#i think a&c are interesting characters btw i just think. like. this isn't romantic actually this is a mess
butchhamlet · 3 years
interesting how antony and cleopatra’s double suicide comes about because of a similar miscommunication as that of romeo and juliet and yet r&j are so incredibly much more sympathetic because they are, at their cores, very young idealistic kids in love and a&c are, at their cores, adults more obsessed with themselves than each other
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aresrl · 3 years
Hello! I would like to request a matchup :D! If you are in the mood maybe vision, romantic (male or female is fine), friend and enemy? If not its completely fine, I'm glad for anything :)
I'm an extrovert and love talking to people! Or just listening to them, and knowing more about a person, seeing how they light up when they talk about something they love puts a smile on my face too. I’m super optimistic and always try to see the bright side of things, but when it comes to me I'm insecure about myself. I love helping others and am an honest person (but that’s mainly because im terrible at lying haha you can tell most of the time). I love making memories with the people I love and get exited for the smallest of things. I'm good at giving emotional support and cheering others up. If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, I AM HERE!
Sooo uh I am very emotional and maybe a bit naive. I can’t take critique well (but I’m working on it!) and can be a bit too energetic or too much, I’m a rather loud person. skdjdj. I daydream a lot and space out quite often. I can’t say no, and sometimes it causes me to stress out and not taking care of myself. I often put others before myself. And I have problems with getting really close with a person. I know a lot of people and would call many my friends, but I'm not really REALLY close with any of them ya'know? I love everyone of them, but sometimes I wish I could have someone who knows everything about me and still stays with me, even with my flaws and ugly sides.
My biggest fears are not being enough, people forgetting about me after I die, being alone and needles (I hate going to the doctor).
My hobbies are Kung Fu (hehe I'm doing it for seven years now, still counting), drawing and baking. I love going outside on an adventure and absolutely LOVE travelling. Meeting other cultures and customs is very exiting and I like to learn new things.
I don't like liars. Or people taking advantage of others. It makes me angry.
I like physical affection, be it hand holding or hugs. Especially cuddles! Man I love cuddles. My love language is physical touch.
I'm really sorry for any grammar errors, English isn't my first language ;-; . Thank you so much for reading, I love your blog, and am exited for the result! Have a great day/night! Your blog is very cool btw :D (I just found out how you can colour things on tumblr and had to try out hehe)
Heyo, sweet person! Thank you for complimenting my blog (though it's bad on a computer, I hope I can do something to change that)! Here are your results!
You received... A Hydro vision! Generosity, devotion to people, always helping others, and mastery are the main characteristics of the Hydro vision. • You love and want to help people. • You easily sacrifice yourself: forgetting about yourself and putting others' needs above yours. • You master Kung-Fu. Maybe in-game it would simply be martial arts. Your partner would be... Bennett! Always seeing the bright side! • You are wholesome, and in your life, you need wholesome people. Bennett is one of them! • Bennett needs someone positive, so he wouldn't face his bad luck all the time, and someone complaining about it would make him depressed deep down. • So he loves your positivity: it keeps him going. • You would always support each other. • He'd try his best to comfort your insecurities. •Obviously, you'd always go on adventures together! • Maybe you both would be shy at the beginning, but you would be so kind and understanding to each other (without forcing anything) that you'd get used to every intimate thing quickly. Your friend would be... Ayaka! You both needed the same thing, and you found each other. • Both of you needed a friend to be closed to, ready to accept your whole being, so you learned this together: true friendship. • As embarrassing as it can be, you try to be transparent about everything to be true to each other. • You've got similar insecurities, so every time one is comforting the other, both of you are actually learning. Your enemy would be... Kaeya! Liar, selfish, odious. • You know that he's lying only to get to his ends, and most of the time, you think they're not good. • To you, he has weird interests: making people embarrassed only because he loves watching them at one of their weakest states? What a cursed mind. Worth to mention • Wholesome people really fit you. That's why I see every wholesome character being your friend: Barbara, Noelle, Razor, Chongyun, and Xiangling. • Venti also likes you. • Hu Tao and Xingqiu really love to tease you. I'm satisfied with what I've done here, I hope you're too! The part about you loving it when people get happy when they talk about things they love made me think of this video, one of my favorites, by the way. And I also think that this song I've discovered recently fits you.
