#i think he was the last drawing of 2022? or ig finished drawing?
creepyscritches · 1 year
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little meow meow catboy from december :3
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inspectorcrayon · 3 months
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It's about time this gets finished- A compilation of Windell's skins that took months to complete. So why did I spend so much time drawing back sides to his skins? It's the skulls, baybe. Its always the skulls. Me rambling about design notes under the cut- It's Very Long.
Nostalgic Windell's design is in part, made to contrast regular Windell's appearance. Windell wears blue and Nostalgic Windell wore a brown jacket.
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This is what he wore in his last day on earth, right before he gets yoinked to the Constant. He has a festive look as he disappeared during a trip to a carnival. ------ Windell's Guest of Honour was designed really early on, along with his Survivor and Triumphant. Which was around 2017ish.
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GoH Windell never deviated much from his oldest design, I didn't really put much thought on his outfit other than 'Windell, but fancy'. He loves dolling up people but he's not really a fan of partiying himself, that's why he looked really sad here. ---- The Survivor skin was... It was a mess trying to make it not at all cluttered.
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I loved the idea of him looking stitched up and sporting a stubble along with other accessories, but I decided to drop that in his more recent designs because idk, I just personally didn't like how he looked in my new style. I'm just very uncertain with this design in general. The stitched pants was something I think is neat ig. ----- Roseate Windell went through a lot of changes because I didn't know what to do with him for a while??
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My main problem with his earlier deisgns was I was trying to make him feel 'distinct' like a proper skin from regular Windell. And I just struggle to give him a hairstyle that is not only not a pain to draw every time but also... actually nice to look at??.
I hit that sweet spot in his 2022 design and as MUCH as i LOVE his tentacle-like, spiny coat, it just doesn't look good when I imagine them as dst sprites. (It's not like I'm actually gonna make sprites of this skin but making sprites for his mod made me understand dst's design conventions(?) a bit more??)idk.
Roseate went from 'ew he looks really boring to me' to 'omg a personal fave'.
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Also he looks like this without his extra coat ----- Gladiator Windell... Fun fact: His armor is heavily inspired by Killer Queen from JJBA.
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It really shows in this old portrait pic. Simplifying his design was painful but it had to happen. I had no idea how to color him back when I first designed him so I just did the easy thing and colored him with Windell's existing palette. I made him grey in his final redesign because again, I didn't want him to look too similar to his usual look, but I doooo think the blue looks better on him ngl... -----
I love Snowfallen Windell (Even if his hair will give me grief one day) He took some inspiration from Elsa frozen.
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Though, he did have an older look. As with most of my 2020 designs, as much as I love the older version, his hair just doesn't look like a separate skin. Hence he changed radically in his redesign. The final design is in a way, a fusion between the older designs. ----- Contender Windell is a case of me designing a skin and ending up with a suit. As much as I adore suits, they can begin to look same-y after a while.
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I watched some WWE as a kid and I always found it hillarious to see suited people in the ring. Windell's first design here references that. Also there's the steel chair meme. I like the concept but he looked really plain next to the other contender ppl when I drew him fr. The 2022 design is the result of trying to fit him in with the others and I think he looked great. His final design didn't change much apart from the hair to further make him different from Windell's og hair. ----- Magmatic Windell The Magmatic skin set itself is a bit of a mess when it comes to theming. So I just took reoccuring design features and mashed them together for this.
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Fire nation fashion, gold(?) accessories and flre-like hair. There's little thought involved in the process. Though, the addition of the red tattoo-like markings on Windell made him better to look at ig. I dare say, this design warmed up to me. ----- So many horror icons... but which one would Windell embody? His Hallowed Nights is the Corpse Bride (but genderbent) and I had fun with this one.
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I know, I know this is yet another suit, but he has enough details to offset that. For a dash of irony, he's supposed to have drowned. :) -----
Windell is Irish (Welll, Irish-American to be specific) This is all the notes you'll need-
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His final design have better colors :D ----- I decided to go by a theme among my own ocs with the Merrymaker skins based on A Christmas Carol, since Maxwell is clearly Scrooge. Merrymaker Windell is another one of my personal favorites-
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He's supposed to be the Christmas Ghost of the Past. ----- Windell used to have a proposed mechanic where each skin has several designs and they get cycled every time he gets ressurected through a certain way.
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Victorian Windell's final design is heavily based on a particular alt of his og victorian design that I liked more. I just added stuff to make him look cooler :B ----- There is little in the way of customization in the Line Cook set. But whatever, he still gets a skull on the back of the fit.
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His frock used to be green too. ----- His Halloween Costume is of a tentacle. His favorite mob.
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I made his redesign also akin to a little gnome/witch. Also someone called him Gargamel once and that makes me smile to this day -----
Swashbuckler Windell already existed long before Klei released the set. He was part of a pirate au and he's supposed to be a pirate hunter.
