestly I felt those two fitted the twins fairly well.
Donnie with his tech and the whole mechanical limbs bit felt perfect considering his battle shell in the show already has a pair. Also the fact that I swear to God Donatello is like on the verge of being a mad scientist anyways half the time(majority of the time). Nuclear Power!!!
Leo who -my god dude stop trying to get yourself killed- already has danced on the lines of life and death -multiple times- would be perfect for Deadpool aside from the overall similarities in personalities and that damn punny humor. Also the fact that Deadpool uses katanas, Leo uses an odachi(though to be fair in the other TMNT verses Leo's primary weapons are always katanas).
Let me know what you think! Do you think that would be the case for Leo and Donnie in the ROSTV!
Thank you for listening to my rambling and I hope you have a great day.
GDKFJJF gonna start off by saying Donnie IS Doc Ock! At least in Spider Mikey's world. I have a post showing off his concept design and talking about him in the AU tag if you'd like to see it :) (I'd link it myself but I'm at work gdjfjsf)
I also said this in another ask that I could make Leo Deadpool in a timeline variant, but I'll probably keep him pretty normal in the base/main timeline (that being Spider Mikey).
The turtles are still brothers and are very close. They wouldn't really know each others identities, so at first, it wouldn't effect their relationships. (This does not apply to Doc Donnie. Everyone knows it's him hdjfjdj not that hard to know when he's not concealing his face.)
I'd say that like. Half the time that Venom takes over, Raph is in a similar state to his Savage Mode™️. But he doesn't have much control over their body at that point anyway, so all it does is align their "destroy break smash kill" mentalities.
I see a fight between Spider Mikey and Venom Raph in my head, where VR has no idea that Spider-Man is Mikey. Even to the bitter end... (Wink wink Venom kills Spider-Man and then takes off his mask and Raph has to grapple with the fact that he killed his little brother haha so silly)
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cheshiresdance · 5 years
I found your turtles and I'm IN LOVE WITH THEM!!!! Is there any little facts you wanna talk about for them???
well since i really only see my boys being slightly older, more experienced versions of the Rise boys (plus a bonus Casey) i didn’t really imagine them being much different than their canon counterparts. though knowing myself, i may eventually make a small au with them if i can think of one i’m happy with!
that being said i can still go into more detail about some stuff with them! i’ll put it in a read more :)
Roughly 7′2″ he is mASSIVE
21 yrs
He’s still the leader and he’s gotten better!
Tho his brothers drive him to drink on a near daily basis w/ their shenanigans
This boi. Is so self conscious of his size
He slouches a lot bc of this
Knits and cooks for his brothers
Is pretty much a big mama/papa bear
Has actually gotten a bit more like the classic aggressive Raph most people know as he’s gotten older
It comes from a place of him trying to be more assertive and sure of himself as the leader
So more of a “drill sergeant” or “can ya’ll stop doing stupid shit that’s gonna get ya’ll killed??” kind of aggression
Protective aggression rather than blind rage
Get him angry enough tho. then. then they’ll be blind rage
20 yrs
Raph’s right hand man right here
Still just as much of little shit as he was at 14
Maybe more so. probably more
Combat medic wine aunt combo
Got into yoga
Still doesn’t really attend training but does host weekly yoga sessions for his fam
“Leo please stop trying to juggle the swords” - someone at some point
Grew to be more self assured
Still gotta keep his ego in check tho
Such a fucking morning person holy shit. First one up hands down
Photographic memory!
20 yrs
Leo’s twin. His foil. His most likely cause of death.
His bare shell isn’t that fragile. It’s no where near as strong or sturdy as his brothers, but it’s more like a human’s bare back
Mixed feelings about Leo’s photographic memory
Used to be a self induced insomniac
Has now evolved to having his own 48 hour day cycle where he’s up for 36 hours and sleeps for 12
Don’t worry. He’s fine. I think.
Gets really bad, like horrible migraines if he doesn’t have enough coffee throughout the day
Has a box of rubber ducks that he uses to talk issues he runs into out
The talking escalates into yelling. There are rubber ducks strewn about his room and lab. There are a handful scattered about the rest of the lair. This is why he has a box of them
His brothers have turned finding the lost ducks into a game
He fucking loves Spider-Man. He’s only slightly inspired by Doc Ock
19 yrs
He now sounds like Miles Morales from Spider-Verse
He takes forever to wake up in the morning
Can also fall asleep anywhere
Leo’s partner in crime
He tried cooking breakfast once, he is no longer allowed in the kitchen while the stove or oven are in use
Don’t try to put an oil fire out with water kids
He may also be the reason they needed to get a new microwave
Has ADD!
Goes around some nights and tags the city in crazy weird places. Sometimes some of the others tag along
Is constantly trying to sneak stray animals into the lair
24 yrs
Is now a sophomore in college
She’s majoring in Biochemistry
Hosts movie night once a month at her apartment
Also teaches dance lessons and tutors for part-time jobs
She’s put a lot on her plate and it certainly takes its toll on her, so she spends a lot of her free time relaxing with the guys
Such a social butterfly
Is roommates with Casey bc she needed help with rent
And also needed someone to make sure she woke up in time for class
Study sessions with Don and Casey are a regular thing
24 yrs
My Casey is Asian! Specifically Taiwanese
He’s also inspired by @tmnt-is-my-shit ‘s asian Casey post!!
He is a Senior in College
He’s majoring in Business Economics
His parents originally wanted him to go straight into college after he graduated high school. He was able to convince them into letting him have a break in between
Constantly goes to Donnie to have him double check some of his work
Still as crazy and impulsive as his previous iterations
He and Raph  spar and work out together when they both need to blow off some steam
He and Raph are still best buds. They talk a lot about the high expectations they have for themselves and not wanting to disappoint their families
Master Splinter compares all the turtles to him
“Ah Casey! My favorite son!” - Master Splinter at some point probably
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