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roominthecastle · 6 years
I can't help but think you're being a bit too hard on Eleanor because of ship bias. I mean, why would you called her 'her worst self' and 'selfish' when she's always been one to throw stuff to get in heaven (even with the character development)? But suddenly she's being sappy and depending on someone who isn't Michael and the whole M/E fandom is at her throat. I'm as unconfortable as the next shipper with all the C/E scenes but is it really Eleanor and her characterization that's at fault?
Yes, of course I am biased (to a certain degree). When the show caters to my preferences, I’m more docile and much less likely to nitpick and complain, when it doesn’t and it drops the ball to boot, I get grumpy. So I’m your garden variety fan, basically. But I don’t believe I’m “at Eleanor’s throat”. Her and Chidi being together doesn’t make me uncomfortable bc it’s her and Chidi and not her and Michael (+ I often see things popping up in the C/E dynamic that can have potentially interesting implications for Michael’s development and for M/E, too. Generally speaking, the three of them make up a curious whole for me).
I know the chances of (2-sided) M/E happening are somewhere btw zero and never, so I’m not exactly eyeballing C/E as some kind of obstacle to my personal shipper nirvana, jumping at any chance to “punish” Eleanor for choosing the “wrong” partner. But I do feel uncomfortable with the way the C/E romance is written this season. “They are sidelining my no. 1 dynamic”, while frustrating, is not the reason for this, it’s not why I’m not crazy about Eleanor’s behavior and Chidi’s OOC-ness.
Eleanor + character development always resulted in stuff like her being emotional and vulnerable w/o getting aggressive and demanding, her accepting it when Chidi turned her down w/ dignity despite feeling heartbroken, and her being considerate of others to the point of volunteering to go to the Bad Place to save them. This is where she was a year ago and the year before that at the end of each season. This is not where she is now. I’m not saying being selfish and throwing stuff is not in her character make up or her problem-solving toolbox. Her overcoming these impulses, however, is the very point of her character development (made blindingly obvious last season when she lied about passing the Judge’s test and refused to go through the portal to TGP). What we have (currently! so it can change any time) in S3 is the opposite (see the in-your-face door to TGP that won’t open for her), it’s her completely giving in to these impulses to the point of seriously endangering everyone, meaning that she has, in fact, regressed. I suspect it is a point the show is trying to make but we’ll have to wait and see.
In “Janets”, all Janet asks is that they stay put until she and Michael deal w/ accounting. Eleanor works herself into a state over Chidi not opening up to her on command, putting Janet through hell and almost erasing her friends from existence while her own self is also disintegrating. Despite the serious consequences, this harmful behavior carries right over into the next ep where all Michael asks is that they lay low bc folks in TGP are so rule obsessed, they can send all of them right back to TBP. Eleanor immediately smashes stuff at the door to TGP bc it doesn’t open up for her when she demands it. It’s her bullying of Chidi from the previous ep all over again, only in a vase-meets-door form. Even Chidi has to be all about her now as he magically turns into a grossly idealized version of himself (see in S2 how she rejected a similar “fake Chidi”), spending the entire ep trying to prevent her from blowing up again while the rest of the team is cleaning up the mess in the mail room and Michael is away trying to fix the calculation issue. Despite the crazy-intense circumstances, everybody is trying to do something for somebody else except her - she is still hyper-focused on herself and it stands out to me bc this is a version of her I’ve never seen before and it’s def not the best one.
Again, it’s not because she is w/ Chidi but the issues become especially apparent within that dynamic since the second Michael showed her those memories, she just latched onto Chidi, expecting him to fill the void left by her screwed up upbringing that’s been freshly dredged up thanks to her not-dead mother. They made her lurch from “I’m incapable of love” to “I’m madly in love and nothing else matters”, hand-waving determinism while failing to provide any other reason why these 2 are suddenly together again. They are trying to play it as romantic/funny but it’s not romantic when someone’s whole identity has to be propped up by another person and it’s not funny how that other person has to repress his own identity/issues to be able to do this. It’s a suffocating, unsustainable interplay. Or if it’s meant to be interpreted as “love cures mental illness and erases every character flaw in 5 minutes, so you can finally be the proper romantic partner”, then it’s even worse. You don’t have to be a shipper of another ship or look too deep into this story to see these (imo) legitimate problems (but it helps, yes, since it’s natural to be more critical of sth you’re not emotionally invested in and gloss over stuff to preserve the fun potential when it’s your OTP or sth, I do give you that).