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So ig he became canon when Klei decided to make that set. His cape had to go though. ;-; His final design was also partly inspired by P from Lies of P. ----- Moonbound Windell was a challenge to design as he's supposed to bounce off from his Tri design. This skin is supposed to be everything that Tri isn't and so his colors will have to be mainly white and I had to discard my first design of him
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I loved WX's and Webber's moonbound designs so that also bled onto Windell's. As Triumphant Windell is calm yet menacing, Moonbound Windell is an angrier Windell. Alter whispered forbodden knowledge onto him and that only Pissed Him Off. ----- Maquerader Windell is heavily based on the costumes they wore in Cats (The Broadway one). Particularly Mr. Mistoffelees. I hated doing his lineart, but coloring really endeared him to me. Now, he's also very much beloved. ----- So Klei releases either a Nostalgic skin or a skin that's really out there with it's theming whenever a character refresh happens. This is what Windell would have in that case- Windell's refresh skin would be themed around being a sailor, inspired by Ishmael from Moby Dick. It's kinda a what-if as well. What if Windell decided to confront his fear of the ocean head on, becoming a sailor and joining a group of whalers. He still hyperfixates on the ocean as he does in canon. Also here's an alt design for this particular skin-
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----- And last but not the least- Triumphant Windell OH BOY. Man has history- Way before Klei unveiled the triumphants, I had this idea for a really old rp where Windell decides to join the shadows like Maxwell as Their spy in exchange for shadowy powers and stuff. But the twist is, he Looks Like Everyone else to blend in better. I loved the idea, but then when the triumphants came around. Windell just looked so plain next to them and so I drew this doodle and that was before I became inactive in the fandom until 2020.
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His 2020 incarnation was from a joke I made about Windell's 'real' triumphant was this jock who is also a bully and he has an eldritch car that he uses to run over ppl in the Constant. Also he's voiced by Bo Burnham :B Shortly after that I released his non-joke Triumphant design, which was heavily based on his 2017 version. He also can turn into an eldritch creature made of needles and yarn. He's called The Yarn Man because of this. More on Yarn Man- (cw: there is body horror) My problem with Yarn Man is, his hair just changes in every drawing because I didn't know how to properly draw it. Until his 2023 version. _____ THERE YOU GO. THE WINDELL SKIN LORE.
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vanillaverses · 11 months
Holy shit actually, pls show moonflower cookie, the name already has me captivated and i need to know more so badly
this was asked like FOREVER ago now I'm so sorry for not responding sooner um. I just wanted to draw like a full proper ref of moonflower but I never did so um! here's a sprite of him I never completely finished I didn't ever colour the lineart I think I just didn't know what lineart colour would work for the white on her
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So! Introducing moonflower. any pronouns genderless(like me becauz projecting onto my ocs is my favourite pastime) and bi or pan I haven't decided whether or not they have any gender preferences or not yet and what labels they'd be most comfortable using.
anyways!! before you proceed tw for derealization drugs(but not really drug use um. you'll see ig assuming u don't stop reading at this point lol) and also the mention of unhealthy relationships. alsooo since I'm a bit afraid of having her get compared to the canon ourple fucked up in the head cookie with a witch hat um. I admit I haven't actually read much of the tcc story I know prune can't do magic and instead does potions and that he apparently acts similarly to affogato at some?? point in the story?? and that's literally it. also I though of the majority of the things I'm about to explain below in like december 2022-february 2023 AKA before tcc update dropped so L + ratio
last thing before I begin all of this is just concepts so I might change it like at literally any time so don't take this as like 100% forever true moonflower lore becauz it's not.
basically tldr he was parfaedia's token gifted kid and never got told no as a kid and now they have worlds biggest god complex. impulsive and careless causes so many horrors its okay though becauz i think it's Funny. this fucking Thing basically never frowns even when she is upset he's just programmed to always smile no matter what and it's kindof unsettling at times. has never planned anything in their life they wake up in the morning with their head empty kindof doing whatever he feels like in the moment with no real goal or aim. also I sometimes jokingly call her derealization cookie becauz i feel like anyone with that trigger should stay the FUCK away from this bitch I'll explain why later but it's related to his magic. kindof a fuckboy also I feel like half their lines would have a tilde at the end of if they're so fucking queer. calls people 'dear' and 'darling' even when he's literally never spoken to the person she's speaking to. He also calls Very much objective and set in stone things subjective a lot like. if you asked them if they did [blank] they'd say that technically what [blank] means is subjective since depending on your worldview and interpretation of reality the word could mean different things to different people. also known as dodging the fucking question but in like cursive or some shit. also just talks about reality itself being subjective a lot half the shit she says is fucking convoluted nonsense. alsoalso he's about the same age as latte since they attended school together! they were friends throughout school which was worlds most mind boggling friendship becauz i hc latte as being quite shy during her school years and then coming out of her shell later and moonflower is just. um. well. everything I just said about them previously but even worse becauz they're now an immature teenager/young adult. I think they probably shared a good amount of classes freshman year of hit magic school so moonflower was just like. "Hey you. guess what! we're friends now" and that was the end of that.
