#i think I was hyperventilating throughout like 40% of that day sghsgsggsw
calciferstims · 2 years
ohh its fine, dont worry! but, doesnt tumblr do that automatically nowadays? put posts under a cut? i seen posts being put under a cut, but granted, idk if they do it themselves or nah lol.
yoooo legit same here!! i wasnt sure what it was about at all before i began watching it, i do like going into some stuff completely blind, having no idea whats it about and so on. i feel like it makes stuff more funny to watch? ayo if you into pirate stuff, idk if you into watching anime though, but if you lowkey are you may like it hahah. its actually really funny.
yall, i was watching so much anime these past days being sick that i legit have burnt tf outta them lol...now im just barely getting through one episode of any im watching and im like "ehhhh...thats gonna have to be it for today. maybe even for tomorrow" lmao. all i been watching is, seriously the fucking youtube shorts. its an evil cycle though, bc i'll go into it thinking "just one, this one that im clicking im gonna watch" and then the scrolling begins, until its the semi same videos popping up then i'll quit.
i agree, and i aint no fan, but i wanna know what the hell happened. whole set too uncomfy to release what happened lmaoo 😂
oh my god what a coincidence lmfao. "french izzy cant hurt you" LMFAOOO. 😂 what the hell was just witnessed LMFAOOO WHAT WAS THAT?? it sounded like all he made was some strange noises and then ohzzee OHHHZZZZEEE!!
absolutely wild to think someone being given a whole ass ship at the age of 17, thats crazy! i lowkey do wonder, bc im dumb lmfao fr i am, how does people know that people like this existed way back then. like what are the 'proofs' or whatever of them having existed. like how do they know their names too. not to be a creep but i lowkey thought you was like 18. SORRY IF THAT WAS WEIRD TO SAY. 😳
yea! they legit be puking out all these kinds of emojis but NO CAPY??? illegal! CRIMINALITY EVEN!
oh? do tell me what you'd think he could do worse lmfao, im curious... 😳 LMFAOOO you legit speak of him like you know him in person! plot twist: yall related and he is your uncle. 😳😳 hahaha jkjk!
what if you sent in some suggestions of what he could do, and the crew working on it was like "oh my...these are some good ideas lettuce try them out!" 😂
hope you have a good day! ~🐨
HIII NONNY boy oh boy did I go through an Event on the izzy hands front lmaoooo but let’s get to that in a minute shhsghs
ohh yeah I forgot that tumblr cuts off long posts now bc I’m pretty sure I just turned that feature off lmao
aw burnout’s no fun!! :( especially with something you like that much. just take it easy I think 😌 don’t push yourself to watch anything yknow
and yeah it’s crazy to think about pirating at that age!!! to answer your question I think most of our solid information about people back then is based on like surviving documents and stuff (like I’m pretty sure I found something that had a court trial involving Israel Hands?? Idk) but there’s also a lot from like, random books about pirates, which we can’t even be sure about the validity of those sources 🤔 it’s interesting to think about. but like I figure a lot of that stuff is passed down through fancy tales and stories especially when it comes to the really famous pirates. like, israel hands wasn’t that big but he did work under blackbeard, so 🤷
and don’t worry about it 😅 I’m not 18 yet sadly but you’re only a year off on that one so. no big deal lmao
anyways yeah but ON THE TOPIC OF THE DADDY THING AND CON LMAOOO so I was lowkey (highkey) freaking out recently because there was a convention :O Con O’Neill and another actor from OFMD appeared at a comic con and did a panel and I lost my MIIND lmao 😂😂 it was the first time I’ve ever gotten to hear Con really talk about Izzy since he hasn’t done any interviews for ofmd and it was super exciting!!! Plus I’m just hyperfixated on Con too so it was like. CAL HYPERFIXATION EVENT EXTREME MODE GHSHSHHS I was bouncing off the walls
he did actually talk about the daddy bit!! 😂 turns out it was indeed improvised by him on the spot and he didn’t even really register that he was doing it until he heard the words come out of his mouth GHSHSHJSJS. he then proceeded to full on growl ‘daddy’ into the mic bc he’s insane like that sggsgshsb
he also joked about taking his shirt off REPEATEDLY during the whole thing so like. I feel like that just answers your questions about this man lmaooo he’s so funny to me
I think he knows how obsessed people are with him at this point and it’s just given him FAR too much power. If he was that crazy in ofmd season 1 WITHOUT a rabid fanbase behind him I cannot fucking wait to see how insane and hilarious he could be in season 2 with all this added confidence.
but yeah there was soooo much going on that day gshsggsvs the pictures were hysterical and he said some stuff about Izzy that just made me want to laugh and cry and go insane,, I was actually thinking like damn where is my anon friend I must talk to them!!! 😂😂
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here is my insane lil man with his fellow actor ^^^ sghshhs I’m obsessed with them
really hope you’re doing well!!!!! also forgot to say this but I think just going into a show without knowing anything ab it is so funny 😂 especially with anime like who knows WHAT is gonna happen lmaoo
thank u for chatting again!!
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