Eleanor having to coerce love and attention out of Chidi will never be cute, either, or proof that those feelings were there all along. People pushed some quotes from WJH into my face about how Chidi calms down bc he finally has what he always wanted - interesting choice of words, btw, given the pin Michael gave Eleanor - but 1) an actor’s opinion will not automatically replace my own (no, not even if it’s Ted’s or some other big fave’s) and 2) how exactly were we supposed to glean that Chidi wanted to be with her so much in this reboot? Was it when he went steady w/ another woman despite Eleanor being an option all along? was it when he refused to give private lessons to her bc he was just too busy? or was it when he - despite witnessing her meltdown - sent her packing bc they already had enough material for his study? For some reason the writers missed every opportunity to build this up properly and make this extremely syrupy display stick, but I’ve already said everything about that in another post.
This whole idea of “he felt this way all along, he just didn’t actually show it, so we can skip actual development” is a lazy, corner-cutting approach which reminds me of the worst kind of fanservice attempts I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing with several of my favorite shows recently. I have very low tolerance for that stuff now bc it never ends well. I did not expect to see this particular brand on this particular show, but here we are, I guess. Or if it’s a case of creative exhaustion/boredom where this billion times rebooted couple is concerned, then maybe it’s time to park them and give a not yet over-explored dynamic some attention instead to keep things fresh and fluid as opposed to stale and forced - again, not an unreasonable request, even if it comes from someone who is invested in another dynamic, given the lack of care that was apparently put into developing C/E this season.
I don’t like not liking things on this show (and it’s not Eleanor I don’t like, it’s the way they deconstructed her in order to write her back into a relationship as if she couldn’t exist w/o it), and I am sorry if I disappointed or offended bc it was not my intention. I hope they flip things or introduce a new angle that will make me re-evaluate. I am always open to that whenever new material arrives and I honestly hope they will make me eat my words soon. I will merrily absorb the suckerpuches. But for now, this is my opinion and “you just don’t like that she is not with your fave” - while a natural factor - is not the main reason why I made my comments.
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ludjaci · 3 years
After binge watching You (not a masterpiece of a show but a super entertaining psycho thriller btw), I can't get over how perfectly the seeming blandness and wishy washiness of the main character captures what makes him so fucking scary.. At first glance he seems so normal, kinda 'safe' and 'boring', kinda awkward and witty at times, just some quiet smart dude who loves books and prefers a quiet, simple life, but what goes on underneath is deprived and dellusional, and what's worse he seems to have actual feelings and shows (learned/cognitive?) empathy and pity and helps the helpless (children in abusive situations, etc) which maybe makes him a little more sympathetic? But he's still batshit and gives me the absolute c r e e p s and sometimes I can't even look at him and oh my God, that damn callousness is just eughh but he's so entertaining to watch? Such a trainwreck
Anyway what I mean by this is that this is how I imagine Ayano Aishi would be if she were PROPERLY developed. As in, she constantly wears a mask and has some interests and things she kinda cares about which makes her somewhat likeable and relatable esp to other girls, but she had a traumatic childhood that left her broken and that led her to believe that it's ok to kill and do whatever it takes for love, and so dellusional that she doesn't comprehend that lying, manipulating, stalking, kidnapping, murdering is not the right way to earn and keep someone's love. Kinda in her inner monologues she constantly uses euphemisms to hide her desire to hurt others even from her own self.. She doesn't think 'I'm going to kill her for stealing senpai from me' but like 'she treats senpai like trash and constantly brings him down and it disgusts me I can't stand to watch it anymore, I need to help him, I need to make him see' And throughout it all she's very analytical and calculating. And when she loves she's obsessively protective and mostly hides it like the 'proper' girl she is until she snaps and her mask cracks and it leaves everyone baffled because she's so well-put all the time. The matchmaking isn't necessarily the 'good' way of getting rid of romantic rivals because it involves stalking and manipulation and tampering with other people's lives. Her friendships are out of pure convenience and need to appear normal which is why she tries so hard to have a good reputation and seem normal, none of it is genuine except the crazy obsession with senpai which.. Is it even true love? Hm...
Anyway I for some reason will forever be salty that yandere chan had so much potential and ended up so shitty and in my mind this is what she's RLY like.. Alex should just sell me the rights (can he even do that? Lol hehe) I'll save the game with this characterisation alone I s2g
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