to elaborate on the token gifted kid thing since explaining exactly How he was gifted is pretty fucking important um. Moonflower can actually be a name for multiple different flowers! and for my purposes here I thought it was really fucking funny if I based him off of datura since moonflower is a nickname for it. So naturally she excels at illusion based spells, since yknow, hallucinogen, and also some poison themed offensive spells! yippee! and by 'excels' I mean that the illusion magic is literally Second nature to him and they can use it with very little effort or energy. This comes with some side effects though, one of them being that he has a tendency to do some fucked up magic form of sleep walking/talking where illusions of their dreams appear around him and are visible to. literally anyone in the same room as him. actually, it's how her parents originally found out about their illusion magic bs, by walking into their young childs room one night and being greeted by fucking Mini movies of their fucking dreams. The only reason I don't think giving her these powers and making them so easy for him to use is Ridiculously overpowered is that since they're just illusions, nothing he creates is actually tangible. Simply visual and auditory. So while he can use it to scare and confuse the fuck out of people actual summoning spells are as taxing on him as everyone else L
anywayssss later on when he's in his like mid 30's after basically just exploring and sightseeing the world for like 15 years she finds some sort of advertisement of parfaedia looking for an illusionist to hire as a teacher. and they're just kindof like I guess this is fate LOL and tries to get the position. assuming the staff member interviewing him was working at the school for more than 15 years I think they'd see this fuck and just go like. Holy fuck it's you again wtf. Why are you back who let you in this fucking building again and why are you trying to Work here. Anyways they kindof convince the interviewer that over the past 15 fucking years he's had hit character development (she has not) and since it's true that someone from their college years and the same person in their mid 30's are Probably not going to act the same and also since moonflower fucking SLAYS at illusion magic they get the job. yippeee!(for moonflower not this fucking school that was a HUGE fucking mistake) anyways latte is just kindof like Holy fuck you're back/pos I think it'd be funny if she disguised himself as a student (specifically THEMSELVES when the were a student) first day of school after they got hired (period 1 prep) and played the funny game called "how long can I be in this class before latte realizes that one of her students is her bestie from 15 years ago". Anyways becauz this is like the first day of school latte probably takes a good amount of time introducing herself and the school and explaining shit and it's only when she gets everyone to play some sort of icebreaker game that she goes like Wait wtf it's YOU???HI???? and then moonflower removes his illusion magic disguise and is like "lol yeah i work here now long time no see! also hi latte's students take that as a display of what u can do with the hit magics" or whatever the fuck. also this is where he meets espresso since I think he deserves to have 2 different egotistical idiots bugging him he can't be free from the horrors Ever. anyways queue moonflower deciding espresso is now their personal punching bag and by that i mean he's the victim to most of moonflowers shenanigans for a while. They're always like 2 steps away from being fired but they never go far *enough* to the point where the school just blasts him away forever especially seeing as she's actually Really good at doing the teaching and it'd be hard to find someone else who's as skilled at illusion magic as him. also I think their students just really like her I think he'd be a fun teacher especially when u think about how they could actually *use* their illusion magic while teaching. also I think they also taught drama I think they're 100% that kind of bitch. anyways i'm not 100% sure on the specifics yet all I know is I a) I want to have moonflower fuck up Something like catastrophically so i can kickstart the Hit character development and b) I want this character development to bring them to the state where they can have a healthy relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom becauz im mentally ill and I think pv deserves yet another morally grey poisonous flower bitch. oh also dark cacao fucking despises moonflower so much becauz he sees Purple Queer appear out of what feels like thin air to just suddenly 'befriend'(he doesn't know about the dating thing they're Just roommates okay shhh don't tell him about the moonflower pv romance arc he doesn't need to know) the Powerful (ex)King Guy™️ for unknown reasons and fucking explodes. depending on when moonflower and dark cacao first meet each other he may(?) be partially right depends when I want to have the moonflower fucking shit up badly and realizes how much she fucking sucks actually arc and if I'm comfortable with the idea of pv and moonflower's relationship starting out being a Bit unhealthy and exploding before moonflower reflects has a character arc and then becomes a better person. the age old question do I just make things silly or should I angst blast this shit...
anyways that's all i'm gonna say rn I think sorry if this is just incomprehensible gibberish. also sorry if there's any spelling/grammatical errors i'm not proofreading this I don't really feel like it.
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